
tech2022-09-05  99

Are you in the process of choosing a web hosting provider? Then you’ve already heard of SiteGround. It’s one of the most favorably recommended companies out there. After 13 years in the business, SiteGround have plenty of experience providing excellent hosting services to their customers.

您正在选择虚拟主机提供商吗? 然后,您已经听说过SiteGround 。 它是那里最受欢迎的公司之一。 经过13年的经营,SiteGround拥有丰富的经验,可以为客户提供出色的托管服务。

That’s impressive. But are all those reviews and recommendations accurate? Is SiteGround actually as good as it seems? It’s obviously doing a lot of things right, but it’s hard to know how it stacks up without signing up and giving it a go.

这很让人佩服。 但是所有这些评论和建议是否准确? SiteGround真的好看吗? 它显然在做很多正确的事情,但是很难在没有注册并放手的情况下知道它是如何堆叠的。

So that’s what I did.


I’ve been using a variety of hosting providers (including GoDaddy and Crazy Domains) since 2007. In March 2017 I grabbed a SiteGround GrowBig account with my own money, and transferred one of my sites.

自2007年以来,我一直在使用各种托管服务提供商(包括GoDaddy和Crazy Domains)。2017年3月,我用自己的钱抢了一个SiteGround GrowBig帐户 ,并转移了我的一个网站。

With four months experience using SiteGround and its free migration service, contacting support, and evaluating performance, I’ve also been studying the company in a couple of other ways:


I’ve spent dozens of hours comparing web hosting companies when writing 5 Hosting Providers for WordPress Users Compared and other hosting-related articles. SiteGround compares very favorably.

在为WordPress用户编写5个托管服务提供商比较和其他与托管相关的文章时,我花了数十个小时来比较网络托管公司。 SiteGround比较好。

I’ve had a chance to chat with members of the management team on a couple of occasions to take their perspective on what makes SiteGround stand out from the crowd. I’ll fill you in throughout the article.

我曾经有几次机会与管理团队的成员聊天,以期他们对SiteGround在人群中脱颖而出的看法。 我将在整篇文章中为您填充。

So I feel uniquely qualified to give a detailed opinion of how SiteGround stacks up to the competition. But first, what plans does it offer?

因此,我感到非常有资格对SiteGround如何与竞争相提并论给出详细的意见。 但是首先,它提供什么计划?

SiteGround提供什么计划? (What Plans Does SiteGround Offer?)

SiteGround offers shared hosting, cloud hosting, dedicated servers, and custom-made hosting solutions for enterprise. In this article we’ll focus on its three shared hosting plans.

SiteGround为企业提供共享托管 ,云托管, 专用服务器和定制托管解决方案 。 在本文中,我们将重点介绍其三个共享主机计划。

1.启动计划 (1. StartUp Plan)

Crafted for a great web start


Cost: $3.95/month at the promotional price ($9.95 at the standard price)

费用:促销价$ 3.95 /月(标准价格为$ 9.95) Storage: 10GB

储存空间:10GB Bandwidth: 10,000 visits/month

带宽:每月10,000次访问 Websites: one


SiteGround’s least expensive plan is designed for someone starting out with their first (single) website:


The StartUp Plan gives you all the essential hosting features you need to accommodate a "just getting started" website or an existing average-size blog, personal, or business website. The StartUp Plan works well even for smaller online shops with a reasonable number of products. You will most probably outgrow this plan if you start attracting more than 10,000 unique visits per month on a regular basis.

启动计划为您提供了容纳“刚入门”网站或现有中型博客,个人或企业网站所需的所有基本托管功能。 即使对于具有合理数量产品的小型在线商店,启动计划也能很好地发挥作用。 如果您开始每月定期吸引超过10,000次唯一身份访问,则您很可能会超出此计划。

The StartUp plan offers the following features and services:


免费迁移和设置 (Free Migration and Setup)

One of the biggest barriers to changing hosting provider is the amount of effort involved in migrating your website to the new company’s servers. That hurdle can lead to endless procrastination, with you staying with a company you’re not entirely happy with.

更改托管服务提供商的最大障碍之一是将您的网站迁移到新公司服务器上所付出的努力。 在您对自己并不完全满意的公司工作时,这种障碍可能导致无休止的拖延。

SiteGround believes users should be able to move freely between hosting platforms, so it offers free setup and transfer for one website. I used this service when migrating my site from GoDaddy, and you can read about my experiences in A Review of SiteGround’s Migration Service. After supplying the necessary login details and clarifying a few questions, the migration was performed quickly and effortlessly. The entire process took just a couple of days (including the DNS propagation period and other unavoidable wait times).

SiteGround认为用户应该能够在托管平台之间自由移动,因此它可以为一个网站提供免费的设置和传输。 从GoDaddy迁移网站时,我使用了此服务,您可以在“ SiteGround迁移服务回顾”中了解我的经验。 在提供了必要的登录详细信息并澄清了一些问题之后,便Swift而轻松地执行了迁移。 整个过程仅花费了几天的时间(包括DNS传播时间和其他不可避免的等待时间)。

Of course, SiteGround is not the only company to offer a website migration service. But it’s one of the only ones who do it free of charge—HostGator is another. Most companies see it as an optional paid add-on. GoDaddy charges $99.99 for its migration service, and Bluehost $149.99.

