
tech2022-09-05  102

This article explains how to install and work with Geth and Mist, which allow you to mine or develop Ethereum software, and to control your own node and your own wallet’s key, thereby signing your own transactions instead of relying on third-party software.


In order to communicate with the Ethereum blockchain, we must use a blockchain client. The client is responsible for broadcasting transactions, mining, signing messages and communicating with smart contracts.

为了与以太坊区块链通信,我们必须使用区块链客户端 。 客户负责广播交易,挖掘,签署消息以及与智能合约进行通信。

Currently, the most popular clients for Ethereum are Geth and Parity. They both come as command line tools with terminal consoles for blockchain operations.

当前,以太坊最受欢迎的客户是Geth和Parity。 它们都作为命令行工具与终端控制台一起用于区块链操作。

Since most people aren’t comfortable using command line tools, client extensions like Mist were created. They “wrap” the functionality of the client in a user-friendly interface — enabling people not proficient in command line usage to participate in the network.

由于大多数人不习惯使用命令行工具,因此创建了Mist之类的客户端扩展 。 它们在用户友好的界面中“包装”了客户端的功能—使不精通命令行用法的人员可以参与网络。

什么是薄雾? (What is Mist?)

Mist is a program which connects to Geth in the background, and also serves as an interface for the wallet.


When Geth is running, it synchronizes with the public blockchain by downloading all its data. Mist is just a human-friendly interface for talking to Geth. In other words, Geth is both your node and your wallet, but instead of talking to it through obscure commands (such as web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase)) to get an account’s balance), Mist will provide that same information in the UI without you even having to ask for it.

当Geth运行时,它通过下载所有数据与公共区块链同步。 Mist只是一个与Geth对话的人性化界面。 换句话说,Geth既是您的节点又是您的钱包,但是Mist会提供相同的信息,而不是通过晦涩的命令(例如web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase) ) web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase)使用者介面中的资讯,您甚至不需要提出要求。

You can download Mist from this link. Download the version called Mist-installer, not the Ethereum-Wallet one.

您可以从此链接下载Mist。 下载名为Mist-installer的版本,而不是Ethereum-Wallet版本。

The difference between Mist-installer and Ethereum-wallet is that Mist is, by itself, a web and Ethereum browser as well as a wallet interface. Ethereum-wallet has the browser functionality removed for safety, and only a single dapp installed — the wallet interface. Hence, they are the same, but the latter is limited in functionality.

Mist安装程序和以太坊钱包之间的区别在于,Mist本身就是Web和以太坊浏览器以及钱包界面。 为了安全起见,以太坊钱包已删除了浏览器功能,仅安装了一个dapp —钱包界面。 因此,它们是相同的,但是后者在功能上受到限制。

The file you pick will depend on your operating system. macOS users will pick the .dmg file, Windows users will go for the .exe file, while Linux users will most often go with the .deb file.

您选择的文件将取决于您的操作系统。 macOS用户将选择.dmg文件,Windows用户将选择.exe文件,而Linux用户通常会选择.deb文件。

After having downloaded it, run the installation process then run the app. If you’re not sure where it got installed, just enter its name into your operating system’s search bar:

下载后,运行安装过程,然后运行应用程序。 如果不确定它的安装位置,只需在操作系统的搜索栏中输入其名称即可:

雾气:第一次 (Mist: First Run)

After running for the first time, Mist checks whether or not it has the latest Geth installed on the same machine and then checks for contact with the Ethereum network.


Then, Mist looks for peers — nodes it can connect to so it can download blockchain data from them.


Having found them, Mist begins to download the extraordinary amount of required data.


This can take days, depending on the speed of the computer and internet connection. It doesn’t have to finish all at once: you can shut it down and come by later or leave it overnight. You can also launch the app outright and wait for sync in the background while actually using the app.

这可能需要几天的时间,具体取决于计算机和Internet连接的速度。 它并不需要一次完成所有操作:您可以将其关闭并稍后再使用,也可以将其放置一整夜。 您也可以直接启动该应用,并在实际使用该应用时在后台等待同步。

After syncing is finished, Mist will ask which network to use: Main or Test. Pick any of them. Unless you made an address beforehand in Geth via the personal.newAccount command (you probably didn’t and that’s fine), it’ll also ask you for a password. That password additionally secures your wallet, but don’t forget it: it cannot be changed and it cannot be restored. Choose wisely. The JSON file that gets generated by this process is then encrypted with this password, and can be imported into various wallet tools like MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, etc. To get to the JSON file(s) (for backup purposes) go to File -> Backup -> Accounts and Mist will open the folder containing the JSON files of generated addresses.

同步完成后,Mist将询问要使用哪个网络:Main或Test。 选择其中任何一个。 除非您事先通过personal.newAccount命令在Geth中创建了一个地址(您可能没有,这很好),否则它还会要求您输入密码。 该密码还可以保护您的钱包,但请不要忘记:它无法更改,也无法恢复。 做出明智的选择。 然后,使用此密码对由此过程生成的JSON文件进行加密,并将其导入各种钱包工具(如MetaMask,MyEtherWallet等)中。要获取JSON文件(出于备份目的),请转到File -> Backup -> Accounts and Mist将打开包含生成地址的JSON文件的文件夹。

雾:地址 (Mist: Addresses)

After these initial steps have been completed, the main screen of the Mist app will appear. It’ll only have the main address you just generated shown on the screen. That address is called a coinbase address, and that’s the address that gets credited with Ether when it’s mined if you’ll be mining it on this machine.

