
tech2022-09-07  91

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本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

If your WordPress website needs a particular stylesheet or JavaScript file only in one specific page or just under a limited number of conditions, there is no need to load those files everywhere on your website.


In this article, you are going to learn how to load CSS styles and scripts only when your website needs them. This way your website will load faster and users who don’t visit the pages with the extra files won’t have to download unnecessary bytes in their browsers.

在本文中,您将学习如何仅在网站需要CSS样式和脚本时加载它们。 这样,您的网站将加载得更快,并且不访问带有多余文件的页面的用户将不必在浏览器中下载不必要的字节。

为什么您应该以WordPress方式添加样式和脚本 (Why You Should Add Styles and Scripts the WordPress Way)

If there is an anti-pattern in WordPress development, it’s adding a <link> and <script> tag to load stylesheets and JavaScript files respectively in the <head> section of the HTML document and calling it a day.


Running a WordPress website involves using stylesheets and JavaScript code that comes from the software itself, a number of plugins, and the active theme.


This means that theme or plugin authors don’t know in advance which styles and scripts a specific installation is going to run, or in which order those resources are needed. For instance, let’s take the jQuery library. This library can be used by WordPress itself to handle Ajax requests and other tasks, by more than one plugin, and by the active theme.

这意味着主题或插件的作者事先不知道特定安装将要运行哪种样式和脚本,或者这些资源需要按什么顺序运行。 例如,让我们来看看jQuery库。 WordPress本身可以使用该库来处理Ajax请求和其他任务,可以使用多个插件,也可以使用活动主题。

If plugin and theme authors include the stylesheets and scripts they need by adding the appropriate tags directly inside the HTML document, this could open the doors to the possibility of conflicts, of resources being loaded multiple times and/or in the wrong order.


This is why you should always load styles and scripts following best practices as recommended by WordPress.org coding standards:


So that everything works harmoniously, it’s important that theme and plugins load scripts and stylesheets using the standard WordPress method. This will ensure the site remains efficient and that there are no incompatibility issues.

为了使所有内容和谐地工作,使用标准WordPress方法加载主题和插件很重要。 这将确保站点保持高效,并且不存在不兼容问题。

Including CSS & JavaScript — Theme Handbook


如何使用wp_enqueue_style和wp_enqueue_script (How to Use wp_enqueue_style and wp_enqueue_script)

The barebones function to include your custom stylesheet into a theme looks like this:


wp_enqueue_style( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $media );

Only the first two parameters are obligatory, the others are optional.


The $handle parameter is the name of your stylesheet. You can call it main, portfolio, etc., depending on what the file is for. If you’re including stylesheets from a JavaScript plugin, just use the plugin’s name

$handle参数是样式表的名称。 您可以将其称为main , portfolio等,具体取决于文件的用途。 如果要包含来自JavaScript插件的样式表,只需使用插件的名称

$src stands for the URL where the stylesheet is located


The $deps parameter specifies if this stylesheet depends on another stylesheet to work correctly


$ver determines the stylesheet’s version number


$media stands for the media type the stylesheet is for, e.g., all, screen, print, etc.


As an example, the code to add a stylesheet named portfolio.css to your WordPress website could look like this:


wp_enqueue_style( 'portfolio', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/portfolio.css',false,null,'screen');

To include a JavaScript file, you should use:


wp_enqueue_script($handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $in_footer)

The parameters are similar to those in wp_enqueue_style, except for the last one, which sets a true or false value according to whether you want to place the <script> tag in the <footer> or <header> section of your document.


Let’s say you’d like to add portfolio.js to your website, here’s what the code would look like:


wp_enqueue_script( 'portfolio', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/portfolio.js', array ( 'jquery' ), null, true);

This code tells WordPress that:


You want to use the portfolio file, which is located in the js subfolder inside the active theme’s directory


WordPress needs to download jQuery before loading portfolio.js otherwise the latter won’t work correctly (you don’t need to import jQuery because it already comes bundled with WordPress by default)


WordPress needs to add this file in the <footer> section of the HTML document.


It’s likely you want to include more than one stylesheet or script file, in this case wrap all the calls to wp_enqueue_style() and wp_enqueue_script() inside a function and then hook this function to the appropriate WordPress action hook.

您可能想包含多个样式表或脚本文件,在这种情况下, wp_enqueue_style()和wp_enqueue_script()所有调用包装在一个函数中,然后将此函数挂接到相应的WordPress action hook上 。

Here’s an example. If you’re developing a WordPress theme, you can add this to your functions.php file.

这是一个例子。 如果您正在开发WordPress主题,则可以将其添加到functions.php文件中。

function mytheme_styles_scripts() { //main stylesheet, style.css wp_enqueue_style( 'style', get_stylesheet_uri() ); //stylesheet for portfolio section //(different from the rest of the site) wp_enqueue_style( 'portfolio', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/portfolio.css',false,null,'screen'); //JS for portfolio section wp_enqueue_script( 'portfolio', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/portfolio.js', array ( 'jquery' ), null, true); } //hook the function to wp_enqueue_scripts action hook add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'mytheme_styles_scripts' );

Now you can rest assured that WordPress will find all the required stylesheets and scripts and download them in the correct order.


有条件地加载样式表和脚本 (Conditional Loading of Stylesheets and Scripts)

The code above works great and follows WordPress best practices. However, WordPress will download portfolio.css and portfolio.js everywhere on your website. If your visitors never go to your porfolio page, which is unfortunate but can happen, the browser would have loaded two unnecessary files.