当然,SiteGround不是唯一提供网站迁移服务的公司。 但这是唯一免费进行此操作的人之一-HostGator是另一个。 大多数公司将其视为可选的付费附件。 GoDaddy的迁移服务收费99.99美元,Bluehost收费149.99美元。

免费每日备份 (Free Daily Backup)

We all know about the importance of computer backups, and hopefully we do something about it. Your website is one more resource that needs to be backed up, and SiteGround (together with most hosting providers) will back it up for free. That’s handy, though I recommend you keep your own backups as part of your regular website maintenance.

我们都知道计算机备份的重要性,希望我们对此有所作为。 您的网站是又一个需要备份的资源,SiteGround(与大多数托管服务提供商一起)将免费对其进行备份。 这很方便,尽管我建议您在日常网站维护中保留自己的备份。

The rubber hits the road when you need that backup! How easy is it to restore your data? And is there an additional cost? With SiteGround it’s easy. It gives you the ability to restore your backups for free. No fuss, no wait, no fee. Bluehost do the same.

当您需要备份时,橡胶就会上路! 恢复数据有多容易? 还有额外的费用吗? 有了SiteGround,这很容易。 它使您能够免费还原备份。 不用大惊小怪,不用等待,不用付费。 Bluehost也会这样做。

But not all companies make it so easy. HostGator prefer to restore your website for you, so you fill in an online form requesting the restore, and then wait for them to do it.

但是,并非所有公司都如此轻松。 HostGator希望为您还原网站,因此您填写在线表格以请求还原,然后等待他们进行还原。

Other companies charge for each restore. I was shocked to learn (the hard way) that GoDaddy charges $149.99 to restore your website. That puts a totally different spin on a “free” backup!

其他公司则为每次还原收费。 我很震惊地得知(艰难的方式)GoDaddy收取149.99美元来恢复您的网站。 这给“免费”备份带来了完全不同的旋转!

启用HTTP / 2的服务器 (HTTP/2 Enabled Servers)

HTTP is the future, the latest evolution of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The new protocol’s main aim is to speed access to your website by reducing latency. And it succeeds. HTTP/2 is around ten times faster!

HTTP是超文本传输​​协议(HTTP)的最新发展 。 新协议的主要目的是通过减少延迟来加快对您网站的访问。 而且成功了。 HTTP / 2快十倍左右!

When both the web browser and server support the new protocol, you get that speed bump today. Recent versions of Firefox, Safari, Edge and Chrome all support HTTP/2, but what about your web host?

当Web浏览器和服务器都支持新协议时,今天您将获得这种提速。 Firefox,Safari,Edge和Chrome的最新版本均支持HTTP / 2,但是您的虚拟主机呢?

For shared hosting, many hosting providers don’t yet support HTTP/2. Bluehost doesn’t, HostGator doesn’t, and GoDaddy doesn’t. SiteGround does — in fact, it was one of the first web hosts to adopt it.

对于共享托管,许多托管提供程序尚不支持HTTP / 2。 Bluehost不会,HostGator不会,而GoDaddy不会。 SiteGround确实如此-实际上,它是最早采用它的Web主机之一。

免费让我们加密SSL (Free Let’s Encrypt SSL)

Security is an issue constantly growing in importance. Make sure your site offers secure, private connections for all users by offering HTTPS access. To do this, you need SSL.

安全是一个日益重要的问题。 通过提供HTTPS访问,确保您的站点为所有用户提供安全的私人连接。 为此,您需要SSL。

Let’s Encrypt is a free SSL service that has been revolutionary for the web industry, and SiteGround was one of the first web hosting providers to back it. They set it up for you and look after all certificate renewals. Other SSL options are available, and one is included free with the higher-tier plans.

Let's Encrypt是一项免费的SSL服务,对网络行业来说是革命性的,SiteGround是最早支持它的Web托管提供商之一。 他们为您进行设置,并负责所有证书的续订。 还可以使用其他SSL选项,并且更高级别的计划中免费提供了一个。

How does that compare with the competition? Well, you won’t get free SSL with any other entry level hosting plan. GoDaddy don’t include it with any of its shared hosting plans, while HostGator and Bluehost include it with their more expensive third-tier plans.

与竞争对手相比如何? 好吧,您将无法获得任何其他入门级托管计划的免费SSL。 GoDaddy并未将其包含在任何共享托管计划中,而HostGator和Bluehost将其包含在其更昂贵的第三层计划中。

Of course, they all let you set up your own SSL solution, but at this price point, only SiteGround does the work for you. Learn more in our article Why Every Site Needs HTTPS.

当然,它们都可以让您设置自己的SSL解决方案,但是在这个价位上,只有SiteGround可以为您工作。 在我们的文章为什么每个站点都需要HTTPS中了解更多信息。

免费CloudFlare CDN (Free CloudFlare CDN)

A content delivery network is another way to boost the performance of your website. It takes the load off your server by storing your static resources elsewhere. That includes images and other attachments, as well as scripts and CSS files.

内容交付网络是提高网站性能的另一种方法。 通过将静态资源存储在其他位置,可以减轻服务器的负担。 其中包括图像和其他附件,以及脚本和CSS文件。

SiteGround includes CloudFlare, one of the most popular CDNs, free with your shared hosting account.


