
tech2022-09-06  108


介绍 (Introduction)

According to a number of studies published over the last 12 months, only 25% of all websites get more than 5,000 unique visitors per month, which (unfortunately!) means that 75% of the internet aren’t reaching anywhere near their traffic (and therefore their monetisation) potential.


For context, at SitePoint we tend to try to measure the performance of our articles based on a minimum of 5,000 views per article – granted we have a few more articles in the publishing pipe than normal sites, but it gives you a bit of context.


For that 75% of sites who aren’t achieving what they’d like to achieve, some thoughts on what you can do.


了解您的观众是谁 (Understand who your audience are)

Yep okay, this one sounds like it should be pretty self-explanatory, but it is the basis for everything else that you might like to do to make your site a success.


Knowing the audience you want to speak to and creating content that works well for them helps with every subsequent suggestion and is the entire basis for a great website with good levels of traffic.


Don’t understand your audience? Don’t get your tone and style right for them? Don’t create content that is of interest to them? Forget any other suggestions, you’re not going to hit the mark – and if you’re doing anything like paid search you can cost yourself a lot of money into the mix.

听不懂你的听众? 难道您的语气和风格不适合他们吗? 不创建他们感兴趣的内容吗? 忘记其他建议,您将无法实现目标–并且,如果您要进行付费搜索之类的工作,您可能会花费很多钱。

Ultimately this should be test and learn (like everything else you do with a digital business!) – try different approaches, test tone and style, publish different types of articles, test imagery, test structures of articles and styles, look at what is working for competing sites and try to take the best of what they are doing (don’t take their content, (a) what works for them may not work for you and (b) that’s called plagiarism, which is a poor way to create content, bad form and also is likely to get you penalised by Google (rightly!) .


There are plenty of ways to approach this kind of testing, watch the traffic for each piece, understand what works and do more of that!


通过电子邮件营销建立流量 (Build traffic with email marketing)

Email is and has always been a surprisingly goods way to engage an audience – if you’re creating content regularly a lot of users actually prefer to engage via weekly newsletters and updates and this can be one of the more effective ways to grow returning traffic to your site.


Keep in mind that if I am subscribing to receive content, you actually have to give me valuable content – as with anything else to do with the monetisation of traffic if you’re planning on using email as a monetisation stream make sure you’re not just sending ads, or you’ll have a pretty high level of unsubscribes fast!


Also, don’t overdo it – a monthly email roundup is a good start and let’s you test and learn again – if it makes sense up the cadence. Too regular can be a hard thing to hold up if you don’t have a lot of content and again it isn’t worth doing if you’re not offering value.

另外,也不要过度使用-每月进行一次电子邮件汇总是个不错的开始,让您再次测试和学习-如果可以的话,请参考。 如果您没有太多的内容,那么经常性就很难坚持下去,如果您不提供价值,那么再次这样做是不值得的。

记住社交 (Remember the socials)

I’ll talk about SEO and optimisation below, but it’s definitely worth keeping in mind that (unfortunately) publishing awesome content and hoping that people will find you isn’t going to get you where you want to be.


Creating social accounts on the majors (worth noting that the industry you are in will have an effect on what your major social networks are – i.e. some products are much better suited to Instagram and Pinterest than others)


Once you have your social accounts in place, share every piece of new content – if what you’re sharing is of interest it won’t take long to see visitors coming from social networks through shares and likes.


Again with these a test and learn approach is going to be important – try each of the majors and mix strategies to see what works – keep an eye on competitors and do your research, testing is great but don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to.


A List of socials for driving traffic:












Google +

Google +

还有……优化! (And…optimise!)

If you want to organic (i.e. non-paid) traffic, then your website and content itself are going to need to be optimized.


There are a couple of different ways that this is done:


Internal (or ‘On-page’ SEO)

内部(或“页面上” SEO)

This is optimizing your website and content. This is all done in templates or in your CMS/back-end (i.e. WordPress Admin) – you own it.

这正在优化您的网站和内容。 这一切都在模板或您的CMS /后端(即WordPress Admin)中完成-您拥有它。

Internal (or ‘On-page’ SEO)

内部(或“页面上” SEO)

External SEO


External SEO is just that, everything that isn’t directly within the site, social mentions, social bookmarking, link-backs, link building etc etc. There are many ways to do this – suffice to say that if you aren’t doing a great job of your ‘On page’ then you’ll get a lot less value out of this. Paid search etc fits into this category as well.

外部SEO就是这样,不是网站中直接存在的所有内容,社交提及,社交书签,链接返回,链接构建等。可以通过多种方式进行操作–足以说明,如果您不做您在“网页”上的出色表现,那么您将从中获得的价值就会大大减少。 付费搜索等也适用于此类别。

External SEO


Focusing on the On-page SEO side of things, there are a bunch of factors that will affect how well you’re doing with organic traffic.


Title Tags: A good title does many things – captures attention, excites the user, makes them interested (hopefully) and importantly tells Google what you’re on about.


Description Tag: Like your title, the description should be both interesting to the user and should contain the keywords you want to rank for. A good description can greatly increase your click-through rate.

描述标签:描述与您的标题一样,对用户来说应该很有趣,并且应包含要排名的关键字。 一个好的描述可以大大提高您的点击率。

Headings: Both humans and search engines enjoy well formatted articles with obvious headings. Using H1, H2, H3 heading tags in your content will make your articles easier to read and search engines will be happy too. Happy readers, happy life.

标题:人类和搜索引擎都喜欢标题清晰,格式正确的文章。 在您的内容中使用H1,H2,H3标题标签将使您的文章更易于阅读,搜索引擎也会很高兴。 快乐的读者,快乐的生活。

ALT Text for Images: Alternative text is is a big factor in accessibility. For that reason it is also a factor in Google rankings. Doesn’t matter how you’re creating content, use Alt tags anywhere where accessibility might be an issue

图像的替代文本替代文本是可访问性的重要因素。 因此,它也是Google排名中的一个因素。 不管您如何创建内容,都可以在可能存在辅助功能的任何地方使用Alt标记

Content: If you want to rank well in organic search, your content needs to be unique and should provide value for your visitors. Again as above, test and learn

内容:如果您想在自然搜索中排名很好,则您的内容必须是唯一的,并应为访问者提供价值。 再次如上所述,测试并学习

Site Speed: Not a small factor – optimise for speed and understand that the more there is on the page, the slower your site is likely to be – another reason not to run 100 ads on your short-form content article!


最后 (Finally)

Traffic is the lifeblood of your website – good traffic brings sales , ad clicks, leads etc etc. There are many more optimisations that you can do (and software systems, both free and paid, that you can use) once you have increasing traffic, but most of what you need can be achieved through both good organic rankings and content marketing.


Working to get some of these right or at least well under way before moving to things like paid search makes good sense (and will ensure you’re getting things right before spending ad dollars).


Got comments or thoughts? Join the conversation below.

有意见或想法吗? 加入下面的对话。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/grow-traffic-capture-audience/

