
tech2022-09-12  108


Social media platforms such as MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+ have been transformative technologies which shaped the early years of the twenty-first century. People can meet, interact and communicate in ways which would have been impossible a decade earlier.

诸如MySpace,Bebo,Facebook,Twitter,Snapchat,Instagram,LinkedIn和Google+等社交媒体平台已经成为变革性的技术,这些技术塑造了二十一世纪的早期。 人们可以用十年前不可能的方式进行见面,互动和交流。

Despite the ongoing success of social networks, most people’s real and online lives rarely connect in a cohesive manner:


you have a long list of online “friends” you’ve never met, know or speak with

您有一长串从未见过,认识或与之交谈的在线“朋友” your actual friends use different social networks to you

您实际的朋友对您使用不同的社交网络 you disconnect from real-world conversations to join online virtual chats

您断开了与现实世界的对话,加入了在线虚拟聊天 you’ll reprimand people for talking nonsense yet believe identical online articles and alerts

您会谴责人们胡说八道,但仍会相信相同的在线文章和警报 you feel obliged to comment on online articles despite not reading the text or understanding the points raised

您仍然有义务对在线文章发表评论,尽管他们没有阅读课文或理解所提出的观点 you’ll say things online which would never be said in person-to-person conversations.


Most people live separate online and offline lives. Some even adopt a different online image or persona.

大多数人在线和离线生活分开。 有些甚至采用了不同的在线图像或角色。

增强现实社会实验 (Augmented Reality Social Experiment)

Smartphone systems such as Siri and Cortana and screenless devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home have already begun to revolutionize how we interact with devices. The next step is the Augmented Reality Social Experiment which will finally end the distinction between your real and online lives.

Siri和Cortana等智能手机系统以及Amazon Echo和Google Home等无屏设备已经开始彻底改变我们与设备交互的方式。 下一步是增强现实社会实验,它将最终结束您的真实生活和在线生活之间的区别。

Dr Truly Lyse, the CTO of Distributed Reality Open Social Systems, claims their new software heralds the start of Social Media 2.0:

分布式现实开放式社交系统的CTO Truly Lyse博士声称,他们的新软件预示着社交媒体2.0的开始:

Starting in April 2017, our Social/Human Interface Technology software will be automatically installed on all your online devices. It will bridge the missing link between disparate social media platforms and real-world activities.

从2017年4月开始,我们的社交/人机界面技术软件将自动安装在您的所有在线设备上。 它将弥合不同社交媒体平台与现实世界活动之间缺失的联系。

The new system blends social media networks with Augmented Reality to introduce a new level of sophisticated integration between the real and virtual worlds:


Your face-to-face meetings and conversations will be live-streamed. Audio and text translations will be shared and made instantly available on all your connected social media networks.

您的面对面会议和对话将实时直播。 音频和文本翻译将被共享,并在您所有连接的社交媒体网络上立即可用。 Holding your phone up will automatically record and upload video (bandwidth-permitting). The view is overlaid by further information as necessary.

举起手机将自动录制和上传视频(允许带宽)。 必要时,该视图会被其他信息覆盖。 Your friends and followers can access your real-world interactions in real time.

您的朋友和关注者可以实时访问您在现实世界中的互动。 Any of your online contacts can join in the conversation, add comments, submit emojis and rate your discussion.

您的任何在线联系人都可以加入对话,添加评论,提交表情符号并为您的讨论打分。 Disputes can be settled instantly with online voting to determine who is right or wrong.


Lyse states:


Your real-life conversations will be infinitely enhanced by the addition of other collaborators. The wisdom of crowds is a positive phenomenon: it has been proved infallible in polls, elections and referendums.

通过添加其他协作者,您的现实生活中的对话将得到无限的增强。 群众的智慧是一种积极的现象:在民意测验,选举和公投中,事实证明它是绝对可靠的。

病毒优势 (Viral Dominance)

Your real-world conversations with friends, family and colleagues could make you an instant internet sensation as your discussions go viral and are shared throughout the community. However, Lyse points out the technology will quickly evolve beyond simple interaction enhancements.