How does that compare with other providers? While GoDaddy doesn’t include a CDN with its shared hosting plans at this time, other providers (including Bluehost and HostGator) also include CloudFlare.

与其他提供者相比如何? 尽管GoDaddy目前不包含CDN及其共享托管计划,但其他提供商(包括Bluehost和HostGator)也包括CloudFlare。

24/7技术支持 (24/7 Technical Support)

People often work on their websites outside of business hours, and commonly well after midnight. Do you relate? Hopefully you won’t need to contact support often, but when you do it may be urgent, and you won’t want to wait for an answer.

人们通常在工作时间以外,通常在午夜之后在网站上工作。 你有关系吗? 希望您不需要经常与支持人员联系,但是当您这样做时可能很紧急,也不想等待答案。

Quality 24/7 technical support is a must, and SiteGround has the best in the business. Its response times are instant via chat and phone, and up to 10 minutes via support tickets. Learn more in the “How Does SiteGround Stack Up?” section of this review.

高质量的24/7技术支持是必不可少的,SiteGround拥有业内最好的技术支持。 通过聊天和电话,它的响应时间是即时的,通过支持票证,它的响应时间可长达10分钟。 在“ SiteGround如何堆叠?”中了解更多信息。 本评论的第二部分。

退款保证 (Money-back Guarantee)

Choosing a web hosting provider can be an ordeal. There’s so much to consider. But you won’t really get to know your hosting provider until after you sign up. A money-back guarantee gives you peace of mind.

选择一个虚拟主机提供商可能是一个磨难。 有太多需要考虑的地方。 但是,直到您注册后,您才真正了解您的托管服务提供商。 退款保证使您放心。

SiteGround offer a 30 day money-back guarantee on all of its shared hosting plans. Other popular hosting providers offer similar terms.

SiteGround为其所有共享托管计划提供30天退款保证。 其他流行的托管服务提供商也提供类似的条款。

cPanel和SSH访问 (cPanel and SSH Access)

cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel that allows you to easily access all the features of your plan. SSH is a geekier way to log into your web host. SiteGround, and all popular hosting providers, offers both.

cPanel是流行的网络托管控制面板,可让您轻松访问计划的所有功能。 SSH是登录您的Web主机的一种怪异方式。 SiteGround和所有流行的托管服务提供商都提供这两种服务。

SSD存储 (SSD Storage)

SSD storage is one way to give your laptop a huge speed boost—it is significantly faster than spinning hard drives. SiteGround has given the same speed boost to your website by using only SSD storage on its servers. The practice is catching on, and now other hosting providers (including GoDaddy, Bluehost and HostGator) do the same.

SSD存储是提高笔记本电脑速度的一种方法,它比旋转硬盘驱动器快得多。 通过仅在其服务器上使用SSD存储器,SiteGround可以使您的网站获得相同的速度提升。 这种做法正在流行,现在其他托管服务提供商(包括GoDaddy,Bluehost和HostGator)也这样做。

2.成长大计划 (2. GrowBig Plan)

Crafted for your web growth


Cost: $7.45/month

费用:7.45美元/月 Storage: 20GB

储存空间:20GB Bandwidth: 25,000 visits/month

带宽:每月25,000次访问 Websites: multiple


SiteGround’s second tier plan designed to cope with multiple websites or a single site with more traffic:


If you need more resources and premium features in addition to the essential features then we recommend the GrowBig Plan. This plan is designed to accommodate either a single more heavily-trafficked website or multiple average-size websites. This is a popular plan among customers who prefer to host all their sites in one account.

如果您除了基本功能之外还需要更多资源和高级功能,则建议使用GrowBig计划。 该计划旨在容纳一个流量较大的网站或多个平均大小的网站。 对于那些希望将所有站点托管在一个帐户中的客户来说,这是一个受欢迎的计划。

The GrowBig plan offers the following features and services in addition to the StartUp Plan’s:

除启动计划外, GrowBig计划还提供以下功能和服务:

无限的网站 (Unlimited Websites)

The biggest upgrade you get when comparing the StartUp and GrowBig plans is the ability to host more than one website. While the entry-level plan is designed for those starting out with just a single site, the GrowBig plan can use unlimited addon domains to host multiple sites.

比较StartUp和GrowBig计划时,您获得的最大升级是可以托管多个网站。 入门级计划是为仅从一个站点开始的用户设计的,而GrowBig计划可以使用无限的附加域来托管多个站点。

Other hosting providers follow the same pattern. So if you know you need multiple sites from the outset, the first-tier plan is not for you.

其他托管服务提供商遵循相同的模式。 因此,如果您从一开始就知道需要多个站点,则不适合使用第一层计划。

适用于Speedier网站的SuperCacher (SuperCacher for a Speedier Website)

Caching is a common strategy for speeding websites, and is especially effective when your site is hit with spikes of traffic. If your web host isn’t prepared, your site may become unavailable the moment your site attracts a large spike of visitors. SuperCacher is part of SiteGround’s secret sauce for enhanced performance.

