mac markdown

tech2022-09-04  108

mac markdown

Markdown provides a convenient way to add formatting to a plain text document, while leaving it in plain text. It’s simpler and faster than adding HTML markup, and doesn’t have the lock-in of using something like Microsoft Word.

Markdown提供了一种方便的方式来将格式添加到纯文本文档中,同时将其保留为纯文本格式。 它比添加HTML标记更简单,更快捷,并且没有使用Microsoft Word之类的锁定功能。

The syntax was created by John Gruber way back in 2004, and seems to become more widely used every year, especially in blogs and forums. It’s an easy and efficient way to create online content, and has a number of benefits for writers and bloggers.

该语法由John Gruber于2004年创建,并且似乎每年都在广泛使用,尤其是在博客和论坛中。 这是一种创建在线内容的简便有效的方法,并且对作家和博客作者有很多好处 。

Because Markdown is just plain text, you can create it with any text editor. That’s part of its appeal. But using an editor designed for writing in Markdown has a lot of advantages, depending on your needs.

因为Markdown只是纯文本,所以可以使用任何文本编辑器创建它。 这是其吸引力的一部分。 但是,根据您的需求,使用专为Markdown编写的编辑器有很多优势。

Here are some features you might expect to find in a Markdown editor:


Syntax highlighting and a preview pane to show you how your final document will look.

语法高亮显示和预览窗格,以向您显示最终文档的外观。 Familiar keyboard shortcuts, like command-B for bold.

熟悉的键盘快捷键,例如Command-B表示粗体。 Export and conversion features that easily transform your document from Markdown to HTML, PDF, DOCX or a number of other formats. Some Markdown editors can publish directly to WordPress, Medium and more.

导出和转换功能可轻松将您的文档从Markdown转换为HTML,PDF,DOCX或其他多种格式。 一些Markdown编辑器可以直接发布到WordPress,Medium等。 A distraction-free mode that takes advantage of features like full-screen editing, dark mode and typewriter mode.

一种无干扰的模式,可利用全屏编辑,暗模式和打字机模式等功能。 Features that appeal to writers, including word count, readability scores, and versions.

吸引作家的功能,包括字数,可读性得分和版本。 A document library to organize your content and sync between devices. Some editors have an iOS version so you can keep working while you’re on the move.

一个文档库,用于组织您的内容并在设备之间同步。 一些编辑器具有iOS版本,因此您可以在旅途中继续工作。 Advanced formatting, including tables and mathematical expressions.


There’s a rich landscape of Mac options, and the best choice for me may not be the best choice for you. Not all Markdown editors will support all of those features, so the trick is to find the editor with the features you need.

Mac选项丰富多样,对我来说最好的选择可能不是您的最佳选择。 并非所有Markdown编辑器都支持所有这些功能,因此诀窍是找到具有所需功能的编辑器。

So let’s have a good look at the options, then we’ll make some recommendations.


Looking for more on Markdown? Check out these great links:

寻找更多有关Markdown的信息? 查看以下重要链接:

The Best Markdown Editor for Windows


The Best Markdown Editor for Linux


Grab Our Free Printable Markdown Cheat Sheet


Make the Most of Markdown in WordPress


Spicing up Your Emails with Markdown


7 Atom Add-ons for Running Code and Previewing Changes


Creating PDFs from Markdown with Pandoc and LaTeX


Check out SitePoint Premium for more books, courses and free screencasts.

查阅SitePoint Premium ,了解更多书籍,课程和免费截屏视频。

1.使用您喜欢的文本编辑器 (1. Use Your Favorite Text Editor)

If you already have a favorite Mac text editor, you might prefer to use that for writing Markdown as well. Of course, Markdown is really just text, so any text editor will do. But many text editors have additional support for Markdown, either natively or through an extension or plugin. These may give syntax highlighting, a preview pane and other features.

如果您已经有了喜欢的Mac文本编辑器,则可能更希望将其用于编写Markdown。 当然,Markdown实际上只是文本,因此任何文本编辑器都可以。 但是,许多文本编辑器本身或通过扩展或插件都对Markdown提供了额外的支持。 这些可以提供语法突出显示,预览窗格和其他功能。

Here are some examples:


BBEdit 11 has a Markdown Extension Package that includes helper commands, transformation commands, paste as Markdown and MultiMarkdown support.

