
tech2022-09-12  108


This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Having a website is a bit like having a child. It’s rewarding to watch them grow, but they require time, effort, and a watchful eye. Providing an environment that meets their needs will ensure their healthy, ongoing growth.

拥有网站有点像生孩子。 看着他们成长是很有意义的,但是他们需要时间,精力和警觉。 提供满足其需求的环境将确保其健康,持续的增长。

A website can grow in terms of content, structure and functionality, and these have implications for your site’s home—your web hosting. Invest some time considering the options.

网站可以在内容,结构和功能方面不断发展,而这些对于您的网站托管站点即您的网站托管来说具有重要意义。 花一些时间考虑选项。

In this article we’ll help you choose the appropriate type of web hosting by listing some key decisions about your website and the amount of assistance you’ll need setting it up and maintaining it.


If you missed our first article, I Need a Website. What Do I Need to Know About Hosting?, you might want to check it out before reading this one.

如果您错过了我们的第一篇文章, 我需要一个网站。 关于托管我需要了解什么? ,您可能需要先阅读一下。

有哪些类型的虚拟主机? (What Types of Web Hosting Are There?)

One thing that complicates the choice of web hosting is the overwhelming number of options out there! Here’s a quick rundown.

使虚拟主机选择变得复杂的一件事是那里的选择太多了! 这是一个快速的总结。

The most affordable hosting plans are shared hosting. They cost less because you share a server with others. You split the cost, but you also split the storage and bandwidth. If another site gets a lot of traffic, yours might suffer.

最实惠的托管计划是共享托管 。 它们的成本更低,因为您可以与他人共享服务器。 您分摊了成本,但同时也分摊了存储和带宽。 如果另一个站点的流量很大,您的站点可能会遭受损失。

A dedicated server’s resources are completely available to your website. You get all of the storage and bandwidth, and you may be responsible for the management of the computer as well.

专用服务器的资源完全可用于您的网站。 您将获得所有的存储和带宽,并且可能还负责计算机的管理。

Cloud hosting is a cluster of maintained servers that scale when necessary to give your website even more resources than a dedicated server.


In each case you’re typically offered a choice of plans with different options at different price points. These vary from provider to provider.

在每种情况下,通常都会为您提供选择计划,并以不同的价格提供不同的选择。 这些因提供者而异。

So, which type of hosting is best for your site? Answer the following questions to find out.

那么,哪种类型的托管最适合您的网站? 回答以下问题以找出答案。

1.您的站点将有几页? (1. How Many Pages Will Your Site Have?)

You might be surprised by how little space a basic website needs. You might also be surprised by how fast a website can grow. So choose a hosting plan that provides enough room to store your website now, with plenty of room to grow in the future.

您可能会对基本网站所需的空间很小而感到惊讶。 您可能会对网站的发展速度感到惊讶。 因此,选择一个托管计划,该计划应提供足够的空间来立即存储您的网站,并且将来还有很大的增长空间。

A single web page contains text, formatting and images. That sounds a lot like a simple word procesing document, and in many ways it is. To visualize how much storage you will need, it may help to think of a web page as a Word document, and a website as a folder of documents.

单个网页包含文本,格式和图像。 这听起来很像一个简单的单词处理文档,并且在很多方面都是如此。 为了可视化您将需要多少存储空间,将网页视为Word文档,将网站视为文档文件夹可能会有所帮助。

In 2016, the average size of a web page was 2.2 MB. That’s just over double the average size in 2014, which is just over double the size in 2010. The main reason for this growth is that image sizes are increasing to keep pace with our computers’ ever-improving screen resolutions. So when calculating the amount of space you need for your website, allow plenty or room for growth.

