java 移动端接口令牌

tech2022-09-06  115

java 移动端接口令牌

This article was originally published on Alibaba Cloud. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文最初发表在阿里云上 。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Think you got a better tip for making the best use of Alibaba Cloud services? Tell us about it and go in for your chance to win a Macbook Pro (plus other cool stuff). Find out more here.

认为您有更好的技巧来充分利用阿里云服务吗? 告诉我们,并争取获得Macbook Pro的机会(还有其他很棒的东西)。 在这里找到更多 。

In mobile gaming, many applications require developers to segregate player resources. This includes a range of things, from saving files to processing user profile information. Using traditional methods, developers can manage this segregation, but must consider many other problems such as security, scalability, and APIs.

在移动游戏中,许多应用程序要求开发人员隔离玩家资源。 包括从保存文件到处理用户配置文件信息等一系列内容。 使用传统方法,开发人员可以管理这种隔离,但必须考虑许多其他问题,例如安全性,可伸缩性和API。

As cloud technologies evolve, the need for higher-level usability and features is increasing. With Object Storage Service (OSS), customers can store and manage their objects easily and efficiently. OSS provides real-time image processing service online. Some customers may want additional features such as allowing users to have limited access to a service like OSS, but with the convenience of secure, centralized management.

随着云技术的发展,对更高级别的可用性和功能的需求正在增加。 借助对象存储服务( OSS ),客户可以轻松,高效地存储和管理其对象。 OSS在线提供实时图像处理服务。 一些客户可能需要其他功能,例如允许用户有限地访问OSS之类的服务,但具有安全,集中管理的便利。

Security Token Service provides short-term access permission management for Alibaba Cloud accounts or RAM users. Through STS, you can issue federated users, who are managed in your local account system, with an access credential that customizes the expiration duration and access permission. Federated users can use the STS temporary access credential to directly call the Alibaba Cloud service API or to log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console to access authenticated resources.

安全令牌服务为阿里云帐户或RAM用户提供短期访问权限管理。 通过STS,您可以向在本地帐户系统中管理的联盟用户颁发访问凭据,该凭据可自定义到期时间和访问许可。 联合用户可以使用STS临时访问凭据直接调用阿里云服务API或登录到阿里云管理控制台以访问经过身份验证的资源。

In this scenario, we test the functionality of STS by using OSS.


先决条件 (Prerequisites)

It requires the ability to adjust Resource Access Management (RAM) settings and Roles. For more information, see Roles.

它需要能够调整资源访问管理(RAM)设置和角色。 有关更多信息,请参见角色 。

The sample code is written in Python. While it is not required, a basic understanding of computer programming is an advantage. The sample code provided in this tutorial can serve as a template which can be modified to meet your specific needs. Many people are currently using the raw API so as to manage an environment, or an application. While an SDK is available in many languages, the raw API provides more flexibility.

示例代码是用Python编写的。 尽管不是必需的,但对计算机编程的基本了解是一个优点。 本教程中提供的示例代码可以用作模板,可以对其进行修改以满足您的特定需求。 当前,许多人正在使用原始API来管理环境或应用程序。 虽然有多种语言的SDK,但原始API提供了更大的灵活性。

建筑 (Architecture)

In this diagram, a RAM user wants to upload images to a separate folder in an OSS bucket.


The upload process is as follows:


The user assumes a RAM role for Read and Write OSS Access for a specific folder in Alibaba Cloud by calling AssumeRole.

用户通过调用AssumeRole承担阿里云中特定文件夹的读写OSS访问的RAM角色。 STS returns a set of temporary security credentials.

STS返回一组临时安全凭证。 The user applies the temporary security credentials to access OSS. The user can then make a read or write call on the object.

用户应用临时安全凭证来访问OSS。 然后,用户可以对对象进行读取或写入调用。

We take OSS as an example here. However, STS can be used to grant temporary access to a wide range of Alibaba Cloud services. In this tutorial, we use fine-grained STS permission to limit access to a specific OSS bucket.

这里以OSS为例。 但是,可以使用STS授予对各种阿里云服务的临时访问权限。 在本教程中,我们使用细粒度的STS权限来限制对特定OSS存储桶的访问。

实作 (Implementation)

Three files in the sample code are as follows:


This is the code for assuming the role and to retrieve essential information such as accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, and securityToken.


