hi3520d 工具链

tech2022-09-05  97

hi3520d 工具链

This article was originally published on ProtoPie. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文最初在ProtoPie上发布 。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

As a designer, bridging the gap with stakeholders is utterly important. Properly conveying design and interaction ideas quickly and rapidly with solely static UI designs, mockups, wireframes and even simple click-through prototypes simply doesn’t work.

作为设计师,弥合与利益相关者之间的鸿沟非常重要。 仅使用静态UI设计,模型,线框甚至是简单的点击型原型,都无法快速,正确地传达设计和交互想法,这根本行不通。

This is what Tony Kim thought. During his time at Google as an Interaction Designer, he wanted to build highly interactive prototypes easily and quickly in order for him to be able to share his ideas clearly and ultimately bridge the gap between him and his stakeholders.

这就是托尼·金的想法。 在Google担任交互设计师期间,他希望轻松快速地构建高度交互的原型,以便他能够清晰地分享自己的想法,并最终弥合他与利益相关者之间的鸿沟。

The tools at his disposal didn’t allow him to do this easily and quickly. Easy tools didn’t provide the high-fidelity Kim was looking for while other tools for more advanced prototyping usually had a steep learning curve and/or required coding, leading to a lengthy prototyping process.

他无法使用的工具使他无法轻松,快速地执行此操作。 简易工具无法提供Kim一直在寻找的高保真度,而其他用于更高级原型制作的工具通常具有陡峭的学习曲线和/或所需的编码,从而导致冗长的原型制作过程。

This is how brainchild ProtoPie was born.


This article will give you a brief overview on what ProtoPie is, its philosophy, and why you should adopt ProtoPie as your primary prototyping tool to improve your workflow.


什么是ProtoPie? (What is ProtoPie?)

ProtoPie is a powerful hi-fi prototyping tool on Mac and Windows for mobile apps that empowers designers to build the most advanced, highly interactive prototypes easily and quickly deployable and shareable on any device while utilizing smart device sensors.


The philosophy behind ProtoPie is that high-fidelity prototyping should be done easily and quickly.


Tony Kim, founder of ProtoPie, explains: “I believe in hi-fi prototyping. The prototypes that any designer should make are the ones that resemble the real deal, in regards to the way the user interacts.”

ProtoPie的创始人Tony Kim解释说:“我相信高保真原型。 关于用户交互的方式,任何设计师都应该制作出与真实交易相似的原型。”

As hi-fi interactions are key in the design process, the golden formula of ProtoPie surrounding interactions is simple, straightforward and runs like a thread through ProtoPie:


interaction = object + trigger + response


This concept model serves as the foundation of ProtoPie’s user interface lowering the threshold to build high-fidelity prototypes while making the learning curve truly gradual. Due to ProtoPie’s ease of use, gradual learning curve and intuitive user interface, ProtoPie won the Red Dot Award 2017 for Interface Design.

这个概念模型是ProtoPie用户界面的基础,它降低了构建高保真原型的门槛,同时使学习曲线真正渐进。 由于ProtoPie的易用性,逐步的学习曲线和直观的用户界面,ProtoPie赢得了2017年界面设计红点奖。

ProtoPie可以做什么? (What Can ProtoPie Do?)

As you might know already by now, the core purpose of ProtoPie is to empower designers to build hi-fi prototypes easily and quickly.


Many designers out there still believe that advanced prototyping without coding is not possible. This is simply not true. By piecing some hi-fi interactions together, you may already have a working interactive prototype within minutes.

那里的许多设计师仍然认为,没有编码的高级原型是不可能的。 这是不正确的。 通过将一些高保真声音交互连接在一起,您可能会在几分钟之内就拥有一个有效的交互原型。

See here how ProtoPie shows how easy it is to create interactions according to its golden formula that you can test right away.


ProtoPie distinguishes itself from other tools out there by supporting sensors in smart devices. To make prototypes feel as if they are the real deal when deploying on any smart device, built-in sensors simply need to be taken into consideration. The sensors that are supported by ProtoPie are Tilt, Sound, Compass, 3D Touch and Proximity.

