托管 非托管

tech2022-09-08  96

托管 非托管

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

You need a website. You have a clear idea of what you want, and have carefully considered the type of hosting you need. Now, with credit card in hand, it’s time to decide which company to sign up with.

您需要一个网站。 您对想要的东西有清楚的了解,并仔细考虑了所需的托管类型 。 现在,有了信用卡,现在该决定与哪家公司签约了。

Choosing a hosting provider is one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make. The future of your website depends on it.

选择托管服务提供商是您做出的最关键的决定之一。 您网站的未来取决于它。

If you were looking for a babysitting service for your children, you wouldn’t just pick the cheapest option that came along. “Leave your kids with us for just 50c a day. Pick them up whenever.” Your kids mean more to you than that. You’d want to make sure they were safe, and being looked after by people who know what they’re doing. Saving money isn’t your priority; investing in their well-being is.

如果您正在寻找为孩子提供的保姆服务,您不仅会选择随之而来的最便宜的选择。 “让您的孩子每天陪伴我们仅需50分钱。 随时接他们。” 您的孩子对您的意义远不止于此。 您需要确保它们是安全的,并由知道自己在做什么的人来照顾。 省钱不是您的优先事项; 投资他们的福祉是。

Invest some time up front in the future well-being of your website. Who should you pay to host your website? What are the qualities you need in a hosting company?

提前花一些时间来改善网站的未来状况。 您应该向谁付费托管您的网站? 您在托管公司中需要具备哪些素质?

Here are six key criteria to consider when weighing up the options.


1.速度与性能 (1. Speed & Performance)

Do you remember the last time you bought a new laptop? You immediately noticed the improvement in performance, and the old one suddenly felt surprisingly slow. Fast is good. You want a hosting company with the equivalent of a new laptop.

您还记得上次购买新笔记本电脑吗? 您立即注意到性能上的改进,而旧的突然感到异常缓慢。 快就是好。 您需要一个与新笔记本电脑相当的托管公司。

First impressions are everything. You don’t want new visitors to your site to leave before your home page loads. How committed is the hosting company to performance? It requires an ongoing investment in both hardware and software.

第一印象就是一切。 您不希望您的网站的新访问者在您的主​​页加载之前离开。 托管公司对绩效的承诺如何? 它需要对硬件和软件的持续投资。

Work through this Performance Checklist when evaluating a hosting provider:

在评估托管服务提供商时,请仔细阅读以下性能检查表 :

Servers on multiple continents. A closer connection is faster. If your site has visitors from around the world, servers on multiple continents will ensure the fastest connection time for everyone.

多大洲的服务器。 紧密的连接更快。 如果您的站点有来自世界各地的访问者,那么遍布多个大洲的服务器将确保所有人的最快连接时间。

A CDN (content delivery network) is designed to decrease latency by having a network of proxy servers around the world. Many companies provide paid CDNs, and some offer them for no additional charge.

CDN(内容交付网络)旨在通过在全球范围内建立代理服务器网络来减少延迟。 许多公司提供付费CDN,有些公司免费提供CDN。

Servers with SSDs rather than spinning hard drives will load your website faster.


HTTP/2 is the future of the internet, and is here now. It’s around ten times faster than the original HTTP. Make sure it is supported by your host, and learn more about it in Craig Buckler’s article.

HTTP / 2是互联网的未来,现在就在这里。 它比原始HTTP快十倍。 确保主机支持它,并在Craig Buckler的文章中了解有关它的更多信息。

Caching options can speed up high-traffic WordPress sites dramatically – making them potentially hundreds of times faster. Look out for options like PHP 7 opcode caching, Memcached/Redis object caching, Nginx/Varnish full page caching, CDN, and ElasticSearch/Solr full text searching.

缓存选项可以极大地加快高流量WordPress网站的速度-使其速度可能提高数百倍。 查找诸如PHP 7操作码缓存,Memcached / Redis对象缓存,Nginx / Varnish整页缓存,CDN和ElasticSearch / Solr全文搜索之类的选项。

It’s not always easy to tell how often a company upgrades its hardware, or how much money they invest in it. Here are some ways you might find out:

很难说出一家公司多久升级一次硬件或他们投资多少钱。 您可能会发现以下几种方法:

Review the company’s blog for hardware and software upgrade announcements.


Use services like Load Impact and WAPT to load test websites and see how they perform.

使用Load Impact和WAPT等服务来加载测试网站,并查看其性能。

Or be direct – phone their customer service people and ask.