2016年,网页的平均大小为2.2 MB。 这是2014年平均尺寸的两倍多,是2010年平均尺寸的两倍。这种增长的主要原因是图像尺寸不断增加,以与我们计算机不断提高的屏幕分辨率保持一致。 因此,在计算网站所需的空间量时,请留出足够的空间或增长空间。

Let’s do some estimates based on that 2.2 MB average. If your website will have 10 pages, you’ll need at least 22 MB to store them. A site with a hundred pages will need 220 MB. 1 GB of space will hold an average of 450 pages—more than many websites will ever need.

让我们根据2.2 MB的平均值进行一些估算。 如果您的网站有10页,则至少需要22 MB来存储它们。 一个有一百个页面的站点将需要220 MB。 1 GB的空间平均可容纳450页,这是许多网站所需要的。

How much space do you think you’ll need for your web pages?


Given that some of the least expensive shared hosting plans offer around 10 GB of storage, the size of your web pages are unlikely to be a limiting factor, especially for a brand new blog or small business website.

鉴于某些最便宜的共享托管计划提供大约10 GB的存储空间,因此网页的大小不太可能成为限制因素,尤其是对于全新的博客或小型企业网站而言。

But that’s just allowing for web pages. Storage needs can escalate quickly if you allow visitors to view or download additional files or media – video, audio, high-res photos, or documentation. We’ll look at that in Section 4 below.

但这只是允许网页。 如果您允许访问者查看或下载其他文件或媒体–视频,音频,高分辨率照片或文档,则存储需求会Swift增加。 我们将在下面的第4节中进行介绍。

2.每月会有多少人访问您的站点? (2. How Many People Will Visit Your Site Each Month?)

File storage is the amount of hard drive space you need for your website. Bandwidth is the amount of data that is viewed or downloaded from your site each month.

文件存储是您网站所需的硬盘空间量。 带宽是每月从您的站点查看或下载的数据量。

Every time a webpage is viewed or accessed, it adds to the amount of bandwidth you use. The text and images of each page need to be downloaded onto each visitor’s computer before they can be displayed in their web browser.

每次查看或访问网页时,都会增加您使用的带宽量。 必须将每个页面的文本和图像下载到每个访问者的计算机上,然后才能在其网络浏览器中显示它们。

Your bandwidth depends on how many visitors your website receives each month, and how many pages they access each time they visit—in other words, your monthly pageviews. Hopefully this is something that is going to grow over time, so you need to choose a hosting plan that will not only meet your current needs, but take you into the future.

您的带宽取决于您的网站每月收到多少访问者,以及每次访问时访问多少页面,即您的每月访问量。 希望这会随着时间的推移而增长,因此您需要选择一个托管计划,该计划不仅要满足您当前的需求,而且要带您进入未来。

Website traffic can be hard to predict in advance, but we’ll help you come up with an estimate. Once your site is up and running, it’s something you can track with a tool like Google Analytics, but that’s a topic for another tutorial.

网站访问量可能很难预先预测,但是我们会帮助您估算一下。 网站启动并运行后,就可以使用Google Analytics(分析)之类的工具进行跟踪,但这是另一个教程的主题。

How many visitors should you expect? A local business should expect much fewer visitors than a world-wide corporation. A new blog should expect much less traffic than an established one. Here are some ballpark figures:

您应该期待多少访客? 与全球性公司相比,本地公司预期的访问者要少得多。 与已建立的博客相比,新博客的访问量应该少得多。 以下是一些基本数字:

New blogs typically receive around 10 visitors a day, who may read a single blogpost then leave. That’s around 300 pageviews a month—around 660 MB of bandwidth.

新博客通常每天会收到大约10位访问者,这些访问者可能会阅读一条博客文章,然后离开。 每月大约有300次网页浏览-大约660 MB带宽。 As a blog becomes established, traffic may (or may not) increase to hundreds of visitors a day. That’s up to 10,000 pageviews or 20 GB of bandwidth each month.

随着博客的建立,每天的访问量可能会(也可能不会)增加到数百个访问者。 每月最多有10,000次网页浏览或20 GB带宽。 A local small business might receive around 30 visitors a day – that’s close to 1,000 visitors a month. If each visitor views three pages, that’s 3,000 pageviews a month, or over 6 GB of bandwidth.