BBEdit 11具有Markdown扩展软件包 ,其中包括帮助程序命令,转换命令,粘贴为Markdown和MultiMarkdown支持。

Sublime Text 2 can be turned into a full-featured Markdown editor. We show you how here.

Sublime Text 2可以变成功能齐全的Markdown编辑器。 我们向您展示如何。

TextMate 2 has a Markdown bundle that includes features like convert, preview, cheat sheet and “generate output and open in browser”.

TextMate 2具有Markdown捆绑软件 ,其中包括转换,预览,备忘单和“生成输出并在浏览器中打开”之类的功能。

Chocolat provides Markdown syntax highlighting and preview out of the box.


Atom supports Markdown out of the box, with features like syntax highlighting and preview. This functionality can be expanded by several community-generated packages, including Markdown-Writer, Markdown-Scroll-Sync and Markdown-Format.

Atom开箱即用地支持Markdown,并具有语法高亮和预览等功能。 可以通过几个社区生成的软件包来扩展此功能,包括Markdown-Writer , Markdown-Scroll-Sync和Markdown-Format 。

Brackets has a Markdown extension with syntax highlighting and a preview pane.


Textastic includes Markdown syntax highlighting and preview out of the box.


MacVim has a Vim-Markdown plugin that features syntax highlighting and folding.


GNU Emacs has a Markdown Mode for Emacs package that includes shortcut keys and syntax highlighting.

GNU Emacs具有Emacs打包模式 ,其中包括快捷键和语法突出显示。

2.尤利西斯 (2. Ulysses)

Cost: Starts at US$4.99 per month or $39.99 per year, or subscribe via SetApp


Demo: Yes

演示:是的 Other platforms: iOS


The ultimate writing app for Mac, iPad and iPhone.


Ulysses is a full-featured Markdown app designed for writers. It’s designed to keep you focused on the writing task at hand, organize all your projects in one place, provide comprehensive writing features in a simple interface, and export your documents beautifully in a number of formats.

Ulysses是专为作家设计的功能齐全的Markdown应用程序。 它旨在让您专注于手头的写作任务,将所有项目集中在一个地方,在简单的界面中提供全面的写作功能,并以多种格式精美地导出文档。

Distraction-free features include typewriter mode, dark themes, and full-screen editing. All of your documents can be accessed in a single library, whether they’re contained in Ulysses’ database or in files elsewhere. Filters can be used to create smart folders that update according to the flexible criteria you specify.

无干扰的功能包括打字机模式,深色主题和全屏编辑。 您的所有文档都可以在单个库中访问,无论它们包含在Ulysses的数据库中还是其他位置的文件中。 筛选器可用于创建可根据您指定的灵活条件进行更新的智能文件夹。

Writers will appreciate features like word and character count, writing goals that indicate when you reach the desired word count, notes and attachments for your reference information, and keywords. You can export your documents to a variety of text and rich text formats, HTML, ePub, PDF and DOCX. Or you can publish directly to WordPress or Medium.

作家将欣赏诸如单词和字符数之类的功能,指明何时达到所需单词数的书写目标,参考信息的注释和附件以及关键词。 您可以将文档导出为多种文本和RTF格式,例如HTML,ePub,PDF和DOCX。 或者,您可以直接发布到WordPress或Medium。

My take: I purchased Ulysses on the day it was released, and I’ve been using it ever since. It has become my writing tool of choice. It’s not cheap, but it’s been worth every penny. If you do a lot of writing, professionally or otherwise, take a good look at this app.

我的看法:自发行之日起我就购买了Ulysses,从那以后我一直在使用它。 它已成为我选择的书写工具。 它并不便宜,但值得每一分钱。 如果您以专业或其他方式撰写大量文章,请仔细查看此应用程序。

3.箭袋 (3. Quiver)

Cost: $9.99

费用:9.99美元 Demo: Yes

演示:是的 Other platforms: iOS (coming)


The programmer’s notebook


Quiver is designed for developers, and can combine text, code, Markdown and LaTeX in a single note. It’s more than just a document editor: it’s a complete reference library for your documentation.