2.安全性,可靠性和正常运行时间 (2. Security, Reliability & Uptime)

When your website is down, it reflects badly on your business, and you may lose money. If hackers gain access to your site and install malware, not only will you infect your visitor’s computers, but Google will display an embarrassing message warning of the threat.

当您的网站关闭时,它会严重影响您的业务,并且您可能会亏损。 如果黑客能够访问您的网站并安装恶意软件,则不仅会感染访问者的计算机,而且Google还会显示令人尴尬的警告消息。

How committed is the company to maintaining your website’s stability and reliability? In today’s climate of hacking, what is the company doing to keep your site secure?

公司对维护您网站的稳定性和可靠性有何承诺? 在当今的黑客环境中,公司将如何保护您的网站安全?

Hackers can gain access by taking advantage of security vulnerabilities in the software you are using. So you need a web host who proactively keep their software up to date so these vulnerabilities are patched. The company should also take additional steps to ensure the security of your website.

黑客可以利用正在使用的软件中的安全漏洞来获得访问权限。 因此,您需要一个Web主机,该主机要主动保持其软件的最新状态,以便修补这些漏洞。 公司还应采取其他措施来确保您网站的安全。

Work through this Security Checklist when evaluating a hosting provider:

在评估托管服务提供商时,请仔细阅读此安全检查表 :

Server software updates. Is the company running the latest server software (PHP, Apache, MySQL)?

服务器软件更新。 公司是否正在运行最新的服务器软件(PHP,Apache,MySQL)? Vulnerabilities handling. Is the company proactively patching on the server level?

漏洞处理。 公司是否在服务器级别上进行主动修补? Automatic CMS updates. Does the company provide automatic updates of your content management software (e.g. WordPress)? Do they allow you to choose when the updates occur? You don’t want WordPress updating in the middle of an important marketing campaign.

自动CMS更新。 公司是否提供您的内容管理软件(例如WordPress)的自动更新? 他们允许您选择更新发生的时间吗? 您不希望在重要的营销活动中间进行WordPress更新。 Does the company employ brute-force detection and prevention systems? These systems monitor and analyze all the traffic to the server where your site will be hosted and stop the fraudulent ones—for example someone attempting to hack into your WordPress admin dashboard by trying to guess your password.

公司是否采用暴力检测和预防系统? 这些系统监视和分析到将要托管您的站点的服务器的所有流量,并阻止欺诈性的流量,例如,有人试图通过猜测您的密码来侵入您的WordPress管理仪表盘。 Does the company have a Web Application Firewall (WAF)? How often are rules updated? How often are rules created for new vulnerabilities? Ideally, the host is proactive and every time there is a vulnerability, they will add a WAF rule to protect you.

公司是否有Web应用防火墙(WAF)? 规则多久更新一次? 为新漏洞创建规则的频率是多少? 理想情况下,主机是主动的,每次出现漏洞时,主机都会添加WAF规则来保护您。

Bad things happen to websites. Like anything else on a computer, backups are essential. They make disasters less disastrous.

网站发生坏事。 像计算机上的其他任何东西一样,备份是必不可少的。 它们减少了灾难的灾难。

Work through this Backup Checklist when evaluating a hosting provider:

在评估托管服务提供商时,请仔细阅读以下备份清单 :

Does the company do any backups? Some hosts leave the responsibility with the end user. Ideally, you want a company that will do regular backups for you.

公司会做任何备份吗? 一些主机将责任留给最终用户。 理想情况下,您需要一家可以为您进行定期备份的公司。 How does the company actually perform the backups, and how often? Ideally, you should be looking for regular daily backups, with copies saved for at least 30 days. The more copies and the longer they are kept for you, the better.

公司实际如何执行备份,以及执行频率如何? 理想情况下,您应该寻找定期的每日备份,并且副本至少保存30天。 副本越多,为您保留的时间越长越好。 How quickly can you restore when necessary? Ideally, the host provides an easy one-click restore process.

必要时可以多快恢复一次? 理想情况下,主机提供一个简单的一键式还原过程。 How much do they charge for a restore? Restoring a backup may not be cheap—you can pay as much as $150 for a single restore.

他们要收取多少费用? 还原备份可能并不便宜-一次还原您最多需要支付150美元。

Web servers are like any other computer. Programs crash, things go wrong, and you need to restart. On a web server this will take your website down. You need a hosting company that can minimize the impact.

