kaggle dr检测优胜

tech2022-09-05  95

kaggle dr检测优胜

This article was created in partnership with Alibaba Cloud. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与阿里云合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Judging the submissions wasn’t easy, due to a number of interesting entries. The criteria for judging submissions was outlined when the competition was announced. Among the things we considered were tech expertise, potential to be helpful to readers, and how well-written and easy to follow the entry was.

由于存在许多有趣的条目,因此判断提交的内容并不容易。 宣布比赛时,概述了评判参赛作品的标准。 我们考虑的内容包括技术专长,对读者有帮助的潜力以及文章的撰写和易于阅读。

So with all that in mind, our first prize goes to @magyarandrasistvan – Deploy a Laravel application to Alibaba Cloud Container Service using Docker.

因此,考虑到所有这些,我们的头奖是@magyarandrasistvan – 使用Docker将Laravel应用程序部署到阿里云容器服务 。

It is a comprehensive guide that demonstrates usage of several relevant technologies — Docker, Laravel, Apache, Redis, Git, and connects Alibaba Cloud Container Service, Container Registry, Alibaba’s Virtual Private Cloud,and Resource Access Management.

它是一本综合性指南,演示了几种相关技术的用法-Docker,Laravel,Apache,Redis,Git,并连接了阿里云容器服务 , 容器注册表 ,阿里巴巴的虚拟私有云和资源访问管理 。

The guide demonstrates the creation & use of clusters of ECS instances. Then it covers setting up ApsaraDB for Redis as a session database, and ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. There are many workflow gems to pick up from the tutorial even for those who use things other than Laravel.

该指南演示了ECS实例集群的创建和使用。 然后介绍如何将ApsaraDB for Redis设置为会话数据库,以及将ApsaraDB RDS设置为MySQL 。 即使对于那些使用Laravel以外的东西的人,也可以从本教程中学到很多工作流的精髓。

Overall a very solid and straightforward tutorial to follow. The author covers all the necessary steps in-depth, while keeping to the appropriate word length.

总体而言,要遵循的教程非常扎实而直接。 作者深入介绍了所有必要步骤,同时保持适当的字长。

The first prize is well-deserved — the guide is relevant, thorough and complete.


The second prize goes to @foolishneo and his article Building a Serverless REST API with Function Compute and MongoDB. The article is a part of a series on serverless app architecture on Alibaba Cloud, and it covers several Alibaba products.

二等奖来自@foolishneo,他的文章使用Function Compute和MongoDB构建无服务器REST API 。 本文是阿里云上无服务器应用程序体系结构系列文章的一部分,其中涵盖了几种阿里巴巴产品。

While it is not as technically in-depth as @magyarandrasistvan’s tutorial, it does leverage Object Storage Service, Function Compute, and other Alibaba products to outline a workflow where we don’t need to worry about the server stack details, and can focus on our business logic. Serverless apps are a hot topic among cloud providers, and this topic deserves more coverage. @foolishneo has written quite a good introduction to Alibaba products for serverless app architecture — and deserves credit, so much that we wish there were more awards to give.

尽管它在技术上不如@magyarandrasistvan的教程深入,但它确实利用了对象存储服务 , 函数计算和其他阿里巴巴产品来概述工作流程,而我们无需担心服务器堆栈的细节,可以专注于我们的业务逻辑。 无服务器应用程序是云提供商中的热门话题,这个话题值得更多关注。 @foolishneo已经为无服务器应用程序架构撰写了相当不错的关于阿里巴巴产品的介绍,并且值得赞扬,以至于我们希望给予更多的奖励。

And finally, third prize goes to @david369 and his guide Statically compiled Go on Alibaba Cloud Container Service.

最后,三等奖获得者@ david369和他的指南静态编译的Go on Alibaba Cloud Container Service 。

The guide is a succinct tutorial on statically compiling a Go program, and using Docker to containerize and distribute it. This isn’t a long guide and provides more of a conceptual overview of using containers, but it is a good starting point for advanced deployment workflows. Serious Go deployment scenarios can build on this guide.

该指南是一个简短的教程,它静态地编译Go程序,并使用Docker对其进行容器化和分发。 这不是一本长篇指南,而是提供了更多有关使用容器的概念性概述,但是它是高级部署工作流的一个很好的起点。 认真的Go部署方案可以基于本指南。

There were other notable guides that deserve recognition (at the very least) – Create Your Own WordPress Site on AlibabaCloud by @maljuboori91, Create Your Own Forum with Alibaba ECS by @_alan, Setting up a Docker-based Gitlab Runner on Alibaba Cloud ECS by @idoko, Configure a MySQL master-slave replication on Alibaba ECS instances guide by @foolishneo, Install LEMP on Alibaba Cloud ECS by @igorrinkovec and others.

还有其他值得注意的指南(至少)–由@ maljuboori91 在AlibabaCloud上创建您自己的WordPress网站,由@_alan 与阿里巴巴ECS创建您自己的论坛, 在阿里云ECS上建立基于Docker的Gitlab Runner @ idoko,@ foolishneo 在阿里巴巴ECS实例上配置MySQL主从复制 ,@ igorrinkovec 等在阿里云ECS上安装LEMP 。

A special mention goes to user @domovik.vit for his useful submission, Issues I had to solve during deploying an MEAN app in Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service.

特别感谢用户@ domovik.vit的有用提交,这是我在阿里云弹性计算服务中部署MEAN应用程序时必须解决的问题 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/announcing-the-alibaba-cloud-competition-winners/

kaggle dr检测优胜
