
tech2022-09-05  118


In a previous post, we used the Vimeo API to build a rudimentary video application with Silex and Twig. We added login and user feed functionality and wrapped it all up with a video searching feature. In this one, we’ll add in liking a video, adding a video to a watchlist for later, and uploading videos via the Vimeo API.

在上一篇文章中,我们使用Vimeo API与Silex和Twig一起构建了基本的视频应用程序。 我们添加了登录和用户供稿功能,并通过视频搜索功能将其打包。 在这一部分中,我们将添加喜欢的视频,将视频添加到监视列表中以供以后使用,并通过Vimeo API上传视频。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

To get up to speed, please skim through the code presented in the previous part and get it to run in your development environment (preferably Homestead Improved). Alternatively, just download the final code of the previous post here. Once you’re ready, continue with the content below.

为了加快速度,请略读上一部分中提供的代码,并使其在您的开发环境中运行(最好是Homestead Improvementd )。 或者,只需在此处下载上一篇文章的最终代码。 准备就绪后,请继续以下内容。

与视频互动 (Interacting with Videos)

In this section, you’re going to add the capability to like and add videos to be watched later. But before that, you first need to update the scopes for the Vimeo login (in the previous post, we only asked for public and private scope permissions). Add interact as one of the items, and once that’s done, access the login page in the browser and try logging in again.

在本节中,您将添加喜欢的功能,并添加以后观看的视频。 但在此之前,您首先需要更新Vimeo登录的范围(在上一篇文章中,我们仅要求提供public和private范围权限)。 将interact添加为其中一项,完成后,在浏览器中访问登录页面,然后尝试再次登录。

$scopes = array('public', 'private', 'interact'); $state = substr(str_shuffle(md5(time())), 0, 10); $_SESSION['state'] = $state; $url = $vimeo->buildAuthorizationEndpoint(REDIRECT_URI, $scopes, $state); $page_data = array( 'url' => $url );

It should now show an additional item under permissions. Check that to allow video interactions.

现在,它应该在权限下显示一个附加项目。 选中以允许视频互动。

Open the videos.php file in the templates directory and add the buttons that the user will use for interacting with the video. Each button has the data-uri attribute which stores the uri of the video. You extract this value later on with JavaScript and pass it to the server. You can add this right below the video description.

打开templates目录中的videos.php文件,并添加用户将用于与视频进行交互的按钮。 每个按钮都有data-uri属性,该属性存储视频的uri 。 您稍后可以使用JavaScript提取此值,并将其传递到服务器。 您可以在视频说明下方添加此内容。

<div> <button class="like" data-uri="{{ row.uri }}">like</button> <button class="watch-later" data-uri="{{ row.uri }}">watch later</button> </div>

At the bottom of the page, add jQuery and the script where you will add the code for making an AJAX request to the server.


<script src=""></script> <script src="assets/js/videos.js"></script>

Create the videos.js file in the assets/js directory and add the following code.


$('.like').click(function(){ var self = $(this); var uri ='uri'); $.post( '/tester/vimeo-slim/video/like', { 'uri': uri }, function(response){ if(response.status == '204'){ self.prop('disabled', true); } } ); }); $('.watch-later').click(function(){ var self = $(this); var uri ='uri'); $.post( '/tester/vimeo-slim/video/watchlater', { 'uri': uri }, function(response){ if(response.status == '204'){ self.prop('disabled', true); } } ); });

What this does is extract the value of the data-uri attribute and then makes an AJAX request to the server with the value. If the response is 204, this means that the server has fulfilled the request but there’s no response body. You can disable the button as a form of feedback to the user that the operation has been fulfilled.

这样做是提取data-uri属性的值,然后使用该值向服务器发出AJAX请求。 如果响应为204,则表示服务器已满足请求,但没有响应正文。 您可以禁用该按钮,作为对用户已完成操作的一种反馈形式。

In the index.php file, add the routes that would handle the AJAX requests. Each of these routes are similar, only the API endpoint is different. First, it checks if the uri is passed along in the request and extracts the video ID by replacing the /videos string with an empty one.

在index.php文件中,添加将处理AJAX请求的路由。 这些路由均相似,仅API端点不同。 首先,它检查uri是否在请求中传递,并通过将/videos字符串替换为空字符串来提取视频ID。

Then, set the access token and make the request to the /me/likes/{video_id} endpoint. You also need to pass in an empty array for the data since the request method expects an array of parameters as its second argument. Unlike in the previous example, the PUT method is explicitly specified since the request uses POST by default and the API requires the request to be a PUT request. Lastly, set the content type of the response to json and then return the status of the response. This would return ‘204’ if the request was successful.

然后,设置访问令牌并向/me/likes/{video_id}端点发出请求。 您还需要为数据传递一个空数组,因为request方法期望将参数数组作为第二个参数。 与前面的示例不同,由于请求默认情况下使用POST ,并且API要求该请求为PUT请求,因此显式指定了PUT方法。 最后,将响应的内容类型设置为json ,然后返回响应的状态。 如果请求成功,它将返回“ 204”。

$app->post('/video/like', function () use ($app, $vimeo) { if($app->request->post('uri')){ $video_id = str_replace('/videos/', '', $app->request->post('uri')); $vimeo->setToken($_SESSION['user.access_token']); $response = $vimeo->request('/me/likes/' . $video_id, array(), 'PUT'); $app->contentType('application/json'); echo '{"status": ' . json_encode($response['status']) . '}'; } });

The route for marking the video to be watched later is similar, only this time you have to use /me/watchlater/{video_id} as the endpoint.