Web服务器与其他任何计算机一样。 程序崩溃,出现问题,您需要重新启动。 在网络服务器上,这将使您的网站瘫痪。 您需要一个可以将影响最小化的托管公司。

Here’s what normally happens when something goes wrong with a web server:


A server admin is notified and if possible logs onto the server.

通知服务器管理员,并在可能的情况下登录到该服务器。 They troubleshoot, fix the problem, and sometimes restart the machine.

他们进行故障排除,解决问题,有时还会重新启动计算机。 The restart causes downtime.


Companies can minimize downtime by having an excellent monitoring system—one that proactively checks the server status as often as possible and automatically fixes problems instead of waiting for system administrators to do it.


How can you find out about the effectiveness of a hosting company’s monitoring system? Check their website and blog, or ask their pre-sales reps. Hosts with good monitoring systems don’t hesitate to share how they do it.

您如何找到托管公司的监控系统的有效性? 检查他们的网站和博客,或询问他们的售前代表。 具有良好监控系统的主机会毫不犹豫地分享他们的工作方式。

You can also monitor your own website for downtime by using tools like Uptimerobot, Pingdom and Uptrends.

您还可以通过使用工具如监控自己的网站停机Uptimerobot , Pingdom的和上升趋势 。

3.客户服务与支持 (3. Customer Service & Support)

You’re caught up in building your website. Time has stopped, and you’re absorbed in the creative process. Everything is coming together… until you hit a roadblock. Something has gone wrong, or you’re not sure how to take the next step. It’s almost midnight. What do you do? Who do you turn to?

您被困在建立网站上。 时间已经停止,您全神贯注于创作过程。 一切都汇集在一起​​……直到遇到障碍。 出现问题,或者您不确定如何进行下一步。 快到午夜了。 你是做什么? 你找谁?

It’s common for people to work on websites outside of normal 9-5 business hours. You need help when you need help, whatever the time. You need someone who will listen to your problem, know what to do about it, and be able to communicate with you in a friendly, understandable, and human way. You need excellent support.

人们通常在9-5个正常工作时间以外的时间在网站上工作。 无论何时何地,当您需要帮助时都需要帮助。 您需要一个能够倾听您的问题,知道如何解决问题并能够以友好,易懂且人性化的方式与您进行沟通的人。 您需要出色的支持。

Work through this Support Checklist when evaluating a hosting provider:

在评估托管服务提供商时,请仔细阅读以下支持清单 :

When is support available? Ideally it should be 24/7—you don’t always work on your website during office hours.

什么时候可以提供支持? 理想情况下,它应该是24/7-在办公时间内您并不总是在网站上工作。 What support channels are available? Phone? Chat? Tickets? Which are available 24/7? Can you pay more for priority support? The more options the better, but ticketing is always better for complex issues.

有哪些支持渠道? 电话? 聊天吗 门票? 24/7有哪些可用? 您可以为优先支持支付更多吗? 选项越多越好,但是对于复杂的问题,票务总是更好。 How friendly is the support team? Is it in-house or outsourced? Do you see staff profiles in their chat and ticketing systems so you can easily see there’s a real human being on the other side.

支持团队有多友好? 是内部的还是外包的? 您在他们的聊天和票务系统中看到员工资料了吗,这样您就可以轻松地看到另一边是一个真正的人。 What’s the company’s response time for resolving issues? You don’t want to wait three days to get your question answered. On chat and phone, how long do you have to wait to get to an operator?

公司解决问题的响应时间是多少? 您不想等待三天才能回答您的问题。 在聊天和电话上,您需要等待多长时间才能联系接线员? What type of issues can be resolved through the support channels? Many hosts help with server-related issues only. Try to find out what are the limits and what issues are considered to be “beyond the hosting support”.

通过支持渠道可以解决哪些类型的问题? 许多主机仅帮助解决与服务器相关的问题。 尝试找出什么限制,以及哪些问题超出了“托管支持范围”。 Look for the availability of documentation and self-help—tutorials, a knowledge base.

寻找文档和自助指南(教程,知识库)的可用性。 Is support available in your language?


4.特征与局限性 (4. Features & Limitations)

A hosting company must provide the software and infrastructure necessary to run your website and content management system. They should also offer features that support the way you prefer to work, whether that is geeky or down-to-earth. And any limits they place on your hosting plan must not be too constrictive for what you want to achieve with your website.

