2015年的SitePoint PHP:未来计划

tech2022-09-10  98

The end of 2014 is in sight, and we’ve had a truly great year. Let’s do a yearly recap, see what we’ve done, and talk about the future – where we’re heading, how we’ll get there, and how you can help. But first, let’s welcome the new authors that have joined us these past couple of months.

即将到2014年底,我们度过了非常棒的一年。 让我们进行年度回顾,看看我们做了什么,并谈论未来–我们的前进方向,如何到达那里以及如何提供帮助。 但是首先,让我们欢迎过去几个月来加入我们的新作者。

新作者 (New Authors)

During November and December, despite the usual holiday-decreased publication frequency, we’ve had four new authors join the team.


法国尼古拉斯·斯科拉里 (Nicolas Scolari, France)

Nicolas is a back-end developer from France specialized in PHP and currently actively experimenting with Symfony 2. He’s already produced two posts for us – one explaining Symfony’s route annotations and the other dealing with Traits in a Doctrine context – both of which were well received. We’re looking forward to seeing more of his work in 2015!

Nicolas是来自法国的后端开发人员,专门研究PHP,目前正在积极尝试Symfony2。他已经为我们制作了两篇文章-一个解释Symfony的路线注释 ,另一篇在Doctrine语境下处理Traits-都广受欢迎。 我们期待在2015年看到更多他的作品!

尼日利亚Adedayo Adeniyi (Adedayo Adeniyi, Nigeria)

Dayo is a professional web developer from Nigeria with a love for PHP and Joomla. She wrote about Joomla and how the CMS changed over the years, touting its fearlessness in the face of software evolution, with little to no regard for backward compatibility. A brave trait for any project, you’ll agree. The post lured in many commenters and provided for lively discussion. Why don’t you join in and see what people are saying?

Dayo是来自尼日利亚的专业Web开发人员,他非常喜欢PHP和Joomla。 她写了有关Joomla以及多年来CMS的变化的文章,称赞它在软件开发过程中表现出无所畏惧,几乎没有考虑到向后兼容性。 您会同意任何项目的勇敢特质。 该帖子吸引了许多评论者,并提供了热烈的讨论。 您为什么不加入,看看人们在说什么?

法国达米安·亚历山大 (Damien Alexandre, France)

I met Damien – a consultant for JoliCode – at ForumPHP in Paris. At JoliCode, Damien does development, audit, training and guidance for various companies around their web projects. He likes Symfony, Composer and Elasticsearch – and talked about the latter in particular in his post about indexing Chinese content for search. It’s a very specific problem, but one that is incredibly underrated in the western world – a must read for anyone looking to make their content truly global. We’re looking forward to getting more niche content from Damien – his writing strikes a note with the more professional parts of the community looking to get past the easily found basics and into specific problems that need solving.

我在巴黎的ForumPHP遇到了JoliCode的顾问Damien。 在JoliCode,Damien为各个公司的Web项目提供开发,审计,培训和指导。 他喜欢Symfony,Composer和Elasticsearch –尤其是在关于将中文内容编入索引以进行搜索的文章中谈到了后者。 这是一个非常具体的问题,但是在西方世界却被低估了,这是任何想要使自己的内容真正全球化的人都必须读的书。 我们期待从Damien获得更多的专业知识-他的著作引起了社区更专业人士的关注,他们希望超越那些容易找到的基础知识,并解决需要解决的特定问题。

印度Chirag Dodia (Chirag Dodia, India)

Chirag is a PHP developer and computer engineer from India who likes to make awesome web things. He has expertise in e-commerce and CMS platforms, while currently working on major projects involving Magento. His first post for SitePoint PHP was an attempt to explain the install and upgrade scripts one can find while developing for Magento. His article is a guide to high quality i/u scripts that don’t cause problems down the road. We’re definitely looking forward to getting more Magento content on SitePoint, so Chirag’s expertise is highly welcome.

Chirag是来自印度PHP开发人员和计算机工程师,他喜欢制作很棒的Web东西。 他在电子商务和CMS平台方面拥有专业知识,目前正在从事涉及Magento的重大项目。 他为SitePoint PHP撰写的第一篇文章试图解释在为Magento开发时可以找到的安装和升级脚本 。 他的文章是对高质量i / u脚本的指南,这些脚本不会在以后引起任何问题。 我们绝对希望在SitePoint上获得更多的Magento内容,因此我们非常欢迎Chirag的专业知识。

未来 (The Future)

So, what’s in store for SitePoint? What’s the game plan for the PHP section? In a large part, it’s up to you – the readers.