ProtoPie通过在智能设备中支持传感器来将自己与其他工具区分开。 为了使原型在任何智能设备上部署时看起来像是真正的交易,只需考虑内置传感器。 ProtoPie支持的传感器是倾斜,声音,指南针,3D触摸和接近度。

But it doesn’t stop there. You can create interactions across multiple devices using ProtoPie. This provides designers with more freedom on creating high-fidelity prototypes. Using the Send response and Receive trigger in ProtoPie, it’s possible to send and receive present messages upon establishing a link among devices.

但这并不止于此。 您可以使用ProtoPie在多个设备上创建交互。 这使设计师在创建高保真原型方面拥有更大的自由度。 使用ProtoPie中的发送响应和接收触发器,可以在设备之间建立链接后发送和接收当前消息。

Besides being able to create hi-fi prototypes easily and quickly, designers are given various options on how they can deploy and share their creations with stakeholders.


You can use both ProtoPie Player (available on iOS and Android) and ProtoPie Cloud to share prototypes easily with stakeholders.

您可以同时使用ProtoPie Player(适用于iOS和Android)和ProtoPie Cloud与利益相关者轻松共享原型。 You can run and test prototypes using ProtoPie Player, desktop browser or mobile browser.

您可以使用ProtoPie Player,桌面浏览器或移动浏览器来运行和测试原型。 You can save your prototypes locally on your device.


Thus, there are plenty of ways to deploy and share prototypes. It’s up to you how you would like to do this.

因此,有很多方法可以部署和共享原型。 这取决于您如何执行此操作。

为什么ProtoPie将改善您的设计流程? (Why ProtoPie Will Improve Your Design Workflow?)

Most designers work in agile environments and tend to work with short iterations. This means that designers need to be able to adapt to changes and deliver prototypes quickly to stakeholders, arranging from quick validation to fully-fledged usability testing. The ease and quickness of ProtoPie would help you to build quickly and iterate in a way that perfectly fits the agile methodology. Simultaneously, ProtoPie would give you the possibility to develop complex and detailed prototypes showing real and useful user interactions, putting the user at the center of all.

大多数设计人员都在敏捷环境中工作,并且往往需要短暂的迭代。 这意味着设计人员需要能够适应变化,并Swift将原型交付给利益相关者,从快速验证到全面的可用性测试。 ProtoPie的便捷性将帮助您快速构建并以完全适合敏捷方法的方式进行迭代。 同时,ProtoPie将使您能够开发复杂而详细的原型,以显示真实且有用的用户交互,从而将用户置于所有人的中心。

Moreover, ProtoPie aids you in the way you and your design team communicate with developers as advanced, highly interactive prototypes with specifications can be handed off to them. It bridges the gap between designers and developers, leading to a more efficient workflow overall.

此外,ProtoPie可以帮助您和您的设计团队与开发人员进行交流,因为可以将具有规格的高级,高度交互的原型移交给他们。 它弥合了设计师和开发人员之间的鸿沟,从而总体上提高了工作流程的效率。

By importing your designs from design tools like Sketch and Adobe XD CC seamlessly, you can start piecing interactions together right away. Also, you can make changes to your designs and re-import them hassle-free. You can go easily go back and forth between designing and prototyping, ultimately ensuring a smooth design and prototyping workflow.

通过从设计工具(例如Sketch和Adobe XD CC)无缝导入设计,您可以立即开始将交互拼接在一起。 此外,您可以更改设计,然后轻松地重新导入它们。 您可以在设计和原型制作之间轻松地来回切换,最终确保设计和原型制作工作流程的顺利进行。

High-fidelity prototyping for real-world digital products in this day and age is no longer something extra to have. Instead, it’s a critical part of the design process that you should embrace if you value user centricity.

在当今时代,用于现实世界数字产品的高保真原型不再是多余的。 相反,它是设计过程中至关重要的部分,如果您重视以用户为中心,则应将其包含在内。

Designers at renowned companies such as Google, Yahoo! and Starbucks already made ProtoPie a part of their daily toolset and subsequently improved their workflows.

Google,Yahoo!等知名公司的设计师 星巴克已经将ProtoPie纳入其日常工具集,并随后改善了工作流程。

Only until the end of this month (November 30, 2017), you may get 50% OFF on a one-year license. Try ProtoPie for FREE first.

仅直到本月底(2017年11月30日),您才能获得一年期许可证的50%折扣。 首先免费试用ProtoPie 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/protopie-prototyping-tool/

hi3520d 工具链
