
tech2022-09-05  111

Markdown is my preferred way of writing content for the web. I even use it when jotting down notes for myself. It’s a simple, minimalistic method of writing formatted text that works well and doesn’t lock you into a proprietary system. That sits very well with the Linux philosophy.

Markdown是我编写Web内容的首选方式。 我什至在为自己写下笔记时使用它。 这是一种简单,极简的编写格式化文本的方法,效果很好,并且不会将您锁定在专有系统中。 这与Linux哲学非常吻合。

And it’s catching on. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that can easily be turned into HTML, so it’s very useful for online content. Since John Gruber created it in 2004, it has become increasingly used in forums, blog posts and comments. So it’s worth learning. Gruber explains the syntax on his Daring Fireball blog, and you can grab our free printable Markdown cheat sheet.

而且它正在流行。 Markdown是一种轻量级的标记语言,可以轻松地转换为HTML,因此对于在线内容非常有用。 自从John Gruber在2004年创建它以来,它已越来越多地用于论坛,博客文章和评论中。 因此值得学习。 Gruber在他的Daring Fireball博客上解释了语法,您可以获取我们免费的可打印Markdown备忘单 。

There are many Markdown editors available for Mac and Windows. What’s available for Linux? We’ll list your main options in this article, and make some recommendations at the end.

Mac和Windows有许多Markdown编辑器可用。 Linux有什么可用? 我们将在本文中列出您的主要选项,并在最后提出一些建议。

Of course, since Markdown uses plain text, any text editor will do. But Markdown editors provide additional useful features, which may include:

当然,由于Markdown使用纯文本,因此任何文本编辑器都可以使用。 但是Markdown编辑器提供了其他有用的功能,其中可能包括:

syntax highlighting and a preview pane so you can see what you’re doing

语法高亮显示和预览窗格,以便您可以查看正在执行的操作 keyboard shortcuts for speedier formatting

键盘快捷键可加快格式化速度 export/convert Markdown into HTML, PDF, ODT and more

将Markdown导出/转换为HTML,PDF,ODT等 a distraction-free writing environment with full-screen editing, dark mode and a minimal interface

全屏编辑,黑暗模式和最小界面的无干扰写作环境 word count, document statistics and spell check

字数统计,文档统计和拼写检查 advanced formatting, including tables and mathematical expressions.


So let’s get into it. Here are 17 of the best Markdown options for Linux.

因此,让我们开始吧。 这是Linux最佳Markdown选项中的17个。

Looking for more on Markdown? Check out these great links:

寻找更多有关Markdown的信息? 查看以下重要链接:

The Best Markdown Editor for Windows


The Best Markdown Editor for Mac


Grab Our Free Printable Markdown Cheat Sheet


Make the Most of Markdown in WordPress


Spicing up Your Emails with Markdown


7 Atom Add-ons for Running Code and Previewing Changes


Creating PDFs from Markdown with Pandoc and LaTeX


Check out SitePoint Premium for more books, courses and free screencasts.

查阅SitePoint Premium ,了解更多书籍,课程和免费截屏视频。

1.使用您喜欢的文本编辑器或IDE (1. Use Your Favorite Text Editor or IDE)

You can use your favorite Linux text editor to write Markdown. You might find that it has native support for Markdown, or that a Markdown extension or plugin is available. Here are some examples:

您可以使用自己喜欢的Linux文本编辑器来编写Markdown。 您可能会发现它对Markdown具有本机支持,或者Markdown扩展或插件可用。 这里有些例子:

Vim has a Vim-Markdown plugin that features syntax highlighting and folding.


GNU Emacs has a Markdown Mode for Emacs package that includes shortcut keys and syntax highlighting.

GNU Emacs具有Emacs打包模式 ,其中包括快捷键和语法突出显示。

Spacemacs has a Markdown layer to add Markdown support.


Bluefish includes syntax highlighting for Markdown files.


Eclipse has the Markdown Text Editor plugin which includes a document outline, folded sections, preview, export to HTML, task tags, word wrap and paragraph formatting.

