
tech2022-09-12  114


This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

How do you know you’ll get the features, performance and support you need to run your WordPress website? How do you separate the quality hosting providers from the subpar? With so many alternatives, how do you ensure you get real value for your money?

您怎么知道您将获得运行WordPress网站所需的功能,性能和支持? 您如何将优质托管服务提供商与劣等机构区分开? 有这么多种选择,您如何确保自己物有所值?

We’re here to help. In our article The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Hosting Provider we created a series of checklists to help you make an informed decision. In this article we take things one step further. We take five of the best hosting companies out there and run each one through the checklists so you can see how they compare.

我们在这里为您提供帮助。 在我们的《选择主机提供商的终极指南》一文中,我们创建了一系列清单,以帮助您做出明智的决定。 在本文中,我们将事情向前推进了一步。 我们从中选出了5家最好的托管公司,并逐一列出了每个托管公司,以便您了解它们之间的比较。

Here are the five companies and how they describe themselves:


Bluehost: “Our mission: to empower people to fully harness the web.”

Bluehost :“我们的使命:使人们能够充分利用网络。”

DreamHost: “We focus on successful sites for web designers, developers, bloggers and online business.”

DreamHost :“我们专注于网站设计师,开发人员,博客作者和在线业务的成功站点。”

SiteGround: “Web hosting is our craft. Latest speed technologies are our passion. Unique security solutions are our specialty. Amazing technical support is our pride.”

SiteGround :“网络托管是我们的技术。 最新的速度技术是我们的激情。 独特的安全解决方案是我们的专长。 出色的技术支持是我们的骄傲。”

Flywheel: “Beautiful WordPress hosting and management built for designers and agencies.”

Flywheel :“为设计师和代理商打造的漂亮的WordPress托管和管理。”

WP Engine: “WP Engine provides best-in-class customer service on top of innovation-driven technology.”

WP Engine :“ WP Engine在创新驱动技术的基础上提供一流的客户服务。”

Not all of these companies are alike. We’re not just comparing apples with apples—because maybe you don’t need an apple. As we work through the checklists, we hope you get a clearer idea of what type of company will best meet your needs.

并非所有这些公司都一样。 我们不只是将苹果与苹果进行比较,因为也许您不需要苹果。 在检查清单时,希望您能更清楚地了解哪种类型的公司最能满足您的需求。

The first three offer shared hosting with strong WordPress options, giving you lots of configuration at a low price. The last two focus solely on low-maintenance WordPress hosting, but at a higher price. You’ll see the differences that makes as we work through the checklists below.

前三个提供了具有强大WordPress选项的共享托管,可让您以低廉的价格进行大量配置。 最后两个仅专注于维护成本低的WordPress托管,但价格较高。 您将看到在通过以下清单进行工作时所产生的差异。

1.速度与性能 (1. Speed & Performance)

Your first priority should be to make sure your website will load quickly. The use of SSDs for storage, support for the new HTTP/2 protocol and having servers on multiple continents can shave seconds off your load times. In addition, options for content delivery networks and caching can speed your site even further.

您的首要任务应该是确保您的网站能够快速加载。 使用SSD进行存储,支持新的HTTP / 2协议以及在多个洲使用服务器可以节省数秒钟的加载时间。 此外,内容交付网络和缓存选项还可以进一步加快您的网站速度。

Performance ChecklistBluehostDreamHostSiteGroundFlywheelWP EngineServers on multiple continentsYesCDN (content delivery network)CloudFlare (with advanced plan)12-29 cents per GBCloudFlare (with every plan)MaxCDN optionalIncluded in Professional plan and aboveSSD storageNoYesYesHTTP/2NoNot for shared hostingYesYesYesBackupsCaching optionsVarnish cache for cloud plans onlyOPcache with shared hosting,,Varnish cache with DreamPressSuperCacherServer-side cachingEverCache 绩效检查表 蓝主机 DreamHost SiteGround 飞轮 WP引擎 多大洲的服务器 是 CDN(内容交付网络) CloudFlare(高级计划) 每GB 12-29美分 CloudFlare(所有计划) MaxCDN可选 专业计划及以上 SSD存储 没有 是 是 HTTP / 2 没有 不适用于共享主机 是 是 是 备份缓存选项 仅用于云计划的上光缓存 具有共享托管的OPcache,具有DreamPress的清漆缓存 超级缓存器 服务器端缓存 EverCache