上面的代码效果很好,并遵循WordPress最佳实践。 但是,WordPress会在您网站上的任何地方下载portfolio.css和portfolio.js 。 如果您的访问者从未访问过您的porfolio页面,这是不幸的,但是这种情况可能发生,那么浏览器将加载两个不必要的文件。

Now, let’s take it up a notch and make sure WordPress includes portfolio.css and portfolio.js only when visitors land on your portfolio section.

现在,让我们提高一个档次,确保仅当访问者登陆您的投资组合部分时,WordPress才包含portfolio.css和portfolio.js 。

WordPress条件标签 (WordPress Conditional Tags)

WordPress offers conditional tags, which in combination with regular if...else statements, make it very easy to choose what code to apply under certain conditions.

WordPress提供了条件标签 ,该标签与常规if...else语句结合使用,可以很容易地选择在某些条件下要应用的代码。

For example, if you want to execute some code only on the home page of your website and another bit of code everywhere else, then you’ll write something like this:


if ( is_front_page() ): //your code here else: //alternative code here endif;

Conversely, if you want to execute some code everywhere except on the home page of your website, you’ll write:


if ( !is_front_page() ): //your code here; endif;

WordPress offers tons of conditional tags, you can check out a complete list on the Conditional Tags chapter of the Theme Handbook.

WordPress提供了大量的条件标签,您可以在主题手册的“ 条件标签”一章中查看完整列表。

There’s a way you can leverage conditional tags to ensure WordPress downloads both porfolio.css and portfolio.js only if visitors access the portfolio page of your website.


Let’s examine some of the ways you can do just that.


使用页面ID (Using the Page ID)

You can use conditional tags to check if users are on the portfolio page of your website using the portfolio page ID.


To know the page ID do the following:


Login to your WordPress website’s Admin panel


Click on Pages to access the list of all the pages on your website


Click on Pages to access the list of all the pages on your website


Click on Pages to access the list of all the pages on your website


Click on the title of the page you’re interested in to open it in the editor


Click on the title of the page you’re interested in to open it in the editor


Now that the page is open in the editor, look at the URL in your browser’s address bar. You should see something like post= plus a number. That number is the page ID:

现在,页面已在编辑器中打开,然后在浏览器的地址栏中查看URL。 您应该看到类似于post=的数字。 该数字是页面ID:

Now that the page is open in the editor, look at the URL in your browser’s address bar. You should see something like post= plus a number. That number is the page ID:

现在,页面已在编辑器中打开,然后在浏览器的地址栏中查看URL。 您应该看到类似于post=的数字。 该数字是页面ID:

Now that the page is open in the editor, look at the URL in your browser’s address bar. You should see something like post= plus a number. That number is the page ID:

现在,页面已在编辑器中打开,然后在浏览器的地址栏中查看URL。 您应该看到类似于post=的数字。 该数字是页面ID:

Now that you know your page ID, you can modify the previous code that included your theme’s stylesheets and scripts with the use of conditional tags as follows:


function mytheme_styles_scripts() { //main stylesheet, style.css wp_enqueue_style( 'style', get_stylesheet_uri() ); //check we are on page with ID 1 if ( is_page('1') ): //if we are, load styles and script //for portfolio page wp_enqueue_style( 'portfolio', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/portfolio.css',false,null,'screen'); //JS for portfolio section wp_enqueue_script( 'portfolio', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/portfolio.js', array ( 'jquery' ), null, true); endif; } //hook the function to wp_enqueue_scripts action hook add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'mytheme_styles_scripts' );

使用页面标题 (Using the Page Title)

Conditional tags for pages work with the page title too. If your portfolio page has a title of My Portfolio, the code could look like this (I just add the conditional part for brevity’s sake):

页面的条件标签也可以与页面标题一起使用。 如果您的投资组合页面的标题为我的投资组合 ,则代码可能如下所示(为简便起见,我仅添加条件部分):

if ( is_page('My Portfolio') ): //rest of the code here endif;

使用页面弹头 (Using the Page Slug)

You can use conditional tags with the page slug, which is the user friendly URL for that page. Here’s what it would look like in practice:

您可以在页面slug中使用条件标签,slug是该页面的用户友好URL。 这是实际的样子:

if ( is_page('my-portfolio') ): //rest of the code here endif;

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article I discussed how you can include stylesheets and script files conditionally in your WordPress website. There are circumstances when the extra styles are so few in number that it doesn’t make much sense to have a dedicated stylesheet for them. This would only generate one more HTTP request your website could perhaps do without.

在本文中,我讨论了如何在WordPress网站中有条件地包括样式表和脚本文件。 在某些情况下,多余的样式数量很少,以至于没有专用的样式表是没有意义的。 这只会再产生一个HTTP请求,您的网站可能无法做到。

However, under appropriate conditions, e.g., a page or topic area with a different design from the rest of the website, selective loading of stylesheets and scripts follows WordPress best practices and ensures your visitors’ browsers only download the amount of data needed to display the requested content.


How do you include custom scripts and styles into your WordPress website? Hit the comment box below to share.

您如何在WordPress网站中包含自定义脚本和样式? 点击下面的评论框分享。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/conditional-tags-load-styles-and-scripts-in-wordpress/
