
tech2022-09-04  122


Hello there, hunters! Before getting into this month’s links you should star and / or contribute to, I’d like to briefly give a shoutout to two conferences I attended and participated in this month: OSCAL and PhpKonf. Skip this section if you’re just interested in this month’s link list.

你好,猎人! 在进入本月的链接之前,您应该先加注星标和/或作出贡献,在此,我想简单地向我本月参加和参加的两个会议大声疾呼:OSCAL和PhpKonf。 如果您仅对本月的链接列表感兴趣,请跳过此部分。

会议季 (Conference Season)

In Europe, May is usually chock full of conferences, and this one was no exception. While I do like to go as an audience member, too, (and so should you) the two instances I was at had me over as a speaker, and that was exceptionally fun.

在欧洲,五月通常会召开很多会议,这一会议也不例外。 虽然我也想以听众身份参加会议,但我也想同时担任听众( 您也应该如此 ),这两个实例让我成为演讲者,这非常有趣。


Like last year, OSCAL was organized by the team of Open Labs, including our very own Elio Qoshi, and took place at the Metropolitan University of Tirana. A free conference dedicated exclusively to open data and open source, OSCAL can be considered south Europe’s answer to FOSDEM. Much smaller in scope but in no way lacking dedication, this year’s edition featured more tracks than ever, covering everything from data and media codes, to animal adoption via open source and bitcoin, even coding workshops.

与去年一样, OSCAL由开放实验室团队组织,包括我们自己的Elio Qoshi ,在地拉那都市大学举行。 OSCAL是专门致力于开放数据和开源的免费会议,可以看作是南欧对FOSDEM的回应。 今年的版本范围更小,但绝不缺乏奉献精神,今年的版本比以往任何时候都拥有更多的曲目,涵盖了从数据和媒体代码到通过开源和比特币被动物采用甚至是编码研讨会的所有内容。

Aside from being superbly organized, OSCAL is far too humble about something one doesn’t see often – if ever – at such generally tech-oriented events. Not only are most of the volunteer staff female, but the percentage of women in the audience is just jawdropping. I had wondered why that was since last time I was there (it’s a regular occurrence, not a phenomenon). Could be the fact that women have been an important part of Albania’s culture since the olden days (every painting in the history museum has a woman in a position of importance, or at least alongside a man)…

除了组织得井井有条之外,OSCAL对于在这种通常面向技术的活动中人们很少看到的东西(如果有的话)也太谦虚了。 不仅大多数志愿人员都是女性,而且观众中女性的比例也令人jaw目结舌。 我想知道为什么是自上次到那以后(这是正常现象,而不是现象)。 自古以来,女人就一直是阿尔巴尼亚文化的重要组成部分(历史博物馆中的每幅画都将女人放在重要位置,或者至少与男人在一起)可能是一个事实……

… or it could be the fact that it’s a less PC environment and people just shrug off what they don’t like, so there’s no tension around social interactions, or a number of other things. I certainly hope the organizers will collect some post-conference data around this and let us know – in any case, I wasn’t the only one surprised by this.

……或者可能是这样的事实,那就是PC环境较少,人们只是对自己不喜欢的东西耸了耸肩,因此社交互动或其他许多事情都没有紧张感。 我当然希望组织者会为此收集一些会议后数据,并让我们知道–无论如何,我并不是唯一对此感到惊讶的人。

PhpKonf (PhpKonf)

Turkey’s annual PHP conference took place in the wonderful (and wonderfully humongous) city of Istanbul. Despite the conference being commercial, it wasn’t as well organized as OSCAL. Still, the staff made all us speakers feel very much at home and extremely comfortable every step of the way.

土耳其的年度PHP会议在美丽(而且极为庞大)的伊斯坦布尔市举行。 尽管会议是商业性的,但组织起来却不如OSCAL。 尽管如此,工作人员仍使我们所有的演讲者都感到宾至如归,并且每一步都感到非常舒适。

PhpKonf is, of course, very PHP-focused, and usually has two tracks – a Turkish one, and an English one. I was there talking about frameworks and non frameworks, alongside community champions like Phil Sturgeon, Paul Dragoonis, Ben Marks, Marco Pivetta, and others.

当然,PhpKonf是非常注重PHP的,通常有两条轨道-一条土耳其轨道和一条英语轨道。 我在那儿谈论框架和非框架,以及社区支持者,例如Phil Sturgeon,Paul Dragoonis,Ben Marks,Marco Pivetta等。

With so much amazing food, such road adventures, those kittens…


… and the sights all around us, PhpKonf is going to be hard to top, so BgPHP and WebSummerCamp have their work cut out for them.


I honestly encourage you to attend some conferences when you can – if you can’t afford them, try applying as a speaker or having your costs covered by your employer, or if nothing else, go to a user group in your area – this map might help. There’s nothing to lose, but so much to gain. Seeing the world, while educating oneself, while networking with some of the most prominent users in the community and getting to know their attitudes, stances, and practices live is by far one of the best boons for one’s career.

老实说,我鼓励您在可能的情况下参加一些会议-如果您负担不起,请尝试担任演讲者或由雇主承担您的费用,或者如果无其他事项,请访问您所在地区的用户群- 此地图可能有帮助。 没有什么可以失去的,但是有很多可以收获的。 放眼世界,一边教育自己,一边与社区中一些最杰出的用户建立联系,并了解他们的生活态度,立场和做法,这迄今为止一直是他职业生涯的最佳福音之一。

狩猎吧! (Let’s Hunt!)

This month, we’ve compiled a diverse list of packages covering both everyday and extremely obscure use cases. Check it out!

本月,我们整理了一份涵盖日常和极端晦涩用例的软件包清单。 看看这个!

