
tech2022-09-07  111


World Photo Day comes around once a year on August 19, and celebrates our passion for photography. Photographer Korske Ara founded the event in 2009, and it’s been going strong ever since.

世界摄影日每年8月19日举行一次,以庆祝我们对摄影的热情。 摄影师Korske Ara于2009年创立了这项活动,自那时以来,活动一直很活跃。

“Photography is a powerful method of communication that we can use to uplift, inspire and initiate change in our world. A picture is worth a thousand words and those words can be in any of the 6,500 languages on planet earth”. Korske Ara—Founder, World Photo Day

摄影是一种有效的交流手段,我们可以用来提升,激发和引发我们世界的变化。 一幅图片价值一千个单词,这些单词可以用地球上6,500种语言中的任何一种表示。” Korske Ara-世界摄影日创始人

The public face of World Photo Day is a WordPress site. We recently caught up with Korske and chatted about his goals for the event, how his WordPress theme and plugins help achieve those goals, and about his choice of hosting plan. We also discussed how his networking and marketing strategies have evolved over the last few years.

世界照相日的公开面Kong是一个WordPress网站。 最近,我们与Korske进行了交谈,并谈到了他的活动目标,他的WordPress主题和插件如何帮助实现这些目标以及他选择的托管计划。 我们还讨论了他的网络和营销策略在过去几年中如何发展。

嗨,柯斯克。 告诉我们您如何与志趣相投的人建立联系,以提高对世界摄影日的认识。 (Hi Korske. Tell us how you’ve networked with like-minded people to raise awareness of World Photo Day.)

As an online celebration, social media has been key in starting the conversation around World Photo Day. I jumped on Facebook and Twitter to get the ball rolling. You can reach a lot of people online that you can’t necessarily reach when you’re working in person.

作为在线庆祝活动,社交媒体一直是世界摄影日前后开始对话的关键。 我跳上了Facebook和Twitter,使事情开始进行。 您可以在线上接触到很多人,当您亲自工作时并不一定能接触到。

Today, we’re talking to individual people and starting conversations on social media to keep growing the World Photo Day project. There’s definitely value in both online and offline conversations.

今天,我们正在与个人交谈,并在社交媒体上开始对话,以保持世界摄影日项目的发展。 线上和线下对话都绝对有价值。

Talking to the right person offline can have a huge benefit when it comes to your online reach!


世界摄影日背后有团队吗? 您是如何招募他们的? 您如何管理它们? (Is there a team behind World Photo Day? How did you recruit them? How do you manage them?)

For the last seven years, I’ve run World Photo Day predominantly solo, with occasional help from friends to code components of the website and to create content. I’ve also had mentors that have provided some great advice over those years too.

在过去的七年中,我主要独自举办了世界摄影日,偶尔在朋友的帮助下为网站的组件编写代码并创建内容。 在过去的几年中,我也曾提供过一些很好的建议。

This year, we started heading down the path of creating an even bigger World Photo Day celebration which meant we needed to grow our team. We have five Software Engineering students working on parts of our gallery, two Digital Marketing interns, and a variety of partners working alongside us to provide professional support to our predominantly student team.

今年,我们开始着手创建更大的世界摄影日庆典,这意味着我们需要壮大团队。 我们有五名软件工程专业的学生在我们的画廊中工作,两名数字营销实习生,以及与我们一起为我们主要的学生团队提供专业支持的各种合作伙伴。

We manage our tasks using Wrike, an exceptionally powerful task management application that allows us to keep track of everything that’s going on across all our projects. I highly recommend anyone that is managing a project to check out Wrike. They even offer a free plan.

我们使用功能强大的任务管理应用程序Wrike来管理任务,该应用程序使我们能够跟踪所有项目中正在发生的一切。 我强烈建议正在管理项目的任何人签出Wrike。 他们甚至提供免费计划。

告诉我们您的网站,包括网站在您的业务中所扮演的角色。 (Tell us about your website, including the role it plays in your business.)