Quiver是为开发人员设计的,可以将文本,代码,Markdown和LaTeX合并在一个笔记中。 它不仅仅是一个文档编辑器:它是文档的完整参考库。

The editor gives you syntax highlighting and a live preview of your rendered Markdown, and offers cloud syncing, team collaboration, version control and backup. Programmers will appreciate code editing and the ability to write scripts to integrate Quiver with your other tools.

该编辑器为您提供语法高亮显示和渲染Markdown的实时预览,并提供云同步,团队协作,版本控制和备份。 程序员将欣赏代码编辑以及编写脚本以将Quiver与您的其他工具集成的能力。

The document library can organize your notes by tag or notebook (including shared notebooks), and has instant, full-text search. Images are saved locally with notes, and displayed inline.

文档库可以按标签或笔记本(包括共享笔记本)来组织您的笔记,并具有即时全文搜索功能。 图像以注释的形式保存在本地,并以内嵌方式显示。

My take: Quiver is the ultimate Markdown (and code and LaTeX) editor for devs. Its document library can be synced to your other computers and devices via Dropbox. It’s a geekier alternative to Ulysses, designed with a completely different audience in mind, at an affordable price point.

我的看法:Quiver是开发人员的终极Markdown(以及代码和LaTeX)编辑器。 它的文档库可以通过Dropbox同步到您的其他计算机和设备。 这是Ulysses的更怪异的选择,它以合理的价格提供了完全不同的受众群体。

4. LightPaper (4. LightPaper)

Cost: $16.49

费用:16.49美元 Demo: 14-day free trial

演示:14天免费试用 Other platforms: No


Simple, beautiful yet powerful text editor for your Mac


LightPaper is designed for creating documents, articles and blog posts. It’s suitable for writers and bloggers, developers, scholars and students.

LightPaper设计用于创建文档,文章和博客文章。 适用于作家和博客作者,开发人员,学者和学生。

This tab-based app features both syntax highlighting and a preview pane. A document pane on the left lists your favorites, folders, scratch notes and shadow notes.

这个基于标签的应用程序具有语法突出显示和预览窗格的功能。 左侧的文档窗格列出了您的收藏夹,文​​件夹,暂存笔记和阴影笔记。

The shadow note feature is very handy: the app will associate a note with a specific app, file, folder or URL, which is entered in a popup window over the other app.


Other features include quick open, math and table support, custom styles, and distraction-free mode.


My take: This is a Ulysses alternative without quite the same range of features. It does some things that Ulysses can’t, including tables and math. While not as expensive, it’s certainly not cheap. If its range of features matches what you need in a Markdown editor, it’s worth considering.

我的看法:这是Ulysses的替代产品,但功能范围并不完全相同。 它完成了尤利西斯无法做到的某些事情,包括表格和数学。 虽然不那么贵,但肯定不便宜。 如果其功能范围与Markdown编辑器中所需的功能匹配,则值得考虑。

5. MWeb (5. MWeb)

Cost: $14.99

费用:14.99美元 Demo: 14-day trial

演示:14天试用 Other platforms: iOS


Pro Markdown writing, note taking and static blog generator app

Pro Markdown写作,笔记和静态博客生成器应用程序

MWeb is a tab-based Markdown editor for writers and academics. It has a document library, but can also edit external files from anywhere on your Mac. Its clean interface supports advanced syntax, including TOC, tables, code blocks, LaTeX and footnotes.

MWeb是面向作者和学者的基于选项卡的Markdown编辑器。 它具有文档库,但也可以在Mac上的任何位置编辑外部文件。 它的干净接口支持高级语法,包括TOC,表,代码块,LaTeX和脚注。

The app features syntax highlighting, live preview, and drag and drop for adding images. It also includes some nice distraction-free features, including typewriter mode and a dark theme.

该应用程序具有语法高亮显示,实时预览以及用于添加图像的拖放功能。 它还包括一些不错的无干扰功能,包括打字机模式和深色主题。

Getting your text out of MWeb is easy. It can export to PDF, HTML, RTF, DOCX and image, or publish directly to WordPress, Metaweblog, Blogger, Medium, Tumblr and Evernote. It can even generate a static blog.

