
tech2022-09-11  111


This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

When business managers, team leaders, and others plan for business continuity, they’re being forward thinkers. Plans are created to ensure that the business continues to operate under a variety of stressful situations – natural disasters, deaths, malicious actions, and more. Businesses create disaster plans for websites, buildings, human resources, financial transactions, relocation of assets, replacement of equipment – anything and everything.

当业务经理,团队负责人和其他人计划业务连续性时,他们就是前瞻性思想家。 创建计划以确保业务在各种压力情况下继续运营,这些情况包括自然灾害,死亡,恶意行为等。 企业为网站,建筑物,人力资源,财务交易,资产搬迁,设备更换(任何东西)创建灾难计划。

When considering disaster plans for websites, you have to consider a lot of those things, but you also have to consider things like hacking, user errors, and dependency failures (Looking to learn how to better manage dependencies? Take a look at the Managing Dependencies course on SitePoint Premium).

在考虑网站的灾难计划时,您必须考虑很多这些问题,但是还必须考虑诸如黑客攻击,用户错误和依赖项失败之类的问题(希望了解如何更好地管理依赖项?请查看管理依赖项)。 SitePoint Premium课程)。

The key elements of these business continuity and disaster plans are often the processes. These detail the steps that all of the company’s employees, whether there is only one employee, dozens, or even thousands, will take in these types of situations to ensure that the business can still function as close to normally as possible. If the business cannot weather such storms, they may not have a company to return to when the crisis is over.

这些业务连续性和灾难计划的关键要素通常是流程 。 这些详细说明了公司的所有员工(无论只有一名员工,数十名甚至数千名员工)在这些类型的情况下将采取的步骤,以确保企业仍能尽可能正常地运转。 如果企业无法抵御这种风暴,那么危机结束后,他们可能没有一家公司可以重返。

For maintainers of websites and web applications, disaster plans can be crucial, but are often overlooked for the same reason that business continuity plans as a whole are – they are only useful when something bad happens, and while normal day-to-day operations occur, they seem like a waste.


网站的灾难计划 (Disaster Plans for Websites)

One of the first things that you should ask yourself (or your team) when considering what you’d like to do about disaster planning for websites that you maintain, is this:


How long can your website or web application be down?


How long can you go without customers visiting, interacting, and purchasing things? How much money will you lose per minute or hour that your site is down, or how many leads may be lost? Do you have service level agreements with your customers, and if so, are they guaranteed a certain percentage of uptime? When will you reach that limit?

没有客户访问,交互和购买商品,您能走多长时间? 您的网站每停机一分钟或一小时,您将损失多少钱,或者可能损失多少线索? 您是否与客户签订了服务水平协议,如果有,他们是否保证一定比例的正常运行时间? 您什么时候达到那个极限?

灾难规划 (Planning for Disasters)

Some disasters for your business are epic and regional or even global in proportion, while others might not even make the local news. Here are a few examples of situations that may need planning and forethought:

对于您的业务而言,有些灾难是史诗性的,是区域性的,甚至是全球性的,而另一些灾难甚至可能不是本地新闻。 以下是一些可能需要计划和预先考虑的情况的示例:

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, or fires. What will happen if your datacenter(s) are damaged or destroyed?

自然灾害,例如地震,龙卷风,飓风或火灾。 如果您的数据中心被损坏或破坏,将会发生什么? Shutdown of critical services or products that are integral to your business such as customer relationship management software, accounting software, social media, version control repositories, hosting services, and more.

关闭关键服务或与您的业务必不可少的产品,例如客户关系管理软件,会计软件,社交媒体,版本控制存储库,托管服务等。 Revoked access to a resource. What if a security issue of some kind, or a human error by someone working at a service used by your website or application prevents your site from accessing that service? If you use a mail-sending service, do you have a fallback if your API requests suddenly start failing? How long will it take to change services or troubleshoot and resolve the issue?

撤销对资源的访问。 如果某种安全问题或使用您的网站或应用程序使用的服务的人为错误导致该网站无法访问该服务,该怎么办? 如果您使用邮件发送服务,如果您的API请求突然开始失败,您是否有一个后备? 更改服务或解决问题并解决问题需要多长时间? Hacking. You hopefully have security measures in place, yes, but do you have a plan for when those measures fail? Backups to revert to, or methods to detect and remove intruders, to patch vulnerabilities quickly, to revoke compromised user credentials?