完成这些初始步骤后,将出现Mist应用程序的主屏幕。 屏幕上只会显示刚刚生成的主要地址。 该地址称为币库地址,如果您要在此机器上进行挖掘,则该地址将在开采时记入Ether。

To be able to safely play with Ether and Mist’s functionality, we need to switch to the test network if you’re not already connected to it. In the Develop menu, go to Network -> Ropsten.

为了能够安全地使用Ether和Mist的功能,如果您尚未连接到测试网络,则需要切换到该测试网络。 在“开发”菜单中,转到“ 网络”->“ Ropsten” 。

For an explanation of testnets, please read this post. The gist of it is that there exist various public test networks for testing Ethereum software, but the Ether on those networks is worthless, so there’s no danger in doing reckless things and developing carelessly. Ropsten is one such network.

有关测试网的说明,请阅读这篇文章 。 要点是,存在各种用于测试以太坊软件的公共测试网络,但是这些网络上的以太币毫无价值,因此不做任何鲁ck的事情和不小心开发的危险。 Ropsten就是这样一种网络。

Feel free to use the Add Account feature to add more addresses. One Geth/Mist can sustain an infinite number of addresses. The picture below shows three generated addresses.

随时使用“ 添加帐户”功能添加更多地址。 一个Geth / Mist可以维持无限数量的地址。 下图显示了三个生成的地址。

If we click any of them, we’ll see some details.


The part next to the icon above the balance — the one starting with 0x90 — is the address to which we can send Ether. But how do we get some? If you’re connected to the Ropsten network, you can use their faucet site: faucet.ropsten.be:3001/

天平上方图标旁边的部分(以0x90开头的部分)是我们可以向其发送以太币的地址。 但是我们如何得到一些呢? 如果已连接到Ropsten网络,则可以使用其水龙头站点: faucet.ropsten.be : 3001/

Enter this address into the first field on that site and request some Ether.


If your node is synced up, the new balance should show up immediately. If it doesn’t, turn the app off and on again; it sometimes needs a reset to re-sync properly.

如果您的节点已同步,则新余额应立即显示。 如果不是,请关闭应用程序然后再打开; 有时需要重设才能正确重新同步。

收发以太 (Sending and Receiving Ether)

Sending is extremely simple. Open the Send interface in Mist, put the receiving address into “To” and select the sender under “From” (use the address you sent Ether to from the faucet).

发送非常简单。 在Mist中打开发送接口,将接收地址放入“收件人”,然后在“发件人”下选择发件人(使用从水龙头发送到的地址)。

You can pick the sending speed at the bottom of the screen. Cheaper is slower. Press send to send Ether, and input the password you previously decided on when asked for it.

您可以在屏幕底部选择发送速度。 便宜点比较慢。 按发送以发送以太币,并在询问时输入您先前确定的密码。

In this example, we’re sending 5 Eth from one address with 225 Eth to another with 0 Eth. The Ether should arrive almost instantly.

在此示例中,我们从一个具有225 Eth的地址向另一个具有0 Eth的地址发送5 Eth。 以太几乎应该立即到达。

合约 (Contracts)

Mist enables easy and user-friendly deployment of smart contracts to the Ethereum blockchain. This is enabled by two components of the Mist suite:

Mist支持将智能合约轻松便捷地部署到以太坊区块链。 Mist套件的两个组件启用了此功能:

1. Remix IDE (1. The Remix IDE)

Remix is a web-based development environment for deploying smart contracts. Remix has syntax highlighting, snippets, contract compilation and deployment script generation and a lot of other interesting features.

Remix是用于部署智能合约的基于Web的开发环境。 Remix具有语法突出显示,摘要,合同编译和部署脚本生成以及许多其他有趣的功能。

You can access remix by clicking Develop on the toolbar and then clicking “Open Remix IDE”. You should get a window similar to this:

您可以通过单击工具栏上的“ 开发 ”,然后单击“打开Remix IDE”来访问混音。 您应该得到一个类似于以下的窗口:

2.合同部署 (2. Contract deployments)

In Remix, you can write, compile and test your smart contracts. After you’re done, you can go back to Mist and open the Contracts tab from the Wallet page. You should get a screen like this

在Remix中,您可以编写,编译和测试智能合约。 完成后,您可以返回到Mist并从“ 钱包”页面打开“ 合同”选项卡。 你应该得到一个这样的屏幕

When you click on Deploy new contract, a set of inputs will open. There you can paste your contract source code or bytecode and deploy it to the Ethereum network. After you’re done, you can interact with your contracts.

单击“ 部署新合同”时 ,将打开一组输入。 在这里您可以粘贴您的合约源代码或字节码,然后将其部署到以太坊网络。 完成后,您可以与合同进行交互。

结论 (Conclusion)

Geth and Mist are essential tools for every ambitious Ethereum network participant. If you’d like to try mining or developing Ethereum software (ICOs, tokens, dapps), or if you just want to control your own node and thus your own wallet’s key, thereby signing your own transactions instead of relying on third-party software, installing and getting to know Geth and Mist is definitely worth the trouble.

对于所有雄心勃勃的以太坊网络参与者来说,Geth和Mist是必不可少的工具。 如果您想尝试挖掘或开发以太坊软件(ICO,令牌,dapps),或者您只是想控制自己的节点并因此控制自己的钱包密钥,从而签署自己的交易,而不依赖第三方软件,安装并了解Geth和Mist绝对是值得的麻烦。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/mist-introduction/