The available functions are as follows:


Generate signatures to guarantee request authenticity

生成签名以保证请求的真实性 Get HTTPS requests


The example code for file “” is as follows:


from base64 import b64encode from datetime import datetime from Crypto.Hash import SHA, HMAC import md5, httplib, urllib, uuid, json ##### CONFIG MANAGEMENT accessKeyId = "<access_key_id>" accessKeySecret = "<access_key_secret>" ##### FUNCTION MANAGEMENT def generateSignature(accessKeySecret, stringToSign): hmac =, stringToSign, SHA) return b64encode(hmac.digest()) def getHttpsRequest(host, verb, path): conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host) conn.request(verb, path) return conn.getresponse() # ###### STS MANAGEMENT host = "" verb = "GET" bucketName = "<bucket_name>" folderName = "1" policy = '{"Statement": [{"Effect": "Allow","Action": ["oss:*"],"Resource": ["acs:oss:*:*:' + bucketName + '/' + folderName + '","acs:oss:*:*:' + bucketName + '/' + folderName + '/*"]}],"Version": "1"}' dictionaryParams = { "AccessKeyId": accessKeyId, "Action": "AssumeRole", "DurationSeconds": "3600", "Format": "JSON", "Policy": policy, "RoleArn": "acs:ram::5081099437682835:role/ramtestossreadwrite", "RoleSessionName": "<session_name>", "SignatureMethod": "HMAC-SHA1", "SignatureNonce": str(uuid.uuid1()), "SignatureVersion": "1.0", "Timestamp": datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), "Version": "2015-04-01" } stringToSign = "" for key in sorted(dictionaryParams.iterkeys()): value = urllib.quote(dictionaryParams[key], safe="") if stringToSign != "": stringToSign += "&" stringToSign += key + "=" + value stringToSign = verb + "&%2F&" + urllib.quote(stringToSign) signature = generateSignature(accessKeySecret + "&", stringToSign) dictionaryParams["Signature"] = signature params = urllib.urlencode(dictionaryParams) path = "/?" + params response = getHttpsRequest(host, verb, path) if response.status == 200: jsonData = json.loads( print "Copy paste the respective information to file\n" print "accessKeyId: " + jsonData['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'] print "accessKeySecret: " + jsonData['Credentials']['AccessKeySecret'] print "securityToken: " + jsonData['Credentials']['SecurityToken']

This is the code to upload and delete the object.


The available functions are as follows:


Generate signatures

生成签名 Generate headers

产生标题 Make HTTP requests

发出HTTP请求 Upload objects

上载物件 Delete objects


The example code for the file “” is as follows:


from base64 import b64encode from datetime import datetime from Crypto.Hash import SHA, HMAC import md5, httplib, urllib, uuid ##### MAIN CONFIG (STS) accessKeyId = "<access_key_id>" accessKeySecret = "<access_key_secret>" securityToken = "<security_token>" ##### FUNCTION MANAGEMENT def generateSignature(accessKeySecret, stringToSign): hmac =, stringToSign, SHA) return b64encode(hmac.digest()) def generateHeaders(verb, canonicalizedResource = "/", canonicalizedOSSHeaders = {}, signature = {}): # authorization stringToSign = verb + "\n" if "content" in signature: stringToSign +=["content"]).digest() stringToSign += "\n" if "content_type" in signature: stringToSign += signature["content_type"] stringToSign += "\n" date = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") stringToSign += date + "\n" if len(canonicalizedOSSHeaders): for index, value in canonicalizedOSSHeaders.items(): stringToSign += index.lower() + ":" + value + "\n" stringToSign += canonicalizedResource signature = generateSignature(accessKeySecret, stringToSign) # headers headers = {"Date": date, "Authorization": "OSS " + accessKeyId + ":" + signature} headers.update(canonicalizedOSSHeaders) return headers def sendHttpsRequest(host, verb, headers, path = "/", params = ""): conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host) conn.request(verb, path, params, headers) return conn.getresponse() ##### OBJECT MANAGEMENT canonicalizedOSSHeaders = {"x-oss-acl": "public-read", "x-oss-security-token": securityToken} bucketName = "<bucket_name>" host = bucketName + "" hostMain = "" folderName = "1" fileName = "<filename>" ### UPLOAD OBJECT verb = "PUT" canonicalizedResource = "/" + bucketName + "/" + folderName + "/" + fileName headers = generateHeaders(verb, canonicalizedResource, canonicalizedOSSHeaders) response = sendHttpsRequest(host, verb, headers, "/" + folderName + "/" + fileName, open(fileName, "rb")) print "Successfully uploaded " + fileName + " object to " + bucketName + "/" + folderName + " bucket/folder." print response.status, response.reason print ### DELETE OBJECT verb = "DELETE" canonicalizedResource = "/" + bucketName + "/" + folderName + "/" + fileName headers = generateHeaders(verb, canonicalizedResource, canonicalizedOSSHeaders) response = sendHttpsRequest(host, verb, headers, "/" + folderName + "/" + fileName) print "Successfully deleted " + fileName + " object." print response.status, response.reason print