与您的朋友,家人和同事进行的真实对话可以使您立即获得互联网轰动,因为您的讨论变得很热闹,并在整个社区中共享。 但是,Lyse指出,该技术将Swift发展,超越简单的交互增强功能。

Online data input activities will require less effort because the system will be able to recognize your likes, dislikes, habits, relationship statuses and emotional well-being. Friends will know whether you’re hungry, tired, frustrated or euphoric by viewing icons superimposed on your face.

在线数据输入活动将需要较少的精力,因为该系统将能够识别您的喜好,不喜欢,习惯,人际关系和情感状态。 通过查看叠加在脸上的图标,朋友会知道您是否饿,累,沮丧或欣快。

Conversations can be data-mined to highlight media and marketing trends. Your discussion will receive useful interruptions for associated products and news alerts. For example, if you’re feeling unwell, the system can recommend remedies which have been highly rated by others in your social group for similar symptoms.

可以对会话进行数据挖掘,以突出媒体和营销趋势。 您的讨论将收到有关相关产品和新闻警报的有用中断信息。 例如,如果您感觉不适,则系统可以推荐已被您的社会团体中的其他人高度评价的类似症状的补救措施。

Finally, your reputation will be enhanced by the quality of your real-life interactions. Others can rate factors such as your intelligence, empathy, confidence and sense of humor to provide an aggregate personality score. Your ranking will become increasingly important:

最后,现实生活中的互动质量将提高您的声誉。 其他人可以对您的智力,同理心,自信和幽默感等因素进行评分,以提供综合性格评分。 您的排名将变得越来越重要:

It will be more meaningful than a resume for employers.

对于雇主而言,这将比简历更有意义。 Potential partners can filter requests and automatically accept or reject an approach.


隐私的终结? (The End of Privacy?)

Social/Human Interface Technology is not without its critics and there have been privacy concerns. Your PC, smartphone and screenless devices will have received, installed and activated the software by the time you read this article, but strict safeguards and privacy protocols are in place.

社交/人机接口技术并非没有批评者,并且存在隐私问题。 在您阅读本文时,您的PC,智能手机和无屏幕设备将已经收到,安装并激活了该软件,但是已经采取了严格的保护措施和隐私协议。

You can switch off live-streaming when you want to start a private conversation. To enable private system mode, speak the following activation words clearly into your device:

当您要开始私人对话时,可以关闭直播。 要启用专用系统模式,请在设备中清楚地说出以下激活字:



Your device will confirm with an audible alert and/or the message “PRIVATE SYSTEM MODE ACTIVATED”. Private system mode will remain engaged until you end the conversation or say:

您的设备将通过声音警报和/或消息“已激活私人系统模式”进行确认。 私人系统模式将保持参与状态,直到您结束对话或说:



Alternatively, you can wear a privacy hat. The Social/Human Interface Technology software uses real-time video image recognition and microwave distortion analysis to identify the head-wear of all parties. Private system mode is activated when one or more of your conversation group is wearing the hat so nothing is shared online.

另外,您可以戴上隐私帽。 社交/人机界面技术软件使用实时视频图像识别和微波失真分析来识别各方的头饰。 当您的一个或多个会话组戴上帽子时,便会激活专用系统模式,因此在线上不会共享任何内容。

There have been supply problems in some parts of the world, but you can make your own privacy hat with a standard sheet of tin foil.


社交媒体的未来 (The Future of Social Media)

Augmented Reality is the obvious next step for social media. All the popular networks have integrated Social/Human Interface Technology so the system is usable today. Early beta test results were promising, but there will undoubtedly be teething problems during the world-wide launch.

对于社交媒体而言,增强现实是显而易见的下一步。 所有流行的网络都集成了社交/人机界面技术,因此该系统今天可用。 早期的beta测试结果令人鼓舞,但毫无疑问,在全球范围内推出该产品时会遇到麻烦。

Have you used Social Media 2.0 on your devices? Was the experience positive or negative? Comments welcome.

您是否在设备上使用过Social Media 2.0? 经历是正面的还是负面的? 欢迎发表评论。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/social-media-2-augmented-reality/


相关资源:精通Web Analytics 2.0