从MWeb中删除文本很容易。 它可以导出为PDF,HTML,RTF,DOCX和图像,或者直接发布为WordPress,Metaweblog,Blogger,Medium,Tumblr和Evernote。 它甚至可以生成一个静态博客。

My take: With its advanced syntax and export/publishing options, MWeb is excellent for writing technical documentation. The app is attractive, and the document library well designed.

我的看法:凭借其先进的语法和导出/发布选项,MWeb非常适合编写技术文档。 该应用程序具有吸引力,并且文档库设计合理。

6.文字 (6. Texts)

Cost: $19

成本:19美元 Demo: Yes

演示:是的 Other platforms: Windows


Rich editor for plain text. Separate content from formatting. Store in Markdown.

丰富的纯文本编辑器。 将内容与格式分开。 存储在Markdown中。

Texts is a Markdown-based word processor designed for academics. It focuses on producing well-structured content that can contain formulas, footnotes, bibliography and citations, tables and links. You can create export templates to carefully hone the professionally typeset PDFs the app can produce.

文本是专为学者设计的基于Markdown的文字处理器。 它着重于生成结构合理的内容,其中可以包含公式,脚注,参考书目和引文,表格和链接。 您可以创建导出模板,以仔细磨练应用程序可以生成的专业排版PDF。

Other features include a visual editor so you don’t have to remember Markdown, blogging on GitHub Pages, and custom themes. Documents can be published as PDF, HTML, DOCX, EPUB and other formats.

其他功能包括可视化编辑器,因此您无需记住Markdown,在GitHub Pages上博客以及自定义主题。 可以将文档发布为PDF,HTML,DOCX,EPUB和其他格式。

My take: If you’re an academic or technical writer, this app is designed for you. Its minimalistic interface is attractive, yet hides a lot of power under the surface. The documents it produces look professional, and are beautifully typeset.

我的看法:如果您是学术或技术作家,则此应用程序是为您设计的。 它的简约界面很吸引人,但在表面之下隐藏了很多功能。 它产生的文档看起来很专业,而且排版精美。

7.代名词 (7. Byword)

Cost: $11.99

费用:11.99美元 Demo: No

演示:否 Other platforms: iOS


Markdown app for writing in plain text efficiently.


Byword is a minimalistic app for efficient Markdown writing, striking a good balance between simplicity and functionality. There are just enough features to do the job without becoming a distraction.

Byword是用于高效Markdown编写的简约应用程序,可在简单性和功能性之间取得良好的平衡。 有足够的功能可以完成这项工作,而不会分散注意力。

The app has subtle syntax highlighting, and you can format with Markdown using keyboard shortcuts and auto-complete. There’s a word count with live update, and a quick preview option.

该应用程序具有突出的语法突出显示功能,您可以使用键盘快捷键和自动完成功能使用Markdown进行格式化。 实时更新有字数统计,还有快速预览选项。

My take: Byword’s low cost, attractive looks and frictionless interface make it a popular choice. If you’re not in need of a lot of features, and simplicity aids your productivity, this might be the one for you.

我的看法:Byword的低成本,吸引人的外观和无摩擦的界面使其成为一种流行的选择。 如果您不需要很多功能,而简单性可以帮助您提高工作效率,那么这可能就是您的最佳选择。

8. IA作家 (8. IA Writer)

Cost: $9.99

费用:9.99美元 Demo: No

演示:否 Other platforms: iOS, Android


iA Writer. Plain. Text. iA Writer is designed to provide the best writing experience on macOS, iOS and Android.

iA作家。 平淡 文本。 iA Writer旨在在macOS,iOS和Android上提供最佳书写体验。

IA Writer is a distraction-free Markdown editor that puts the focus on your content. It’s like Byword, but with a few more features and a little less simplicity.

IA Writer是一款无干扰的Markdown编辑器,可将重点放在您的内容上。 就像Byword一样,但是有更多的功能和更少的简单性。

The app uses a light gray background, monospaced font and blue cursor. In focus mode, surrounding lines of text fade to emphasize the line you’re typing.

该应用程序使用浅灰色背景,等宽字体和蓝色光标。 在焦点模式下,周围的文本行会淡化以强调您输入的行。

Images, tables and content blocks are all supported, all features that Byword lacks. Other features include preview, live sync, a document library, file export (HTML, PDF, DOCX) and custom templates.