Eclipse具有Markdown Text Editor插件,该插件包括文档大纲,折叠部分,预览,导出为HTML,任务标签,自动换行和段落格式。

Gedit, the Gnome text editor, offers the gedit-markdown plugin with live Markdown preview and syntax highlighting.


Geany offers the Markdown plugin with preview and syntax highlighting.  


Kate, the KDE text editor, supports Markdown syntax highlighting. 

Kate (KDE文本编辑器)支持Markdown语法突出显示。

Sublime Text 2 can be turned into a full-featured Markdown editor. We show you how here.

Sublime Text 2可以变成功能齐全的Markdown编辑器。 我们向您展示如何在这里 。

Brackets has a Markdown extension with syntax highlighting and a preview pane.


Atom supports Markdown out of the box, with features like syntax highlighting and preview. This functionality can be expanded by several community-generated packages, including Markdown-Writer, Markdown-Scroll-Sync and Markdown-Format.

Atom开箱即用地支持Markdown,并具有语法高亮和预览等功能。 可以通过几个社区生成的软件包来扩展此功能,包括Markdown-Writer , Markdown-Scroll-Sync和Markdown-Format 。

2.烟碱 (2. Abricotine)

License: GPL

执照:GPL Other platforms: Windows, Mac


Abricotine is an open-source markdown editor built for desktop.


Abricotine is an advanced Electron-based Markdown editor that renders Markdown in the text editor, along with syntax highlighting. The app supports tables and the ability to insert images and embedded YouTube videos into your document.

Abricotine是基于电子的高级Markdown编辑器,可在文本编辑器中呈现Markdown以及语法高亮显示。 该应用程序支持表格以及将图像和嵌入式YouTube视频插入文档的功能。

Additional features include math written with LateX, checklists, anchors, and spell checking. A table of contents of your document can be displayed in a side panel.

其他功能包括用LateX编写的数学,清单,锚点和拼写检查。 文档的目录可以显示在侧面板中。

You can download a tarball or packages for Ubuntu from GitHub.


3.卓越 (3. Remarkable)

License: MIT license

许可证:MIT许可证 Other platforms: Windows


The best Markdown editor for Linux and Windows.


Remarkable is an easy-to-use Markdown editor that supports syntax highlighting and a synchronized preview pane. The customizable environment provides useful shortcuts to speed your formatting, as well as support for advanced MathJax formatting. You can export your documents to HTML or PDF.

Remarkable是一个易于使用的Markdown编辑器,它支持语法突出显示和同步的预览窗格。 可自定义的环境提供了有用的快捷方式来加快格式化速度,并支持高级MathJax格式化。 您可以将文档导出为HTML或PDF。

Packages for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, SUSE and Arch systems are available from GitHub.


4.重制文字 (4. ReText)

License: GPL

执照:GPL Other platforms: n/a


Simple but powerful editor for Markdown and reStructuredText.


ReText is a simple yet powerful tab-based Markdown editor written in Python. It includes syntax highlighting and a synchronized preview pane, and supports MathJax and Python-Markdown extensions. The app has a table editing mode, and can export to PDF, ODT, HTML and other formats.

ReText是一个简单但功能强大的基于选项卡的Markdown编辑器,使用Python编写。 它包括语法高亮显示和同步的预览窗格,并支持MathJax和Python-Markdown扩展。 该应用程序具有表格编辑模式,可以导出为PDF,ODT,HTML和其他格式。

ReText is included in many distros’ software repositories (including Debian and Ubuntu), or download it and use the setup.py install command. (Python 3 must be installed.)

ReText包含在许多发行版的软件存储库(包括Debian和Ubuntu)中,或者下载并使用setup.py install命令。 (必须安装Python3。)

5.代笔人 (5. Ghostwriter)

License: GPLv3

许可证:GPLv3 Other platforms: Windows


A distraction-free Markdown editor for Windows and Linux. Stylish. Open source. Free.

用于Windows和Linux的无干扰Markdown编辑器。 时尚。 开源。 自由。

Ghostwriter has a range of distraction-free features, including full screen mode, a clean interface, and a dark theme. The app also has a Focus Mode, which highlights the text around the cursor and fades the rest, and Hemingway Mode, which disables the backspace and delete keys, forcing you to write rather than edit.