当地的一家小企业每天可能会接待30位访客-每月接近1,000位访客。 如果每个访问者查看三个页面,则每月有3,000个页面浏览,或超过6 GB的带宽。 A large law firm with good branding will get a lot of traffic from Google, and might receive 3,000 visits a day, or 90,000 a month.


Popular blogs can receive hundreds of thousands of visitors a month. The largest receive tens of millions of monthly visitors.

热门博客每月可以接待成千上万的访问者。 最大的每月接待数以千万计的访客 。

Back to your website. What conclusions can we make from those ballpark figures?

回到您的网站。 从这些数字可以得出什么结论?

Popular hosting companies indicate that their shared hosting plans can cope with tens of thousands of pageviews and hundreds of gigabytes of bandwidth each month. That’s more than enough for most blogs and small business websites.

受欢迎的托管公司表示,他们的共享托管计划每月可以处理成千上万的浏览量和数百GB的带宽。 对于大多数博客和小型企业网站而言,这已经足够了。 As your blog grows in popularity, monitor your bandwidth carefully. As your traffic moves closer to 100,000 visitors a month, plan a migration strategy to a dedicated server. Don’t just monitor monthly averages—take into account peak usage as well.

随着博客的流行,请仔细监视带宽。 当您的流量每月接近100,000位访问者时,请规划向专用服务器的迁移策略。 不要只监视每月平均值,还要考虑高峰使用率。 Large companies with a well-known brand may receive a large amount of traffic from Google. They would be better served by a dedicated server.

拥有知名品牌的大公司可能会从Google获得大量流量。 专用服务器可以更好地为它们提供服务。 Large corporate websites and popular blog networks will need a decicated server, cloud hosting or a custom hosting solution.


Allowing for growth, how much bandwidth should you initially allow for your website?


SiteGround offers everything you need across a range of plans that suit beginners with new sites, all the way up to more experienced web masters with larger sites. If you’re looking for a solution that fits the bill right now, try SiteGround. You’ll get a SitePoint-only 65% off discount, plus the security of working with a well-regarded host.

SiteGround提供了一系列计划所需的一切,这些计划适合初学者和新站点,一直到拥有更大站点的经验丰富的网站管理员。 如果您正在寻找适合当前要求的解决方案,请尝试SiteGround 。 您将获得仅SitePoint的65%的折扣,以及与知名主机合作的安全性。

3.您的网站将运行什么? (3. What Will Your Website Run On?)

Most websites use a content management system like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla. They are web applications that make managing your website and adding content easier.

大多数网站使用诸如WordPress,Drupal或Joomla之类的内容管理系统。 它们是使您的网站管理和添加内容更加容易的Web应用程序。

Like any software, these applications have system requirements that must be met by your web host. These include:

像任何软件一样,这些应用程序具有您的Web主机必须满足的系统要求。 这些包括:

Enough storage space to install the software.

有足够的存储空间来安装软件。 Software to run the scripting language the software is written in.

用于运行软件编写脚本语言的软件。 Database software to contain the information for each web page.

数据库软件,包含每个网页的信息。 An operating system that supports all of the above.


WordPress is the most popular of these apps, so let’s use it as an example. Here are its main requirements:

WordPress是这些应用程序中最流行的,因此我们以它为例。 主要要求如下:

PHP version 7 or greater. WordPress is a collection of PHP scripts, so PHP software needs to be installed on your web server to run it.

PHP版本7或更高版本。 WordPress是PHP脚本的集合,因此需要在Web服务器上安装PHP软件才能运行它。 mySQL version 5.6 or greater. Your web pages are stored in a database, so you need mySQL or compatible software to store and access that data.

mySQL 5.6或更高版本。 您的网页存储在数据库中,因此您需要mySQL或兼容软件来存储和访问该数据。 15-20 MB of additional space on which to install WordPress along with your themes and plugins.

