
tech2022-09-08  88


This is an editorial from our WordPress newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.


I wanted to kick off my first editorial with some thoughts about WordPress itself, as a content management system. I’ve read a lot of blogs, articles, and discussions recently in which WordPress, being a PHP platform, and one that’s relatively aged, gets a lot of flak. PHP purists strike it down as bloated, not conformant to standards or expectations. They complain that it’s not MVC, or they throw out the “it’s only for blogs” point that comes from the very inception of WordPress.

我想以关于WordPress本身作为内容管理系统的一些想法开始我的第一篇社论。 我最近阅读了许多博客,文章和讨论,其中作为PHP平台的WordPress以及相对较老的WordPress受到了很大的欢迎。 PHP纯粹主义者将其视为as肿,不符合标准或期望。 他们抱怨说这不是MVC,或者他们将WordPress诞生之初就抛弃了“仅用于博客”这一观点。

In reality, WordPress simply is the most installed content management system that exists today. It’s as simple as that. According to some statistics work done by w3techs, WordPress powers 28% of the websites on the Internet. Of course their numbers are not (cannot be) complete and accurate, as attempting to record every site on the Internet (and get everyone to agree on what, exactly, qualifies as a “site”) would be an exercise in folly. Nonetheless, the numbers reflect what most of us accept – WordPress is here to stay, at least for awhile. Why? Let’s examine a few of the reasons behind that:

实际上,WordPress仅仅是当今安装最广泛的内容管理系统。 就这么简单。 根据w3techs所做的一些统计工作 ,WordPress支持Internet上28%的网站。 当然,它们的数目不是(不能)完整和准确的,因为试图在Internet上记录每个站点(并使每个人都同意什么才是“站点”)是愚蠢的做法。 但是,这些数字反映了我们大多数人接受的内容– WordPress至少在一段时间内会保留下来。 为什么? 让我们检查一些背后的原因:

WordPress:领先的内容管理系统 (WordPress: The Leading Content Management System)

WordPress makes it very easy to get started on a new project. You can use the WP-CLI or a service like ServerPilot to deploy WordPress in seconds.

WordPress使开始新项目变得非常容易。 您可以使用WP-CLI或ServerPilot之类的服务在几秒钟内部署WordPress。

WordPress is easy for developers to learn to use, and can be used as simply an occasionally employed tool in the developer’s toolbelt, or can be used as a pillar around which an entire career can be built. There are thousands of resources out there to assist with learning WordPress; SitePoint’s own WordPress Channel and Premium Screencasts and Courses can help developers on their way.

WordPress易于开发人员学习使用,并且可以用作开发人员工具栏中偶尔使用的工具,也可以用作构建整个职业的Struts。 有成千上万的资源可以帮助学习WordPress; SitePoint自己的WordPress频道和高级截屏视频和课程可以帮助开发人员。

The basics of WordPress usage and administration are easy for non developers to pick up, allowing you to use WordPress to create small business sites that can be managed day to day by employees, rather than outside developer contractors.

非开发人员很容易掌握WordPress使用和管理的基础知识,从而使您可以使用WordPress创建小型企业站点,该站点可以由员工而不是外部开发人员进行日常管理。 WordPress can be rapidly extended with its almost inexhaustible community – plugins, themes, and assistance are available for almost any need.

WordPress可以用其几乎取之不尽的社区快速扩展–几乎可以满足任何需求的插件,主题和帮助。 Lastly, due to its popularity, its use can result in easier maintenance and extensibility later, by an expanded team of developers (or by another developer altogether) without your client or employer needing to find people with more specific and isolated skill sets.


人们可能会避免使用WordPress的原因 (Reasons People Might Avoid WordPress)

One oft-touted reason to avoid WordPress is security concerns. Unfortunately, this seems rather like telling the world to avoid Windows completely. It doesn’t seem possible. There is such a huge market share here that of course there will be more hacking attempts, more vulnerabilities discovered. Why wouldn’t there be? The more eyes are on a thing, the more faults that will be discovered! That, however, may be nothing more than an excuse to a client. If they want to avoid worry about WordPress exploits and would rather a more custom solution (which may still have problems, probably far worse ones, but less likely to be discovered by script kiddies and bad actors), then it may be worth entertaining another idea.

