
tech2022-09-11  102


and then I think it’s also important to reason from first principles rather than by analogy. 我认为从基本原理出发进行推理也很重要,而不仅仅是从类比中。so the normal way that we conduct our lives is we reason by analogy. it’s we’re doing this because it’s like something else that was done or it’s like what other people are doing. 我们通过类比来得出推论指引我们的生活。我们也去做同一件事情是因为这件事别人已经做过或者其他人也正在做同样的事情。#Me Too type ideas yeah it’s like a slight iteration on a theme and it’s it because it’s kind of mentally easier to reason by analogy rather than from first principles. 就像#Me Too 这个话题一样,这样只能产生细小的迭代发展。这是因为运用比较思维相比第一性原理更为省心省力but first principles is kind of a physics way of looking at the world and what that really means is you kind of boil things down to the most fundamental truths. 但是第一性原理是从物理学角度来看这个世界,第一性原理要把解决事情回归到事物的本质上去and say okay what do we sure or sure as possilble is true and then reason up from there that takes a lot more mental energy. 我们要确信这一原理是真的或者尽可能确定是真的,然后再从中来推论,这一过程会耗费许多精力Give me an example that like.what’s one thing that you’ve done that on that you feels work for you. 可以举个例子吗?你有一件你使用过第一性原理且觉得有益的事情吗?sure so somebody could say in fact people do that, battery packs are really expensive and that’s just the way they’ll always be.because that’s the way they’ve been in the past. 当然,有人可能会说当然他们已经说过了,电池组一直都这么贵,它们价位一直都不变,因为过去一直都是这样。you like well no that’s pretty dumb you know.because if you apply that reasoning to anything new that then you wouldn’t be able to ever get to that new thing. 这种推论其实很没有信服力,因为如果你用这种推论取发明新东西,你不可能得出新结论so you know it’s like you can’t say oh you know horses nobody wants a car because horses are great and we’re used to them. 比如,你不能说,没有人会想要汽车,因为马很好,我们习惯了用它们来做交通工具。and they eat grass there’s lots of grass all over the place.and you know there’s not like there’s no gasoline that people can buy.so people never going to it never get ever going to get cars. 马吃草,世界上草也足够多,或者人们买不到汽油,所以人们不会想要汽车that people did say that and in for batteries theywould say oh it’s going to cost you know the historically its cost six hundred dollars per kilowatt hour and so ti’s not going to be much better than that in the future and say no. 回到电池的例子上,他们会说,以前电池花费600美元每千瓦时,未来也不会好到哪里去。okay well what are the batteries made of.so first principles would be say what are the material constituents of the batteries. 我们会想,电池是由什么组成的。从第一性原理来看,组成电池的材料这部分价格又是多少呢?what is the spot market value of the material constitutents so you can say okay it’s got cobalt nickel aluminum carbon and some polymers for separation and a steel can. 接着得出电池其实是由铜、锌、铝、碳和一些起间隔作用的聚合物再加上密封罐so break that down on a material basis and say okay what if we bought that in London metal exchange what would each of those things costs. 如果我们将电池分解到原料层面来看,然后想,好的,如果我去伦敦金属交易所,这些原料将花费我多少钱like oh jesus it’s like $80 a per kilowatt hour.so clearly you just need to think of clever ways to take those materials and combine them into the shape of a battery cell and you can have batteries that are much cheaper than anyone realizes. 哦天哪,只用80美元每千瓦时。很明显,现在你只需要找出一种聪明的方法,将这些原料组合成电池,就能得到比任何人想象中要便宜的多的电池