缓存是提高网站速度的常用策略,当您的网站受到流量激增的影响时,缓存尤其有效。 如果您的Web主机未准备好,则当您的网站吸引大量访问者时,您的网站可能会变得不可用。 SuperCacher是SiteGround秘密秘诀的一部分,旨在提高性能。

They explain:

他们解释 :

SuperCacher is a web caching service that we developed internally and exclusively at SiteGround. It sits in front of your web server (e.g. Apache). Whenever a browser requests to load a web page from SiteGround’s web server, the web server returns the HTML result to the browser AND the cache stores a copy of that same page. Next time that particular page is requested, the request gets served from the cache directly while the web server sits idle.

SuperCacher是我们在SiteGround内部专门开发的Web缓存服务。 它位于Web服务器(例如Apache)的前面。 每当浏览器请求从SiteGround的Web服务器加载网页时,Web服务器都会将HTML结果返回给浏览器,并且缓存会存储该页面的副本。 下次请求该特定页面时,当Web服务器处于空闲状态时,将直接从缓存中满足请求。

This custom solution involves three levels of caching:


When a page is loaded, a static cache keeps your images, stylesheets and scripts in RAM so they load much faster next time.

加载页面时, 静态缓存会将您的图像,样式表和脚本保留在RAM中,以便下次加载时更快。

Memcached stores the results of database queries in RAM so the query will be instantaneous next time.


Whole web pages are cached with Dynamic Cache for WordPress and Joomla users.

整个网页都使用WordPress和Joomla用户的动态缓存进行缓存 。

SiteGround users are happy with the results. One user claims four seconds have been shaved off his load time using Memcached alone.

SiteGround用户对结果感到满意。 一位用户声称,仅使用Memcached可以节省四秒钟的加载时间。

Most hosting providers do not offer a caching solution with their shared hosting plans. GoDaddy doesn’t, Bluehost doesn’t, HostGator doesn’t. They all allow you to install and configure your own caching solution, but SuperCacher is real value for money in such an affordable plan, and will give your website a significant speed boost.

大多数托管服务提供商不提供带有共享托管计划的缓存解决方案。 GoDaddy不会,Bluehost不会,HostGator不会。 它们全都允许您安装和配置自己的缓存解决方案,但是在如此实惠的计划中,SuperCacher确实物有所值,并且可以大大提高您的网站速度。

高级电子商务的通配符SSL (Wildcard SSL for Premium eCommerce)

Wildcard is an upgrade to Let’s Encrypt SSL, which is included with the StartUp plan. They are equal in terms of security, but Wildcard offers two advantages:

通配符是StartUp计划中随附的Let's Encrypt SSL的升级。 在安全性方面,它们是相同的,但是通配符具有两个优点 :

Let’s Encrypt doesn’t offer dynamic site seals which some visitors may find reassuring. Wildcard does.

Let's Encrypt不提供动态的站点密封,有些访问者可能会放心。 通配符可以。 With Wildcard SSL you can use one certificate for your domain and all subdomains. With Let’s Encrypt you should install separate certificates for each.

使用通配符SSL,您可以为您的域和所有子域使用一个证书。 使用“加密”,您应该为每个证书安装单独的证书。

A one-year Wildcard SSL certificate is included for free. After that it will cost $70 each year to renew. EV SSL, a third option, is available for $499 a year.

免费提供一年的通配符SSL证书。 之后,每年的续订费用为$ 70。 EV SSL, 第三种选择 ,每年的价格为499美元。

SiteGround bills this feature “Premium eCommerce” because SSL is an essential feature for secure online transactions. Learn more about what is needed for eCommerce in our article I’m Ready for an Online Store. What Hosting Should I Choose?

SiteGround将此功能称为“ Premium eCommerce”,因为SSL是安全在线交易的基本功能。 在我们的文章“ 我准备在线商店”中了解有关电子商务所需的更多信息。 我应该选择哪种托管?

高级支持 (Premium Support)

SiteGround’s support is excellent, but with this plan it gets even better. Your tickets are answered with priority, which means you get even quicker resolution to complex hosting issues.

SiteGround的支持非常出色,但是有了这个计划,它会变得更好。 您的票将得到优先回答,这意味着您可以更快地解决复杂的托管问题。

附加备份以提供高级安全性 (Additional Backups for Premium Security)

With this plan you get extra peace of mind: 30 copies of your website backup are stored. Design Bombs consider that the best feature of this plan. As always, I recommend you do your own backups as well — it’s better safe than sorry.

使用此计划,您可以更加放心:存储了30个网站备份副本。 设计炸弹认为该计划的最佳功能。 与往常一样,我建议您也进行自己的备份-比后悔更好。

3. GoGeek计划 (3. GoGeek Plan)

Crafted for real web geeks


Cost: $14.95/month

费用:$ 14.95 /月 Storage: 30GB

储存空间:30GB Bandwidth: 100,000 visits/month

带宽:每月100,000次访问 Websites: multiple


SiteGround’s top-tier shared hosting plan is designed to cope with very busy websites and average sized eCommerce sites:


If you have a really heavily-visited or resource-intensive website then the GoGeek plan is your best option. The GoGeek customers are hosted on instances, where fewer users share the server resources. Additionally, this plan is great for average-sized e-commerce websites because it can accommodate a much larger product line and also includes server PCI compliance!