那么,SitePoint的存储空间是什么? PHP部分的游戏计划是什么? 在很大程度上,这取决于您–读者。

更少,更好的帖子 (Fewer, better posts)

Throughout 2014, we gradually increased the publication frequency from three posts per week to five, and sometimes more. This was due to the sheer amount of drafts we were getting, and we were hard pressed to publish them all, giving everyone a chance to shine and be approved by the community. This allowed us to widen distribution, take more risks and try out new ideas which in turn helped us grow – a lot.

在整个2014年,我们逐渐将发布频率从每周三篇文章增加到五篇,有时甚至更多。 这是由于我们收到的草稿数量巨大,我们很难将其全部发布,从而使每个人都有机会发光并获得社区的认可。 这使我们能够扩大分销范围,承担更多的风险,并尝试新的想法,这些想法反过来又帮助我们发展了很多。

It is this growth that now allows us to not only carefully hand-pick the work of our top writers, but also to enlist the help of our most prolific contributors in peer review (see Peer Review below) to push our quality to a level even higher than we had gotten it to in 2014. Quality will be the absolute priority, once again bringing down the average number of posts per week – averaging around three. While a “clickbaity” title may be necessary from time to time, the content behind it will undoubtedly be excellent – and if not, please tell us about it.

正是这种增长,现在使我们不仅可以精心挑选顶级作家的作品,而且还可以在同行评审中(参见下面的同行评审 )寻求我们最丰富的贡献者的帮助,以将我们的质量提高到甚至高于2014年的水平。质量将是绝对的重中之重,再次降低了每周平均职位数-平均约为3个。 尽管有时可能需要“ clickbaity ”标题,但其背后的内容无疑是出色的-如果不是,请告诉我们。

We’ll be rejecting more submissions, we’ll be much harder on language standards (authors will have to take care of their English, so we can take care of the content without too many linguistic distractions), and we’ll be focused on specific content much more – niche tutorials, specific problems, alternative solutions, interesting and/or unknown tools… and if we publish polls, we’ll make sure they’re the kind that matters. If we publish opinions and reviews, we’ll make sure it’s of the stuff you’re interested in, by the people whose opinions you care about, and that it’s content you can genuinely and confidently agree or disagree with. We want to foster good discussion (see The Forums, below).

我们将拒绝提交更多的论文,我们将更加努力地努力提高语言标准(作者将不得不照顾他们的英语,因此我们可以在没有太多语言干扰的情况下照顾内容),并且我们将专注于具体内容更多–细分教程,具体问题,替代解决方案,有趣和/或未知的工具……并且,如果我们发布民意测验,我们将确保它们是最重要的种类。 如果我们发表意见和评论,则将确保您感兴趣的人关注您感兴趣的内容,并确保您可以真正,自信地同意或不同意这些内容。 我们希望促进良好的讨论 (请参阅下面的论坛 )。

同行评审 (Peer Review)

Also starting in 2015, we’ll be gradually introducing an experimental peer review system. Every post that enters the system will be reviewable by other channel authors who will be able to voice their honest concerns with it, if any. This will help me, the editor, keep an objective eye on things. Perks for reviewers are not excluded. You’ll have to have been a previously published SitePoint author to review content, though, so if you’ve never written for us before, now’s the time to join!

同样从2015年开始,我们将逐步引入实验性同行评审系统。 进入系统的每个帖子都将由其他渠道作者进行审核,其他渠道作者将对此表达自己的诚挚关注。 编辑,这将有助于我客观地关注事物。 不排除审稿人的津贴。 但是,您必须是以前发布的SitePoint作者才能查看内容,因此,如果您以前从未为我们撰写过文章,那么现在就该加入!

正规作者 (Regular Authors)

Based on authors’ review history, public profile and popularity, success score, and general ability to regularly produce good content, we’ll be promoting some authors to regular writers. These authors might get some additional perks like higher rates paid out for their content, automatic approval of new topics, no-review publishing, and more. We’re looking to make the channel a team effort.

根据作者的评论历史,公众知名度和知名度,成功率以及定期制作优质内容的一般能力,我们将把一些作者提升为正规作家。 这些作者可能会获得一些额外的好处,例如为其内容支付更高的费用,自动批准新主题,发布无审稿等等。 我们希望使渠道成为团队合作的力量 。

演示版 (Demos)

I’ll personally do my best to make sure as many tutorials as possible have an online demo you can run. The hosting fees will be paid by SitePoint, and the demo pages will have links back to tutorials and the source code required to get them to run locally. We want the content our writers produce to become as easily consumable as possible – from customizing to taking everything apart and learning what makes each individual component tick.