In a thorough WordPress hosting comparison, DesignBombs tested for performance. They used both LoadImpact and Pingdom to test load times for four of our sites. Here are the results with the fastest listed first:

在WordPress托管比较中 ,DesignBombs进行了性能测试。 他们使用LoadImpact和Pingdom来测试我们四个站点的加载时间。 以下是最快列出的结果:

WP Engine: 260 ms (LoadImpact), 350 ms (Pingdom)

WP Engine:260毫秒(LoadImpact),350毫秒(Pingdom) SiteGround: 400 ms (LoadImpact, after caching), 942 ms (Pingdom)

SiteGround:400毫秒(LoadImpact,缓存后),942毫秒(Pingdom) Bluehost: 640 ms (LoadImpact), 2794 ms (Pingdom)

Bluehost:640毫秒(LoadImpact),2794毫秒(Pingdom) Flywheel: 1000 ms (LoadImpact), 1580 (Pingdom)

飞轮:1000 ms(LoadImpact),1580(Pingdom)

SiteGround is certainly a contender for performance. They have data centers across three continents, excellent performance-related features, and detail their infrastructure upgrades on their blog.

SiteGround当然是性能的竞争者。 他们在三大洲拥有数据中心,具有与性能相关的出色功能,并在其博客上详细介绍了其基础架构升级。

WP Engine has even better load times, though at a higher price. Their Professional plan (and above) have excellent performance features, though not as many as SiteGround.

WP Engine的加载时间更长,但价格更高。 他们的Professional计划(及更高版本)具有出色的性能功能,尽管不如SiteGround那么多。

2.安全性,可靠性和正常运行时间 (2. Security, Reliability & Uptime)

Security and reliability should also be high priorities when choosing a hosting provider. You want a website that’s always there, and resistant to hackers. WordPress need to be up to date (as do your plugins), and known vulnerabilities promptly patched. Proactive steps should be taken by the host to block attacks, and regular backups should be kept in case the worst does happen. Finally, your site should be carefully monitored so that if it goes down, the problem can be rectified immediately.

选择托管服务提供商时,安全性和可靠性也应作为重中之重。 您需要一个始终存在并且可以抵抗黑客攻击的网站。 WordPress需要保持最新(与您的插件一样),并Swift修补已知漏洞。 主机应采取主动措施来阻止攻击,并应保留常规备份,以防万一。 最后,应该仔细监视您的站点,以使其在出现故障时可以立即得到解决。

Security ChecklistBluehostDreamHostSiteGroundFlywheelWP EngineWordPress UpdatesYes, including themes & pluginsYesYes, including pluginsYesAutomatic Update ProtectionVulnerabilities HandlingSiteLock scans for vulnerabilitiesSiteLock (optional)Zero day vulnerability fixesFree fixes when hackedManaged patching and updatesBrute-force detection/preventionCustomized internal toolsJetpack Premium with DreamPress planAI-based bot prevention + CloudFlare WAFIntelligent IP blocking, limited login attemptsDDoS mitigation and rule sets tuned to prevent attacksWAF (web application firewall)SiteLock WAFWordPress specific firewall with DreamPress planCustom WAF rulesIntelligent IP blockingCombination of firewallsBackupsDaily, weekly, monthlyRegular snapshots, Jetpack Premium with DreamPress planDailyNightlyDailyMonitoring systemJetpack Premium with DreamPress planCustom monitoring system that automatically fixes problemsIn-house vulnerability scanning and remedies 安全清单 蓝主机 DreamHost SiteGround 飞轮 WP引擎 WordPress更新 是的,包括主题和插件 是 是的,包括插件 是 自动更新保护 漏洞处理 SiteLock扫描漏洞 SiteLock(可选) 零日漏洞修复 被黑时免费修复 托管补丁和更新 暴力检测/预防 定制的内部工具 带有DreamPress计划的Jetpack Premium 基于AI的机器人防御+ CloudFlare WAF 智能IP阻止,有限的登录尝试 调整DDoS缓解措施和规则集以防止攻击 WAF(Web应用程序防火墙) SiteLock WAF 带有DreamPress计划的WordPress特定防火墙 自定义WAF规则 智能IP阻止 防火墙组合 后备 每天,每周,每月 常规快照,带有DreamPress计划的Jetpack Premium 日常 每夜 日常 监视系统 带有DreamPress计划的Jetpack Premium 自定义监控系统,可自动修复问题 内部漏洞扫描和补救措施