支持图像,表格和内容块,而Byword缺少所有功能。 其他功能包括预览,实时同步,文档库,文件导出(HTML,PDF,DOCX)和自定义模板。

My take: Another popular, inexpensive Markdown editor with an emphasis on being distraction free, IA Writer loses some of Byword’s simplicity in order to gain some additional features.

我的看法:IA Writer是另一种流行的,廉价的Markdown编辑器,着重于避免干扰,IA Writer失去了Byword的一些简单性,从而获得了一些附加功能。

9. Typora (9. Typora)

Cost: Free (during beta)

费用:免费(测试期间) Demo: n/a

演示:不适用 Other platforms: Windows, Linux


A truly minimal Markdown editor


Typora is possibly the most minimalistic editor we’re covering. It even removes the Markdown syntax as you type, replacing it with a preview of the formatting. What you see is what you get. It looks cleaner, removes the need for a preview pane, and makes reading easier.

Typora可能是我们涵盖的最简约的编辑器。 它甚至会在您键入时删除Markdown语法,而将其替换为格式的预览。 你所看到的就是你得到的。 它看起来更干净,消除了对预览窗格的需要,并使阅读更加轻松。

Despite its simplicity, Typora supports images, lists, tables, code fences, math blocks, table of contents and more. Shortcuts do what you expect, and the themes are beautiful and fully configurable by CSS. Geeks will find a lot to love here.

尽管很简单,但是Typora支持图像,列表,表格,代码围栏,数学块,目录等等。 快捷键可以满足您的期望,并且主题很漂亮,并且可以通过CSS完全配置。 极客会在这里找到很多值得爱的地方。

My take: Typora is the new kid on the block. It’s beautiful and full-featured. If you like the idea of not seeing Markdown syntax in your document, this app is your only option we review.

我的看法:Typora是新手。 它既漂亮又功能齐全。 如果您不希望在文档中看到Markdown语法的想法,则此应用是我们审核的唯一选择。

10.插入号 (10. Caret)

Cost: $25

费用:25美元 Demo: Yes

演示:是的 Other platforms: Windows, Linux


Beautiful & clever Markdown editor


Caret is beautiful and distraction-free, but hides lots of power under the hood. It would appeal to writers and devs alike.

插入符号很漂亮,没有干扰,但隐藏了很多功能。 它将吸引作家和开发人员。

The app makes entering complex Markdown simple. Syntax assistance is available for tables, lists, quotes, fences, links and emphasis, and there’s auto-completion for images, keywords and emoji. A file manager is available, and navigation through long documents is made simple with the popup “go to heading” feature.

该应用程序使输入复杂的Markdown变得简单。 语法辅助可用于表格,列表,引号,围栏,链接和重点,并且图像,关键字和表情符号会自动完成。 可以使用文件管理器,通过弹出的“转到标题”功能可以轻松浏览长文档。

For the mathematically-minded, LaTeX expressions are supported, and they’re rendered on-screen as soon as the cursor leaves them. For distraction-free writing, dark mode, focus mode and typewriter mode are all supported.

对于具有数学思想的人,支持LaTeX表达式,并在光标离开它们后立即在屏幕上呈现它们。 对于无干扰的书写,都支持暗模式,聚焦模式和打字机模式。

My take: I’ve only recently discovered Caret, and for a minimalistic editor it seems to have a lot of power under the hood. Writing, rather than exporting, is its strength. SitePoint editor Bruno Skvorc is a heavy user of the app, and couldn’t be happier.

我的看法:我只是最近才发现Caret,而对于简约编辑器来说,它似乎具有强大的功能。 写作而不是导出是它的优势。 SitePoint编辑器Bruno Skvorc是该应用程序的重度用户,因此不再感到高兴。

11.专注 (11. Focused)

Cost: $29.99

费用:29.99美元 Demo: Yes

演示:是的 Other platforms: No


Get Focused, start writing!


Focused is an attractive, minimalistic writing app with an interface designed to keep you writing without distraction.


The app offers an uncluttered interface with few features, a choice of attractive themes, typewriter mode and a choice of eight relaxing soundtracks. Other features include word count, versions, export to HTML and RTF, and customizable typefaces and styles.