如果您的网站访问量很高或资源密集,那么GoGeek计划是您的最佳选择。 GoGeek客户托管在实例上,在这些实例上,较少的用户共享服务器资源。 此外,该计划对于中等规模的电子商务网站非常有用,因为它可以容纳更大的产品线,并且还符合服务器PCI标准!

The GoGeek plan offers the following additional features and services:


每位用户更多的权力 (More Power Per User)

With shared hosting, a web server is shared between a number of users and their sites, significantly cutting down on costs. You all share the same hard drive, processor, RAM and other resources. Learn more in our article Shared Server Hosting: the Pros and Cons.

通过共享托管,可以在许多用户及其站点之间共享Web服务器,从而大大降低了成本。 你们共享相同的硬盘,处理器,RAM和其他资源。 在我们的文章“ 共享服务器托管:优点和缺点”中了解更多信息。

With the GoGeek plan, you share the server with fewer users, giving you a bigger share of system resources. That’s ideal for a site which is growing in size or traffic.

使用GoGeek计划,您可以与更少的用户共享服务器,从而获得更大的系统资源份额。 对于规模或流量不断增长的网站而言,这是理想之选。

电子商务的PCI合规性 (PCI Compliance for eCommerce)

Choosing the right hosting plan for an eCommerce site is important—there are a lot of unique requirements. If you’ll be taking payments online, you have an increased duty of care. As a result, many online banks and payment processors require that your hosting is PCI compliant to make sure you meet all safety regulations.

为电子商务网站选择正确的托管计划很重要-有很多独特的要求。 如果您要在线进行付款,那么您将有更多的谨慎义务。 因此,许多在线银行和支付处理器要求您的主机符合PCI规范,以确保您符合所有安全法规。

The GoGeek plan meets all requirements for compliance. That’s quite unique for a shared hosting plan. Most of the competitors leave it to you to work out how to become compliant, or give you the option of a more expensive shopping cart hosting plan.

GoGeek计划符合合规性的所有要求。 对于共享主机计划,这是非常独特的。 大多数竞争对手都将其留给您,以解决如何合规的问题,或者让您选择更昂贵的购物车托管计划。

Learn more about hosting issues surrounding online stores in our article I’m Ready for an Online Store. What Hosting Should I Choose?

在我们准备在线商店的文章中了解有关在线商店托管问题的更多信息。 我应该选择哪种托管?

登台工具 (Staging Tools)

If you’re thinking about updating your site regularly, or a giving it a major redesign, website staging will make your life easier. It allows you to make changes to a “clone” site without any disruption to your main website. That gives you time to thoroughly test the changes, then push them live when you’re ready.

如果您正在考虑定期更新网站或进行重大重新设计,则网站登台将使您的生活更轻松。 它使您可以对“克隆”网站进行更改,而不会破坏您的主要网站。 这使您有时间彻底测试更改,然后在准备好时将其实时发布。

Not all hosting plans offer staging. The GoGeek plan offers one-click staging, as do GoDaddy’s more expensive shared plans. Bluehost, HostGator, and many others don’t offer it at all.

并非所有托管计划都提供分期。 GoGeek计划提供一键式登台,GoDaddy的更昂贵的共享计划也是如此。 Bluehost,HostGator和许多其他公司根本不提供它。

Further reading:


The Beginner’s Guide to Website Staging


Why Staging Environments Are Critical for WordPress Sites


我应该选择哪个计划? (Which Plan Should I Choose?)

Well, that’s a lot of detail about SiteGround’s shared hosting plans, but which one is best for you? SiteGround’s Hosting Features table will help you compare the plans feature-by-feature.

好吧,关于SiteGround共享托管计划的很多细节,但是哪一个最适合您? SiteGround的“ 托管功能”表将帮助您逐功能比较计划。

Still confused? Here are some questions that will help you clarify which plan matches your priorities:

还是很困惑? 以下是一些问题,可帮助您弄清哪个计划符合您的优先事项:

How many sites are you planning?


One small site: StartUp

一个小站点: StartUp

A couple of small sites: GrowBig

几个小型网站: GrowBig

Multiple average-sized sites: GoGeek

多个平均大小的网站: GoGeek

How much traffic do you expect?


Light traffic (less than 10,000 visits/month): StartUp

流量小(每月少于10,000次访问): 启动

Heavier traffic (up to 25,000 visits/month): GrowBig

流量大(每月最多25,000次访问): GrowBig

Heavy traffic (up to 100,000 visits/month): GoGeek

高流量(每月最多100,000次访问): GoGeek

More than 100,000 visits/month: go for a dedicated server or cloud hosting


Note that data transfer is unmetered on all three shared hosting plans.


How much storage do you require, including web pages, images, multimedia and additional files?


Just starting out (10GB): StartUp

刚开始使用(10GB): 启动

Average size (20GB): GrowBig

平均大小(20GB): GrowBig

Resource-intensive (30GB): GoGeek

资源密集型(30GB): GoGeek

Are you planning an online store?


If it will be a small online store with few products, the StartUp or GrowBig plans may be sufficient

如果这将是一家很少产品的小型在线商店,那么StartUp或GrowBig计划可能就足够了 But generally we recommend the GoGeek plan for eCommerce—it is PCI compliant and leaves plenty of room for growth.


Would staging be of benefit?


If so, go for the GoGeek plan


Cost considerations


Cost is the least significant factor when choosing a plan.