我将尽力确保尽可能多的教程具有您可以运行的在线演示。 托管费将由SitePoint支付,演示页面将包含指向教程的链接以及使它们在本地运行所需的源代码。 我们希望我们的作者编写的内容变得尽可能容易使用-从自定义到拆解一切,并了解使每个单独的组件滴答作响的原因。

论坛 (The Forums)

Ever since we switched to Discourse for our commenting and forum system, the results have been mostly positive – increased engagement, creative discussion, and generally high quality feedback on both articles and the site in general – not to mention the community’s willingness to help others in need. Many a newbie question has already been answered – see for yourself. We’re looking to take this up a notch. SitePoint.com as a whole already has plans to implement on-page commenting for our posts – something the current implementation doesn’t support yet – but aside from that upgrade, we’re looking to get more people involved in the discussions that happen there.

自从我们在评论和论坛系统上使用Discourse以来,结果一直是积极的-参与度,创意讨论以及文章和网站总体上的高质量反馈-更不用说社区愿意帮助其他人。需要。 许多新手问题已经得到解答- 自己看看 。 我们希望将其提升一个等级。 SitePoint.com总体上已经有计划对我们的帖子实施页面评论-当前的实现尚不支持该功能-但除了此次升级之外,我们希望吸引更多的人参与在那里发生的讨论。

We want you to join in, ask questions, respond to topics and generally get included. While StackOverflow might still be the go-to resource for specific programming problems, their rigidity regarding rules tends to be frustrating. On our forums, you’re guaranteed to be given a voice. Ask anything you want, as long as it’s related to the category you’re posting in, and we’ll all do our best to help you find an answer. Found a great new tool you’d like to discuss or ask people’s opinions about? Do it! Confused about design patterns? Ask forth! As an aside, I’d like to mention that the willingness to be active and helpful on the forums also contributes to one’s chances of becoming a Regular Author (see above).

我们希望您加入 ,提出问题,回复主题,并被普遍加入。 尽管StackOverflow可能仍然是特定编程问题的首选资源,但是它们对规则的严格性却令人沮丧。 在我们的论坛上,可以保证您有发言权。 询问您想要的任何东西,只要它与您要发布的类别有关,我们都会尽力帮助您找到答案。 找到了一个很棒的新工具,您想讨论或询问人们的意见? 做吧! 对设计模式感到困惑? 问! 顺便说一句,我想提一下,在论坛上积极主动和乐于助人的意愿也有助于人们成为普通作者(见上文)。

帮助我们变得更好–加入事业 (Help us be better – join the cause)

In addition to the improvements and new efforts I listed above, we’re looking for feedback from you on how to improve. We promise – we listen to every suggestion, even if we don’t immediately respond or implement it. For example, for a while there we had a popover when you landed on the site. While ours was significantly less aggressive than what you could encounter on other websites, people still hated it. You complained, we listened, and after some wrestling with the promo team – the popup is gone.

除了上面列出的改进和新的努力外,我们还在寻找您关于改进的反馈。 我们承诺–我们会听取每一个建议,即使我们没有立即回应或实施它。 例如,有一段时间,当您登陆网站时,我们看到了一个弹出窗口。 尽管我们的攻击性没有您在其他网站上遇到的攻击性大,但人们仍然讨厌它。 您抱怨了,我们听了,在与促销团队搏斗后–弹出窗口消失了。

Tell us what we’re doing wrong, and what we’re doing right. Tell us what you’d like us to do better. Voice your opinion, request content, suggest alternatives and solutions to the aspects that bother you. We’re open to suggestions and promise to respond in one way or another. Join us as an author, as a reviewer, as a forum member – there’s not many contributions we don’t find invaluable.

告诉我们我们做错了什么,我们做对了。 告诉我们您希望我们做得更好。 表达您的意见,要求内容,为困扰您的方面提供替代方案和解决方案。 我们乐于接受建议,并承诺以一种或另一种方式做出回应。 加入我们,成为作者,审阅者,论坛成员–我们发现许多有价值的贡献并不多。

Just comment on this post, and the feedback will appear in the forums where it can be discussed further. Let’s get into it!

只需对此帖子发表评论,反馈将出现在论坛中,可以在这里进行进一步讨论。 让我们开始吧!

晚安,2014年! (Good night, 2014!)

In 2014, we became the resource for PHP content. Our content is recognized in circles wider than ever before, and we get recommended as the source of solutions to people’s problems more often than not. In 2015, we’re looking to do better.

2014年,我们成为了 PHP内容资源。 我们的内容得到了前所未有的广泛认可,我们经常被推荐为人们问题解决方案的来源。 2015年,我们希望做得更好。

I’d like to thank each and every one of you – the readers, the authors, the mentors and colleagues on SitePoint staff – for an amazing 2014. It was a fun ride, and it’s about to get even better. Let’s step into 2015 the same way we made 2014 awesome – together.

我要感谢你们每个人–读者,作者,SitePoint员工的导师和同事–取得了令人惊叹的2014年。这是一个有趣的旅程,而且还会越来越好。 让我们步入2015年,就像我们使2014年很棒一样-一起。

Happy New Year, folks!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sitepoint-php-2015-future-plans/
