
tech2022-09-10  103

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

If you’re not satisfied with your current level of service or are considering a move to a new web host, ensure you have answers to these critical questions before you sign on the dotted line…


1.您的主机是否有足够的基础架构? (1. Does Your Host Have an Adequate Infrastructure?)

This raises several sub-questions…


How long has the company been trading?

公司交易了多长时间了? How many customers do they have?

他们有几个客户? Where are the servers located?

服务器在哪里? Do they offer adequate space and bandwidth?

它们是否提供足够的空间和带宽? Is a solid back-up policy in-place?

是否制定了可靠的备份策略? Can the hosting cope with peaks in demand?

托管可以应对需求高峰吗? Can the network cope with Distributed Denial of Service, spamming or similar attacks?

网络可以应对分布式拒绝服务,垃圾邮件或类似攻击吗? Could another companies issues affect your service (attacks, viruses, etc.)?

其他公司的问题会影响您的服务(攻击,病毒等)吗? Are servers monitored? How quickly are you alerted when a problem occurs?

是否监视服务器? 出现问题时,您会多快收到警报?

2.您的主机是否提供快速支持时间? (2. Does Your Host Provide Fast Support Times?)

All hosts react quickly to sales enquiries. Are they just as fast once you’ve paid your money and need support?

所有主持人都会对销售查询做出快速React。 一旦您付清钱并需要支持,他们的速度就一样快吗?

A good support team can distinguish between urgent and non-urgent support enquiries. Most people have reasonable expectations: you may be happy to wait a few hours for a reply to a technical query — presuming you know it’s being dealt with. Ideally, your host should respond immediately and provide an indication of how long it will take to answer your question. A decent ticketing system will show the progress of your query.

一个好的支持团队可以区分紧急和非紧急支持查询。 大多数人都有合理的期望:您可能很乐意等待几个小时来回复技术查询- 假设您知道它正在处理中 。 理想情况下,您的房东应立即做出回应,并指出回答您的问题将花费多长时间。 体面的票务系统将显示您的查询进度。

Be aware that hosting is a global service and your time zone can affect the speed of response. For example, I often use US hosts despite being a UK resident. If I encounter a problem an 8:00 UK time, it would be received by a San Francisco-based host at midnight. Would they reply quickly?

请注意,托管是一项全球性服务,您所在的时区可能会影响响应速度。 例如,尽管我是英国居民,但我还是经常使用美国房东。 如果我在英国时间8:00遇到问题,那么位于旧金山的房东将在午夜收到问题。 他们会很快答复吗?

3.您的主机支持您今天需要的技术吗? (3. Does Your Host Support the Technologies You Need Today?)

The most basic plans are likely to provide PHP, MySQL and email accounts.


Perhaps that’s all you require but does your host enable the essential features and extensions your application needs? Shared hosting plans often disable dangerous or problematic facilities such as MySQL stored procedures or PHP image processing and emailing extensions.

也许这就是您所需要的,但是您的主机是否启用了应用程序所需的基本功能和扩展? 共享主机计划通常会禁用危险或有问题的设施,例如MySQL存储过程或PHP图像处理以及电子邮件扩展。

It’s also important the host provides suitable language and database versions. Your PHP 7.1 application is unlikely to run on a server with PHP 5.3.

主机提供合适的语言和数据库版本也很重要。 您PHP 7.1应用程序不太可能在装有PHP 5.3的服务器上运行。

4.是否可以轻松启用和配置技术? (4. Can Technologies be Enabled and Configured Easily?)

Are you happy to configure the server yourself or would you prefer a system such as cPanel? This allows you to perform common tasks such as creating a MySQL database for WordPress via a simple user interface.

您是否愿意自己配置服务器?还是希望使用cPanel这样的系统? 这使您可以执行常规任务,例如通过简单的用户界面为WordPress创建MySQL数据库 。

5.您可以扩展到明天所需的技术吗? (5. Can You Scale to the Technologies You Need Tomorrow?)

Does your host permit other technologies as you need them? You’ll almost certainly want SSH, HTTP/2, SSL, and Git as your requirements grow. Perhaps you’ll also require further languages, databases and other systems such as Node.js, Ruby, Python, Java, .NET, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, etc. etc.

您的主机是否根据需要允许其他技术? 随着需求的增长,您几乎肯定会需要SSH,HTTP / 2,SSL和Git。 也许您还需要其他语言,数据库和其他系统,例如Node.js,Ruby,Python,Java,.NET,PostgreSQL,MongoDB,Elasticsearch等。

Web development is becoming increasingly complex. For example, you may want to run Gulp.js on your server to build PHP application assets. If Node.js or another technology is not available in your current plan, does your host offer simple migration to more advanced options such as a dedicated or cloud-based servers?

Web开发变得越来越复杂。 例如,您可能想在服务器上运行Gulp.js来构建PHP应用程序资产。 如果您当前的计划中没有Node.js或其他技术,您的主机是否可以轻松迁移到更高级的选项(例如专用服务器或基于云的服务器)?

6.您的主机可靠吗? (6. Is Your Host Reliable?)

Many hosts guarantee uptime and most quote figures of 99.999%+ availability. None of that matters if your site goes down during an important client presentation! You won’t care whether there was a 0.001% chance or not. Seek out the opinions of other customers on social media and public forums to assess uptime before you commit to any service.

许多主机保证正常运行时间,并且大多数报价都提供99.999%+的可用性。 如果您的网站在重要的客户演示会中宕机了,那么这都不重要! 您不会在乎是否有0.001%的机会。 在承诺提供任何服务之前,请在社交媒体和公共论坛上寻求其他客户的意见,以评估正常运行时间。

Servers and software require updates and maintenance. Your host should try to minimize the impact but again, be aware of time zone issues. That 10 minute PHP upgrade at 1am could be 2pm for you!

服务器和软件需要更新和维护。 您的主持人应尽量减少影响,但再次注意时区问题。 在上午1点进行10分钟PHP升级可能对您来说是下午2点!

7.您的房东的定价是否简单合理? (7. Is Your Host’s Pricing Simple and Reasonable?)

You should budget for appropriate hosting and be prepared to reassess costs as your user traffic rises (or falls).


The industry has recently moved toward utility-like pricing especially for cloud-based services. The cost is dependent on what services, disk space, processing capabilities, RAM, and bandwidth your site or application requires. Unfortunately, this can result in pricing calculation complexities which bamboozle the best mathematicians.

最近,该行业已朝着类似于公用事业的定价方向发展,尤其是针对基于云的服务。 成本取决于站点或应用程序需要的服务,磁盘空间,处理能力,RAM和带宽。 不幸的是,这可能导致定价计算的复杂性,使最好的数学家感到困惑。

Those on stricter budgets should consider a fixed price plan.


Our partner, SiteGround, provides hosting plans suited to small, mediuym and high-traffic enterprise projects, and SitePoint readers receive up to 65% off.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-host-pass-7-tests/