选择计划时,成本是最不重要的因素。 All three of SiteGround’s plans are affordable as a business expense, and are comparable to the plans of other providers.


With just $3 between the first two options, you could bypass the StartUp plan and go straight to the GrowBig plan, unless cost is an absolute priority.

在前两个选项之间仅需$ 3,您就可以绕开StartUp计划,直接进入GrowBig计划 ,除非绝对没有成本。

SiteGround如何堆叠? (How Does SiteGround Stack Up?)

So, there are SiteGround’s shared hosting plans, and how it compares with what is offered by other providers. But what about the company itself? How does SiteGround stack up? Very well!

因此,有SiteGround的共享托管计划,以及它与其他提供商提供的托管计划相比。 但是公司本身呢? SiteGround如何堆叠? 很好!

SiteGround is an impressive company that cares about the quality of its services, and is passionate about its staff and users. Here are some details.

SiteGround是一家令人印象深刻的公司,关心其服务质量,并对员工和用户充满热情。 这里有一些细节。

1. SiteGround那里的响应速度最快 (1. SiteGround Has the Most Responsive Support Out There)

The @SiteGround team totally lives up to their claim for "Superior Web hosting solutions with top-rated 24/7 Support"! Thank you!

@SiteGround团队完全兑现了他们对“具有顶级24/7支持的高级Web托管解决方案”的要求! 谢谢!

— thecomputermonkey (@thecompmonkey) August 11, 2017

— thecomputermonkey(@thecompmonkey) 2017年8月11日

Responsive support is crucial for us users. SiteGround makes a priority of answering all support requests ASAP. Providing world-class support matters intensely to SiteGround—that was one of the takeaways from my talks with the management team.

响应式支持对我们用户至关重要。 SiteGround优先考虑尽快答复所有支持请求。 向SiteGround强烈提供世界一流的支持很重要-这是我与管理团队进行会谈的收获之一。

But how do you measure the responsiveness of a support team? Design Bombs designed a simple test to find out. They asked eight popular hosting providers a simple question via live chat, and timed how long it took to get a response.

但是,您如何衡量支持团队的响应能力? 设计炸弹设计了一个简单的测试来找出答案。 他们通过实时聊天向八个受欢迎的托管服务提供商询问了一个简单的问题,并确定了回复所需的时间。

.@SiteGround customer support is 🔥. Stefan D. was super helpful. 👍

。 @SiteGround客户支持是support。 Stefan D.非常有帮助。 👍

— Derek DeVries (@derekdevries) August 9, 2017

— Derek DeVries(@derekdevries) 2017年8月9日

They concluded that “SiteGround absolutely blew away the competition.” Here are the results that clearly lead to that conclusion:

他们得出的结论是“ SiteGround绝对淘汰了竞争对手。” 以下是显然可以得出结论的结果:

SiteGround: 15 seconds

SiteGround:15秒 HostGator: 3 minutes

HostGator:3分钟 DreamHost: 6 minutes

DreamHost:6分钟 Pagely: 7 minutes

Pagely:7分钟 WP Engine: 11 minutes

WP引擎:11分钟 InMotion: 12 minutes

动态:12分钟 Flywheel: 15 minutes

飞轮:15分钟 Bluehost: 40 minutes


My own experience contacting SiteGround support totally agrees. When asking a question over chat, I had a response in well under a minute, and the support person patiently stayed with me until my problem was resolved. I was never left waiting. I was never left hanging.

我自己与SiteGround支持人员联系的经验完全同意。 当通过聊天询问问题时,我在一分钟之内得到了答复,支持人员耐心地陪着我,直到问题解决。 我从未等待。 我从来没有被吊死。

Support/quality of service, in my opinion, is why @SiteGround does so well.Granted Free SSLs, easy to manage WordPress tools, speed help 2!


— Aaron:Tech&Pinball (@WeBuyPinball) August 2, 2017

— Aaron:Tech&Pinball(@WeBuyPinball) 2017年8月2日

2. SiteGround致力于提高性能 (2. SiteGround Is Committed to Performance)

I @pingdom test everyone I've moved to your servers and have seen an increase in speed.


— Aaron:Tech&Pinball (@WeBuyPinball) August 7, 2017

— Aaron:Tech&Pinball(@WeBuyPinball) 2017年8月7日

Good performance requires an ongoing commitment. When you buy a new laptop you can feel the speed oozing from it. But a few years later it will feel as slow as molasses.

良好的绩效需要持续的承诺。 当您购买一台新的笔记本电脑时,您会感觉到它的速度正在不断增加。 但是几年后,它会像糖蜜一样缓慢。

It’s not that the laptop has slowed down, but that the load that it’s expected to carry has increased. The same goes for web servers—you need to update to keep up.

并不是说笔记本电脑速度变慢了,而是笔记本电脑预期会承受的负载增加了。 Web服务器也是如此—您需要进行更新以保持最新状态。

If you're looking for best mix of ease of use, performance, and price, I vote for SiteGround.