Ghostwriter具有一系列无干扰的功能,包括全屏模式,干净的界面和深色主题。 该应用程序还具有“聚焦模式”,该模式突出显示光标周围的文本并淡化其余文本,而“海明威模式”则禁用退格键和删除键,从而迫使您编写而不是编辑。

Other features include built-in themes, live preview, and drag-and-drop images. There is also an Outline HUD that gives you an overview of your document, and plenty of statistics, including word count. You can export your document to HTML and a variety of other formats.

其他功能包括内置主题,实时预览和拖放图像。 还有一个Outline HUD,可为您提供文档概述以及大量统计信息,包括字数统计。 您可以将文档导出为HTML和其他各种格式。

To install on Ubuntu, just type:


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wereturtle/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt install ghostwriter

You’ll also find links to unofficial packages for Fedora, openSUSE and Arch Linux on GitHub.

您还将在GitHub上找到 Fedora,openSUSE和Arch Linux的非官方软件包的链接。

6. UberWriter (6. UberWriter)

License: GPLv3

许可证:GPLv3 Other platforms: n/a


UberWriter is a writing application for Markdown.


UberWriter is a distraction-free Markdown editor inspired by iA Writer. And like that app, its interface is elegant and minimalistic. It doesn’t even include preferences. The focus is on getting work done, and Markdown is rendered inline.

UberWriter是一款受iA Writer启发而不受干扰的 Markdown编辑器。 像该应用程序一样,其界面优雅而简约。 它甚至不包含首选项。 重点在于完成工作,Markdown内联呈现。

The app includes a spell check and word count, and can export your document to HTML, PDF and ODT. Focus mode highlights your last sentence, and full screen mode removes the distractions of other apps. A dark mode is also available.

该应用程序包括拼写检查和单词计数,并且可以将您的文档导出为HTML,PDF和ODT。 聚焦模式突出显示您的最后一句话,全屏模式消除了其他应用程序的干扰。 暗模式也可用。

You can get UberWriter from the Ubuntu Software Centre for $5, or install it from a PPA by running these commands:


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:w-vollprecht/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install uberwriter

You may find packages for other distros online.


7.无色 (7. Uncolored)

License: Apache License 2.0

许可证:Apache License 2.0 Other platforms: Windows, Mac


Next generation desktop rich content editor that saves documents with themes.


Uncolored is an Electron-based Markdown editor that supports multiple tabs and keyboard shortcuts. The editor focuses on content by offering a distraction-free interface. The toolbar appears only once you select some text.

Uncolored是基于电子的Markdown编辑器,它支持多个选项卡和键盘快捷键。 编辑器通过提供无干扰的界面来专注于内容。 工具栏仅在您选择了一些文本后才会出现。

Additional features include table of contents and embedded audio and video. A 64-bit Ubuntu DEB package and tarball can be downloaded from the developer’s website.

其他功能包括目录以及嵌入式音频和视频。 可以从开发人员的网站下载64位的Ubuntu DEB软件包和tarball。

8. CuteMarkEd (8. CuteMarkEd)

License: open source

许可证:开源 Other platforms: Windows


A Qt-based, free and open source Markdown editor with live HTML preview, math expressions, code and Markdown syntax highlighting.


CuteMarkEd supports Markdown and code syntax highlighting in a selection of styles, and features a live preview pane. Spell checking and document statistics are available, and math formulas are supported. Content can be exported as HTML or PDF.

CuteMarkEd支持多种样式的Markdown和代码语法突出显示功能,并具有实时预览窗格。 提供拼写检查和文档统计信息,并且支持数学公式。 内容可以导出为HTML或PDF。

Additional features include the ability to create flowcharts and sequence diagrams, a snippet completer, and auto completion.


You can download a tarball from the developer’s website, and packages are available for OpenSUSE and Fedora. Here are some instructions for installing on Linux Mint.

