
tech2022-09-05  111


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本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

什么是净中性 (What is Net Neutrality)

Net neutrality is now a buzzword-quality term, bandied about by many, but perhaps not paid any real attention by more than a few. The concept of net neutrality is a fairly simple one at its core. It’s the idea that the governments who create rules and regulations for Internet access within a given country, or the companies providing Internet services, will not discriminate Internet traffic.

如今,网络中立是一个流行词质量的术语,已经被很多人广泛使用,但是也许没有多少人真正关注过它。 网络中立性的概念是一个相当简单的核心。 这样的想法是,为特定国家/地区内的互联网访问制定法规的政府或提供互联网服务的公司不会歧视互联网流量。

That is, your provider will not charge you differently for access to Netflix, for example, or throttle your bandwidth to slow your speeds when accessing Hulu. They won’t discriminate in cost or speed of access between the websites or services you’re using, or in any way limit your Internet browsing experience. Some people are staunchly for net neutrality as a principle; others are against it. Those against it are often ISPs and companies that might benefit from a lack of it, and they often use false flag arguments (we could give you faster streaming, we could help protect the Internet from bad actors, etc) to sell their point.

就是说,您的提供商不会对您收取访问Netflix的费用,例如,或在访问Hulu时限制带宽以降低速度。 他们不会区分您正在使用的网站或服务之间的成本或访问速度,也不会以任何方式限制您的Internet浏览体验。 有些人坚决追求网络中立。 其他人反对。 反对它的人通常是ISP和公司,他们可能会因此而受益,他们常常使用错误的标志参数(我们可以为您提供更快的流传输,我们可以帮助保护Internet免受不良行为的侵害,等等)来出售他们的观点。

Note that this isn’t theory – prior to the 2015 rulings, Netflix was forced into paying multiple communications providers to not have throttled traffic on their networks.

请注意,这不是理论,在2015年裁决之前, Netflix被迫向多家通信提供商付款 ,以免网络流量受到限制。

The reality is that an Internet completely without Net Neutrality rules is one that only favors the large communications providers, and select other corporations. Imagine the money that could be made by extorting large companies into deals to favor their network traffic, or the fees that might have to be paid by small businesses to make it past a bandwidth limitation imposed by ISPs. The possibilities are endless for the broadband providers, and endlessly frustrating to the consumer — the everyday citizen of the Internet, who will have no say in this matter.

现实情况是,完全没有“网络中立性”规则的Internet只会偏爱大型通信提供商,并选择其他公司。 想象一下,通过勒索大型公司达成有利于其网络流量的交易而赚到的钱,或者小型企业可能需要支付的费用才能使其超过ISP施加的带宽限制。 对于宽带提供商来说,可能性是无止境的,对于消费者-互联网的日常公民-也将无休止地沮丧,他们对此事无话可说。

网络中立的历史 (The History of Net Neutrality)

Net Neutrality has been, for the most part, the status quo in the United States, with the 2015 FCC rules declaring that broadband Internet providers fall under Title II of the Communications Act. This means that ISPs are now able to be governed as common carriers, and FCC rules could stop those ISPs from throttling or favoring traffic in their lines — forcing ISPs to treat users’ broadband connections as “dumb pipes” through which data flows, rather than attempting to regulate what does and does not appear on your device, and how quickly.

在大多数情况下,网络中立一直是美国的现状,2015年FCC规则宣布宽带互联网提供商属于《通信法》第二标题。 这意味着现在可以将ISP视为普通运营商,并且FCC规则可以阻止这些ISP限制或支持其线路中的流量-迫使ISP将用户的宽带连接视为数据流经的“哑管道”,而不是尝试调节设备上显示和不显示的内容以及速度。

These moves by the FCC have been seen as excessive government regulation by some, especially by those ISPs in question, but the majority of the public on either end of the political spectrum, when the issue is explained to them, seem to favor net neutrality.


