
tech2022-09-05  91

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本文是与BAWMedia合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

The world we live in is a visual world. We process information contained in images faster than we do when reading a text. Creatives' websites largely rely on stunning visual experiences that can command attention. These visuals usually make a strong impression on their visitors.

我们生活的世界是视觉世界。 我们处理图像中包含的信息的速度比阅读文本时要快。 广告素材的网站很大程度上依赖可以吸引注意力的令人惊叹的视觉体验。 这些视觉效果通常会给访客留下深刻的印象。

It takes a significant amount of planning to produce a website that can make a strong statement. The process also requires careful attention to detail.

要制作一个能做出强有力声明的网站,需要进行大量计划。 该过程还需要仔细注意细节。

Uncode is the ideal choice if your objective is to take full advantage of the power of visuals. The website-building tools and features you need will be at your fingertips. So, you don't have to be an expert in website design to apply them.

如果您的目标是要充分利用视觉效果的力量,则Uncode是理想的选择。 您所需的网站建设工具和功能将唾手可得。 因此,您不必是网站设计专家即可应用它们。

为什么要取消编码? (Why Uncode?)

Uncode has everything a creative type requires to create a website, blog, or portfolio. They will be able to capture a visitor's attention and keep that visitor engaged and looking for more.

Uncode具有创意类型创建网站,博客或投资组合所需的一切。 他们将能够吸引访问者的注意力,并使该访问者保持参与并寻找更多东西。

No special technical or coding skills are needed. Uncode is exceptionally easy to work with. It's simply a matter of selecting a template and uploading your content. Then, the only thing left is to hit the Publish button. If you have your own idea for a template, you can build your own; all the tools you need are there.

不需要特殊的技术或编码技能。 Uncode非常容易使用。 只需选择一个模板并上​​传您的内容即可。 然后,剩下的唯一一件事就是点击“发布”按钮。 如果您对模板有自己的想法,则可以构建自己的模板。 您需要的所有工具都在那里。

Uncode's selection of demos are themselves memorable visual experiences. They are designed to help you provide the same experiences to your visitors. Is a cool eCommerce design, a one-click gallery, or a hypnotic parallax image to your liking? It is all there, and much more.

Uncode选择的演示本身就是令人难忘的视觉体验。 它们旨在帮助您为访问者提供相同的体验。 您是否喜欢凉爽的电子商务设计,一键式展示库或催眠视差图像? 一切都在那里,还有更多。

Uncode的新增功能和改进功能 (Uncode’s New and Improved Features)

A cool and exciting assortment of new features were introduced in Uncode version 1.7. With these features, you can create visual experiences that are even more memorable.

在Uncode 1.7版中引入了一系列酷而令人兴奋的新功能。 使用这些功能,您可以创建更加难忘的视觉体验。

滑动滚动和对齐滚动 (Slides Scroll and Snap Scroll)

In terms of what you can do with a one-page website, Slides Scroll is a jaw-dropper. Do not attempt to create an attractive yet somewhat ho-hum page. Instead, you can apply this feature to accomplish the following:

就一页网站的功能而言,Slides Scroll令人jaw目结舌。 不要试图创建一个吸引人但有些杂乱的页面。 相反,您可以应用此功能来完成以下任务:

You can mix and match galleries, slides, and content sections. Do this to get the maximum effect – no constraints.

您可以混合和匹配图库,幻灯片和内容部分。 这样做可获得最大的效果-无限制。 You can place visuals wherever you want on a blank canvas while building a single, scrollable page.

在构建单个可滚动页面时,您可以将视觉效果放置在空白画布上的任何位置。 Your site visitors can effortlessly move from section to section. They can experience awesome transitions you've created as they do so.

您的网站访问者可以毫不费力地在各个部分之间移动。 他们可以体验到您创建的令人敬畏的过渡。

使用“画廊管理器”和“相册画廊”功能获得更多闪耀 (Use the Gallery Manager and Albums Gallery Features for Extra Sparkle)

With Gallery Manager, you can arrange a showcase or portfolio of your work with just a few clicks. This makes it much easier for you to achieve the most impressive arrangement of visuals. You can do so in the shortest amount of time.

借助Gallery Manager,您只需单击几下即可安排展示或作品集。 这使您更容易实现最令人印象深刻的视觉效果。 您可以在最短的时间内完成。

You'll find Albums Gallery helpful when you have an abundance of material to display. You can place and locate independent or categorized galleries within a parent gallery.

当您要显示大量资料时,您会发现“相册库”很有用。 您可以在父画廊中放置和定位独立的或分类的画廊。

新管理员-还有更多 (A New Admin – and More)

The new admin panel isn't an upgrade. It's been redesigned from the ground up. It sports an attractive new user interface and enhanced Demo Layout Installer. Do not forget about reorganized Theme Options.

新的管理面板不是升级。 它是从头开始重新设计的。 它具有吸引人的新用户界面和增强的演示版安装程序。 不要忘记重组主题选项。

The popular Adaptive Images feature has also undergone improvement. As an added touch, Uncode's entire UI has been reworked, improved, and nicely matches a sleek new skin.

流行的自适应图像功能也得到了改进。 作为附加的功能,Uncode的整个用户界面已经过重新设计,改进和完美地与光滑的新外观相匹配。

您会发现可以使用的出色新概念 (You'll Find Great New Concepts to Work With)

New concepts are forever being added. As usual, the following new concepts are based on user feedback.

新概念将永远被添加。 与往常一样,以下新概念基于用户反馈。

Creative Director


Have you been itching to tell the world what you're capable of creating? Then, the attention-getting Creative Director layout is what you are looking for.

您是否一直想告诉世界您能够创造什么? 然后,吸引人的Creative Director布局就是您想要的。

Classic Firm


Classic Firm was created with a vision to satisfy the needs of artist collectives. It will also be just right for contemporary art studios.