Our main website, is all about sharing great photos from around the world, captured by ordinary people. We also use it to provide information to our participants about how they can get involved in World Photo Day, to celebrate their passion for photography.

我们的主要网站worldphotoday.com旨在分享普通人拍摄的来自世界各地的精美照片。 我们还使用它向参与者提供有关如何参与世界摄影日的信息,以庆祝他们对摄影的热情。

您想要实现什么? (What would you like to achieve with it?)

The primary goal of our website is to promote a global gallery and competition where participants can share their world with the world.


Our goal is to inspire photographers around the world to reflect on photography and the ability we have to capture and share powerful stories and moments.


为什么选择WordPress作为平台? (Why did you choose WordPress as your platform?)

We chose WordPress as our platform because of its ease of setup and extensibility through a variety of plugins.


您正在使用哪些主题和插件? (Which theme and plugins are you using?)

The World Photo Day website uses one of the most popular premium WordPress themes on the market, Avada, which is available at Themeforest. We chose Avada for its customisability and built in style support of many popular plugins.

世界摄影日网站使用市场上最受欢迎的高级WordPress主题之一Avada ,该主题可在Themeforest上获得 。 我们选择Avada是因为它具有可定制性,并且内置了许多流行插件的样式支持。

The World Photo Day website runs with both free and paid plugins. Free plugins include: Yoast SEO, Akismet and WooCommerce. Our premium (paid) plugins including Gravity Forms, WPML and The Event Calendar PRO.

世界摄影日网站同时运行免费和付费插件。 免费的插件包括: Yoast SEO , Akismet和WooCommerce 。 我们的高级(付费)插件包括Gravity Forms , WPML和The Event Calendar PRO 。

创建网站时,您得到任何帮助吗? (Did you get any help when creating your website?)

I have a background in Linux Systems Administration and Web Application development, and did a lot of the original work to set up the new WordPress website. Most of the challenges were overcome by referring to the documentation of the relevant plugin or feature I was trying to implement.

我具有Linux系统管理和Web应用程序开发的背景,并且做了很多原始工作来建立新的WordPress网站。 通过参考我尝试实现的相关插件或功能的文档,可以克服大多数挑战。

您在此过程中学到了什么? (What did you learn along the way?)

The biggest lesson we learnt was around the planning and writing of content, and this is something that we are still working on now that our core website is online.


您有基本的托管计划,还是已升级? (Do you have a basic hosting plan, or have you upgraded?)

Because we accept large photo uploads into our gallery, we found that our website wasn’t suitable for regular shared hosting. Because of this, World Photo Day was hosted on cloud hosting from the beginning.

由于我们接受将大量照片上传到我们的画廊,因此我们发现我们的网站不适合常规共享托管。 因此,世界摄影日从一开始就托管在云托管中。

We’ve used both Linode and Digital Ocean in the past and loved the support of both services. We choose ServerPilot as a control panel to reduce our server administration workload.

过去我们既使用Linode也使用Digital Ocean,并且喜欢这两种服务的支持。 我们选择ServerPilot作为控制面板,以减少服务器管理工​​作量。

World Photo Day is now being migrated to a scalable Amazon AWS platform that’s leveraging a variety of services including EC2, S3, EBS, LAMDA and REKOGNITION.

世界摄影日现已迁移到可扩展的Amazon AWS平台,该平台利用了包括EC2,S3,EBS,LAMDA和REKOGNITION在内的各种服务。

Our choice to move to Amazon AWS has been based on our need to scale quickly to handle an increase in traffic on World Photo Day.

我们选择迁移到Amazon AWS的原因是我们需要Swift扩展以应对世界照相日的流量增加。

您当然有很多照片! 您如何备份? (You certainly have a lot of photos! How do you back up?)

We manage automated backups of our website using AWS CloudWatch event triggers. Our content is also mirrored across multiple AWS Regions.