参加 [282★] (Joind.in [282 ★])

Apropos conferences, Joind.in – the ultimate open source conference attendance tracking, slide-sharing, and talk-reviewing app out there is still actively looking for more contributors. With a new UI already deployed to some areas of the app, other parts could still use a tune-up. If you’d like to contribute to a project that’s already high-impact, Joind.in is a fantastic opportunity.

Joined.in的 Apropos会议-最终的开源会议出席者跟踪,幻灯片共享和对话查看应用程序仍在积极寻找更多的参与者。 在已经将新UI部署到应用程序的某些区域的情况下,其他部分仍可以使用调整功能。 如果您想为已经很有影响力的项目做出贡献,Joind.in是一个绝佳的机会。

ovr / phpsa [324★] (ovr/phpsa [324 ★])

This static analyzer was posted to Reddit the other day, and already gained quite the following. We’ll be covering this tool in a future post, along with how and why to use it, but in the meanwhile, if you feel like it’s missing some checks you frequently do manually in your code, or discover in remote tools like Scrutinizer, now’s the time to contribute and add them in there – let’s build an awesome, locally-run analyzer together and make future PHP7 code as clean as possible.

该静态分析器前几天发布到Reddit ,并且已经获得了很多好处。 我们将在以后的文章中介绍该工具以及使用方法和使用方法,但是与此同时,如果您觉得它缺少一些检查,则可以在代码中手动执行,或者在诸如Scrutinizer的远程工具中进行查找,现在是时候在其中添加和添加它们了–让我们一起构建一个很棒的,本地运行的分析器,并使将来PHP7代码尽可能地干净。

ihor / nspl [158★] (ihor/nspl [158 ★])

nspl is an epic collection of PHP utilities and helper methods grouped under the name “Non standard PHP library”. It features plenty of interesting shortcut methods we often end up writing ourselves, like functional programming approaches, array assist methods, property getters, and much, much more. The library is, at this point, quite mature and not exactly unpopular, but could still use some more demos, examples, and method combinations as proof of concept. Additionally, if you’d like to write those demos for us – let me know! We’ll pay good money for high quality demonstrations of implementation!

nspl是史诗般PHP实用程序和帮助器方法集合,归类为“非标准PHP库”。 它具有许多我们经常最终自己编写的有趣的快捷方法,例如函数编程方法,数组辅助方法,属性获取器等等。 在这一点上,该库已经相当成熟并且并不流行,但仍可以使用更多的演示,示例和方法组合作为概念验证。 此外,如果您想为我们编写这些演示,请告诉我! 我们将为实施的高质量演示支付大量费用!

zeeshanu / dingo-project-management [★170] (zeeshanu/dingo-project-managment [★ 170])

This app is, essentially, a personal Trello clone. Personal in that it only supports one user (though adding others to tasks is a work-in-progress feature) and thus lends itself nicely to day to day personal project organization. While it would have a hard time beating something as versatile as Todoist or its competitors, it’s nice to have something like this as a good starter that one can extend and fit to personal needs.

此应用实质上是一个个人 Trello克隆。 Personal只支持一个用户(尽管将其他用户添加到任务中是一项正在进行的功能),因此很适合日常个人项目组织。 尽管要击败像Todoist或其竞争对手这样功能多样的产品会很困难,但将这样的东西作为一个很好的入门者可以扩展并满足个人需求是一件很高兴的事情。

The project is currently being updated by one developer, so the bus factor is quite high – why not jump in and help out with some additional features, UI upgrades, or even just suggestions for solutions to outstanding issues?


chadicus / slim-oauth2 [30★] (chadicus/slim-oauth2 [30 ★])

This package is a bit specific, as it’s a collection of OAuth2 helpers and middleware for the Slim framework, but anyone implementing OAuth2 with Slim will definitely appreciate it. The project has two issues the author could use help with, but is generally considered mature so, to help with its popularity, I’m greenlighting a post topic in advance – want to write about implementing this in a Slim application, end-to-end? Let me know!

该软件包有点特定,因为它是Slim框架的OAuth2帮助程序和中间件的集合,但是任何使用Slim实现OAuth2的人都一定会喜欢它。 该项目有两个问题可供作者使用,但通常被认为是成熟的,因此,为了帮助其受欢迎,我提前开了一个帖子主题–想写一篇关于在Slim应用程序中实现此问题的详细说明,结束? 让我知道!

As usual, there’s no lack of interesting repos to look at – whether you’re looking to explore a new package and write about it for us (wink, wink!) or looking for a new open source project to take under your wing or use to give back to the community, there’s something to choose from.

像往常一样,不乏有趣的资源库–无论您是想探索一个新软件包并为我们撰写 (眨眼,眨眼!),还是寻找一个新的开源项目供您使用或使用为了回馈社区,有很多选择。

Note that if you do contribute to any of the above projects, I’m more than willing to feature a post about the entire process if you document it from start to finish, and pay you for your work. Getting paid to play with a new app and do good open source work? What’s not to like?

请注意,如果您确实为以上任何一个项目做出了贡献,如果您从头到尾记录下来并为您的工作付费,那么我非常乐意提供有关整个过程的帖子。 获得报酬以使用新应用并做好开源工作? 不喜欢什么

That’s it for May – as always, please throw your links at us with the hashtags #sourcehunt and #php – here’s the link to the combination. Naturally, if you’d like to sourcehunt a project written in another language, alter accordingly.

五月就这样了-与往常一样,请使用#sourcehunt和#php标签将您的链接扔给我们-这是组合的链接 。 自然,如果您想寻找其他语言编写的项目,请进行相应的更改。

Happy coding!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sourcehunt-conferences-oauth2-in-slim-static-analyzers-etc/