该应用程序提供了一个整洁的界面,几乎没有任何功能,提供了一系列吸引人的主题,打字机模式以及八种令人放松的音轨。 其他功能包括字数统计,版本,导出为HTML和RTF以及可自定义的字体和样式。

My take: If you’re looking for a beautiful, minimalistic app to write in, and value a focused writing experience over a multitude of features, this is worth considering.


12.熊 (12. Bear)

Cost: Free, Bear Pro subscription $1.49/month

费用:免费,Bear Pro订阅费用为每月1.49美元 Demo: n/a

演示:不适用 Other platforms: iOS


Bear is a beautiful, flexible writing app for crafting notes and prose


Bear is more than a note taking app: it’s a pleasing writing environment as well. The developers have focused on making the app beautiful to look at and smooth to use. By default it uses non-standard markup, but a Markdown compatibility mode is available.

Bear不仅仅是一个笔记应用程序:它还是一个令人愉悦的写作环境。 开发人员致力于使该应用程序外观精美,使用流畅。 默认情况下,它使用非标准标记,但可以使用Markdown兼容模式。

The app includes a focus mode to keep you writing, and displays images inline. Features for writers include word count and reading times. The app can export your document to Markdown, PDF, HTML, DOCX, JPG or RTF. For developers, the app has code blocks that support and highlight over 20 programming languages.

该应用程序包括一个对焦模式,可让您保持写作,并内嵌显示图像。 作家的功能包括字数统计和阅读时间。 该应用程序可以将您的文档导出到Markdown,PDF,HTML,DOCX,JPG或RTF。 对于开发人员来说,该应用程序具有支持和突出显示20多种编程语言的代码块。

Other features include rich previews, cross-note links, checkboxes, and smart data recognition. Tags are added by using hashtags within the document. Bear Pro subscribers have access to a range of themes and multi-device sync via iCloud.

其他功能包括丰富的预览,交叉注释链接,复选框和智能数据识别。 通过在文档中使用主题标签来添加标签。 Bear Pro订阅者可以通过iCloud访问各种主题和多设备同步。

My take: I discovered Bear while it was still in beta, and started using it immediately. I’m now a Bear Pro subscriber. I love the checkbox feature, the way images are displayed inline, and the way tags are added. These features make it an excellent note taker. I could use the app for writing, but Ulysses has become my tool of choice.

我的看法:我在Bear仍处于Beta版时发现了它,并立即开始使用它。 我现在是Bear Pro订户。 我喜欢复选框功能,内联显示图像的方式以及添加标签的方式。 这些功能使其成为出色的笔记记录者。 我可以使用该应用程序进行书写,但尤利西斯已成为我的首选工具。

13.谅解备忘录 (13. Mou)

Cost: Free (in beta), preorder Mou 1.0 for $15 (50% discount)

费用:免费(测试版),预购Mou 1.0,价格为15美元(50%折扣) Demo: n/a

演示:不适用 Other platforms: No


Markdown editor for developers.


Mou bylines itself as “the missing Markdown editor for web developers”. It’s light and responsive. Be aware that until Mou 1.0 ships, the app only works on versions of macOS up to 10.11; it doesn’t (at the time of writing) support Sierra or High Sierra.

Mou自称是“ Web开发人员缺少的Markdown编辑器”。 轻巧且React灵敏。 请注意,在Mou 1.0发行之前,该应用程序只能在macOS最高为10.11的版本上运行; 它(在撰写本文时)不支持Sierra或High Sierra。

Features include live preview, sync scroll, auto save, incremental search and custom themes. CSS, HTML and PDF export are available. Articles can be directly published to or Tumblr with a single command.

功能包括实时预览,同步滚动,自动保存,增量搜索和自定义主题。 CSS,HTML和PDF导出可用。 可以使用单个命令将文章直接发布到Scriptogr.am或Tumblr。

My take: The app has always looked promising, and I used it for a while a number of years ago. Lack of support for Sierra is a problem, but watch out for Mou 1.0.

我的看法:该应用程序一直看起来很有前途,几年前,我使用了一段时间。 缺少对Sierra的支持是一个问题,但请注意Mou 1.0。

14.麦克唐纳 (14. MacDown)

Cost: free (open source)

费用:免费(开源) Demo: n/a

演示:不适用 Other platforms: No


The open source Markdown editor for macOS.


