
tech2022-09-04  113


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A recent study from Edelman Intelligence has found an interesting fact. It claims freelancers are already feeling the impact of the "Fourth Industrial Revolution". Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already impacting jobs in most industry sectors. Other innovative technologies are affecting web design work. Thereby, they are influencing freelancers as well.

Edelman Intelligence的最新研究发现了一个有趣的事实。 它声称自由职业者已经感受到了“第四次工业革命”的影响。 人工智能(AI)已经影响到大多数行业的工作。 其他创新技术正在影响网页设计工作。 因此,他们也影响着自由职业者。

Freelancers have become quite adept at proactively upgrading their skills. They do this far more than members of the traditional workforce. But not all freelancers are doing so. If you fall into this category, here is how you can not only keep up, but remain at the top of your profession.

自由职业者已经非常熟练地主动提高技能。 他们所做的远远超过传统劳动力。 但是,并非所有的自由职业者都这样做。 如果您属于此类,您不仅可以保持职业发展,而且可以保持自己的职业最高水平。

通过预建网站开始您的项目 (Kick Off Your Projects with Pre-built Websites)

Keeping up with the latest industry trends doesn’t have to be all that difficult. This is when you can rely, to some degree, on the efforts of others.

紧跟最新的行业趋势并不一定那么困难。 这是您可以在某种程度上依靠他人的努力的时候。

Using pre-built websites is one way to keep pace with the latest design trends. Each of Be Theme's selection of 300+ customizable pre-built websites can be adapted to meet your needs. They can do so within hours and without any requirement for coding on your part.

使用预建网站是跟上最新设计趋势的一种方法。 Be Theme的 300多个可定制的预建网站中的每一个都可以进行调整以满足您的需求。 他们可以在数小时内完成操作,而无需您编写任何代码。

These themes feature clean layouts and graphics and offer unsurpassed speed and performance. You can install any or all of them with a 1-click installer, as demonstrated in this cool, 40-second video.

这些主题具有清晰的布局和图形,并提供无与伦比的速度和性能。 您可以使用一键式安装程序来安装其中的任何一个或所有安装程序,如本很酷的40秒视频所示 。

热门的Be主题预建网站 (Popular Be Theme Pre-Built Websites)

Here's a sampling of Be Theme pre-built websites. By clicking on the hyperlinks, you'll get an awareness of how much easier they can make your workflow.

这是Be Theme预建网站的示例。 通过单击超链接,您将了解它们可以使您的工作流程变得多么容易。

At the same time, they are giving you the opportunity to put into practice the latest web design trends.


是鲑鱼 (Be Salmon)

Any website intended for a food-oriented business should feature large images, just like those in this example. This should be done in order to entice visitors to investigate further or make a purchase.

像本示例中的网站一样,任何面向食品业的网站都应具有大图像。 这样做是为了吸引访问者进行进一步调查或进行购买。

The interactive menu guides visitors toward a call to action. A section on customer testimonials helps to seal the deal.

交互式菜单引导访问者采取行动。 有关客户推荐的部分有助于达成交易。

BeDetailings2 (BeDetailings2)

The best thing that can be said about many small business websites is that they're dull and uninspiring. That certainly won't be the case when bold, professional images like this (including before and after images) are the new normal. The price listing for services feature of this pre-built website is another must-have.

关于许多小型企业网站,可以说的最好的事情是它们平淡无奇。 当像这样的大胆,专业的图像(包括前后图像)成为新常态时,肯定不会出现这种情况。 这个预建网站的服务功能价格清单是另一个必须具备的条件。

会面 (BeMeeting)

This pre-built website lays the foundation for an award-winning events and meetings website. The content addresses the what, where, when, and why of events and meetings using a standard menu, and eye-catching countdown clock and a clean design.

这个预先建立的网站为屡获殊荣的活动和会议网站奠定了基础。 内容使用标准菜单,醒目的倒计时时钟和简洁的设计来说明事件和会议的内容,地点,时间和原因。

修指甲 (BeManicure)

One thing professional designers need to know is who the audience is. Here, the soft design and luxurious imagery emphasizing services and products leads visitors to the integrated eShop.

专业设计师需要知道的一件事是观众是谁。 在这里,柔和的设计和强调服务和产品的豪华图像将访客带到集成的eShop。

贝丹尼姆 (BeDenim)

This pre-built website provides another example of basing a design on who the audience is. In this case, the bold imagery, color combinations, and intuitive icons help guide the visitor to the integrated eShop.

这个预先建立的网站提供了另一个基于受众是谁的设计示例。 在这种情况下,大胆的图像,颜色组合和直观的图标有助于将访客引导至集成的eShop。

BeHipHop (BeHipHop)

Sometimes, it can take more than a hip design to keep a visitor engaged. In this pre-built website example, an integrated audio and video player, along with an informative blog section does the trick.

