
tech2022-09-06  146

We’ve had a big re-vamp of one of our most-loved products, and we’re very excited about the result – here’s an explanation of what’s going on, and why it’s exciting!


Versioning was something we started waaaay back in 2014. The idea was, the internet is exhausting, particularly for devs, designers and web folk like you. Why not get someone (me) to keep up with all of that stuff for you, and share the best content on a daily basis? It turns out, people (you) wanted that, so I’ve written the daily newsletter ever since.

版本控制是我们在2014年开始使用的一种想法。当时的想法是,互联网已经精疲力尽,特别是对于像您这样的开发人员,设计师和网络人士而言。 为什么不让某个人(我)为您掌握所有这些东西,并每天共享最佳内容? 事实证明,人们(您)想要这样,所以从那以后我就写了每日新闻通讯。

BUT I also had another, full-time role at SitePoint, so Versioning was squeezed in where it fit.


Now, I’ve stopped squeezing. Versioning is my entire job, and I’m entirely focused on making the newsletter as useful and amazing as possible, so that it’s worthwhile subscribing to. I have a whole day to produce every edition of Versioning, so I can do things like widen the range of sources, widen the range of topics covered based on feedback, fully explore each link, and produce more and more varied content for y’all. The core newsletter will always be there, but additional updates on specific subjects or areas, canonical, updated posts and interviews can happen too. Down the line, the sky’s the limit.

现在,我已停止挤压。 版本控制是我的全部工作,我完全专注于使时事通讯尽可能有用和令人惊叹,因此值得订阅。 我整天都在制作每个版本的Versioning,因此我可以做一些事情,例如扩大来源范围,根据反馈扩大涵盖的主题范围,充分探索每个链接以及为您提供越来越多的内容。 核心新闻通讯将始终存在,但是特定主题或领域的其他更新,规范,更新的帖子和访谈也可能会发生。 沿线,天空是极限。

We could’ve financed this move by adding more, and maybe more disruptive, advertising and sponsorships, but this lets the content be the focus. You’ll get stuff that’ll make your day (or your week, or your life) better, and nothing else.

我们本可以通过增加更多,甚至更具破坏性的广告和赞助来为这一举措提供资金的,但是这使内容成为了重点。 您将获得可以使您的一天(或您的一周,或您的生活)变得更好的东西,仅此而已。

Instead, we’re relaunching the newsletter as a paid subscription product. For a small monthly or annual fee, you can become a Versioning Member and get the new, improved daily Versioning. This will come to your inbox and will also be viewable online. No ads, better links, better commentary and additional content and products (forums, for example, are on the horizon) where they make sense.

取而代之的是,我们将新闻稿重新发布为付费订阅产品。 只需少量的月费或年费,您就可以成为Versioning会员,并获得新的,改进的Daily Versioning。 这将显示在您的收件箱中,并且也可以在线查看。 没有有意义的广告,更好的链接,更好的评论以及其他内容和产品(例如,论坛即将到来)。

You can also sign up to receive a weekly update – that I’m planning on making very awesome in itself – plus periodic free updates. You can see some of those here.

您还可以注册以接收每周更新-我计划自己做得非常好-加上定期的免费更新。 您可以在这里看到其中一些 。

To do this we have partnered with a company called Substack [substack]. They’re a start-up entirely dedicated to making subscription publishing work for content producers. (Btw, they’re co-founded by a New Zealander, like me, because Kiwis are amazing.)

为此,我们与一家名为Substack [ substack ]的公司合作。 他们是一家完全致力于为内容制作者提供订阅发布工作的初创公司。 (顺便说一句,他们是由像我这样的新西兰人共同创立的,因为新西兰人很棒。)

Sign up here for the special special launch price of US $5 per month, or you can get an annual subscription for $50. Once you purchase a subscription under these special prices, they’ll renew at that rate as long as you’re still subscribed. This deal runs until March 5 and the price returns to the standard rate of $7/month or $70/year.

在这里注册,享受每月5美元的特别推出价格,否则您可以每年订阅50美元。 您以这些特惠价格购买了订阅后,只要您仍然订阅,它们就会以该价格续订。 这笔交易将持续到3月5日,价格将恢复为每月7美元或每年70美元的标准费率。

This is a new thing for us, and for the content industry in general, so we’re pumped! I hope you join us!

对于我们和整个内容行业来说,这都是新事物,所以我们如虎添翼! 希望你加入我们!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/announcing-versioning-2-0/
