
tech2022-09-04  127


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本文是与BAWMedia合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

If you’re a web designer or developer, your work involves some teamwork and collaboration. Even when you’re working on a personal project it never hurts to have someone you can rely on. You might need somebody for guidance, assistance, or fresh ideas.

如果您是网站设计师或开发人员,则您的工作涉及团队合作和协作。 即使您从事的是个人项目,拥有可以依靠的人也不会造成任何伤害。 您可能需要有人指导,帮助或新想法。

Software projects have a reputation for late deliveries and budget overruns. These often occur due to a lack of insufficient collaboration among the parties.

软件项目以延迟交付和预算超支而闻名。 这些通常是由于各方之间缺乏足够的协作而发生的。

Setting up a manual system that promotes collaboration can be a good step forward. But it often requires extra effort to keep it functioning smoothly. There is a better approach to it. Invest in a tool that makes sharing information and design concepts a breeze.

建立一个促进协作的手动系统可能是向前迈出的一大步。 但是,通常需要付出额外的努力才能使其平稳运行。 有一个更好的方法。 投资一个使共享信息和设计概念变得轻而易举的工具。

These tools fill the bill nicely.


1. 梅森 (1. Mason)

Mason is a front-end-as-a-service tool. Its users can design, build, deploy, and maintain products from a single platform. Since all information is kept in one place, there’s no fragmentation of data or information exchanged during any phase of the design/build/deploy cycle.

梅森是一种前端即服务工具。 它的用户可以从一个平台设计,构建,部署和维护产品。 由于所有信息都保存在一个地方,因此在设计/构建/部署周期的任何阶段都不会分散数据或交换信息。

Mason works in ways that may at first appear unfamiliar, but nevertheless makes sense. It assembles digital products by breaking them down into their constituent parts and reassembling them using a drag-and-drop building block approach. In this way, it’s far easier to make small changes or modifications not only during design, but after the product has been deployed.

梅森(Mason)的工作方式乍一看似乎并不熟悉,但还是有道理的。 它通过将数字产品分解为组成部分并使用拖放式构建块方法进行重新组装来组装数字产品。 这样,不仅在设计过程中,而且在产品部署后,进行小的更改或修改都容易得多。

The net result, and a major advantage of using Mason, is that changes can be made to deployed digital products without the need to wait for the next deployment cycle. Changes can literally be made on the spot.

最终结果是使用Mason的主要好处,是可以对已部署的数字产品进行更改,而无需等待下一个部署周期。 变化可以从字面上可以当场作出。

It costs nothing to use Mason during design and testing. You only pay when the product is to be viewed by downstream customers.

在设计和测试期间使用Mason无需花费任何费用。 仅当下游客户要查看产品时,您才需要付费。

2. monday.com (2. monday.com)

This team management tool is exceptionally suitable for any industry sector and by any sized team. monday.com will perfectly serve a team of two or a team of hundreds spread around the globe, and it can manage multiple projects at once. It is as popular among non-tech teams as well as tech-oriented teams; in fact, 70% of its 22,000 paying teams fall outside the tech sector.

该团队管理工具非常适合任何行业和任何规模的团队。 monday.com将完美地服务于遍布全球的两个或数百个团队,并且它可以一次管理多个项目。 它在非技术团队和以技术为导向的团队中都很受欢迎。 实际上,在22,000个付费团队中,有70%属于技术行业。

monday.com promotes effortless collaboration and transparency, it's "cheetah fast", it displays status in as many as 20 different colors, and its status board can be customized to fit your needs and your workflow.


It serves as an excellent alternative to having to force fit your work to meet the demands of your project management tools or systems. Freelancers, teams representing small agencies or startups, and teams working for Fortune 500 companies all profit from using monday.com.

它是强制执行工作以满足项目管理工具或系统需求的绝佳选择。 自由职业者,代表小型代理机构或初创公司的团队以及为财富500强公司工作的团队都可以从monday.com上受益。

3. Fleep-协作软件 (3. Fleep — Collaboration Software)

Fleep is the ultimate team collaboration platform. Sign up for a Fleep account to collaborate with your team, with other teams using Fleep, and any other Fleep user. Fleep ensures your communications are transparent to all participating users, which can include sending email messages to non-Fleep users.

Fleep是终极的团队协作平台。 注册Fleep帐户,以与您的团队,使用Fleep的其他团队以及任何其他Fleep用户进行协作。 Fleep确保您的通信对所有参与的用户都是透明的,其中包括向非Flue用户发送电子邮件。

This multipurpose platform also performs task management functions for Agile teams. It tracks conversations where decisions are made and when they have been made, and stores important messages, links, and files in the cloud where it is available on demand for subsequent use.

这个多功能平台还执行敏捷团队的任务管理功能。 它跟踪在哪里进行决策以及何时做出决策的对话,并将重要的消息,链接和文件存储在云中,可以根据需要使用以供后续使用。

Sign up for the free Basic Plan or for a 30-day free trial of Fleep's Business Plan. Fleep can be used on PC, Mac, Androids and iPhone operating systems.

注册免费的基本计划或Fleep商业计划的30天免费试用版。 Fleep可以在PC,Mac,Android和iPhone操作系统上使用。

4. 视觉检查器 (4. Visual Inspector)

Visual Inspector is popular feedback collaboration tool for designers that can be used with your live websites and design tools such as Sketch to promote faster and easier decision making.

Visual Inspector是设计人员常用的反馈协作工具,可与您的实时网站和Sketch等设计工具一起使用,以促进更快,更轻松的决策制定。

Back-and-forth communications on design changes, website copy, and client feedback where information is sometimes allowed to fall through the cracks can be avoided as discovered by more than 40,000 teams and individuals who are using Visual Inspector.

超过40,000个使用Visual Inspector的团队和个人发现了有关设计变更,网站复制和客户反馈的来回交流,这些交流有时会使信息有时无法通过。

You can opt for an affordable monthly plan or save huge with a one-time payment of just $49 for the lifetime Pro plan.

您可以选择负担得起的每月套餐,也可以通过终身支付仅$ 49的一次性付款来节省终身Pro计划。

结论 (Conclusion)

It takes a great deal of work to manually set up an effective collaboration system. It can take even more work to keep it functioning as it is supposed to. A better alternative is to invest in a collaboration tool, like any of those featured here.

手动建立有效的协作系统需要大量工作。 要使其正常工作,可能还需要做更多的工作。 更好的选择是投资于协作工具,就像此处介绍的任何工具一样。

Communication breakdowns simply don’t occur. Ease of use promotes team collaboration, and you can get the service you need. All this at little or no cost, on a subscription basis, or for a flat fee.

通讯故障根本不会发生。 易用性促进了团队协作,您可以获得所需的服务。 所有这些都是免费或免费的,基于订阅或固定费用。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/design-dev-collaboration-tools/

