
tech2022-09-07  93


With a new schedule and regime, we changed the author introduction post to a once per three months frequency rather than every other month like it was. As March is drawing to an end (already?!), let’s see which new souls joined us in this era of peer review. We’ll also use this opportunity to mention our newest regular authors.

通过新的时间表和制度 ,我们将作者介绍发布的频率改为每三个月一次,而不是原来的每两个月一次。 随着三月即将结束(已经?!),让我们看看在同行评审时代,哪些新灵魂加入了我们。 我们还将利用这次机会提及我们的最新正规作者 。

Regular authors are those who send in an increased number of drafts and actively engage in peer reviewing of other people’s work. They’re our most valuable community members, helping make the goals for 2015 a reality. They’re eligible for higher payments and other bonuses to come, their topics are essentially auto-approved for writing, and more. If you’d like to become a regular SitePoint author (or just an author), do send us a note.

定期作者是指发送越来越多的草稿并积极参与对他人工作进行同行评审的人。 他们是我们最有价值的社区成员,有助于实现2015年的目标 。 他们有资格获得更高的薪水和其他奖金,他们的主题基本上是自动批准撰写的,等等。 如果您想成为SitePoint的普通作者(或仅仅是一名作者),请给我们发送便条 。

正规作者 (Regular Authors)

We’ve seen an influx of increased enthusiasm from our most prolific members. The first two who get to pin this medal to their chest are as follows:

我们已经看到来自最多产的成员的热情增加了。 最早将此勋章固定在胸前的两个人如下:

摩洛哥Younes Rafie (Younes Rafie, Morocco)

Younes has been with us for a while, and has been aiming for the regular author position since Q3 2014. When a man knows what he wants, there’s little that will stand in his way, and Younes grabbed the opportunity by the throat. In 2014, he was one of our most prolific authors and in 2015 he only increased his output, always keeping quality and interesting topics in mind. I take great pride in being able to welcome him into the regulars circle, and I feel like he’s just getting started.

自2014年第3季度以来,Younes一直在我们身边工作,并且一直在担任常规作家职位。当一个男人知道他想要的东西时,几乎没有任何阻碍,Younes抓住了机会。 在2014年,他是我们最多产的作家之一,在2015年,他只增加了产出,始终牢记高质量和有趣的主题。 我为能够欢迎他加入常规圈而感到自豪,我觉得他才刚刚起步。

So far (in 2015), Younes published a whopping six posts and two quick tips. Keep up the great work!

到目前为止(2015年),Younes 发表了多达六篇文章和两个快速提示。 继续努力!

比利时的丹尼尔·西波斯 ( Daniel Sipos ) (Daniel Sipos, Belgium)

Danny has been our Drupal expert since the day he joined. If anything was going on in the Drupal world we should know about, he was right on top of it, keeping everyone up to date and preparing the readership for Drupal 8’s imminent release. Danny earned his “R” badge in March, and starting with April, he’ll be a part of the regular circle.

自加入之日起,丹尼就一直是我们的Drupal专家。 如果我们应该知道Drupal世界中发生了什么事情,那么他就是最重要的,他使每个人都保持最新,并为Drupal 8即将发布的读者做好了准备。 丹尼(Danny)在三月获得了“ R”徽章,从四月开始,他将成为常规圈子的一部分。

Danny’s contributions not only to our Drupal corprus but also to the peer review process have been invaluable. He reviewed countless articles, shot pull requests left and right, and even made important suggestions for improving the entire workflow.

丹尼不仅对我们的Drupal语料库做出了贡献,而且对同行评审过程的贡献也非常宝贵。 他审阅了无数文章,向左右请求镜头拉动,甚至提出了改善整个工作流程的重要建议。

Danny’s 2015 portfolio counts five posts with more incoming. Excellent work!

丹尼(Danny)的2015年作品集统计了5个帖子,其中还有更多新进来。 优秀作品!

新作者 (New Authors)

Apart from the regulars increasing their output, we’ve also had room to welcome some new souls on board. They are, in order:

除了增加常客的产量外,我们还有空间欢迎船上的新灵魂。 它们是:

美国戴维·布鲁博 (David Brumbaugh, USA)

As per David’s bio, he is the CTO of SaaS provider 3B Alliance, LLC. He’s been involved in Internet development since 1994. His articles have been published by Dice, C/C++ User’s Journal, PC Techniques and John Wiley & Sons. David specializes in software design in PHP/mySQL, HTML/Javascript, C++ and C#/SQL Server, focused on application security, eCommerce, and WordPress plugin development.

根据David的简历,他是SaaS提供商3B Alliance,LLC的首席技术官。 自1994年以来,他一直从事Internet开发。他的文章已在Dice,C / C ++用户杂志,PC Techniques和John Wiley&Sons上发表。 David专门从事PHP / mySQL,HTML / Javascript,C ++和C#/ SQL Server的软件设计,专注于应用程序安全性,电子商务和WordPress插件开发。

His debut post with us was about encrypting arbitrarily large messages with asymmetric keys and phpseclib, a niche but highly interesting topic for any web security enthusiast.

他在我们的处子秀中发表了关于用非对称密钥和phpseclib加密任意大消息的信息 ,这对任何网络安全爱好者来说都是一个利基但非常有趣的话题。

瑞士卢卡斯·卡威史密斯 (Lukas Kahwe Smith, Switzerland)

Lukas is a partner at Liip. His enthusiasm for the web and open source is only rivaled by his love of ultimate frisbee. He was co-release-manager for PHP 5.3. He is part of the Symfony core team, is co-leading PHPCR and Symfony CMF and has contributed to various parts of the Doctrine project.