骇客。 希望您已经采取了安全措施,是的,但是您有针对这些措施失败的计划吗? 要还原的备份,还是检测和删除入侵者的方法,以快速修补漏洞,以撤消受损的用户凭据?

Loss of key personnel (the bus test). Can your website survive the loss of one key engineer, devops person, designer, or support specialist?

关键人员的损失( 公交车测试 )。 您的网站能否在失去一名关键工程师,开发人员,设计师或支持专家的情况下幸免?

进行运动 (Conducting Exercises)

Once you’ve brainstormed about the above scenarios, and others you can think of, you may also want to bring together key personnel from your various teams (if you have them) and conduct some mental exercises. Put yourselves into the situation. If X happened, and then Y happened, what would we do? Brainstorm. You may come up with more deficiencies in your plan, ideas for new processes that are required.

一旦就上述情况及其他可以想到的问题进行了头脑风暴,您可能还希望将各个团队(如果有)的关键人员召集在一起并进行一些心理锻炼。 让自己陷入困境。 如果X发生了,然后Y发生了,我们该怎么办? 头脑风暴。 您可能会在计划中提出更多缺陷,以及需要新流程的想法。

备份系统 (Backup Systems)

Backups are a key consideration. Not only backups of data such as files, databases, media, etc, but also of credentials (are they stored somewhere besides the mind of a single user?). Services are another consideration. Do you have backup CDNs, mail services, NPM packages for various purposes? Do they have implementation plans? Licenses for any paid software or services?

备份是关键考虑因素。 不仅备份文件,数据库,媒体等数据,还备份凭据(这些凭据是否存储在单个用户的脑海中?)。 服务是另一个考虑因素。 您是否具有用于各种目的的备份CDN,邮件服务,NPM软件包? 他们有实施计划吗? 任何付费软件或服务的许可证?

It’s better to consider the backup strategy for your website before you even launch it. Check your hosting company’s backup policies. Some provide extra backup solutions along with their hosting services. Our hosting partner SiteGround offers a powerful in-house tool for daily backups and fast data recovery.

最好在启动网站之前考虑网站的备份策略。 检查托管公司的备份策略。 有些提供了额外的备份解决方案及其托管服务。 我们的托管合作伙伴SiteGround提供了功能强大的内部工具,用于每日备份和快速数据恢复。

开发和共享流程和访问 (Developing and Sharing Processes and Access)

Developing processes and sharing them is also a key feature of disaster planning. Creating processes for recovering data from a backup, troubleshooting procedures for responding to an outage, and other similar situations is certainly important, but documenting those processes and sharing them with relevant personnel is the other half of the battle. Moving through troubleshooting or disaster response processes quickly and efficiently can mean the difference between the end of a business and a minor public relations bump in the road.

开发过程并共享它们也是灾难计划的关键特征。 创建用于从备份中恢复数据的流程,用于响应中断的故障排除程序以及其他类似情况当然很重要,但是将这些流程记录下来并与相关人员共享是另一半。 快速而有效地进行故障排除或灾难响应流程可能意味着企业结束与公关中的小障碍之间的区别。

共享灾难计划 (Sharing the Disaster Plan)

Non-IT personnel who need to be involved should be aware of the situation and the plan. For instance, HR may have to be involved in hiring key replacement personnel, or consultants may need to step in to assist while the company does that replacing. An accounting department may need to be aware of services that are being paid for recovery purposes, and so on.

需要参与的非IT人员应了解情况和计划。 例如,人力资源部门可能不得不雇用关键的替换人员,或者顾问可能需要在公司进行替换时介入以提供帮助。 会计部门可能需要知道为恢复目的而付费的服务,等等。

结论 (Conclusion)

The most important thing is that you and your colleagues create a disaster plan, understand it, and keep it up to date. You should take advantage of the tools offered by your host. SitePoint’s hosting partner, SiteGround, not only offers daily backups, but also monitoring, secure account isolation and expert technical support. Do you have any experiences you’d like to share about disaster planning or about situations in which you’ve faced disaster response? Share them in the comments below!

最重要的是,您和您的同事创建一个灾难计划,了解它并保持最新状态。 您应该利用主机提供的工具。 SitePoint的托管合作伙伴SiteGround不仅提供每日备份,而且还提供监视,安全的帐户隔离和专家技术支持。 您是否想分享有关灾难规划或遇到灾难应对情况的经验? 在下面的评论中分享它们!