创建古典事务所的初衷是满足艺术家集体的需求。 对于当代艺术工作室来说也将是正确的。

Shop Techie


This image doesn't tell the whole story. Shop Techie takes full advantage of the Slide Scroll feature. It creates a stunning and exciting eCommerce experience.

该图像不能说明全部故事。 Shop Techie充分利用了“滚动滚动”功能。 它创造了令人激动的令人兴奋的电子商务体验。

Shop Parallax


Explore Shop Parallax to experience the hypnotic effect fullscreen slides can have. Users are enjoying this feature as they browse an online shop's offerings.

探索Shop Parallax,体验全屏幻灯片可能具有的催眠效果。 用户浏览在线商店的产品时会喜欢上此功能。

Portfolio Albums


No surprise here. Portfolio Albums is the ideal starting point for creating stunning photographic portfolios.

毫不奇怪。 作品集相册是创建令人惊叹的摄影作品集的理想起点。

展示更新 (Showcase Updates)

Uncode users are justifiably proud of their work. This showcase of their website creations offers visual proof of why this is so. Written testimonials are nice. But these hundreds of creative visuals say so much more.

未编码的用户为他们的工作感到自豪。 他们网站创作的展示展示了这样做的视觉证据。 书面推荐书很好。 但是,这数百种富有创意的视觉效果却说明了更多。

Take time browsing through them. You are sure to come up with inspiration for your future endeavors.

花时间浏览它们。 您一定会为您的未来工作提供灵感。

旧的收藏夹 (Old Favorites)

New features are exciting and always welcome. Especially when they create new opportunities for you. At the same time, Uncode's time-tested and most popular features haven't gone anywhere. Some have been improved upon, and others are untouched.

新功能令人兴奋,始终受到欢迎。 特别是当他们为您创造新机会时。 同时,Uncode经过时间考验和最受欢迎的功能并没有消失。 有些已得到改进,而另一些则未受影响。

Visual Composer:量身定制以更好地满足您的需求 (Visual Composer: Tailored to Better Suit Your Needs)

Uncode's tailored version of Visual Composer has always been popular. Working with Uncode's Content Blocks, it makes organizing your content especially easy. The tailored version also removes any limitations on incorporating media into your sites.

Uncode的Visual Composer定制版本一直很受欢迎。 使用Uncode的内容块,它使组织内容特别容易。 量身定制的版本还消除了将媒体合并到您的站点中的任何限制。

寻找最有效的方法:6种以上的菜单样式 (Finding What Works Best: 6+ Menu Styles)

When you have some good options to select from, it can be hard to come to a decision. On the other hand, it's much easier when you focus on what will work best in your case. Whichever one you end up with will support intuitive, trouble-free navigation.

当您有一些不错的选择时,可能很难做出决定。 另一方面,如果您专注于最适合自己的情况,则容易得多。 无论您最终选择哪一种,都将支持直观,无故障的导航。

最受欢迎的获胜者是:自适应图像功能 (And the Winner for Most Popular Is: The Adaptive Images Feature)

Have you ever experienced a problem with making things fit on mobile device screens? Uncode's Adaptive Images automatic image re-scaling feature will take care of that.

您是否曾经遇到过使事情适合移动设备屏幕的问题? Uncode的Adaptive Images自动图像缩放功能将解决这一问题。

Adaptive Images is but one of the many Uncode "most popular" features.


您的博客和投资组合的专业外观布局 (Professional Looking Layouts for Your Blogs and Portfolios)

This is another favorite feature (perhaps with a capital F). These layouts have proven to be extremely popular with creative professionals. As they are easily modified, you can play around with any one of them. Do so until you get precisely what you're looking for.

这是另一个喜欢的功能(也许带有大写字母F)。 事实证明,这些布局在创意专业人士中非常受欢迎。 由于它们很容易修改,因此您可以任意使用它们。 这样做直到您确切地找到所需的内容。

WooCommerce单一产品功能 (WooCommerce Single Product Features)

Customize your online shop and give it some extra selling power. Uncode's Single Product Features will help you with that. These include custom width layout controls, carousel, and stack layout options. They also have Product Zoom to add some extra pizzazz to your presentations. Plus, you can customize your product pages to the minutest of details.

自定义您的网上商店,并为其提供一些额外的销售能力。 Uncode的单一产品功能将为您提供帮助。 其中包括自定义宽度布局控件,轮播和堆栈布局选项。 他们还具有“产品缩放”功能,可以在您的演示文稿中添加一些额外的内容。 另外,您可以自定义产品页面以获取最详细的信息。

总结:为什么非编码最适合广告素材? (Wrapping It Up: Why Is Uncode Ideal for Creatives?)

Uncode's focus is on creating stunning visual experiences. These naturally lead to stunning websites.

Uncode的重点是创造令人惊叹的视觉体验。 这些自然导致引人入胜的网站。

Everything you need is there to help you showcase your work in ways that will stand out from the crowd.

您需要的一切都可以帮助您以脱颖而出的方式展示您的作品。 Uncode does so much, so easily. You don't even have to be a web designer to create breathtaking visuals. You don't have to be a programmer either; everything happens with mouse clicks.

取消编码的功能非常轻松。 您甚至不必成为Web设计师即可创建令人惊叹的视觉效果。 您也不必成为一名程序员。 一切都发生在鼠标单击上。 Create a blog or build an awesome portfolio in only a few hours. Then you can sit back and decide how to spend the rest of your day.

仅在几个小时内创建一个博客或建立一个很棒的投资组合。 然后,您可以坐下来决定如何度过余下的一天。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/uncode-wordpress-theme-share-your-creativity-with-the-world/