15-20 MB的额外空间,可用于在其中安装WordPress以及主题和插件。

Because WordPress is so popular, you’d expect most web hosting options to meet the requirements to run it, and you’d be right. Other web platforms have more specific needs. Do your homework and make sure your host of choice can meet them. If in doubt, contact the company via email.

由于WordPress非常流行,因此您希望大多数虚拟主机选项都可以满足运行它的要求,并且您是对的。 其他Web平台有更具体的需求。 做功课,并确保您选择的主人可以满足他们。 如有疑问,请通过电子邮件与公司联系。

4.您还将服务什么其他媒体? (4. What Additional Media Will You Be Serving?)

Storage and bandwidth considerations start to balloon when you’re serving up more than just web pages:


Developers may provide software downloads to their users.

开发人员可以向其用户提供软件下载。 Corporations may host extensive document libraries and content management systems for their staff.

公司可以为其员工托管大量的文档库和内容管理系统。 Companies may provide documentation and user manuals by allowing their customers to download PDF files.

公司可以通过允许其客户下载PDF文件来提供文档和用户手册。 E-learning sites may integrate multimedia into their lessons.

电子学习站点可以将多媒体集成到他们的课程中。 Photographers and graphic designers may store extensive portfolios or libraries of high-resolution, print-ready photos and images.

摄影师和平面设计师可能会存储大量的高分辨率作品集或可打印的照片和图像。 Music producers and podcasters may provide access to hundreds or thousands of audio files.

音乐制作人和播客可以提供对成百上千个音频文件的访问。 Videographers may share extensive video projects and portfolios online.


These additional files require careful consideration. Determine the amount of storage space you’ll need by checking the space the files occupy on your computer’s hard drive. And determine how much bandwidth you should allow for by estimating how many files will be viewed or downloaded each month.

这些其他文件需要仔细考虑。 通过检查文件在计算机硬盘上的占用空间,确定所需的存储空间量。 并通过估计每月将查看或下载多少文件来确定应允许多少带宽。

Here are some guidelines:


Shared hosting typically allows you to store gigabytes of space, and download hundreds of gigabytes a month.

共享主机通常使您能够存储千兆字节的空间,并每月下载数百千兆字节。 Dedicated hosting plans typically increase both to terrabytes.

专用的托管计划通常都增加到terrabytes。 Consider reducing the impact these files will have on your website by hosting them elsewhere. For example, you could host your video files on YouTube. You don’t want to slow your website to a crawl while users eat up your bandwidth by downloading files.

考虑通过在其他地方托管这些文件来减少这些文件对您的网站的影响。 例如,您可以将视频文件托管在YouTube上。 当用户通过下载文件占用带宽时,您不想让网站慢下来。

5.您重视易用性还是全面控制? (5. Do You Value Ease-of-Use or Total Control?)

Like any computer, a web server has lots of software that needs to be installed and maintained:


an operating system (like Linux or Windows),

操作系统(例如Linux或Windows), web hosting software (like Apache),

网络托管软件(例如Apache), scripting languages (like PHP and Perl),

脚本语言(例如PHP和Perl), and the software for your platform of choice (like WordPress or Joomla).


If you want total control over your website, having all of these choices at your command can be a good thing. But for most of us, it is an unwelcome burden.

如果您想完全控制您的网站,那么在您的命令下进行所有这些选择可能是一件好事。 但是对于我们大多数人来说,这是不受欢迎的负担。

A managed hosting plan is where your hosting provider will take care of all of this for you. They bear the technical burden, and you configure your website from an easy-to-use control panel. Web apps like WordPress may come pre-installed, or be installable with a single click.

托管托管计划是您的托管服务提供商将为您处理所有这一切的计划。 他们承担着技术负担,您可以通过易于使用的控制面板配置网站。 诸如WordPress之类的Web应用程序可以预先安装,也可以单击安装。

Shared hosting plans are managed. You’re sharing a single computer with other users, rather than managing it yourself. Many dedicated hosting plans give you the choice of managing the server yourself or having it managed for you.

