
tech2022-09-06  112


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Bruno Skvorc is a blockchain and Solidity developer and consultant. A former web developer until JavaScript “drove him away”, he now exclusively works on smart contract auditing, development and consulting/training at Bitfalls.com. He also owns Coinvendor.io, an onboarding platform for crypto enthusiasts.

Bruno Skvorc是区块链和Solidity开发人员和顾问。 在JavaScript被“赶走”之前,他是一名前Web开发人员,现在,他在Bitfalls.com上专门从事智能合约审计,开发和咨询/培训。 他还拥有Coinvendor.io,这是加密爱好者的入门平台。

When he’s not immersed in all things blockchain, he tries to make time for VR, gaming and hiking. His goal is to retire by 35 so he can become a proper gamer again. Add him on Steam or Oculus: ID: TheSwader.

当他不沉迷于区块链的所有事物时,他会尝试腾出时间进行VR,游戏和远足。 他的目标是在35岁之前退休,这样他就可以再次成为一名合适的游戏玩家。 将他添加到Steam或Oculus上:ID:TheSwader。

1.目前,哪项技术创意或趋势最让您兴奋? (1. Which tech idea or trend excites you the most at the moment?)



I don’t care much about the investment side or speculations, more the web 3.0 blockchain side of Ethereum, the decentralized, censorship-free web.

我不太在乎投资方面或投机,更不在乎以太坊的Web 3.0区块链方面,即去中心化,无审查的网络。

2.为什么? (2. Why?)

Three parts, in descending order.


I love the tech. I’m looking forward to being deeply involved with it and building indestructible applications of the future.

我喜欢科技。 我期待着与之紧密合作,并构建未来坚不可摧的应用程序。

I love being in on the ground floor. As someone who physically couldn’t be involved with the dot com boom (being too young and also in what was basically a 3rd world country [Croatia] at the time), I’m thrilled by the prospect of being able to make my own name in a brand new space that’s just getting off the ground. Very rarely does someone get the chance to hit the ground running in a brand new industry so I’m very excited about the endless possibilities where it might take me career-wise.

我喜欢在地下。 作为一个无法参与互联网繁荣的人(年龄太小,而且当时还处于第三世界国家(克罗地亚)),我为自己创造自己的前景而感到兴奋在崭新的领域中崭露头角。 很少有人会获得在崭新的行业中崭露头角的机会,因此,我对无穷无尽的职业生涯可能会感到非常兴奋。

The quick buck is always at the back of my mind. It really is still a venue for quick and easy money if you know what you’re doing, so a lot of us are going to retire early.

快速赚钱一直在我的脑海中。 如果您知道自己在做什么,它实际上仍然是一笔轻松赚钱的地方,因此我们很多人都将提早退休。

3.您还记得第一次学习区块链的时候吗? 是什么让您着迷? (3. Do you remember when you first learned about blockchain? What captivated you? )

I heard of Bitcoin some time in 2013 I think, maybe sooner, but didn’t think much of it, didn’t technically impress me. Still doesn’t. But then in 2014 when I heard of Ethereum things kind of became very interesting due to the promises they were making. That’s when I was drawn into blockchain as opposed to cryptocurrencies.

我在2013年的某个时候听说过比特币,我想也许会更快,但并没有考虑太多,从技术上讲并没有打动我。 仍然没有。 但是在2014年,当我听说以太坊时,由于他们的承诺,事情变得非常有趣。 那是我被吸引到区块链而不是加密货币的时候。

4.以太坊的前景和潜力是什么? (4. What are the promises and potential of Ethereum specifically?)

Ethereum is actually a bigger three part project.


Ethereum itself which is a worldwide CPU. Its underlying EVM (Ethereum virtual machine) powers the calculations of smart contracts (decentralized apps – dapps) by executing the instructions globally, on everyone’s computer.

以太坊本身就是世界范围内的CPU。 它的底层EVM(以太坊虚拟机)通过在每个人的计算机上全局执行指令来支持智能合约(去中心化应用程序-dapps)的计算。

Swarm, which is a protocol for decentralized file storage. Many solutions are being built on top of that and it’s under heavy development.

Swarm,这是用于分散文件存储的协议。 在此基础上构建了许多解决方案,并且正在大力开发中。

Whisper, which is a protocol for exchanging messages on the Ethereum blockchain without persistence, so no transactions needed, free but temporary communication between machines.


