
tech2022-09-11  93


Students, professionals, and even researchers look for online courses to learn anywhere, anytime (SitePoint Premium is a perfect example!). However, if your WordPress website was already live and you want to create an online course using it, would you want to pay more to a developer to have that done? Definitely not! Being a freelancer or solopreneur, you want to create a secure and efficient platform with less (or no) cost. Do not worry, with WordPress you can easily create an online course system, using a learning management system plugin!

学生,专业人员甚至研究人员都在寻找在线课程,以便随时随地学习( SitePoint Premium是一个很好的例子!)。 但是,如果您的WordPress网站已经启用,并且您想使用该网站创建在线课程,那么您是否愿意为开发者付更多钱呢? 当然不! 作为自由职业者或企业家,您想以更少(或没有)的成本创建一个安全高效的平台。 不用担心,使用WordPress,您可以使用学习管理系统插件轻松创建在线课程系统!

The term “Learning Management System” (LMS) is often used when discussing online courses. An LMS is a system used to create courses and training programs and typically also provides functionality to manage them. There are many LMS available online, such as Moodle, Canvas, etc. But if you have a WordPress website, then why not integrate your LMS into the same website? You can easily create secure and efficient online courses and then sell access to them to begin building your E-Learning business.

讨论在线课程时,经常使用术语“学习管理系统”(LMS)。 LMS是用于创建课程和培训计划的系统,通常还提供管理它们的功能。 在线上有很多LMS,例如Moodle,Canvas等。但是,如果您有WordPress网站,那为什么不将LMS集成到同一网站中呢? 您可以轻松创建安全高效的在线课程,然后出售对它们的访问权限以开始建立在线学习业务。

为什么用WordPress创建在线课程? (Why WordPress for Creating an Online Course?)

Since WordPress is free, reliable, and easy to extend with plugins, you can create an online course with WordPress at a lesser cost. WordPress plugins for LMS have amazing features, so it is easy to use them to create a course from scratch.

由于WordPress是免费,可靠且易于使用插件扩展的,因此您可以以较低的费用使用WordPress创建在线课程。 用于LMS的WordPress插件具有惊人的功能,因此很容易使用它们从头开始创建课程。

After development of courses, you will need to maintain them. This can lead to maintenance costs; but the required time and costs can be less when using a WordPress LMS plugin. You may find yourself needing less maintenance for your course and lessons, since these plugins have extensions to do some maintenance work automatically.

课程开发完成后,您将需要对其进行维护。 这会导致维护成本; 但是使用WordPress LMS插件时所需的时间和成本会更少。 您可能会发现自己对课程和课程的维护较少,因为这些插件具有扩展功能,可以自动完成一些维护工作。

Once you’ve planned the basics of your course – the title, the content, the membership or access plan – then you should begin considering which LMS plugin you’d like to use.


学习管理系统插件 (Learning Management System Plugins)

升降机 (LifterLMS)

LifterLMS is a powerful LMS plugin that will help you easily create, and publish an engaging online course. It comes with a student dashboard, wherein learners can check their profile, course progress, profile, certificates, etc. It also has a personalized certificate system. Both online and offline payment is available for the learners who want to enroll in your course.

LifterLMS是功能强大的LMS插件,可帮助您轻松创建和发布引人入胜的在线课程。 它带有一个学生仪表板,学习者可以在其中查看其个人资料,课程进度,个人资料,证书等。它还具有个性化的证书系统。 想要参加您的课程的学习者都可以使用在线和离线支付。

WP-课件 (WP-Courseware)

Courseware is a learning management plugin that comes with a system providing a dynamic progress page, question tagging, etc. Your course attendees can also download the quiz results using this plugin.


Within the Courseware plugin is a tool called “report cards” that has been integrated to create surveys and export grade books.


StudyPress (StudyPress)

StudyPress will help you in creating multimedia learning content easily. They provide distraction free, full-screen mode features, so that it is easy for learners to access lessons. It also has an awesome drag and drop interface to create a course and lessons.

