
tech2022-09-05  108


This article was originally published on Blockchain Review. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文最初发表在《 区块链评论》上 。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

What’s the difference between a private, public, and consortium blockchain? Understanding this is important.

私有,公共和财团的区块链之间有什么区别? 了解这一点很重要。

As financial institutions begin to explore the possibilities of blockchain technology, they are coming up with systems that complement their existing business models. A private or a consortium blockchain platform, as opposed to the public platform that Bitcoin uses, will allow them to retain control and privacy while still cutting down their costs and transaction speeds.

随着金融机构开始探索区块链技术的可能性,他们正在提出补充其现有业务模型的系统。 与比特币使用的公共平台相反,私有或财团的区块链平台将允许他们保留控制权和隐私权,同时仍可降低成本和交易速度。

In fact, this private system will have lower costs and faster speeds than a public blockchain platform can offer.


Blockchain purists aren't impressed. A private platform effectively kills their favorite part of this nascent technology: decentralization.

区块链的纯粹主义者没有留下深刻的印象。 私有平台实际上杀死了他们最喜欢的新兴技术:去中心化。

They see the advent of private blockchain systems as little more than a sneaky attempt by big banks to retain their control of financial markets.


In a way, they're correct.


Though the evil plot narrative is a bit much. If big banks can utilize a form of blockchain technology that revolutionizes finance, and if they are willing and able to pass these benefits onto their customers, then it is hardly an evil plot.

虽然邪恶的情节叙述有点多。 如果大型银行可以利用革命性的金融形式的区块链技术,并且愿意并能够将这些利益传递给客户,那么这绝不是邪恶的阴谋。

It is just good business.


Vitalik Buterin said it best:

Vitalik Buterin说得最好:

The idea that there is “one true way” to be blockchaining is completely wrong headed, and both categories have their own advantages and disadvantages. [1]

存在“一种真正的方式”进行区块链的想法是完全错误的,而且这两种类别都有其自身的优缺点。 [ 1 ]

Let’s take a deeper look at what these might be.


公共区块链 (Public Blockchain)

A blockchain was designed to securely cut out the middleman in any exchange of asset scenario. It does this by setting up a block of peer-to-peer transactions. Each transaction is verified and synced with every node affiliated with the blockchain before it is written to the system.

区块链旨在在任何资产交换场景中安全地切断中间人。 它通过设置一个对等事务块来做到这一点。 在将每笔交易写入系统之前,均会对其进行验证并与与区块链关联的每个节点进行同步。

Until this has occurred, the next transaction cannot move forward. Anyone with a computer and internet connection can set up as a node that is then synced with the entire blockchain history.

在这种情况发生之前,下一个事务无法继续进行。 拥有计算机和互联网连接的任何人都可以设置为节点,然后与整个区块链历史同步。

While this redundancy makes public blockchain extremely secure, it also makes it slow and wasteful.


The electricity needed to run each transaction is astronomical and increases with every additional node. The benefit is every transaction is public and users can maintain anonymity.

运行每笔交易所需的电力是天文数字,并且随着每个其他节点的增加而增加。 好处是每笔交易都是公开的,用户可以保持匿名。

A public blockchain is most appropriate when a network needs to be decentralized.


It is also great if full transparency of the ledger or individual anonymity are desired benefits. Costs are higher and speeds are slower than on a private chain, but still faster and less expensive than the accounting systems and methods used today.

如果分类帐的完全透明性或个人匿名性是期望的好处,那也很好。 与私有链相比,成本更高,速度更慢,但仍比当今使用的会计系统和方法更快,成本更低。

This is a good trade-off for a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.


Security is key to their users, a decentralized network is at the heart of the project and their competitors in the finance industry are still significantly more expensive and slower than a public blockchain network despite its slowness when compared to a private blockchain.


私人区块链 (Private Blockchain)

Private blockchain lets the middleman back in, to a certain extent. I believe the saying goes: better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t know.

私有区块链可以使中间人在一定程度上返回。 我相信俗话说: 魔鬼胜过你不认识的魔鬼。

The company writes and verifies each transaction. This allows for much greater efficiency and transactions on a private blockchain will be completed significantly faster. Though it does not offer the same decentralized security as its public counterpart, trusting a business to run a blockchain is no more dangerous than trusting it to run a company without blockchain.

该公司会撰写并验证每笔交易。 这可以提高效率,并且私有区块链上的交易将明显更快地完成。 尽管它没有提供与公共部门相同的分散式安全性,但是信任企业来运行区块链并不比信任它来经营没有区块链的公司更危险。

The company can also choose who has read access to their blockchain's transactions, allowing for greater privacy than a public blockchain.


A private blockchain is appropriate to more traditional business and governance models, but that isn't a bad thing. Just because it is unlikely to revolutionize our world, doesn't mean it can't play a role in making the world better.

私有区块链适合于更传​​统的业务和治理模型,但这并不是一件坏事。 仅仅因为它不可能彻底改变我们的世界,并不意味着它不能在改善世界方面发挥作用。

Competition is key to developing the most useful products. Traditional financial institutions have long held a monopoly — technically, an oligopoly — over the industry.

竞争是开发最有用的产品的关键。 长期以来,传统金融机构一直垄断整个行业,从技术上讲是寡头垄断。

Their outdated products and services are a direct result of this power.