共享托管计划得到管理。 您是与其他用户共享一台计算机,而不是自己管理它。 许多专用的托管计划使您可以选择自己管理服务器还是为您管理服务器。

Strongly consider a managed hosting plan, even if the idea of managing your own server appeals to you. Best practice is that the same person should not be trying to build the content of the site and managing the infrastructure at the same time. You won’t do either job as well as someone focused on the task.

即使管理您自己的服务器的想法很吸引您,也要认真考虑托管托管计划。 最佳实践是,同一个人不应尝试同时构建网站内容和管理基础结构。 您不会像专心于这项任务的人那样做任何工作。

6.其他注意事项 (6. Other Considerations)

Here are a few more considerations when deciding the type of hosting your website needs:


Are you likely to add more sites or web apps in the future? A forum, wiki, ticketing support system, an email system? Allow for enough storage space, bandwidth and databases for future development when choosing your hosting.

您将来可能会添加更多网站或网络应用程序吗? 论坛,Wiki,票务支持系统,电子邮件系统? 选择主机时,请留有足够的存储空间,带宽和数据库以供将来开发。 Is your website mission-critical? If your website going down brings your business to a halt, invest in prioritizing its reliability. Aim for 99.99% uptime, and ensure there is enough bandwidth for a peak numbers of visitors.

您的网站是否至关重要? 如果您的网站崩溃使您的业务停顿,请投资优先考虑其可靠性。 争取99.99%的正常运行时间,并确保有足够的带宽来容纳最大数量的访客。

Choosing and registering a domain name (a web address for your site like mybusiness.com) is technically not part of web hosting, but it’s something many web hosting providers can help you with. This may simplify your site setup, and reduce the number of companies you need to pay.

从技术上讲,选择和注册域名(您的网站的网址,例如mybusiness.com )在网络托管中不是一部分,但是许多网络托管提供商都可以为您提供帮助。 这可以简化您的网站设置,并减少您需要付费的公司数量。

决定时间 (Decision Time)

What’s the best hosting plan for your website?


A plan that offers enough storage space for your web pages, web software and additional files.

为您的网页,Web软件和其他文件提供足够存储空间的计划。 A plan that offers enough bandwidth for your visitors to view your web pages and download any additional files.

一种计划,可以为访问者提供足够的带宽来查看您的网页和下载任何其他文件。 A plan that satisfies the system requirements of your web software.

满足您的Web软件的系统要求的计划。 A plan that gives you the right balance between control and ease-of-use.

一个计划,可在控制和易用性之间达到适当的平衡。 A plan that allows plenty of scope for the future and room for growth.

该计划为未来提供了足够的空间,并具有增长空间。 A plan that is reliable so that your site will be up and responsive every time someone would like to visit.


Think through each option to decide whether you can begin with a shared hosting plan, or need a dedicated server or cloud hosting solution.


The quality of your hosting will also depend on the company who will be providing it. Choosing that company is your next decision.

您的托管质量还取决于提供托管服务的公司。 选择该公司是您的下一个决定。

Like your website, they need to be reliable and around when you need them. They need to know what they’re doing and be around for the long haul. But that’s a topic for next time.

就像您的网站一样,它们需要可靠并且在您需要时始终存在。 他们需要知道自己在做什么,并且要长期待在身边。 但这是下一个话题。

If you’re looking for a great solution right now, we recommend SiteGround. SiteGround offers blazing fast loading times, and includes security enhancements, automated backups and software updates, and a 99.99% uptime guarantee in every plan.

如果您现在正在寻找理想的解决方案,建议您使用SiteGround 。 SiteGround提供了惊人的快速加载时间,并包括安全性增强,自动备份和软件更新,以及每个计划中99.99%的正常运行时间保证。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sort-hosting-choose-website/