涉及网络中立性的最新事件 (Recent Events Involving Net Neutrality)

The new leadership of the FCC, however, has voted to begin the process of ending the FCC net neutrality rules and de-classifying ISPs as common carriers. This move will end the net neutrality rules that have kept the large broadband providers in check in recent years. You can read the FCC’s public stance here.

但是,FCC的新领导已投票决定开始终止FCC网络中立性规则并将ISP归为普通运营商的过程。 此举将终止近年来限制大型宽带提供商的网络中立性规则。 您可以在此处阅读FCC的公开立场 。

There is now a public comment period, where individuals and organizations alike may submit comments, questions, and essentially drum up support, but in the end, a decision will be made, and it seems dubious that the current FCC leadership will protect net neutrality.


讨论的重要性 (The Importance of the Discussion)

So what does it matter for you? Web professionals of all walks of life – developers, designers, copywriters, server administrators, marketers, and many more niches will be affected by the lack of net neutrality rules. What will happen when you build an application, and pour your (and perhaps your team’s) blood, sweat, and tears into it, draining savings, credit, hawking for funding perhaps, and you finally launch your app, only to find that some of your users or potential users cannot reach your app?

那对你有什么关系呢? 缺乏网络中立性规则将影响各行各业的Web专业人士-开发人员,设计人员,撰稿人,服务器管理员,营销人员以及更多的细分市场。 当您构建应用程序并将其(以及可能是您团队的)鲜血,汗水和眼泪注入其中,耗尽储蓄,信贷,争取资金,然后最终启动您的应用程序时,会发现会发生什么?您的用户或潜在用户无法访问您的应用程序 ?

What if your users must deal with slower speeds when using your app, and you lose some of them because of it? What if they have to pay fees to access your site? If your app competes with an app created by some subsidiary of a big communications company and, as a result, what if yours has its speeds throttled or is denied traffic? You can do very little to nothing about your users’ personal access to the Internet.

如果您的用户在使用您的应用程序时必须处理较慢的速度,并因此而损失了其中一些速度,该怎么办? 如果他们必须付费才能访问您的网站怎么办? 如果您的应用程序与一家大型通讯公司的子公司创建的应用程序竞争,结果,如果您的应用程序的速度受到限制或流量被拒绝,该怎么办? 对于用户对Internet的个人访问,您几乎无能为力。

These are troubles that you would never have to deal with, if your users had access to an open pipe, without discrimination.


你能做什么 (What Can You Do)

Comments on the issue are due to the FCC by July 17, 2017. This will be a slow process either way, but if you want your voice to be heard, you can contact members of Congress or the FCC. Here are a few options for making your voice heard:

对此问题的评论将在2017年7月17日之前提交给FCC。无论哪种方式,这都将是一个缓慢的过程,但是如果您想表达自己的声音,可以联系国会议员或FCC。 以下是一些可以让您的声音被听到的选项:

Reach out. Here’s an organization bent on helping people reach their representatives

伸手。 这是一个致力于帮助人们接触其代表的组织

Put your money where your mouth is. Ensure that, when possible, the vendors you choose to work with are pro net neutrality (like our partner, SiteGround) or at minimum, that the places you shop and services you use are not part of the opposition.

把钱放在嘴里。 确保在可能的情况下,您选择与之合作的供应商是中立的(例如我们的合作伙伴SiteGround ),或者至少确保您的购物场所和所使用的服务不构成对立。

If you are part of a larger website or app, you can take part in the July 12 2017 Day of Action, when sites around the world will spread the word about net neutrality to their users.


And don’t think that these efforts are just for Americans. Those who don’t live in the U.S. will still deal with the ripple effects of the battle there, and many countries are already grappling with the same issues, if they haven’t already lost the fight. Have any thoughts? Let us know in the comments.

而且不要以为这些努力只适合美国人。 那些不在美国居住的人仍将应对这场战役的连锁React,如果他们还没有输掉这场战斗,许多国家已经在努力解决同样的问题。 有什么想法吗? 让我们在评论中知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/why-net-neutrality-matters/


相关资源:论文研究-Web Services框架中的面向业务管理方法 .pdf