Once the three parts are complete and scalable, we’ll have a self-funded world-wide computer that powers indestructible global decentralized applications.


5.到底有什么不同? (5. How exactly will that make a difference?)

If the three parts of Ethereum develop fully and successfully as planned, then we’ll have a world-wide computer powering our apps. But we still need ISPs to transfer traffic and DNS to resolve domains, yes? No. Ethereum uses enodes to find other nodes. If you give a node on a network an enode address to another node, it will connect without an ISP or DNS in the middle needed to translate.

如果以太坊的三个部分按计划全面,成功地发展,那么我们将拥有一台全球计算机为我们的应用提供动力。 但是我们仍然需要ISP来传输流量和DNS来解析域,是吗? 否。以太坊使用enode来查找其他节点。 如果为网络上的节点提供到另一个节点的enode地址,则该节点将无需中间的ISP或DNS即可连接。

The magic of it is that nodes connecting via enode automatically have access to all nodes connected to the node they are connecting to, which means a viral spread of any blockchain as soon as a few connections are made – even in local networks, just via IP. This means we can technically run things offline, as a mesh community, just based on connection hops from one node to the other. The implications of this is that an Ethereum blockchain can run in an offline world just as well as it can in an online environment, as long as there are enough nodes connected.

它的神奇之处在于,通过enode进行连接的节点可以自动访问与其所连接的节点连接的所有节点,这意味着在建立少量连接后,即使是在本地网络中,也可以通过IPSwift传播任何区块链。 。 这意味着我们可以从一个节点到另一个节点的连接跃点,从技术上讲,可以作为网格社区离线运行事物。 这意味着以太坊区块链可以在离线环境中运行,就像在在线环境中一样,只要有足够的节点连接即可。

This is what excites me. The censorship free, government-immune world server that’s almost impossible to bring down. Not being beholden to an overlord lets you get true freedom of speech – the digital kind.

这就是让我兴奋的地方。 无审查的,不受政府影响的世界服务器,几乎不可能关闭。 不受制于霸主可以让您获得真正的言论自由-数字化。

Right now if you publish something dissenting it’s liable to be taken down by the overseeing entity. See Turkey’s blockade of social media during riots, or China’s Great Firewall.

现在,如果您发表异议,则有可能被监督实体取缔。 观看骚乱期间土耳其对社交媒体的封锁,或中国的防火墙。

Being able to publish any content and have irrevocable proof that you were the first to publish this, and at the same time have it be immune to infrastructure attacks, is priceless. Naturally, this lends itself to too much freedom as well – illegal content on the web and whatnot, and that’s a problem that needs to be tackled separately.

能够发布任何内容并拥有不可撤销的证据证明您是第一个发布此内容的人,同时又使其免受基础架构攻击,这是无价的。 自然,这也给自己带来了太多的自由-网络上的非法内容等等,这是一个问题,需要单独解决。

6.好吧! 哪个技术理念或趋势被高估了,为什么? (6. OK then! Which tech idea or trend is overrated, and why?)



People think it’s some kind of magic silver bullet for all infrastructure problems in the world. It’s not. It’s getting shoehorned into projects just to manufacture some hype for them.

人们认为这是解决世界上所有基础设施问题的灵丹妙药。 不是。 只是为了为他们制造一些炒作而陷入困境。

It’s a very bad, very expensive, very slow global database. Literally everything blockchain can do, all current databases do much better. Where blockchain shines, in particular Ethereum, is the ability to distribute computing power and provide us with the infrastructure for the new internet – one where we won’t depend on DNS for IPs, ISPs for content etc.

这是一个非常糟糕,非常昂贵,非常缓慢的全局数据库。 从字面上看,区块链可以做的一切,所有当前的数据库都做得更好。 区块链特别是Ethereum的发亮之处在于其能够分配计算能力并为我们提供新互联网的基础架构的能力-在这种基础上,我们将不再依赖DNS的IP,内容的ISP等。

Virtually every ICO today is a promise that already exists in some form, with blockchain tacked on for hype. For example, people keep quoting supply chain as needing blockchain. As in, you’ll be able to use the blockchain to immutably trace where each item of food or clothing came from if it’s all logged in the blockchain during the production process.