ReviewSignal’s WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks (2015) tested our five hosting providers (among others) for uptime over 30 days. Here are the results:

ReviewSignal的WordPress托管性能基准测试报告(2015)测试了我们的五家托管服务提供商(以及其他提供商)在30天内的正常运行时间。 结果如下:

Bluehost 100%

蓝主机100% DreamHost 94.06%

DreamHost 94.06% SiteGround 100%

SiteGround 100% Flywheel 100%

飞轮100% WP Engine 100%


DreamHost does seem to go down from time to time, including a 42 hour period during ReviewSignal’s testing. The other providers had perfect uptime while being tested.

DreamHost似乎确实会不时关闭,包括在ReviewSignal进行测试的42小时内。 其他提供程序在测试时具有完美的正常运行时间。

SiteGround proactively secures websites on three levels with zero-day vulnerability fixes and custom WAF rules. For example, in 2015 they added 855 firewall rules and 43 kernel patches. This level of care is quite unique among hosting providers.

SiteGround通过零日漏洞修复和自定义WAF规则,在三个级别上主动保护网站。 例如,在2015年,他们添加了855个防火墙规则和43个内核补丁。 这种托管级别在托管服务提供商之间非常独特。

They also have their own sophisticated monitoring system that proactively checks all server processes twice a second, and if a problem it detected automatically fixes it. This means that even when problems do happen, you’re unlikely to be aware of it – it’s typically fixed in less than a second.

他们还拥有自己先进的监视系统,该系统每秒主动检查所有服务器进程两次,如果检测到问题,则会自动将其修复。 这意味着,即使确实发生问题,您也不太可能意识到这一点-通常只需不到一秒钟的时间即可解决该问题。

SiteLock (a security service used by Bluehost, DreamHost and other hosting providers) is found to be dubious value by some reviewers. The custom security solutions offered by the other providers are superior, as is Jetpack Premium, which is included with DreamHost’s DreamPress plan. We’ll cover WordPress security options in more detail over the next few weeks.

一些评论家发现SiteLock(Bluehost,DreamHost和其他主机提供商使用的安全服务)的价值可疑。 其他提供商提供的定制安全解决方案和Dreampack的DreamPress计划中随附的Jetpack Premium一样,具有优越性。 在接下来的几周中,我们将详细介绍WordPress安全选项。

3.客户服务与支持 (3. Customer Service & Support)

When it’s time to contact tech support, you want help, not a fight. You want answers, not a long wait. You need support available 24/7, as well as plenty of self-help resources.