This is the code for other scenarios. These samples may not be directly applicable to STS, but are provided as examples.

这是其他方案的代码。 这些样本可能不直接适用于STS,但仅作为示例提供。

The available functions are as follows:


Create buckets

创建桶 List buckets

列出桶 Upload objects

上载物件 List objects

列出对象 Delete objects

删除物件 Delete buckets


The example code for the file “” is as follows:


bucketName = "<bucket_name>" host = bucketName + "" fileName = "<file_name>" ### CREATE BUCKET verb = "PUT" signature = {} canonicalizedResource = "/" + bucketName + "/" headers = generateHeaders(verb, signature, canonicalizedResource, canonicalizedOSSHeaders) response = sendRequest(host, verb, headers) print "Successfully created " + bucketName + " bucket." print response.status, response.reason print ### LIST BUCKET host = "" verb = "GET" signature = {} canonicalizedResource = "/" headers = generateHeaders(verb, signature, canonicalizedResource, canonicalizedOSSHeaders) response = sendRequest(host, verb, headers) print "Successfully listed buckets." print response.status, response.reason print ### UPLOAD OBJECT verb = "PUT" signature = {} canonicalizedResource = "/" + bucketName + "/" + fileName headers = generateHeaders(verb, signature, canonicalizedResource, canonicalizedOSSHeaders) response = sendRequest(host, verb, headers, "/" + fileName, open(fileName, "rb")) print "Successfully uploaded " + fileName + " object to " + bucketName + " bucket." print response.status, response.reason print ### LIST OBJECT verb = "GET" signature = {} canonicalizedResource = "/" + bucketName + "/" headers = generateHeaders(verb, signature, canonicalizedResource, canonicalizedOSSHeaders) response = sendRequest(host, verb, headers) print "Successfully listed objects in " + bucketName + " bucket." print response.status, response.reason print ### DELETE OBJECT verb = "DELETE" signature = {} canonicalizedResource = "/" + bucketName + "/" + fileName headers = generateHeaders(verb, signature, canonicalizedResource, canonicalizedOSSHeaders) response = sendRequest(host, verb, headers, "/" + fileName) print "Successfully deleted " + fileName + " object." print response.status, response.reason print ### DELETE BUCKET verb = "DELETE" signature = {} canonicalizedResource = "/" + bucketName + "/" headers = generateHeaders(verb, signature, canonicalizedResource, canonicalizedOSSHeaders) response = sendRequest(host, verb, headers) print "Successfully deleted " + bucketName + " bucket." print response.status, response.reason print

The expected responses are as follows:

预期的响应如下: : :

结论 (Conclusion)

This example focuses on OSS, but the STS service can be used to control access to other Alibaba Cloud services as well. The use case we describe in this tutorial is gaming. Other scenarios or services which require short-term access to OSS may include:

此示例着重于OSS ,但STS服务也可用于控制对其他阿里云服务的访问。 我们在本教程中描述的用例是游戏。 需要短期访问OSS的其他方案或服务可能包括:

Web applications

网络应用 Mobile applications


附加信息 (Additional Information)

STS Introduction


Use STS to access OSS



java 移动端接口令牌
