joomla 视频

tech2022-09-12  105

joomla 视频

You’ve probably heard of, or even used a Content Management System (CMS) in your projects, and as Joomla! is almost ten years old, you may have used it once or twice.

您可能已经听说过,甚至在您的项目中以及作为Joomla都使用过内容管理系统(CMS)。 已有将近十年的历史,您可能曾经使用过一两次。

Over the years, there has been a healthy rivalry between the main CMSes in use on the planet: WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla!, and all three have hosts of die-hard fans that would pitch for their favorites over the others any day.

多年来,地球上使用的主要CMS之间一直存在健康的竞争:WordPress,Drupal和Joomla !,这三者都有顽固的支持者,他们会在任何时候争夺他们的最爱。

Don’t worry, I’m not about to add to the high pile of subjective CMS comparison posts available on the web. Instead, I will briefly review all the recent changes in Joomla! that have modernized it for the present day developer – from version 3.0 onwards (currently 3.3).

不用担心,我不会在网络上增加大量的主观CMS比较帖子。 相反,我将简要回顾Joomla的所有最新更改! 从3.0版(当前为3.3版)开始,为当今的开发人员实现了现代化。

变化 (Changes)

Joomla! has made it a major point to brush up their game, and give their loyalists a better product by rewriting the whole system from the ground up to fit current trends and structures. Apart from the ever-present exclamation mark that ensures we all stay excited, there have been a whole lot of changes made in the software. Here are some of the new additions that make Joomla! 3.x tick:

Joomla! 通过重新构建整个系统以适应当前的趋势和结构,使其成为游戏的主要重点,并为其忠诚者提供更好的产品。 除了不断出现的感叹号(确保我们所有人保持兴奋)之外,软件中还进行了很多更改。 以下是一些使Joomla成为可能的新功能! 3.x勾号:

更新现在轻而易举 (Updates are now a breeze)

It used to be a major assignment to keep Joomla! websites up to date. First you had to update the core Joomla! install to the latest version. Wait, I jumped the gun – first you had to check that the extensions you used initially will work with the new Joomla version (apologies – I have gotten tired of the exclamation) beforehand. Then if it says so, you update to the latest, then visit each extension’s developer’s website to get the most current version, and update those as well. One by one. All this on your test site, before you proceed and work on the actual site, if all went well.

过去,这是保留Joomla的主要任务! 网站更新。 首先,您必须更新核心Joomla! 安装到最新版本。 等等,我大开眼界–首先,您必须事先检查您最初使用的扩展程序是否可以与新的Joomla版本一起使用(抱歉,我已经对这个感叹不已了)。 然后,如果是这样,则更新为最新版本,然后访问每个扩展的开发人员的网站以获取最新版本,并进行更新。 逐个。 如果一切顺利,请在测试站点上进行所有操作,然后再继续在实际站点上工作。

That was then.

那是那时 。

Now, upgrading to the current version is a breeze – at the touch of a button. Joomla 3 even gives you the window to check if any of the extensions you are using have an update, which you can implement from within the website, also at the click of a button. You are still advised to do the updates first on a test location before going live, but they made life easier by giving you the opportunity to do the updates within a shorter timespan.

现在,只需轻按一下按钮,即可轻松升级到当前版本。 Joomla 3甚至为您提供了一个窗口,用于检查您正在使用的任何扩展是否具有更新,您也可以在网站上单击按钮来进行更新。 仍然建议您在上线之前先在测试位置进行更新,但是它们使您有机会在较短的时间内进行更新,从而使生活变得更加轻松。

J3是M0b1l3 R34dy! (J3 is M0b1l3 R34dy!)

Ok, I got carried away with the numbers a bit there.


The entire front-end and back-end have been overhauled and are now mobile-ready, thanks to the inclusion of the Bootstrap framework and the Joomla Team streamlining the Admin User Experience. It used to be that I needed to get an extension that would allow my clients’ sites to be mobilized, but now, it’s all ready for every kind of device, be it desktop, tablet, or smartphone. According to their site, the site template, admin user interface, and core output are now mobilized and responsive.

由于包括了Bootstrap框架和简化了Admin User Experience的Joomla团队,因此整个前端和后端都已进行了大修,并且现在可以移动使用。 过去,我需要获得扩展功能,以便可以动员客户的网站,但是现在,它已经为各种设备(台式机,平板电脑或智能手机)做好了准备。 根据他们的站点 ,现在已动员并响应了站点模板,管理用户界面和核心输出。

用户访问的灵活性取决于类固醇 (User Access Flexibility is on steroids)

Users and fans of Joomla had been complaining about the rigidity of user access levels in the system since inception. In fact, some developers took it upon themselves to create extensions to fill that void. From Joomla 2.5, User Access Levels are no longer limited. Users can belong to various Access Groups with different permissions. Fact is, each section of the system, down to articles, and even each extension, can be restricted according to User Access Groups. So if your client is clamoring for access to the back-end, so that they can update their blog section themselves, with Joomla this is now very possible. The Guest User Group is now also included by default.