当需要联系技术支持时,您需要帮助,而不是打架。 您需要答案,无需漫长的等待。 您需要24/7全天候的支持,以及大量的自助资源。

Support ChecklistBluehostDreamHostSiteGroundFlywheelWP EngineAvailable times24/724/724/79am-5pm CDT and 24/7 emergency support24/7Support channelsPhone, email, chatPhone callbacks, chat, ticketsPhone, chat, ticketsPhone, chat, ticketsPhone, chatIn-house or outsourcedIn-houseIn-houseIn-houseIn-houseIn-houseSelf-help materialsGuides, video tutorialsKnowledge baseTutorials and knowledge base, webinars, setup wizardHelp articles, video resourcesGuides 支持清单 蓝主机 DreamHost SiteGround 飞轮 WP引擎 可用时间 24/7 24/7 24/7 CDT上午9点至下午5点和24/7紧急支持 24/7 支持渠道 电话,电子邮件,聊天 电话回叫,聊天,门票 电话,聊天,门票 电话,聊天,门票 电话聊天 内部或外包 内部的 内部的 内部的 内部的 内部的 自助材料 指南,视频教程 知识库 教程和知识库,网络研讨会,设置向导 帮助文章,视频资源 导游

Only SiteGround quote their support response times, and they’re great:


Tickets: first reply within 10 minutes

门票:10分钟内第一回 Live chat: instant reply time

实时聊天:即时回复时间 Phone: instant reply time


Designbombs decided to test out support response times when doing their web hosting comparison. They asked each of these hosting providers (and a few more) a simple question via live chat, and timed how long it took to get a response. Their conclusion: “SiteGround absolutely blew away the competition.” Here are the individual results:

Designbombs决定在进行网络托管比较时测试支持响应时间。 他们通过实时聊天向这些托管服务提供商 (以及其他一些提供商 )询问了一个简单的问题,并确定了回复所需的时间。 他们的结论是:“ SiteGround绝对消除了竞争。” 以下是各个结果:

SiteGround: 15 seconds

SiteGround: 15秒

DreamHost: 6 minutes

DreamHost:6分钟 WP Engine: 11 minutes

WP引擎:11分钟 Flywheel: 15 minutes

飞轮:15分钟 Bluehost: 40 minutes


SiteGround’s response time was excellent, while DreamHost’s, WP Engine’s and Flywheel’s were acceptable. Bluehost’s slow response to a chat enquiry is concerning.

SiteGround的响应时间非常好,而DreamHost,WP Engine和Flywheel的响应时间都可以接受。 Bluehost对聊天查询的缓慢回应令人担忧。

4.特征与局限性 (4. Features & Limitations)

Not everyone needs the same features. Geeks love staging and SSL while beginners value website migration and an easy-to-use control panel. Use the following table to determine which companies provide the features you value.

并非每个人都需要相同的功能。 初学者很喜欢分阶段和SSL,而初学者则很重视网站迁移和易于使用的控制面板。 使用下表确定哪些公司提供您重视的功能。

Features ChecklistBluehostDreamHostSiteGroundFlywheelWP EngineWordPress PreinstalledYesYes1-click WordPress InstallYesYesYesControl PanelEnhanced cPanel, custom WordPress control panelDreamHost control panelcPanelCustom simple dashboardWP Engine control panelWebsite Migration$149.99In beta and not free1 FreeFreeFreeSSLOptionalYes, with DreamPressYesYesYesStagingNoNoYesYesYes, plans above TinyBlacklist WordPress PluginsNoNoNoThose that duplicate functionality or cause problemsSome plugins disallowed for security or performance reasons 功能清单 蓝主机 DreamHost SiteGround 飞轮 WP引擎 WordPress预装 是 是 一键式WordPress安装 是 是 是 控制面板 增强的cPanel,自定义WordPress控制面板 DreamHost控制面板 面板 自定义简单仪表板 WP Engine控制面板 网站迁移 $ 149.99 在测试版中,并非免费 1个免费 自由 自由 SSL协议 可选的 是的,使用DreamPress 是 是 是 分期 没有 没有 是 是 是的,计划高于Tiny 黑名单WordPress插件 没有 没有 没有 那些功能重复或引起问题的 出于安全性或性能原因,不允许使用某些插件

SiteGround have the best range of features for the price. Flywheel and WP Engine don’t go into a lot of detail when talking about features—their services are aimed at companies who prefer to pay someone else to do the setup, and don’t need to know the details themselves. They find the extra cost a bargain. For those companies they are a good fit.