您可以从开发人员的网站下载压缩包,并且软件包可用于OpenSUSE和Fedora。 这是在Linux Mint上安装的一些说明 。

9.优雅的Markdown编辑器(EME) (9. Elegant Markdown Editor (EME))

License: MIT License

许可证:麻省理工学院许可证 Other platforms: Windows, Mac


A new elegant Markdown editor for Ubuntu Linux.

一个新的优雅的Markdown编辑器,用于Ubuntu Linux。

EME is a tab-based Markdown editor developed with Node.js and Electron. The editor provides a simple user interface with syntax highlighting and a preview pane.

EME是使用Tab.js和Electron开发的基于选项卡的Markdown编辑器。 该编辑器提供了一个简单的用户界面,其中包括语法突出显示和预览窗格。

Focus Mode allows you to focus on the paragraph you are writing, and Vim Mode offers Vim key bindings support. Math typesetting is also supported. You can export to HTML, PDF and more. DEB and tarball downloads are available from GitHub.

聚焦模式使您可以集中精力于正在编写的段落,而Vim Mode提供了Vim键绑定支持。 还支持数学排版。 您可以导出为HTML,PDF等。 可从GitHub下载DEB和tarball。

10.哈鲁帕德 (10. Haroopad)

License: GPL

执照:GPL Other platforms: Windows, Mac


The Markdown enabled Next Document Processor


Haroopad is designed for creating web-friendly documents with Markdown. Use it to create professional-looking documents for your blogposts, slides, presentations, reports and email.

Haroopad旨在用于使用Markdown创建网络友好的文档。 使用它可以为博客文章,幻灯片,演示文稿,报告和电子邮件创建具有专业外观的文档。

The app has some advanced features, including support for LaTeX mathematical expressions, Vim key-bindings and embedding of audio and video. Themes and skins are available, and you can export your document to HTML and PDF, with more formats in the works.

该应用程序具有一些高级功能,包括对LaTeX数学表达式,Vim键绑定以及音频和视频嵌入的支持。 提供了主题和外观,您可以将文档导出为HTML和PDF,并且可以使用更多格式。

Haroopad is still in beta, and the English documentation is still a little lacking. Tarballs and DEB packages are available on the developer’s website.

Haroopad仍处于测试阶段,英文文档仍然很少。 Tarball和DEB软件包可在开发人员的网站上找到。

11. LightMd编辑器 (11. LightMd Editor)

License: GPLv3

许可证:GPLv3 Other platforms: Windows


LightMd Markdown Editor is a free and open source feature rich yet light weight editor for Markdown. 

LightMd Markdown编辑器是Markdown的免费和开放源代码功能丰富但轻巧的编辑器。

LightMd Editor is a tab-based QT Markdown editor that features keyboard shortcuts, syntax highlighting and themes. Some distraction-free features are provided, including focus mode, full screen mode and a dark theme. Markdown tables are supported.

LightMd Editor是基于选项卡的QT Markdown编辑器,具有键盘快捷键,语法突出显示和主题。 提供了一些无干扰的功能,包括聚焦模式,全屏模式和深色主题。 支持降价表。

Instructions for installing the package manually, or using a package for Linux Mint and Ubuntu, are found on GitHub.

可以在GitHub上找到手动安装软件包或使用Linux Mint和Ubuntu软件包的说明。

12. MdCharm (12. MdCharm)

License: BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License

许可证:BSD 3条款“新”或“修订”许可证 Other platforms: Windows


MdCharm is a wiki editor, currently it supports Markdown (Markdown Extra) and MultiMarkdown.

MdCharm是一个Wiki编辑器,当前它支持Markdown(Markdown Extra)和MultiMarkdown。

MdCharm is a tab-based Markdown editor that includes syntax highlighting and a live preview pane. You can open individual files, or an entire directory in a side panel as a project. Opening Markdown files via drag and drop is also an option.

MdCharm是一个基于选项卡的Markdown编辑器,其中包括语法突出显示和实时预览窗格。 您可以在侧面板中将单个文件或整个目录作为项目打开。 也可以通过拖放打开Markdown文件。

You can create styles using your own CSS, show line numbers, and highlight the current line. The app can export to HTML, PDF and ODT. A tarball and Ubuntu DEB file are available for download on the developer’s website.