— Alex MacArthur (@amacarthur) July 7, 2017

-Alex MacArthur(@amacarthur) 2017年7月7日

SiteGround wrote about upgrades to its infrastructure on its blog. They introduced the post by describing its commitment to upgrades:

SiteGround在其博客上写了有关基础架构升级的信息 。 他们通过描述其升级承诺来介绍该帖子:

Most of our clients know that here at SiteGround we tend to upgrade our hardware quite often. We aim to ensure that all our clients’ sites run on the latest and fastest hardware on the market and when we spot a valuable new piece of hardware, we immediately start testing. 

我们的大多数客户都知道,在SiteGround,我们倾向于经常升级硬件。 我们旨在确保我们所有客户的站点都在市场上最新,最快的硬件上运行,当我们发现有价值的新硬件时,我们将立即开始测试。

Those upgrades included both hardware and software, resulting in significant performance gains, including faster backup and restore. SiteGround uses SSD storage on all plans, NGINX and CloudFlare to load static content faster, SuperCacher to speed WordPress and other popular CMSs further, and are among the first hosting providers to support HTTP/2.

这些升级包括硬件和软件,从而显着提高了性能,包括更快的备份和还原。 SiteGround在所有计划中都使用SSD存储,NGINX和CloudFlare可以更快地加载静态内容,SuperCacher可以进一步加快WordPress和其他受欢迎的CMS的速度,并且是最早支持HTTP / 2的托管服务提供商之一。

That all sounds good, but does it actually make a difference? How does SiteGround compare with its competitors in terms of speed and performance?

听起来不错,但实际上有什么不同吗? SiteGround在速度和性能方面与竞争对手相比如何?

I recently upgraded my site and migrated to @siteground. Huge performance improvements.

我最近升级了网站,并迁移到@siteground 。 巨大的性能改进。

— Jeremy Goodrum (@virtpirate) July 3, 2017

— Jeremy Goodrum(@virtpirate) ,2017年7月3日

Last month CodeinWP decided to find out. They compared load times of SiteGround’s StartUp plan with its competitors, and they awarded it the gold medal.

上个月CodeinWP决定进行查找。 他们将SiteGround的StartUp计划的加载时间与其竞争对手进行了比较,并获得了金牌。

Basically, SiteGround has everything working for them. The price is good. The traffic that the host can handle is enough to get you started. There’s CDN support, daily backups, free setup and transfer, and more.

基本上,SiteGround可以为他们工作。 价格是好的。 主机可以处理的流量足以使您入门。 提供CDN支持,每日备份,免费设置和传输等。

To pick the winner, they measured load times three times for each of three different locations around the world (nine measurements in total), and took the average. Here are the results:

为了选择获胜者,他们对世界上三个不同位置的每个位置进行了三次加载时间测量(总共进行了九次测量),并取了平均值。 结果如下:

SiteGround: 0.41s

SiteGround:0.41秒 GoDaddy: 0.45s

GoDaddy:0.45秒 HostGator: 0.79s

HostGator:0.79秒 Bluehost: 0.93s

Bluehost:0.93秒 InMotion: 0.95s


It looks like that infrastructure investment is paying off.


3. SiteGround的正常运行时间尽可能地可靠 (3. SiteGround’s Uptime is as Reliable as You Can Get)

Siteground has better uptime as well. And better customer service. I should charge them for marketing 😂 #BloggersTribe

Siteground的正常运行时间也更长。 以及更好的客户服务。 我应该向他们收取营销费用😂 # BloggersTribe

— Julia (@theglassofclass) August 12, 2017

-Julia(@theglassofclass) 2017年8月12日

SiteGround’s infrastructure also makes them one of the most reliable hosting companies out there. The have power redundancy (multiple failover options, UPS) to ensure no power outages, as well as hardware redundancy in case of hardware failure.

SiteGround的基础架构也使它们成为最可靠的托管公司之一。 具有电源冗余(多个故障转移选件,UPS)以确保没有断电,以及在硬件发生故障时的硬件冗余。

On top of that, SiteGround carefully monitors uptime so that if there is a problem, they can sort it out immediately. During our Skype call, I had the team clarify how their monitoring system works for me. Its automated system proactively checks the server status every half a second, and automatically fixes problems instead of waiting for system administrators to do it. In fact, many server problems are fixed in less than a second, before visitors are even aware the site was down.

最重要的是,SiteGround会仔细监控正常运行时间,以便在出现问题时可以立即将其解决。 在我们的Skype通话中,我让团队澄清了他们的监控系统如何为我工作。 它的自动化系统每半秒钟主动检查服务器状态,并自动解决问题,而不必等待系统管理员来做。 实际上,许多服务器问题在不到一秒钟的时间内就得到解决,甚至在访问者甚至意识到该站点已关闭之前。

That’s impressive, and unique.


We are tracking #Siteground uptime for the past nine months and Yep, they are true to what they say :)


— HostingStep (@HostingStep) May 16, 2017

— HostingStep(@HostingStep) 2017年5月16日

While most hosting companies faced few downtimes, @SiteGround is the only host that produced 100% uptime for the past four months (2/5)


— HostingStep (@HostingStep) March 31, 2017

— HostingStep(@HostingStep) 2017年3月31日

SiteGround conservatively state its uptime to be 99.99%. Its actual uptime last month was 99.999%, and over the last twelve months 99.996%. Numerous independent tests and reviews confirm this. My own site’s uptime has remained at 100% since migrating to SiteGround.