SiteGround具有价格最优惠的功能。 在谈论功能时,Flywheel和WP Engine并没有详细介绍-它们的服务面向的是那些愿意付钱给别人来进行设置而又不需要自己了解细节的公司。 他们发现额外的费用很便宜。 对于那些公司来说,它们是一个很好的选择。

5.哲学,文化与声誉 (5. Philosophy, Culture & Reputation)

Web Hosts Recommended by WordPress


When finding a host for your WordPress website, what better recommendation can you receive than from WordPress. Four of our companies appear on the official WordPress Web Hosting recommendation page.

当为您的WordPress网站找到主机时,您会收到比WordPress更好的建议。 我们的四家公司出现在官方WordPress虚拟主机推荐页面上。

We’ve dealt with more hosts than you can imagine; in our opinion, the hosts below represent some of the best and brightest of the hosting world.

我们处理的主机数量超出了您的想象。 我们认为,下面的托管者代表了托管世界中一些最好,最聪明的托管者。

The page is updated several times a year, and currently lists these providers:



蓝主机 DreamHost

DreamHost Flywheel

飞轮 SiteGround


How Stable Is the Company


How long has the company been around? How many people have chosen them to host their websites?

公司成立了多久了? 有多少人选择他们托管他们的网站?

Bluehost started in 2003, and hosts over two million websites worldwide.

Bluehost成立于2003年,在全球拥有超过200万个网站。 DreamHost started in 1997, and hosts over 1.5 million websites, blogs and apps (including 750,000 WordPress installations).

DreamHost于1997年开始运营,拥有超过150万个网站,博客和应用(包括750,000个WordPress安装)。 SiteGround started in 2004, and (as of 2016) hosts over 500,000 sites.

SiteGround始于2004年,截至2016年,托管着超过500,000个站点。 Flywheel started in 2012, and is used by over 50,000 agencies, designers and creatives.

Flywheel成立于2012年,已有50,000多家代理商,设计师和创意者使用。 WP Engine started in 2010, and have 60,000 customers in 120 countries, powering 500,000 “digital experiences”.

WP Engine始于2010年,在120个国家/地区拥有60,000个客户,为500,000个“数字体验”提供了动力。

How Human Are They?


The “humanness” of a company is hard to pin down without living with them for a while. Here are some indicators from their websites and social channels which will help you get a feel for each company.

如果不与公司生活一段时间,就很难确定公司的“人性”。 以下是他们网站和社交渠道中的一些指标,可帮助您了解每家公司。

Bluehost’s social channels mainly promote new blog posts, which cover topics helpful to bloggers and webmaster. There’s no mention of staff or real people on their website. Their About page explains the company is part of the Endurance International Group, which includes HostGator, iPage, SiteBuilder.com and Domain.com.

Bluehost的社交渠道主要宣传新的博客文章,其中包括对博客和网站管理员有用的主题。 在他们的网站上没有提及员工或真实的人。 他们的“关于”页面说明该公司是Endurance International Group的一部分,该组织包括HostGator,iPage,SiteBuilder.com和Domain.com。

The DreamHost blog covers topics relevant to web hosting, and their social channels are used to promote these. Their website’s front page explains that they are independently owned, “which allows us to stay true to our values and maintain our commitment to our community of customers.” They embrace open source software, and contribute code to OpenStack.

DreamHost博客涵盖了与Web托管相关的主题,并且使用其社交渠道来推广这些主题。 他们的网站首页解释说他们是独立所有者,“这使我们能够恪守我们的价值观,并保持对客户社区的承诺。” 他们使用开源软件,并向OpenStack贡献代码。

SiteGround displays photos and descriptions of their staff on their friendly website. “We take just as good care of our employees as we do of our clients. We believe that happy employees lead to happy customers, that’s why we offer all kinds of perks to motivate and inspire our staff.” They actively give back to open source communities – they are involved with more than 100 community events per year.