您可以使用自己CSS创建样式,显示行号并突出显示当前行。 该应用程序可以导出为HTML,PDF和ODT。 可以在开发人员的网站上下载tarball和Ubuntu DEB文件。

13. Moeditor (13. Moeditor)

License: GPL

执照:GPL Other platforms: Windows, Mac


Your all-purpose markdown editor.


Moeditor is an attractive Markdown editor built with Electron. It supports syntax highlighting, a live preview, custom line height and font size, and TeX math formulas.

Moeditor是使用Electron构建的有吸引力的Markdown编辑器。 它支持语法突出显示,实时预览,自定义行高和字体大小以及TeX数学公式。

Code blocks and math expressions are supported, and an Ubuntu DEB package is downloadable from the developer’s website.

支持代码块和数学表达式,可从开发人员的网站下载Ubuntu DEB软件包。

14.伤寒 (14. Typora)

License: Proprietary, free during beta

许可证:专有,测试期间免费 Other platforms: Windows, Mac


A truly minimal Markdown editor.


Typora is highly minimalistic, and even removes the Markdown syntax as you type, replacing it with a preview of the formatting. What you see is what you get. It’s clean and makes reading easier.

Typora具有极高的简约性,甚至可以在您键入时删除Markdown语法,并以格式预览代替它。 你所看到的就是你得到的。 它很干净,使阅读更轻松。

Despite its simplicity, Typora is feature-rich, and supports images, lists, tables, code fences, math blocks, table of contents and more. Shortcuts do what you expect, and the themes are beautiful and fully configurable by CSS.

尽管很简单,但Typora具有丰富的功能,并支持图像,列表,表格,代码围栏,数学块,目录等。 快捷键可以满足您的期望,并且主题很漂亮,并且可以通过CSS完全配置。

The Typora website gives the following instructions for installing on Ubuntu:


# optional, but recommended sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys BA300B7755AFCFAE # add Typora's repository sudo add-apt-repository 'deb https://typora.io ./linux/' sudo apt-get update # install typora sudo apt-get install typora

15.插入号 (15. Caret)

License: Proprietary, $25

许可证:专有,25美元 Other platforms: Windows, Mac


Beautiful & clever Markdown editor.


Caret is a beautiful and distraction-free Electron-based app, and hides its power under the hood. Syntax assistance is available for tables, lists, quotes, fences, links and emphasis, and there’s auto-completion for images, keywords and emoji. A file manager is available, and navigation through long documents is made simple with the popup “go to heading” feature.

Caret是一个美丽且无干扰的电子应用程序,将其功能隐藏在引擎盖下。 语法辅助可用于表格,列表,引号,围栏,链接和重点,并且图像,关键字和表情符号会自动完成。 可以使用文件管理器,通过弹出的“转到标题”功能可以轻松浏览长文档。

For the mathematically-minded, LaTeX expressions are supported, and they’re rendered on-screen as soon as the cursor leaves them. For distraction-free writing, dark mode, focus mode and typewriter mode are all supported.

对于具有数学思想的人,支持LaTeX表达式,并在光标离开它们后立即在屏幕上呈现它们。 对于无干扰的书写,都支持暗模式,聚焦模式和打字机模式。

Here’s how to install the trial version on a Debian-based distro:


cd /tmp wget -O Caret.deb $(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/careteditor/caret/releases/latest | grep browser_download_url | grep deb | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 4) sudo dpkg -i Caret.deb

16.标记我的话 (16. Mark My Words)

License: MIT license

许可证:MIT许可证 Other platforms: n/a


A minimal Markdown editor.


Mark My Words is a minimal Markdown editor with syntax highlighting and a preview pane, and just five buttons at the top. You can export files to PDF and HTML. It’s a very lightweight app.

