
tech2022-09-06  107


On the last day of 2015, we published a survey asking you, the readers, for an opinion about the PHP channel. It was a pretty open survey with mostly freeform answers allowed, so you could tell us literally anything. All in all, we collected 78 responses so far (the survey will remain open indefinitely, in case someone wants to give us more feedback).

在2015年的最后一天,我们发布了一项调查,征询您(读者)对PHP频道的意见。 这是一个相当开放的调查,几乎允许所有自由形式的答案,因此您可以从字面上告诉我们任何事情。 到目前为止,我们总共收集了78个回复(调查会无限期开放,以防有人想给我们更多反馈)。

On the average satisfaction scale, we scored 7.42 out of 10, and that’s without excluding the potential trolls who voted 1. That’s a very good result, but we’re determined to improve it further.


Of the people who provided written feedback, most desired either more in-depth and advanced content and / or more posts per month. Some complained about a lot of “useless product placement” which, I assume, means ads since we don’t do sponsored posts often.

在提供书面反馈的人员中,最需要的是更深入,更高级的内容和/或每月更多的帖子。 有些人抱怨很多“无用的产品展示位置”,我认为这意味着广告,因为我们不经常刊登赞助帖子。

Now, we’d love to publish more often – we’ve got the queue for it. Heck, our authors are working around the clock to produce awesome stuff. But we have a limited budget, and we have to make this budget work with the amount of content coming in – remember, every post we publish is paid! So ads are a necessity – we use them to pay our authors for the hard work they put in.

现在,我们希望更频繁地发布-我们已经排队了。 哎呀,我们的作者全天候工作,制作出很棒的东西。 但是我们的预算有限,我们必须使预算与所接收内容的数量保持一致-请记住,我们发布的每篇帖子都是付费的! 因此,广告是必不可少的–我们使用广告来支付作者的辛勤工作。

Regarding more content and more advanced topics – I read you loud and clear. We’ll start commissioning more of such content in the future – we’ll do our best to publish full “from scratch” guides that cover a topic well, and we’ll try to tackle some advanced, specific topics. Additionally, based on another reader’s feedback, we’ll start including lists for further reading at the bottom of the posts – for those enthralled by the topic.

关于更多内容和更高级的主题–我向您大声朗读。 将来,我们将开始委托更多此类内容-我们将尽力发布涵盖该主题的完整“从头开始”指南,并尝试解决一些高级的特定主题。 此外,根据其他读者的反馈,我们将在帖子底部开始列出供进一步阅读的列表-针对那些受该主题困扰的读者。

If you have other suggestions, please drop them in the comments below!


When it came to the newsletter, it turned out most people either weren’t interested in subscribing to it, or weren’t aware of its existence – mostly the latter.


This is something we intend to rectify. Step one will be reminders that the newsletter exists at the top of posts which get mentioned in each edition. Step two will be including interesting non-SitePoint resources in the newsletter, even links to appealing open source projects in the spirit of Sourcehunt. Step three will be more elaborate and article-like newsletter editorials, in order to make the newsletter more appealing to a broader audience.

这是我们打算纠正的问题。 第一步将提醒您,时事通讯位于每个版本中提到的帖子的顶部。 第二步将在新闻通讯中包含有趣的非SitePoint资源,甚至本着Sourcehunt精神链接到有吸引力的开源项目。 第三步将是更详尽和类似文章的新闻通讯社论,以使新闻通讯对更广泛的受众更具吸引力。

If you have any other suggestions for improving it, please do let us know – what we want most is for the newsletter to be useful to you, not just another thing you automatically archive.


When it came to satisfaction with our author pool, we also scored very well:


There weren’t any specific repeated complaints, but one answer did mention we should let authors be more personal with their posts – let them develop humor and opinions rather than writing impersonal and very techy posts like we do now. We’ve actually moved away from personal posts on purpose in the past year in order to make our posts sound more professional, but I’m wondering if more of you think we should let authors express their personal experiences and opinions more, or keep it “cold and pro”.

没有特别重复的投诉,但是有一个答案确实提到我们应该让作者对自己的帖子更具个性-让他们形成幽默感和见解,而不是像我们现在这样写非个人化和高技巧的帖子。 为了使我们的帖子听起来更加专业,我们实际上已经在过去的一年中放弃了个人帖子,但是我想知道是否更多的人认为我们应该让作者更多地表达他们的个人经历和观点,或者保留它“冷而亲”。

One area that does seem problematic is reader retention:


Obviously, it’s in every publication’s best interest to have readers go to other posts. We try to rely on your desire to learn and on matching the topic you’re reading with similar material published before. Admittedly, this needs some work. We’ll keep chugging along and, in the coming months, we’ll be intensifying our efforts (non invasively) to produce relevant and up to date recommendations for alternative and followup content.

显然,让读者浏览其他文章符合每个出版物的最大利益。 我们试图依靠您的学习欲望,并根据您正在阅读的主题与之前发表的类似材料进行匹配。 诚然,这需要一些工作。 我们将继续努力,在接下来的几个月中,我们将加大力度(以非侵入方式)针对替代和后续内容提出相关且最新的建议。

By far, the most desired post on the channel seems to be in depth tutorials:


Second place goes to introductory tutorials, which makes sense – new technologies need to be introduced before being presented in-depth. Versus posts, where we compare or benchmark tools, frameworks and IDEs against one another seem to be almost completely undesired, and in light of these findings we’ll be dramatically altering the ratio of published posts to reflect your wishes.

第二名是入门教程,这很有意义–在深入介绍新技术之前,必须先引入新技术。 与帖子相比,我们几乎不希望在其中对工具,框架和IDE进行比较或基准测试,鉴于这些发现,我们将大幅更改已发布帖子的比例,以反映您的意愿。

On social media, most people seem to be unfazed and don’t care about it at all:


The few that do, though, think we could do better. The one repeated complaint was that we don’t tweet often enough – we tend to tweet once (in order to not appear spammy) and people seem to miss that tweet in their busy timelines. We’ll work on that and try to post more often.

不过,少数这样做的人认为我们可以做得更好。 一再抱怨是,我们发推文的频率不够高-我们倾向于发一次推文(以免出现垃圾邮件),人们似乎在忙碌的时间表中错过了该推文。 我们将对此进行努力,并尝试增加发布次数。

Finally, regarding recommending SitePoint to other people, we’re somewhere in the middle, leaning towards the positive side:


Solving all the above should automatically take care of this issue – at least we hope so.


In the final free-form question, the major desires were:


article thumbnails (we’ll try and make this happen)

文章缩略图(我们将尽力做到这一点) more demos and practical examples (planned)

更多演示和实际示例(计划中) more PHP 7 (planned)

更多PHP 7(已计划)

结论 (Conclusion)

I’d like to wholeheartedly thank everyone who took the time to participate in this survey. Every single contribution is valuable, and we’ll use each answer as a learning experience. It is our aim to make SitePoint the best possible resource for you, and I hope we can live up to your expectations in 2016. Onward and upward!

我要衷心感谢所有花时间参加本调查的人。 每一个贡献都是有价值的,我们将把每个答案当作学习经验。 我们的目标是使SitePoint成为您的最佳资源,我希望我们能够在2016年实现您的期望。