托管公司必须提供运行您的网站和内容管理系统所需的软件和基础结构。 他们还应提供支持您喜欢的工作方式的功能,无论是怪胎还是脚踏实地。 而且,它们对您的托管计划设置的任何限制都不能太过严格地限制您要通过网站实现的目标。

Work through this Features Checklist when evaluating a hosting provider:

在评估托管服务提供商时,请仔细阅读以下功能清单 :

Do they provide all of the system software and services you’ll need to run and manage your website? CMS, operating system, database, web server, programing languages? Refer to the system requirements of your content management system, and make your own checklist of required software.

他们是否提供了运行和管理网站所需的所有系统软件和服务? CMS,操作系统,数据库,Web服务器,编程语言? 请参阅内容管理系统的系统要求,并制作所需软件的清单。 Besides web hosting, does the company provide the other online services you require? This may include domain registration and transfers, email hosting, and database management. It’s convenient to have everything in one place.

除了虚拟主机,公司还提供您需要的其他在线服务吗? 这可能包括域注册和转移,电子邮件托管和数据库管理。 将所有内容都放在一个位置很方便。 If you value ease-of-use, do they provide a control panel like cPanel, and easy installation of popular content management systems like WordPress?

如果您重视易用性,它们是否提供了诸如cPanel的控制面板,以及易于安装的流行内容管理系统(如WordPress)? Moving your website to a new hosting provider can be tricky. Do they provide website migrations? Are they free or paid? What are the terms? Ultimately, you want to find a host that will do the migration for free for you.

将您的网站转移到新的托管服务提供商可能很棘手。 他们提供网站迁移吗? 他们是免费的还是付费的? 有什么用 最终,您想找到一个可以免费为您进行迁移的主机。 If you are geeky, do they provide your tools of choice? SSL? Let’s Encrypt? Staging? FTP? SSH?

如果您很讨厌,他们是否提供您选择的工具? SSL? 让我们加密吗? 分期吗 FTP? SSH? Do they blacklist WordPress plugins? Many WordPress hosting companies don’t allow you to install some plugins.

他们是否将WordPress插件列入黑名单? 许多WordPress托管公司不允许您安装某些插件。 What are the actual limits placed on storage and bandwidth? Companies that use the word “unlimited” still have limits on what they consider too much storage and bandwidth. Check those limits in their Terms of Service and Fair Use documents. Every computer system has limits; how transparent the company is about theirs is what matters.

对存储和带宽的实际限制是什么? 使用“无限”一词的公司仍然对他们认为过多的存储和带宽有限制。 在其服务条款和合理使用文件中查看这些限制。 每个计算机系统都有其局限性。 重要的是公司对他们公司的透明度。

5.哲学,文化与声誉 (5. Philosophy, Culture & Reputation)

You need a company you can trust. One that cares about your needs, and aren’t in it just for the money. A helpful company that’s easy to deal with, not one that’s trying to sell you something at every turn. A company that is open and transparent, and not trying to trick you. A company that won’t leave you with regrets.

您需要一个可以信任的公司。 一个关心您的需求,而不仅仅是为了钱。 一个易于处理的有用的公司,而不是一个试图随时向您出售产品的公司。 一个公开透明的公司,不试图欺骗您。 一个不会后悔的公司。

Work through this Reputation Checklist when evaluating a hosting provider:

在评估托管服务提供商时,请仔细阅读以下信誉检查清单 :

How human is the company? What’s on their About Us page? What are their values and philosophy? What is their story?

公司的人性如何? 他们的关于我们页面上有什么? 他们的价值观和哲学是什么? 他们的故事是什么? Check their social media channels. Are they real people committed to what they do? How do they respond to complaints and negative feedback on social media? Negative reviews on blogs?

检查他们的社交媒体渠道。 他们是真正的人致力于他们的工作吗? 他们如何回应社交媒体上的投诉和负面反馈? 博客上的负面评论? How do they treat their employees? What do their offices look like? Do they organize company retreats? Companies who genuinely care about their employees care about their clients too.

他们如何对待员工? 他们的办公室什么样? 他们会组织公司务虚会吗? 真正关心员工的公司也关心客户。 Is their website clear and easy to follow, or frustrating, confusing and misleading? Do you get the feeling they are open and transparent, or trying to trick you?

他们的网站是否清晰,易于跟踪,或者令人沮丧,令人困惑和误导? 您是否感到它们是开放和透明的,还是试图欺骗您? Who writes their blog and what do they write about? Is it mainly guest writers creating link bait, or company staff openly sharing how they run the business?