我们使用AWS CloudWatch事件触发器管理网站的自动备份。 我们的内容也跨多个AWS区域进行了镜像。

您想分享有关维护WordPress并保持其安全性的任何提示吗? (Would you like to share any tips about maintaining WordPress and keeping it secure?)

We have a staging environment that runs automatic WordPress updates, and we get a notification each time WordPress or a plugin updates. This allows someone to double check it hasn’t broken anything before we run updates on the live site.

我们有一个运行WordPress自动更新的暂存环境,每次WordPress或插件更新时都会收到通知。 这样,在我们在实时站点上运行更新之前,可以让某人再次检查它是否没有损坏。

Because we work on our website every day, installing WordPress software updates isn’t such a big issue. That said, we also have a lot of custom application code, and a vulnerability scanner like that offered by Acunetix or Detectify has been an important addition to the repertoire.

因为我们每天都在网站上工作,所以安装WordPress软件更新并不是什么大问题。 就是说,我们也有很多自定义应用程序代码,并且像Acunetix或Detectify提供的漏洞扫描程序一样,这也是该库的重要补充。

您对这里的网站有什么计划? (What plans do you have for the website from here?)

At the moment we are working on translations to increase our participation around the world, and we are working to move features that are being managed by WordPress plugins into our custom web application.


We’ll continue to use WordPress into the future as a marketing platform along with a WooCommerce store.


让我们谈谈营销。 您的早期策略是什么,它们是如何发展的? (Let’s talk about marketing. What were your early strategies, and how have they developed?)

This is a really tough question because I didn’t start off with a defined marketing strategy. World Photo Day started when I decided that I wanted to create something that would keep me occupied and out of trouble as a 21 year old.

这是一个非常棘手的问题,因为我不是从确定的营销策略开始的。 世界摄影日始于我决定要创造一种能让我21岁以下的人忙碌而摆脱困境的东西。

I’ve always been driven to inspire, challenge and encourage people in pursuing their dreams and purpose. It’s not really a marketing strategy but the result is the same. Create value for others and they will support you and your idea.

我一直被激励,挑战和鼓励人们追求自己的梦想和目标。 这不是真正的营销策略,但结果是一样的。 为他人创造价值,他们将支持您和您的想法。

As the event grows, there’s a lot developing behind the scenes. We might need a catch up in a year to see what’s changed!

随着事件的发展,幕后有很多发展。 我们可能需要一年的时间才能赶上变化!

谢谢科尔斯科。 您还有什么想补充一下将世界摄影日带到今天的过程吗? (Thanks Korske. Is there anything else you’d like to add about what it took to get World Photo Day to where it is today?)

The development of World Photo Day has been based on an investment of time and consistent growth over seven years. That’s not to say I didn’t get things wrong or that I applied the most effective method to grow. I’ve certainly made my share of mistakes over the years.

世界摄影日的发展基于对时间的投入以及七年来的持续增长。 并不是说我没有弄错事情,或者我运用了最有效的方法进行成长。 这些年来,我当然犯了很多错误。

Ultimately, I’ve found that developing a character of discipline, determination and perseverance is more valuable than designing a well drafted strategy.


For anyone looking to start or build their business, I’ll quote Dale Partridge from StartupCamp:

对于希望开始或建立自己的业务的任何人,我都会引用StartupCamp的Dale Partridge:

Results require both time and consistency. One hit wonders and early successes lack the depths to be called proven. Consistent positive results over long periods of time, will always outpace a phony attempt of “fake it until you make it.”

结果需要时间和一致性。 一击奇迹和早期成功缺乏被证明的深度。 长期以来始终如一的积极成果,总是会比“伪造直到成功”的假冒尝试要胜过。

If you’d like to learn how to use WordPress to bring your website idea to life, check out our course, Introduction to WordPress.

如果您想学习如何使用WordPress将您的网站创意变为现实,请查看我们的课程WordPress简介 。



相关资源:ARA 和PDF 修复工具