StudyPress将帮助您轻松创建多媒体学习内容。 它们提供了无干扰的全屏模式功能,因此学习者可以轻松上课。 它还具有一个很棒的拖放界面,可以创建课程和课程。

教书出版社 (teachPress)

The teachPress plugin supports localization. Your course can be created in more than two languages resulting in a wider reach. You can import the publications in BibTeX format. RSS feeds for publications are also provided.

tutorialPress插件支持本地化。 您可以用两种以上的语言创建课程,从而扩大覆盖面。 您可以导入BibTeX格式的出版物。 还提供出版物的RSS提要。

The plugin also has shortcodes, so you can provide course overview on any WordPress post or page.


老师 (Sensei)

Sensei is an LMS plugin that offers different designs for different courses. Provided by WooThemes, this plugin can be easily integrated with WooCommerce to sell courses online with ease.

Sensei是一个LMS插件,可为不同的课程提供不同的设计。 由WooThemes提供,此插件可轻松与WooCommerce集成以轻松在线销售课程。

Note: WooCommerce is considered one of the best platforms for creating E-Commerce websites. Its integration with LMS works like a charm for course creators as well as learners.

注意:WooCommerce被认为是创建电子商务网站的最佳平台之一。 它与LMS的集成对于课程创建者和学习者来说都是一种魅力。

教育家 (Educator)

The Educator plugin provides shortcodes, making it easier for you to integrate on your WordPress page or posts. Multiple payment methods are supported by Educator, such as PayPal, bank transfer, check, etc.

Educator插件提供了简码,使您更轻松地集成到WordPress页面或帖子中。 Educator支持多种付款方式,例如PayPal,银行转帐,支票等。

Select the perfect plugin for course development. You definitely want to look at this one. Many LMS plugins have similar features to each other, but the unique features of each are what you have to make a decision based on. I have used more than a few, and consider WP-Courseware and LifterLMS the most useful for my own projects.

选择完美的插件进行课程开发。 您肯定要看一看。 许多LMS插件具有彼此相似的功能,但是每个插件的独特功能都是您根据其做出决定的基础。 我已经使用了很多,并且认为WP-Courseware和LifterLMS对我自己的项目最有用。

在WordPress网站上开发课程 (Developing a Course on Your WordPress Website)

Now, you will see how to use an LMS plugin to start on a demo course from scratch.


For the demo, I will be using the plugin LifterLMS, which is a powerful learning management system. Here, you will see what can be done to create a valuable course for our audience, which can be engineers, professionals, researchers, etc.

对于演示,我将使用插件LifterLMS,它是一个功能强大的学习管理系统。 在这里,您将看到如何为工程师,专业人员,研究人员等观众创建有价值的课程。

创建课程 (Creating a Course)

Let’s say you want a course on Java. You can easily create it using LifterLMS.

假设您要学习Java课程。 您可以使用LifterLMS轻松创建它。

Figure 1: creating course with title “Java Development Course”

图1:创建标题为“ Java开发课程”的课程

创建部分和课程 (Creating Sections and Lessons)

A course will consist of lessons. You can create lessons easily with the plugin. It can help to divide them according to sections. I have divided our course into two sections: “Core Java” and “Advanced Java.”

一门课程将包括课程。 您可以使用该插件轻松创建课程。 这可以帮助您根据部分进行划分。 我将课程分为两个部分:“核心Java”和“高级Java”。

Figure 2.1: creating “Advanced Java” section in the course “Java Development Course”

图2.1:在“ Java开发课程”课程中创建“高级Java”部分

Create any number of lessons and add under your course sections. Also, mark the duration of the lessons.

创建任意数量的课程,然后在课程部分下添加。 另外,标记课程的持续时间。

Figure 2.2: Creating first lesson


Figure 2.3: Adding lesson to section


课程类别/标签 (Course Categories/ Tags)

Categories in WordPress group your posts, but in LMS, course categories group your course lessons.


Figure 3: Category “Java” added

图3:添加了类别“ Java”

学生评估 (Student Assessment)

A student or professional comes to your website to join a course. After completing a course, you will probably want the attendee to assess what they have learned from the course.

一个学生或专业人士到您的网站参加课程。 完成课程后,您可能希望与会者评估他们从课程中学到的知识。

The assessment can be in the form of quiz questions. You can create questions for a quiz in the following form:

评估可以是测验问题的形式。 您可以按照以下形式为测验创建问题:

Multiple Choice

多项选择 True/False

真假 Gap Fill

填补空白 Multi Line

多线 Single Line


In Figure 4:1, you will see how to create questions for a quiz to evaluate student performance.