Using a privately run version of blockchain technology can bring these organization into the 21st century.


A number of our governance institutions are old and outdated as well.


Like finance, our government is not subject to competition. Adoption and integration will likely be slower in this sector, but if and when blockchain technologies are adopted they will cut billions of dollars of behind the scenes spending.

像金融一样,我们的政府也不受竞争的影响。 在这个领域,采用和集成的速度可能会变慢,但是如果以及当采用区块链技术时,它们将节省数十亿美元的幕后支出。

Imagine a truly secure online voting system. No more poll workers, voting booths, paper ballots, paid counters or organizers with cushy salaries. What's more, the barriers to voting will be greatly reduced and we will likely see an increase in turnout.

想象一个真正安全的在线投票系统。 没有更多的民意调查人员,投票站,纸票,有偿柜台或组织者,他们的薪水低廉。 此外,投票壁垒将大大减少,投票率可能会增加。

This could be accomplished with a public design, but most governments are unlikely to decentralize control and security, so a vetted private system greatly increases the chance of adoption.


财团区块链 (Consortium Blockchain)

Consortium blockchain is partly private. There has been some confusion about how this differs from a fully private system. Vitalik Buterin provides a pretty straightforward definition:

财团区块链部分是私有的。 人们对这与完全私有的系统有何不同感到困惑。 Vitalik Buterin提供了一个非常简单的定义:

So far there has been little emphasis on the distinction between consortium blockchains and fully private blockchains, although it is important: the former provides a hybrid between the “low-trust” provided by public blockchains and the “single highly-trusted entity” model of private blockchains, whereas the latter can be more accurately described as a traditional centralized system with a degree of cryptographic auditability attached. [2]

到目前为止,几乎没有强调财团区块链和完全私有区块链之间的区别,尽管这一点很重要:前者提供了公共区块链提供的“低信任度”与金融机构的“单一高度信任实体”模型之间的混合体。私有区块链,而后者可以更准确地描述为具有一定程度的密码可审计性的传统集中式系统。 [ 2 ]

Instead of allowing any person with an internet connection to participate in the verification of transactions process or allowing only one company to have full control, a few selected nodes are predetermined.


A consortium platform provides many of the same benefits affiliated with private blockchain — efficiency and transaction privacy, for example — without consolidating power with only one company.


You can think of it as trusting a council of elders. The council members are generally known entities and they can decide who has read access to the blockchain ledger.

您可以将其视为信任长老会。 理事会成员是众所周知的实体,他们可以决定谁拥有对区块链分类账的读取权限。

Consortium blockchain platforms have many of the same advantages of a private blockchain, but operate under the leadership of a group instead of a single entity.


This platform would be great for organizational collaboration.


Imagine central banks coordinating their activities based on international rules of finance. Or the United Nations outsourcing their transactional ledger and voting system to blockchain, allowing each country to represent a verifying node.

想象一下中央银行根据国际金融规则来协调其活动。 或由联合国将其交易分类帐和投票系统外包给区块链,从而允许每个国家代表一个验证节点。

The possibilities are endless.


区块链用例不断发展 (Blockchain Use Cases Moving Forward)

Outside of finance and governance, we are only just beginning to explore the uses of private and consortium blockchain technologies. If blockchain's main use is to cut out the middle man and allow for peer-to-peer transactions, it is invariably going to be disliked by those middlemen.

在财务和治理之外,我们才刚刚开始探索私有和财团区块链技术的用途。 如果区块链的主要用途是削减中间人并允许点对点交易,那么这些中间人将总是不受欢迎。

This is where we are now.


Companies scrambling to make their business models safe from this disruptive technology.


But this isn't the most exciting use of blockchains.


Ideas that do unprecedented things with this technology, instead of just applying it to existing models, will be where this technology shines.


If I could list exactly how and where these breakthroughs will take place, I would be out making them a reality myself. Rest assured, they do exist.

如果我能确切列出这些突破的方式和发生地点,我自己就会使它们成为现实。 放心,它们确实存在。

Let's not forget that the pieces of technology that built Bitcoin were around long before the cryptocurrency was designed.


It took a little imagination and a lot of hard work to turn existing technology into a viable product.


As access to technological tools increase, I'm excited to see where the next wave of innovation takes us.


Let's hope we can all keep up.


If you want to learn more about the blockchain in a simple and easy to understand way check out our other posts in the series:


How Does the Blockchain Work? Part 1

区块链如何运作? 第1部分

How does the Blockchain Work? Part 2 – the top 5 things you need to know.

区块链如何运作? 第2部分 – 您需要了解的5件事 。

How does the Blockchain Work? Part 3 – what is consensus and why does it matter?

区块链如何运作? 第三部分 – 什么是共识,为什么重要?

I’m always interested in meeting blockchain founders, academic researchers, and technologists who are working on challenging projects, so please feel free to contact me on LinkedIn, or by email at collin@intrepid.ventures.


Looking for a new cryptocurrency? Check out the introduction to Metabase.

寻找新的加密货币? 查看Metabase的介绍。

Want to launch your own ICO? Apply now at Token Deck.

想启动自己的ICO吗? 现在在Token Deck申请。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-does-the-blockchain-work-pt-4/