MacDown is heavily inspired by Mou, and was created when Mou development had stalled. Like Mou, it’s designed with web developers in mind.

MacDown受到Mou的极大启发,并且是在Mou开发停滞后创建的。 像Mou一样,它在设计时就考虑了Web开发人员。

Features include a configurable syntax highlighting, live preview, TeX-like math syntax, and auto-completion.


My take: MacDown is a good alternative to Mou, and having an open source (MIT) license, will remain free. If you’re a web developer looking for a lean, fast, configurable editor, this might be the one for you.

我的看法:MacDown是Mou的很好替代品,拥有开源(MIT)许可证将保持免费。 如果您是正在寻找精简,快速,可配置编辑器的Web开发人员,那么这可能是适合您的。

15.哈鲁帕德 (15. Haroopad)

Cost: Donationware Demo: n/a Other platforms: Windows, Linux

成本:Donationware演示:n / a其他平台:Windows,Linux

The Markdown enabled Next Document Processor


Haroopad is designed for creating web-friendly documents with Markdown. Use it to create professional-looking documents for your blogposts, slides, presentations, reports and email.

Haroopad旨在用于使用Markdown创建网络友好的文档。 使用它可以为博客文章,幻灯片,演示文稿,报告和电子邮件创建具有专业外观的文档。

The app has some advanced features, including support for LaTeX mathematical expressions, Vim key-bindings and embedding of audio and video. Themes and skins are available, and you can export your document to HTML and PDF, with more formats in the works.

该应用程序具有一些高级功能,包括对LaTeX数学表达式,Vim键绑定以及音频和视频嵌入的支持。 提供了主题和外观,您可以将文档导出为HTML和PDF,并且可以使用更多格式。

My take: Haroopad is still in beta, and the English documentation is still a little lacking. But the app is flexible and has a ton of features, as well as supporting the major desktop operating systems. And the price is right.

我的看法:Haroopad仍处于测试阶段,英文文档仍然很少。 但是该应用程序非常灵活,具有大量功能,并且支持主要的桌面操作系统。 而且价格合适。

那么,什么是最适合您的Mac编辑器? (So, What Is the Best Mac Editor for You?)

The Mac Markdown ecosystem is rich and varied. With so many apps, which is the right one for you? That depends on your priorities, and what you’ll be using the app for.

Mac Markdown生态系统丰富多样。 拥有如此多的应用程序,哪个才是您合适的应用程序? 这取决于您的优先级,以及您将使用该应用程序的目的。

Here are some recommendations:


If the tool of your trade is a text editor, and you already have a favorite, you can probably use it as an adequate Markdown editor too.

如果您的交易工具是文本编辑器,并且您已经有了收藏夹,则也可以将其用作适当的Markdown编辑器。 If you’re a writer or blogger looking for a full-featured writing environment, then have a serious look at Ulysses. If you find the price a problem, you can use it for less than $10 a month by subscribing to SetApp. Or have a look at MWeb, LightPaper and Bear.

如果您是正在寻找功能全面的写作环境的作家或博客作者,请认真看一下《尤利西斯》。 如果您发现价格问题,可以通过订阅SetApp每月花费不到10美元。 或看看MWeb,LightPaper和Bear。 If you’re a developer, Quiver is the ultimate notebook for you. Simpler options include Mou and MacDown.

如果您是开发人员,那么Quiver是您的终极笔记本。 较简单的选项包括Mou和MacDown。 If you’re an academic, Texts may be your best option, but also have a look at MWeb.

如果您是一名学者,“文本”可能是您的最佳选择,但也可以看看MWeb。 If your preference is for an inexpensive, light-weight app, ByWord and IA Writer are excellent options. If distraction-free features are important, also consider Typora, Caret and Focused.

如果您偏爱便宜,轻便的应用程序,那么ByWord和IA Writer是绝佳的选择。 如果无干扰功能很重要,请同时考虑Typora,Caret和Focused。 If you don’t spend all of your time on a Mac so need something cross-platform, then check the features of Texts, Typora, Caret and Haroopad, and choose the one that best meets your needs.


What’s your favorite Markdown editor?



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