有时,要保持访客的参与度,可能不仅需要时髦的设计。 在这个预建的网站示例中,集成音频和视频播放器以及内容丰富的博客部分可以解决问题。

咖啡馆2 (BeCafe2)

On the subject of innovative design trends, how about incorporating large images inside your online menu? A generous About Us page, accompanied by a photo gallery of the establishment, should entice visitors to make their reservations.

关于创新设计趋势,如何在在线菜单中合并大图像? 宽敞的“关于我们”页面,以及企业的图片库,应能吸引游客进行预订。

BeDrawing (BeDrawing)

This pre-built website provides an excellent starting point for a creative website project. The design is clean and simple, a presentation video provides an engaging feature, and it's all topped off by an impressive gallery.

这个预先建立的网站为创意网站项目提供了一个很好的起点。 设计简洁明了,演示视频提供了引人入胜的功能,而所有这些都以令人印象深刻的画廊为首。

培训 (BeTraining)

This pre-built website features a standard intuitive menu for eLearning platforms, but it can be applied to other types of training websites as well. Check out the large attention-grabbing video thumbnails and easy navigation, and it won't be hard to figure out how to customize it to fit your needs.

这个预先建立的网站具有用于电子学习平台的标准直观菜单,但是它也可以应用于其他类型的培训网站。 查看引人入胜的大型视频缩略图和简单的导航,您将不难发现如何自定义视频以满足您的需求。

BeClinic2 (BeClinic2)

Here's a sharp, simple design that's both professional and friendly in its appearance. The clean structure of this pre-built website promotes easy navigation, while the way its content is organized for easy reading helps to ensure a winning UX.

这是一个外观简洁,简洁,专业且友好的设计。 这个预制网站的简洁结构促进了轻松的导航,同时其内容的组织方式易于阅读有助于确保获得成功的用户体验。

认真关注最新的技术新闻 (Follow the Latest Tech News Religiously)

Freelancers are already preparing for the future more than most other workers. The Edelman Intelligence report confirms this. It claims that 55% of all freelancers upgraded their skills to keep abreast of the market.

自由职业者已经比其他大多数工人为未来做更多准备。 爱德曼情报报告证实了这一点。 它声称所有自由职业者中有55%提升了技能以跟上市场发展。

Set aside some time every week, or even every day, to catch up with the latest tech news. It won't take a lot of your time. You don't necessarily have to read a half dozen reports in depth; skimming will usually do.

每周甚至每天都留出一些时间来了解最新的技术新闻。 您不会花很多时间。 您不必一定要阅读六个报告。 略读通常会做。

Change happens. It always has, and it always will. Don't let yourself fall into the trap of constantly playing catch up. Take the new things you learn and integrate them into your work, and you'll be OK.

变化发生了。 它永远都有,而且永远都会。 不要让自己陷入不断追赶的陷阱。 将学习到的新事物带入您的工作中,一切都会好起来的。

不与技术竞争–发挥技术优势 (Don’t Compete with Technology – Use It to Your Advantage)

Going with the flow can easily be interpreted as letting events control your life. If you take that literally, it could mean that the type of work you are doing today could be history in a few short years.

顺其自然,这很容易解释为让事件控制您的生活。 如果从字面上看,这可能意味着您当前正在从事的工作类型可能会在短短几年内成为历史。

You need to be proactive about refining your skills and/or learning new ones. Or, you may find yourself having to make room for someone else who did just that.

您需要积极主动地完善自己的技能和/或学习新技能。 或者,您可能会发现自己不得不为其他这样做的人腾出空间。

The truth is, new technologies are creating more opportunities than ever for freelancers. This can be seen in terms of their careers, the innovative projects, and their incomes. When you become proficient or expert at a certain skill, it can be easy to fall in love with it. But, if that skill involves designing buggy whips, it may be time to rethink your priorities.

事实是,新技术为自由职业者创造了前所未有的机会。 从他们的职业,创新项目和收入方面可以看出这一点。 当您精通某种技能或成为专家时,很容易爱上它。 但是,如果该技能涉及设计越野马鞭,那么可能是时候重新考虑您的优先事项了。

为第四次工业革命做好准备 (Be Prepared for the Fourth Industrial Revolution)

How to fully prepare yourself for what the future holds in store? For starters, you can read a report on what the Fourth Industrial Revolution is about. Discover what disruptions it is causing within the freelance job market. Also, you might want to look into what it could mean to you.

如何为未来的未来做好充分准备? 首先,您可以阅读有关第四次工业革命的报告。 发现它在自由职业市场中造成了什么破坏。 另外,您可能想研究一下这对您意味着什么。

Click here to download a free copy of this report.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-web-designers-can-keep-up-with-job-market-transformations/