SiteGround保守地指出其正常运行时间为99.99%。 上个月的实际正常运行时间为99.999%,在过去的12个月中为99.996%。 许多独立测试和审查证实了这一点。 自迁移到SiteGround以来,我自己网站的正常运行时间一直保持在100%。

I'm moving alll my wordpress sites to Siteground from GoDaddy. So much faster and reliable. Lots of work ahead, but worth it.

我正在将所有的wordpress网站从GoDaddy移至Siteground。 如此之快和可靠。 前面有很多工作,但值得。

— Mike E (@MusicianMikeFx) January 10, 2017

— Mike E(@MusicianMikeFx) 2017年1月10日

4. SiteGround具有良好的声誉 (4. SiteGround Have a Stellar Reputation)

@SiteGround Uptime during my first full month of service with you was 99.98%. Happy with your hosting so far!

在您服务的第一个月中, @ SiteGround运行时间为99.98%。 到目前为止对您的托管感到满意!

— Jim Heil (@jimdheil) January 3, 2017

-Jim Heil(@jimdheil) 2017年1月3日

SiteGround is respected and well-known in the online community. It is recommended by WordPress and placed at or near the top of the heap in many web hosting smackdowns. And, of course, it’s the preferred web hosting company here at SitePoint.

SiteGround在在线社区中受到尊重和知名。 它是WordPress推荐的,并在许多虚拟主机托管中位于堆顶部或附近。 而且,当然,它是SitePoint首选的网络托管公司。

SiteGround’s customers seem just as impressed. Its customer satisfaction rating is 4.99/5.00 based on 872 reviews. And in the most recent SiteGround Client Survey customer satisfaction was a high 96.8%. Broken down into categories, the ratings were:

SiteGround的客户似乎也印象深刻。 根据872条点评它的顾客满意度等级是4.99 / 5.00。 在最近的SiteGround客户调查中,客户满意度高达96.8%。 细分为以下类别:

Support 97.3%

支持97.3% Security 97.6%

安全97.6% Uptime 98%

正常运行时间98% Speed 94.4%


When comparing SiteGround with their previous providers, 95% say that SiteGround is an improvement.


We know that most of our customers (83%) have a previous, or even current, experience with other hosts. So we asked them to rate us against other hosts they’ve used. Their answers show that 95% of our customers have a better experience with us. Quite a compliment!

我们知道,我们的大多数客户(83%)以前或现在在其他主机上都有经验。 因此,我们要求他们根据他们使用的其他主机对我们进行评级。 他们的回答表明,我们95%的客户对我们有更好的体验。 称赞!

An independent measure of customer satisfaction comes from ReviewSignals. They are in the business of rating web hosting companies based on other people’s reviews—largely customer reviews.

客户满意度的独立衡量标准来自ReviewSignals 。 他们从事基于别人的评论(主要是客户评论)的网络托管公司评级。

Review Signal turns conversations on Twitter into web hosting reviews. We’ve collected over 335,000 reviews about web hosting companies and publish them for consumers. Our mission is to take valuable insights publicly shared by others and transform it into useful information.

评论信号将Twitter上的对话变成虚拟主机评论。 我们已经收集了超过335,000条有关网络托管公司的评论,并将其发布给消费者。 我们的使命是获取他人公开分享的宝贵见解,并将其转化为有用的信息。

After running their algorithms through those 335,000 reviews, SiteGround came out on top.


By comparison, GoDaddy comes in at #9, HostGator at #11 and Bluehost at #15.


100% uptime for my website? Well, @SiteGround gets pretty close :) #BetterWeb17

我的网站100%正常运行时间? 好吧, @ SiteGround非常接近:) #BetterWeb17

— Stefania (@StephanieJW) December 20, 2016

— Stefania(@StephanieJW) 2016年12月20日

选择堆叠的公司 (Choose the Company that Stacks Up)

If you’re looking for quality web hosting with excellent support and features at the right price, consider SiteGround. It’s priced competitively, and offers world-class support, performance and reliability. We’ve teamed up with SiteGround to offer you up to 65% off web hosting for a limited time.

如果您正在寻找优质的虚拟主机,并以合理的价格提供出色的支持和功能,请考虑使用SiteGround。 它的价格具有竞争力,并提供世界一流的支持,性能和可靠性。 我们已经与SiteGround合作,在有限的时间内为您提供了高达65%的网络托管折扣 。

SiteGround’s GrowBig plan has a very good balance between price and features. From there you can upgrade to the GoGeek plan if you need more storage, are expecting a lot of traffic, or value additional eCommerce and staging features. Or if you’re just starting out and your needs are minimal, the StartUp plan will help you save a few dollars.

SiteGround的GrowBig计划在价格和功能之间取得了很好的平衡。 如果您需要更多存储空间,预计会有大量流量,或者需要额外的电子商务和登台功能,则可以从那里升级到GoGeek计划 。 或者,如果您只是刚起步而您的需求很少,那么StartUp计划将帮助您节省几美元。

Do you use SiteGround? Tell us about which plan you are using, and your experiences with the company.

您是否使用SiteGround? 告诉我们您正在使用哪种计划以及您在公司的经历。

Further reading:


The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Hosting Provider


5 Hosting Providers for WordPress Users Compared


Does Your Web Host Pass These 7 Tests?