自创建以来,Joomla的用户和粉丝一直在抱怨系统中用户访问级别的严格性。 实际上,一些开发人员会自己创建扩展来填补这一空白。 从Joomla 2.5开始,不再限制用户访问级别。 用户可以属于具有不同权限的各种访问组。 实际上,可以根据用户访问组来限制系统的每个部分,直至文章,甚至每个扩展。 因此,如果您的客户大声疾呼要访问后端,以便他们可以自己更新博客部分,那么使用Joomla可以实现。 默认情况下现在也包括来宾用户组。

对开发人员更友好 (More Developer-friendly)

Going along with Joomla’s goal to be usable for any web project, they have made the latest version very developer-friendly. To aid smoother development, they have included a current Joomla UI Library that gives you a standardized interface with LESS CSS, JQuery, and Bootstrap support, to aid faster, cleaner and smoother development. They also add the icing on the cake by providing a wealth of retina-optimized icons from IcoMoon.

遵循Joomla的目标是可用于任何Web项目,他们使最新版本对开发人员非常友好。 为了帮助进行更顺畅的开发,他们包括了当前的Joomla UI库,该库为您提供了具有LESS CSS,JQuery和Bootstrap支持的标准化接口,以帮助更快,更清洁,更顺畅的开发。 他们还通过提供IcoMoon提供的大量视网膜优化图标来锦上添花 。

Joomla现在更加注重安全性 (Joomla is now more Security-conscious)

Security was a bone of contention to deal with, for Joomla 1.5, as it is for every CMS. Let’s face it – hackers never sleep. Joomla has tried to stay one step ahead by maintaining their list of insecure extensions, and by updating the software to block out detected and reported security loopholes. These security updates are now more frequent, and streamlined with the whole system.

对于Joomla 1.5而言,对于每个CMS来说,安全性都是争论的焦点。 让我们面对现实吧-黑客们永远不会睡觉。 Joomla试图通过保持不安全扩展的列表,并通过更新软件以阻止检测到和报告的安全漏洞来保持领先地位。 这些安全更新现在更加频繁,并且与整个系统一起得到了简化。

JED就在您的鼻子底下 (The JED is right under your nose)

To get great extensions, all I had to do before was visit the Joomla Extension Directory and search. Joomla 3 brings the directory closer – right in your Extensions Manager within your website. Search, selection and installation are instant.

要获得出色的扩展,我要做的就是访问Joomla扩展目录并进行搜索。 Joomla 3使目录更接近-在您网站的扩展管理器中。 搜索,选择和安装都是即时的。

Joomla现在具有智能搜索和标签 (Joomla now has Smart Search and Tags)

Joomla 3 now allows users to add tags to their content, increasing the categorization capabilities. Smart search also increases the speed of searching content and retrieving results.

现在,Joomla 3允许用户向其内容添加标签,从而增加了分类功能。 智能搜索还提高了搜索内容和检索结果的速度。

Joomla数据库之间的连接更加紧密 (The Joomla Database is more connected)

Joomla now lists database errors at the administrator back-end, for review, and even gives the option to fix it. The system also recognizes manual installs, through the “Discover” option, and allows any found ones to be integrated into the system.

现在,Joomla在管理员后端列出了数据库错误,以供检查,甚至提供了修复它的选项。 该系统还可以通过“发现”选项识别手动安装,并允许将找到的任何安装集成到系统中。

我希望他们没有改变的两件事 (Two things I wish they did not change)

I wish they had left alone the smooth installation process. Right now, to install a Joomla 3 package on my test server, I have to do it manually, then I have to create a user manually. Not pretty, in my opinion. I miss the 5 minute install process in Joomla 1.5

我希望他们不要理顺安装过程。 现在,要在测试服务器上安装Joomla 3软件包,我必须手动进行操作 ,然后必须手动创建用户 。 我认为不漂亮。 我错过了Joomla 1.5中5分钟的安装过程

I also wish they had continued to allow users access to the Joomla 1.5 extension archives, if only for another year. Many websites have not yet migrated successfully to Joomla 3.x, or even Joomla 2.5 for that matter. I have clients that refuse to see the light but insist on my providing support regardless. This is just a personal wish, though.

我也希望他们继续允许用户访问Joomla 1.5扩展档案,即使只是一年。 许多网站尚未成功迁移到Joomla 3.x,甚至Joomla 2.5。 我的客户拒绝见光,但无论如何都坚持要求我提供支持。 但是,这只是个人的愿望 。

结论 (Conclusion)

The Joomla Team have promised to continue cleaning out old code, and improving the database structure with each release. Let’s see if they can deliver on that promise, and remain one of the best CMS choices out there.

Joomla团队已承诺将继续清除旧代码,并在每个发行版中改进数据库结构。 让我们看看他们是否能够兑现这一承诺,并保持在那里的最佳CMS选择之一。

Did I miss anything worthy of note? What is the most important addition that has been made to the new and improved Joomla, in your opinion? Let me know in the comments!

我有什么想念的吗? 您认为,新的和改进的Joomla最重要的补充是什么? 在评论中让我知道!


joomla 视频

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