Mark My Words是一个最小的Markdown编辑器,具有语法突出显示和预览窗格,顶部仅五个按钮。 您可以将文件导出为PDF和HTML。 这是一个非常轻巧的应用程序。

You’ll find instructions on GitHub for installing the PPA and AUR builds of the app, or you can install it manually with these commands:


git clone https://github.com/emersion/aur-markmywords.git cd aur-markmywords makepkg sudo pacman -U markmywords-git-VERSION.pkg.tar.xz

17.芒果 (17. Mango)

License: GPLv3

许可证:GPLv3 Other platforms: Windows, Mac


Mango is a Markdown editor designed for Linux that also supports Windows and macOS. 


Mango is a Markdown editor powered by NW.js, and features syntax highlighting and a live preview pane. It provides MathJax support for mathematical expressions, and exports to HTML and PDF. Tarballs are available for download from the developer’s website.

Mango是由NW.js支持的Markdown编辑器,具有语法突出显示和实时预览窗格的功能。 它为数学表达式提供MathJax支持,并导出为HTML和PDF。 可以从开发人员的网站上下载Tarball。

那么,什么是最适合您的Markdown编辑器? (So, What Is the Best Markdown Editor for You?)

That’s quite a lot of variety! Which Linux Markdown editor is best for you? That depends on your priorities, and what you’ll be using the app for.

种类很多! 哪种Linux Markdown编辑器最适合您? 这取决于您的优先级,以及您将使用该应用程序的目的。

Let’s narrow down the options for you:


If you already have a favorite text editor, explore what you can do to make it more Markdown friendly.

如果您已经有了喜欢的文本编辑器,请探索如何使它对Markdown更加友好。 If you prefer software with a GPLv3 license, then Ghostwriter, Uberwriter, LightMD and Mango are your options. GPL apps include Abricotone, ReText, Haroopad and Moeditor. RMS forever!

如果您更喜欢具有GPLv3许可证的软件,则可以选择Ghostwriter,Uberwriter,LightMD和Mango。 GPL应用程序包括Abricotone,ReText,Haroopad和Moeditor。 RMS永远! If you value a distraction-free writing environment, then decide between Abricotine, Caret, Ghostwriter, LightMD, Typora, Uberwriter and Uncolored.

如果您重视无干扰的写作环境,请在Abricotine,Caret,Ghostwriter,LightMD,Typora,Uberwriter和Uncolored之间进行选择。 If you’re just after a typical Markdown editor that supports basic syntax and has a preview pane, have a look at CuteMarkEd, EME, Mango, Mark My Words, MdCharm, Moeditor, Remarkable and ReText.

如果您只是想使用支持基本语法并具有预览窗格的典型Markdown编辑器,请查看CuteMarkEd,EME,Mango,Mark My Words,MdCharm,Moeditor,Remarkable和ReText。 If you require advanced formatting options, including maths and tables, then Abricotine, Typora, Caret and Haroopad do what you need.

如果您需要高级格式化选项(包括数学和表格),那么Abricotine,Typora,Caret和Haroopad可以满足您的需求。 If you don’t spend all of your time on Linux so need something that’s cross-platform, many of the apps I listed run on Windows as well. Abricotine, Uncolored, EME, Haroopad, Moeditor, Typora, Caret and Mango all run on Linux, Windows and Mac.

如果您不花所有时间在Linux上,那么您需要跨平台的东西,那么我列出的许多应用程序也都可以在Windows上运行。 Abricotine,Uncolored,EME,Haroopad,Moeditor,Typora,Caret和Mango均可在Linux,Windows和Mac上运行。

Your perfect app would be the one that matches all of your requirements and is available on your distro. Have some fun and try a few.

完美的应用程序将满足您的所有需求,并且可以在您的发行版上使用。 玩得开心,尝试一些。

Which would I choose? I’d lean towards an attractive, minimal app with a good range of features, and a license that feels like it belongs on Linux. I’d start by trying Abricotine and Uberwriter.

我会选择哪一个? 我倾向于使用一个有吸引力的,最小的应用程序,该应用程序具有很多功能,并提供一个好像属于Linux的许可证。 我将从尝试Ab​​ricotine和Uberwriter开始。

What about you? What’s your favorite Markdown editor?

你呢? 您最喜欢的Markdown编辑器是什么?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-best-markdown-editor-for-linux/