$app->post('/video/watchlater', function () use ($app, $vimeo) { if($app->request->post('uri')){ $video_id = str_replace('/videos/', '', $app->request->post('uri')); $vimeo->setToken($_SESSION['user.access_token']); $response = $vimeo->request('/me/watchlater/' . $video_id, array(), 'PUT'); $app->contentType('application/json'); echo '{"status": ' . json_encode($response['status']) . '}'; } });

上载影片 (Uploading Videos)

Uploading videos can also be done through the API, though you have to make a request to Vimeo for this functionality to be unlocked. If you’re planning to deploy an app which allows users to upload videos, you can request upload access from your app page.

上传视频也可以通过API完成,尽管您必须请求Vimeo才能解锁此功能。 如果您打算部署一个允许用户上传视频的应用程序,则可以从您的应用程序页面请求上传权限。

It could take up to 5 business days to receive the decision on your request. Vimeo provides a way for generating access tokens with specific scopes on it, and one of those is the upload scope. Unfortunately, even if an access token with the upload scope is generated, the upload wouldn’t work if the upload functionality hasn’t been approved by Vimeo.

您最多可能需要5个工作日才能收到您的决定。 Vimeo提供了一种生成具有特定作用域的访问令牌的方法,其中之一就是上传作用域。 不幸的是,即使生成了具有上载范围的访问令牌,如果上载功能未得到Vimeo的批准,上载也不起作用。

Here’s the code for rendering the upload view.


$app->get('/upload', function () use ($app, $vimeo) { $page_data = array(); $app->render('upload.php', $page_data); });

And here’s the upload view (templates/upload.php). What it’s doing is checking if there are any errors in the flash session. If so, they’re shown to the user. Below that, create a form that allows the user to upload a video.

这是上传视图( templates/upload.php )。 它正在做的是检查Flash会话中是否有任何错误。 如果是这样,它们会显示给用户。 在其下,创建一个允许用户上传视频的表单。

{% if flash.errors %} <div> error uploading file: {{ flash.errors[0] }} </div> {% endif %} <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="video" value=""/> <button type="submit">upload</button> </form>

Before moving on, install the Upload library for handling the video uploads.

在继续之前,请安装用于处理视频上载的上载库 。

composer require codeguy/upload

For the route that’s responsible for handling the uploads, set the access token.


$app->post('/upload', function () use ($app, $vimeo) { $vimeo->setToken($_SESSION['user.token']); });

Next, set the upload directory. Be sure to create the directory and change the file permissions if necessary so that the upload can work correctly. Also set the input field which holds the file selected by the user.

接下来,设置上传目录。 确保创建目录并在必要时更改文件许可权,以便上载可以正常工作。 还要设置用于保存用户选择的文件的输入字段。

$storage = new \Upload\Storage\FileSystem('uploads'); $file = new \Upload\File('video', $storage);

Rename the file so you won’t have issues referring to it in the code.


$new_filename = uniqid(); $file->setName($new_filename);

Add the validation rules so that only mp4 files with a size not greater than 25Mb can be uploaded. You then wrap the code for uploading the file inside a try catch block. If an error occurs, flash the error into session. This is the value that’s being accessed earlier in the upload.php view.

添加验证规则,以便只能上传大小不超过25Mb的mp4文件。 然后,您将用于上传文件的代码包装在try catch块中。 如果发生错误,请将错误刷新到会话中。 这是先前在upload.php视图中访问的值。

$file->addValidations(array( new \Upload\Validation\Mimetype('video/mp4'), new \Upload\Validation\Size('25M') )); try { $file->upload(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $errors = $file->getErrors(); $app->flash('errors', $errors); }

Finally, construct the path to the uploaded file and try to upload it to Vimeo. You do that by calling the upload method on the Vimeo library. This accepts the path to the file as its argument. If an error occurs while uploading the file, flash it to the session.

最后,构建上传文件的路径,然后尝试将其上传到Vimeo。 您可以通过调用Vimeo库上的upload方法来做到这一点。 这接受文件的路径作为其参数。 如果上传文件时发生错误,请将其刷新到会话中。

$new_filepath = 'uploads/' . $new_filename . '.' . $file->getExtension(); try { $vimeo->upload($new_filepath); } catch (\Exception $e) { $app->flash('errors', array('error uploading to Vimeo')); } $app->redirect('upload');

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, you’ve learned how to use the Vimeo API to perform different operations on a user’s Vimeo account. You’ve learned how give different permission to the app, interact with the videos, and then finally upload videos. All the code used in this article is available in this Github repo.

在本文中,您学习了如何使用Vimeo API对用户的Vimeo帐户执行不同的操作。 您已经了解了如何为应用赋予不同的权限,如何与视频进行交互,然后最终上传视频。 Github存储库中提供了本文中使用的所有代码。

Questions? Comments? Leave them below!

有什么问题吗 注释? 把它们留在下面!



相关资源:vimeo.php, Vimeo API的官方PHP库.zip