几乎今天的每个ICO都是以某种形式存在的诺言,加上了对区块链的大肆宣传。 例如,人们不断引用供应链作为需要区块链的报价。 像这样,如果生产过程中所有食物或衣物都记录在区块链中,您将能够使用区块链来不变地追踪每件食物或衣物的来源。

But any process which still keeps humans in it is 100% fallible. If we put blockchain-based sensors onto frozen food packages in transit which report to the blockchain as soon as a sensor fails so it’s immediately known which food is potentially tainted, and a driver’s performance bonus depends on his success ratio, when the air condition in that truck fails do you think he’ll let sensors dock his pay, or will he stop by the closest gas station, buy ice, and put them straight onto the sensors so they keep ticking?

但是,任何仍然让人类参与其中的过程都是100%容易犯错的。 如果我们将基于区块链的传感器放在运输途中的冷冻食品包装上,一旦传感器发生故障,该传感器就会立即向区块链报告,以便立即知道哪种食物可能被污染,而驾驶员的绩效奖金取决于他的成功率。那辆卡车出故障了,您认为他会让传感器停靠他的工资,还是他会在最近的加油站前停下来,买冰,然后将它们直接放在传感器上,以便它们继续滴答作响?

The gambling industry is another example. Gambling is just not an industry that needs a blockchain revolution. Yes, you can use blockchain to have provably fair gambling, but there are other ways to go provably fair without exposing yourself to the risk of bad randomness present in the blockchain. Dentists definitely do not need their own token and neither do dating apps. In fact, I’d go as far as saying blockchain can only hurt the latter, but hey, ICOs are just too good an opportunity to grab a quick buck and everyone’s going for it.

赌博业是另一个例子。 赌博并不是一个需要区块链革命的行业。 是的,您可以使用区块链进行可证明的公平赌博,但是还有其他方法可以证明可进行公平的交易,而不会暴露于区块链中存在不良随机性的风险。 牙医绝对不需要自己的令牌,约会应用程序也不需要。 实际上,我什至会说区块链只会伤害后者,但嘿,ICO只是抓住机会快速赚钱的好机会,每个人都在为此而努力。

7.描述(或链接到!)您最近建造,设计或生产的很酷的东西。 您为什么为它感到自豪,以及如何构建它? (7. Describe (or link to!) something cool you built, designed or produced recently. Why are you proud of it and how did you build it?)

Socially, I’m very happy with my conference, Blockconf.io. It was my first organized event and it was a rousing success. Loved every bit of that nightmare.

在社交方面,我对我的会议Blockconf.io感到非常满意。 这是我的第一个有组织的活动,取得了成功。 爱那个噩梦的每一刻。

Code-wise, I’m super proud of Coinvendor.io which is exiting beta and getting a design relaunch soon. It’s a platform for easy onboarding into crypto – legally buying crypto from any part of the world, delivered directly to a crypto address.

在代码方面,我为Coinvendor.io感到自豪,该公司即将退出测试版并很快重新启动设计。 这是一个易于注册加密货币的平台-合法地从世界任何地方购买加密货币,然后直接交付给加密地址。

To build this, I rolled up my sleeves, learned some Symfony4 and refreshed my PHP knowledge and dove right in. Having been in PHP for 10 years helped a lot, and having good contacts in the community – in particular the core development team of Symfony – helped me flesh the app out virtually over the weekend.


8.您最近看过的最好的高科技产品是什么,为什么? (8. What’s the best tech thing you watched recently, and why? )

The “Do You Trust This Computer” documentary about the dangers of AI. Important watch considering where we’re headed with the technology.

关于人工智能的危害的“您是否信任这台计算机”纪录片。 重要的手表,考虑到我们技术的发展方向。

9.以及您发送给朋友的最有趣/最有趣的脱主题链接? (9. And the most interesting/funny off-topic link you’ve sent to a friend?)

This terrible and hilarious/depressing video about humanity failing so much at living on the only planet that provides them with breathable atmosphere that they destroyed it and then invented a mask to be able to breathe again.


10.最喜欢的模因? 又为什么呢 (10. Favorite meme? And why?)

I do like the confused Travolta gif, I find it very relatable.

我确实喜欢困惑的Travolta gif,我觉得它很相关。

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翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/blockchain-exciting-maybe-world-changing-also-overrated/