Lukas是Liip的合伙人。 他对网络和开源的热情只能与他对极限飞盘的热爱相抗衡。 他是PHP 5.3的共同发布经理。 他是Symfony核心团队的成员,共同领导PHPCR和Symfony CMF,并为Doctrine项目的各个部分做出了贡献。

Lukas wrote a very interesting piece about content organization in CMS where he pitted trees, tags, references and facets against each other. While not exactly PHP related, it’s an incredibly informative read about an age old problem most high-traffic content managers encounter sooner or later. If you’re running a high profile content site (or plan to), I do suggest you give this piece a look.

卢卡斯(Lukas)在CMS中撰写了一篇关于内容组织的非常有趣的文章,他在树,标签,引用和构面之间进行了对比 。 虽然与PHP并不完全相关,但它是一本令人难以置信的信息,它讲述了大多数高流量内容经理迟早会遇到的一个古老问题。 如果您正在运行一个备受关注的内容网站(或计划这样做),我建议您看一下这篇文章。

Lukas has only published the single post with us so far, but we hope to see more of his work.


比利时克里斯托夫·威廉森 (Christophe Willemsen, Belgium)

Christophe worked as a Software Engineer for almost 15 years in maritime industries and at the NATO. He is now a Neo4j Expert and trainer at GraphAware, the #1 Neo4j consulting partner. Among eating graphs every day, he likes to develop applications with Symfony components or the full stack framework.

Christophe在海事行业和北约担任软件工程师近15年。 他现在是GraphAware的Neo4j专家和培训师,该公司是排名第一的Neo4j咨询合作伙伴。 在每天的饮食图表中,他喜欢使用Symfony组件或完整堆栈框架开发应用程序。

Christophe originally got in touch with us to write about Neo4j and graph databases – topics on our channel that have been left far too untouched for my liking. Naturally, he was welcomed with open arms and immediately produced an excellent two-part series on building a social network application with Neo4j and Silex. The first part is a down-to-earth explanation of graph databases and their interaction with PHP in general, while the second part dives into application development and adds friending to a Silex skeleton.

Christophe最初与我们联系是为了撰写有关Neo4j和图形数据库的文章-我们频道上的这些话题对我来说太过动人了。 自然,他张开双臂受到欢迎,并立即制作了一个由两部分组成的精彩系列,内容涉及与Neo4j和Silex构建社交网络应用程序。 第一部分对图形数据库及其与PHP的交互进行了扎实的解释,而第二部分则深入到应用程序开发中,并为Silex骨架添加了友善性 。

Christophe is currently working on more graph-related content for us, so stay tuned!


印度Shivam Mamgain (Shivam Mamgain, India)

Shivam is a web developer, competitive programmer, casual gamer and blogger. Having noticed a severe lack of SQLite topics on our channel, Shivam decided it was time to change this and got in touch. The result was a post about SQLite’s basic commands, laying the foundation for more advanced content which will be coming soon.

Shivam是一名Web开发人员,竞技程序员,休闲游戏玩家和博客作者。 Shivam注意到我们的频道上严重缺乏SQLite主题后,决定是时候进行更改并保持联系了。 结果是发布了有关SQLite基本命令的文章 ,为即将推出的更多高级内容奠定了基础。

以色列的丹尼尔·伯曼 (Daniel Berman, Israel)

Daniel, a product evangelist at Zend, joined us late in March with a top ten list of appealing Z-Ray features. This introductory post is a warmup for more in depth content regarding Z-Ray and the advanced debugging, optimization and insight it can offer. If you’re interested in Zend Server and the environment it can provide you with, Daniel’s posts will be of great interest to you.

Zend的产品推广者Daniel在三月下旬加入了我们,并吸引了十大吸引人的Z-Ray功能 。 这篇介绍性的文章是对Z-Ray及其所提供的高级调试,优化和见解的更深入内容的热身。 如果您对Zend Server及其可提供的环境感兴趣,Daniel的帖子将对您很感兴趣。

Welcome, everyone! We hope you like our little family, and we do hope you’ll help us expand it further!

欢迎大家! 我们希望您喜欢我们的小家庭,也希望您能帮助我们进一步扩展它!

结论 (Conclusion)

As this channel’s editor, I love it when people join up after having noticed missing content. It means they’re paying attention and are actively seeking the resources on our channel which, to me, is among the highest praises the channel could get.

作为该频道的编辑,当人们注意到内容丢失后加入时,我会喜欢它。 这意味着他们正在关注并正在积极寻找我们频道上的资源,对我来说,这是该频道可以得到的最高赞誉之一。

What say you? Want to join us? We’re building a flexible community in which every member helps other members be better. Ping me – we’ll welcome both peer reviewers and authors, and neither position is contractual or requires a fixed or minimum amount of work – you work at your own leisure, and the more you work (as an author), the more you get paid, simple as that!

你说什么 想加入我们吗? 我们正在建立一个灵活的社区,其中每个成员都可以帮助其他成员变得更好。 ping me-我们将欢迎同行审稿人和作者,而且这两个职位都不具有合同性质,也不需要固定或最低限度的工作-您可以自己悠闲地工作,而工作越多(作为作者),您获得的利益就越多付费,就这么简单!



相关资源:MineWebCMS:2015自2015年起使用法国Minecraft CMS(+ 1k网站使用)-源码