SiteGround在其友好的网站上显示其员工的照片和描述。 “我们对员工的照顾与对客户的照顾一样好。 我们相信,快乐的员工会带来快乐的客户,这就是为什么我们提供各种福利来激励和激励我们的员工。” 他们积极回馈开源社区-每年参与100多个社区活动。

The Flywheel website displays photos of all staff, and has a “Life at Flywheel” section written by Melanie Phelan, the Employee Experience Coordinator. They seem to care about their staff. One of the positions listed is “Happiness Engineer”, which is their term for customer support. The company is “a product we believe in”, which they started “to improve the lives of the millions of web designers and developers.”

Flywheel网站上显示了所有员工的照片,并有一个由员工体验协调员Melanie Phelan撰写的“ Flywheel生活”部分。 他们似乎在乎自己的员工。 列出的职位之一是“幸福工程师”,这是他们对客户支持的术语。 该公司是“我们坚信的产品”,他们开始“改善数百万网站设计师和开发人员的生活”。

The WP Engine website has a professional, corporate tone, which matches the intended audience. They display photos of their staff on the website, along with quotes. Here’s the quote from Jason Cohen, the founder: “I started WP Engine because I wanted to work on interesting, real problems experienced by interesting, real customers, and come to the office every day thrilled to be working with the people around me. Somehow, we’ve been lucky enough to make that dream a reality.” When speaking of hiring opportunities, they use the words, “Join our family.”

WP Engine网站具有专业的企业基调,可与目标受众匹配。 他们在网站上显示员工的照片以及报价。 这是创始人杰森·科恩(Jason Cohen)的话:“我之所以创立WP Engine,是因为我想研究有趣的,真实的客户所遇到的有趣的,真实的问题,每天都高兴地来到办公室与我周围的人一起工作。 不知何故,我们很幸运地实现了这个梦想。” 在谈到招聘机会时,他们使用“加入我们的家庭”一词。

ReviewSignal WordPress Hosting Ratings

ReviewSignal WordPress托管评级

ReviewSignal use algorithms to rate the top hosting providers using feedback shared on the net. Here’s how it works:

ReviewSignal使用算法使用网络上共享的反馈对顶级托管服务提供商进行评分。 运作方式如下:

Review Signal turns conversations on Twitter into web hosting reviews. We’ve collected over 335,000 reviews about web hosting companies and publish them for consumers. Our mission is to take valuable insights publicly shared by others and transform it into useful information.

评论信号将Twitter上的对话变成虚拟主机评论。 我们已经收集了超过335,000条有关网络托管公司的评论,并将其发布给消费者。 我们的使命是获取他人公开分享的宝贵见解,并将其转化为有用的信息。

All five of our hosting providers make it into the Top 13 in their list of Top WordPress Hosting Companies. Here’s how they rank:

我们的所有五个托管服务提供商均跻身其WordPress托管公司排名前13位。 他们的排名如下:

Flywheel, ranked #1, rated 84%

飞轮,排名第一,评分为84% WP Engine, ranked #3, rated 76%

WP Engine,排名3,评分为76% SiteGround, ranked #4, rated 73%

SiteGround,排名第4,评分为73% DreamHost, ranked #8, rated 58%

DreamHost,排名第8,评分58% Bluehost, ranked #13, rated 39%


6.定价 (6. Pricing)

Ongoing Costs


Bluehost (shared hosting)


Basic plan (single website) $3.95 per month (normally $7.99)

基本计划(单个网站)每月$ 3.95(原价$ 7.99) Plus plan (unlimited websites) $5.95 per month (normally $10.99)

Plus计划(不受限制的网站)每月$ 5.95(原价$ 10.99) Prime plan (unlimited websites plus extra features) $5.95 per month (normally $14.99).