Figure 4.1: Quiz


Figure 4.2: Settings for Quiz


导出课程列表 (Export Course List)

Let’s say you started with a few courses on your WordPress website for students and professionals. After gaining success, the number of courses created on your website increased tremendously. So, to avoid chaos, you can easily export the course list in the XLS/CSV format. A course list consisting of fields and details can easily be generated by a click of a button.

假设您是从WordPress网站上的面向学生和专业人士的几门课程开始的。 获得成功后,在您的网站上创建的课程数量急剧增加。 因此,为避免混乱,您可以轻松地以XLS / CSV格式导出课程列表。 只需单击一下按钮,即可轻松生成包含字段和详细信息的课程列表。

附加组件/扩展程序/集成 (Add-Ons / Extensions / Integration)

Add-ons will create new functionality for your courses. You can use them to add more features to your course that prove to be quite beneficial.

附加组件将为您的课程创建新功能。 您可以使用它们为课程添加更多功能,这些功能被证明是非常有益的。

Add-ons or extensions can include functionality through which you can easily check the course progress of any student. Extensions are also available to meet other needs, such as adding the ability to easily create media attachments.

附加组件或扩展程序可以包括一些功能,通过这些功能,您可以轻松地检查任何学生的课程进度。 也可以使用扩展来满足其他需求,例如添加轻松创建媒体附件的功能。

Integration with other plugins is quite important to extend the functionality of your LMS. Integrate with BuddyPress, WooCommerce, or other plugins that you might wish to use in your WordPress site. For example, integrating with Gravity Forms will help you to create amazing forms in no time.

与其他插件集成对于扩展LMS的功能非常重要。 与BuddyPress,WooCommerce或您可能希望在WordPress网站中使用的其他插件集成。 例如,与Gravity Forms集成将帮助您立即创建惊人的表单。

In Figure 5, you will see some extensions you can add to your LMS.


Figure 5: Add-ons


免费或付费 (Free or Paid)

You can keep your course free for your audience for an allotted amount of time, and after building your brand, you can sell it at a price suitable for your audience.


The learners do not have to worry about the payment services, since these LMS come with a lot of payment options, such as:



贝宝 WePay

支付宝 Skrill


Figure 6: Payment options for paid courses


课程证书 (Course Certificates)

You can easily manually or automatically generate certificates for learners after they complete the course successfully.


Figure 7: Create Certificates


反馈/课程评论 (Feedback / Reviews for Courses)

Great feedback and ratings are what a course creator strives for. Not only the course creators, but also those who want to buy a course, check the reviews and ratings. So, an option is available for the attendees to leave a review after completing the course.

出色的反馈和评分是课程创建者所追求的。 不仅是课程创建者,而且还有想要购买课程的人,都要检查评论和评分。 因此,学员可以选择一个选项,在完成课程后对其进行评论。

本土化 (Localization)

According to a survey on Internet users worldwide, the top Internet language is English. It cites English as the language of an estimated 25.5% of internet users of the world’s population. What about the rest? Target the global audience with the WordPress plugins localization feature. Develop courses in different languages and get a wide reach.

根据对全球互联网用户的一项调查,互联网的主要语言是英语。 它引用了英语作为全球约25.5%的互联网用户的语言。 其余的呢? 使用WordPress插件本地化功能定位全球受众。 开发不同语言的课程并获得广泛的影响。

Figure 8: Survey; Source: Internet World Statistics

图8:调查; 资料来源: 互联网世界统计

摘要 (Summary)

In this article, you learned how to create an online course in WordPress and deliver it on your website. You also learned how to extend the course with add-ons. Start your journey to an easier way to create a WordPress based course platform, which in turn will allow you to teach others!

在本文中,您学习了如何在WordPress中创建在线课程并将其发布到您的网站上。 您还学习了如何使用附加组件扩展课程。 开始您的旅程,以更轻松的方式创建基于WordPress的课程平台,从而使您可以教其他人!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-learning-management-system-create-courses/