谁写他们的博客,他们写什么? 是主要是由来宾编写者创建链接诱饵,还是公司员工公开分享他们如何经营业务? Are they environmentally responsible? Data centers use a lot of electricity. Do they use renewable energy? How do they offset their carbon footprint?

他们对环境负责吗? 数据中心消耗大量电力。 他们使用可再生能源吗? 他们如何抵消碳足迹? How stable is the company? Are they a large corporation running a network of hosting companies, an unsustainably small company that is hoping to be bought out, or a growing company with a solid business plan, committed to being around for the long haul?

公司的稳定性如何? 他们是运行托管公司网络的大型公司,希望被收购的不可持续的小型公司,还是业务稳健,打算长期生存的成长型公司? Hosting providers profit from open source software. Do they contribute back to the community? Do they donate cash or programming time back into open source projects? Do they organize or sponsor events like WordCamp?

托管提供商可以从开源软件中受益。 他们会回馈社区吗? 他们是否将现金或编程时间捐赠回开源项目? 他们是否组织或赞助WordCamp等活动?

6.定价 (6. Pricing)

Saving a few bucks a month should not be your priority when choosing a web hosting company. By all means shop around, but look for the best value for money, not the cheapest price. And do your homework so you’re not fooled by unclear or misleading advertising.

选择网络托管公司时,每月节省几美元并不是您的首要任务。 一定要货比三家,但要物有所值,而不是最便宜。 并做好功课,以免被不清楚或误导的广告所骗。

Providing fast, reliable, secure hosting costs money. Paying a reasonable price is an investment in your own website by strengthening the company who is hosting it. Paying for a premium product can even feel good!

提供快速,可靠,安全的托管费用。 支付合理的价格是通过加强托管网站的公司对您自己的网站的投资。 购买优质产品甚至感觉不错!

Work through this Pricing Checklist when evaluating a hosting provider:

在评估托管服务提供商时,请仔细阅读此定价清单 :

Don’t be fooled by the lead price, and check what it provides. Many companies will try to grab your attention with their cheapest price, while the hosting plan is extremely limiting even for the most basic needs.

不要被铅价所欺骗,并检查其提供了什么。 许多公司将以其最便宜的价格来吸引您的注意力,而托管计划甚至对于最基本的需求都是极其有限的。 Some companies advertise a low price for sign up, but charge a higher price at renewal. Check the ongoing costs—you’ll be paying them for years.

一些公司宣传注册价格低,但续订时收取更高的价格。 检查持续的费用-您将需要支付多年的费用。 Check the subscription periods. How much in advance do you need to pay to get a good price? Many companies offer their lead price for the longest billing cycle (say 3 years), while monthly and yearly subscriptions cost more.

检查订阅期。 您需要预先支付多少才能获得优惠价格? 许多公司以最长的计费周期(例如3年)提供潜在价格,而按月和按年订购则要花费更多。 Does the company offer a trial period? What is their refund policy.

公司是否提供试用期? 他们的退款政策是什么?

你的选择 (Your Choice)

This article is a bit like a dating service. We’re trying to hook you up with a suitable partner who’s compatible with your needs in the long term. Take your time when working through the checklists. Identify the criteria that are most important to you, then carefully research your shortlist of hosting companies to come to a decision.

这篇文章有点像约会服务。 我们正在努力寻找适合您的合作伙伴,该合作伙伴可以长期满足您的需求。 在检查清单时花点时间。 确定对您最重要的标准,然后仔细研究您的托管公司名单,以做出决定。

I manage several personal websites, and I’ve been through the process of choosing a hosting provider several times over the years. I decided to give SiteGround a try after learning of the SiteGround-SitePoint partnership. I’m happy to report that they check a good number of items on the lists above, and I’m currently moving a couple of projects over to them. Stay tuned for an article about my migration experience soon.

我管理着几个个人网站,多年来,我已经经历了多次选择托管服务提供商的过程。 在了解了SiteGround-SitePoint合作伙伴关系之后,我决定尝试SiteGround 。 我很高兴地报告说,他们检查了上面列表中的很多项目,并且我目前正在将一些项目移交给他们。 请继续关注有关我的迁移经验的文章。

Which criteria are most important to you when choosing a web hosting company? Let us know in the comments, along with anything we may have missed. Happy hunting!

选择网络托管公司时,哪些标准对您最重要? 在评论中让我们知道,以及我们可能错过的任何内容。 狩猎愉快!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ultimate-guide-choosing-hosting-provider/

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