经常有人吹嘘避免使用WordPress的原因是安全性问题。 不幸的是,这似乎就像在告诉世界完全避免使用Windows。 似乎不可能。 这里拥有如此巨大的市场份额,因此当然将会有更多的黑客尝试,更多的漏洞被发现。 为什么不会呢? 对事物的关注越多,就会发现更多的错误! 但是,这可能仅仅是客户的借口。 如果他们想避免担心WordPress漏洞,而宁愿使用更自定义的解决方案(可能仍然存在问题,可能会更糟,但脚本小子和坏演员不太可能发现该问题),那么值得考虑另一个想法。

Bloat. Bloat is a problem with any large software suite. WordPress isn’t the most efficient system in the world, for sure. And if people don’t know what they’re doing, they can make it outright slow. WordPress developers should be careful in choosing their plugins and themes, and should appropriately use caching, optimization plugins, and other optimization techniques to speed up their WordPress sites. But if WordPress is too heavy for your needs, there are lighter-weight CMS out there, or you could even go without a CMS if you don’t truly need one.

膨胀 Bloat是任何大型软件套件的问题。 当然,WordPress不是世界上最高效的系统。 如果人们不知道自己在做什么,他们可能会使其完全慢下来。 WordPress开发人员在选择其插件和主题时应谨慎,并应适当使用缓存, 优化插件和其他优化技术来加快其WordPress网站的速度。 但是,如果WordPress太重而无法满足您的需求,则可以使用重量更轻的CMS,或者如果您确实不需要CMS,甚至可以不用CMS。

Another big complaint is that WordPress doesn’t use an MVC pattern. That’s true. But this really represents a bigger problem in the development community. Why do your end users care? WordPress is allowing you to build sites for clients and customers, ones that they can maintain, ones that they can hang on to for years to come. Is WordPress the ultimate tool for all uses? Of course not. For example, perhaps your project legitimately needs to be MVC, and you’re planning to expand it with a massive custom code base that WordPress simply isn’t built for. Anyone who says that it is the hammer for use on all nails has misjudged its usefulness. But anyone who dismisses it as a tool entirely out of hand because it doesn’t follow their favorite programming trends is likewise naive.

另一个大抱怨是WordPress没有使用MVC模式。 确实如此。 但这确实是开发社区中的一个更大问题。 您的最终用户为什么要关心? WordPress允许您为客户和客户(他们可以维护的网站)以及可以持续使用多年的网站建立网站。 WordPress是所有用途的终极工具吗? 当然不是。 例如,也许您的项目合法地需要是MVC,并且您打算使用庞大的自定义代码库进行扩展,而WordPress根本不是基于该代码库。 任何人说这是用在所有钉子上的锤子都会误判它的用处。 但是,任何人因为不遵循自己喜欢的编程趋势而完全将其视为工具而无法使用,同样也是幼稚的。

In the end, you need to use the tool that is most useful to you. If you’re building a massive corporate website with many very specific customized requirements and demands, maybe you’ll determine that WordPress isn’t a candidate for use there. No problem with that. Maybe you’ll determine that it is the lead contender for another project. But one thing that you should never do is dismiss a solution because you’re incapable of seeing past the latest and greatest.

最后,您需要使用对您最有用的工具。 如果您要建立一个具有许多非常具体的自定义要求和要求的大型公司网站,也许您会确定WordPress不是在那里使用的候选人。 没问题。 也许您会确定它是另一个项目的主要竞争者。 但是,您永远不应该做的一件事就是解一个解决方案,因为您无法看到最新的和最伟大的事情。

What about your experiences? Have you found situations where WordPress wasn’t very useful, or used it and been surprised by it? Leave comments below to discuss the platform’s successes and shortcomings as a CMS with other readers!

那你的经历呢? 您是否发现WordPress不太有用的情况,或者使用了WordPress并对此感到惊讶? 在下面留下评论,与其他读者讨论该平台作为CMS的成功和不足!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-world-class-content-management-system/