Prime计划(不受限制的网站加上其他功能)每月$ 5.95(通常为$ 14.99)。

DreamHost (WordPress hosting)


Shared Hosting (multiple sites) $7.95 per month

共享主机(多个站点)每月$ 7.95 DreamPress (fully managed) $16.95 per month

DreamPress(完全托管)每月$ 16.95

SiteGround (WordPress hosting)*


StartUp (one website, 10,000 visits per month) $4.95 per month

StartUp(一个网站,每月10,000次访问)每月$ 4.95 GrowBig (25,000 visits per month) $7.45 per month

GrowBig(每月25,000次访问)每月$ 7.45 GoGeek (100,000 visits per month) $10.45 per month

GoGeek(每月100,000次访问)每月$ 10.45

* With the current 65% off from the special promotion for SitePoint readers.


Flywheel (managed WordPress hosting)


Tiny plan (5,000 monthly visits) $15 per month

小型计划(每月访问5,000次)每月$ 15 Personal plan (25,000 monthly visits) $30 per month

个人计划(每月访问25,000次)每月$ 30 Professional plan (100,000 monthly visits) $75 per month

专业计划(每月访问100,000次)每月$ 75

WP Engine (managed WordPress hosting)

WP Engine(托管WordPress托管)

Personal plan (single site) $29 per month.

个人计划(单个站点),每月29美元。 Professional plan (10 WordPress installs) $99 per month.

专业计划(安装10个WordPress)每月$ 99。 Business plan (25 WordPress installs) $249 per month

商业计划书(25 WordPress安装)每月$ 249

Refund Policy


Bluehost has a money-back guarantee for the first month. “Try us and love us, or get a refund within 30 days of signing up. Your satisfaction is our top priority and we’re confident you’ll be pleased with our services.”

Bluehost在第一个月有退款保证。 “尝试我们并热爱我们,或者在注册后30天内获得退款。 您的满意是我们的重中之重,我们相信您会对我们的服务感到满意。”

Dreamhost has a 97 day money-back guarantee for shared hosting.


SiteGround has a 30 day money back guarantee for all of their shared hosting plans. “Our 30 day money back guarantee gives you peace of mind that our services will meet the expectations set out in the TOS.”

SiteGround为其所有共享托管计划提供30天退款保证。 “我们的30天退款保证使您放心,我们的服务将满足服务条款中规定的期望。”

Flywheel doesn’t give refunds, but with no contracts you are able to cancel at any time.


WP Engine has a 60 day money back guarantee. “If you’re not happy, cancel and request a refund within the first 60 days to get your subscription fee back! Excluding Premium and Enterprise Plans.”

WP Engine提供60天退款保证。 “如果您不满意,请在前60天内取消并要求退款,以退还您的订阅费! 不包括高级和企业计划。”

您应该选择哪一个? (Which Should You Choose?)

That’s a lot of information! Which company should you choose? It depends on whether you prefer apples or oranges.

那是很多信息! 您应该选择哪一家公司? 这取决于您是喜欢苹果还是橘子。

If you prefer your hosting provider to do the dirty work for you—including making the decisions they feel are best for you and your site—then look at WP Engine or Flywheel. Their plans cost quite a bit more, but for many companies it will be money well spent.

如果您希望托管服务提供商为您做一些肮脏的工作(包括做出他们认为最适合您和您的站点的决定),请查看WP Engine或Flywheel。 他们的计划花了很多钱,但是对于许多公司而言,这笔钱将是物有所值的。

SiteGround, our preferred hosting provider, is the best choice if you are willing to do some of the work yourself, and are looking for good value for money. They provide excellent performance and reliability, and their affordable plans include more features and better support than their competitors.

如果您愿意自己做一些工作并且正在寻找物有所值的服务 ,那么我们首选的托管服务提供商 SiteGround是最佳选择。 它们具有出色的性能和可靠性,其价格可承受的计划比竞争对手具有更多的功能和更好的支持。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-hosting-providers-wordpress-users-compared/

