
tech2022-07-10  226


This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Welcome to WordPress! Starting your first WordPress powered blog or website is an exciting, and sometimes confusing, time. You are likely worried about making mistakes and also wanting to get up and running as soon as possible. The intention of this article is to do just that. We aim to cut straight to the core of what you’ll need to build a safe and secure site that is custom fit to your needs, and is easy to manage.

欢迎使用WordPress! 开始您的第一个由WordPress驱动的博客或网站是一件令人兴奋的,有时令人困惑的时间。 您可能会担心会犯错误,并且也希望尽快起步并运行。 本文的目的就是这样做。 我们的目标是直接切入您需要构建一个安全,有保障的网站的核心内容,该网站可根据您的需求进行自定义,并且易于管理。

As with any website, you should spend very little time updating, tweaking, and troubleshooting, and more time creating content and interacting with customers. With that in mind, let’s jump right into it.

与任何网站一样,您应该花很少的时间进行更新,调整和故障排除,而要花更多的时间创建内容并与客户互动。 考虑到这一点,让我们直接进入它。

1.挑选和学习主题 (1. Picking and Learning Your Theme)

Picking a theme can be daunting, especially considering there are hundreds of thousands of themes to choose from. The good news for any WordPress beginner is there are a handful of tried and true WordPress themes that are extremely popular and customizable. Divi and Genesis are great options for beginners. They are user-friendly meaning they don’t require in-depth developer skills, they are affordable, and they have a large community to draw support from.

选择一个主题可能会令人生畏,尤其是考虑到有数十万个主题可供选择时。 对于任何WordPress初学者来说,好消息是,有少数经过尝试和真正的WordPress主题非常流行且可自定义。 Divi和Genesis是初学者的绝佳选择。 它们是用户友好的,这意味着它们不需要深入的开发人员技能,它们是负担得起的,并且它们具有庞大的社区来寻求支持。

Beyond choosing the right theme comes learning how it works, and how you can customize it to your individual needs. This is accomplished in two ways:

除了选择正确的主题之外,还要学习它的工作原理以及如何根据个人需要对其进行自定义。 这可以通过两种方式完成:

1. Crack open the setup guide.


It will give you in-depth instructions on how to download your theme, how to install it on your WordPress site, and how to tailor it to your needs. In it you will find resources to troubleshoot common issues and a section of FAQs that you can draw from when you are feeling a little lost. When all else fails, reach out to customer support by opening a support ticket.

它将为您提供有关如何下载主题,如何在WordPress网站上安装主题以及如何根据需要进行定制的深入说明。 在其中,您将找到解决常见问题的资源,以及在感到有些迷茫时可以借鉴的常见问题解答部分。 如果所有其他方法均失败,请打开支持通知单以寻求客户支持。

2. Find the discussion board.


An active community is crucial when choosing a theme for your WordPress site. Customer support will help you fix your site and make minor customizations, but the user community will be the ones who give you feedback, show you major changes, and steer you to plugins and tools that will make your site look better and perform better.

在为您的WordPress网站选择主题时,活跃的社区至关重要。 客户支持将帮助您修复站点并进行较小的自定义,但是用户社区将为您提供反馈,向您显示重大更改,并引导您使用可使站点外观更好并性能更好的插件和工具。

2.通过备份WordPress网站来保护您的辛勤工作 (2. Protect Your Hard Work By Backing Up Your WordPress Site)

Being new to WordPress means you’ve likely never seen the white screen of death or have fallen victim to a malicious hacker who has locked you out of your site. Regularly backing up your WordPress site will ensure you can get back up and running when the day comes that you lose access, or your site breaks from some faulty plugin.

成为WordPress的新手意味着您可能从未见过死亡白屏或成为恶意黑客的受害者,该恶意黑客已将您拒之门外。 定期备份WordPress网站将确保您可以在失去访问权限或网站因某些错误的插件中断而恢复运行。

There are three ways you can backup your WordPress site:


Carefully choose a WordPress hosting provider that offers backup services. Our partner, SiteGround, for example, has an auto-backup system which makes a copy of your site daily. They provide you with the flexibility to restore your data with just a few clicks.

仔细选择提供备份服务的WordPress托管提供商。 例如,我们的合作伙伴SiteGround拥有一个自动备份系统,该系统每天都会复制您的网站。 它们使您只需单击几下即可灵活地恢复数据。

Back it up yourself using an FTP server and manually transfer the files between your server and your computer on a regular basis.


Download a backup plugin like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy.

下载 UpdraftPlus或BackupBuddy等备份插件 。

3.使您的网站搜索引擎友好 (3. Make Your Site Search Engine Friendly)

With any WordPress site, your goal is likely to get more traffic, more readers, or more customers. One of the best ways to do that is through optimizing your site to rank higher on Google or other search engines. This tactic is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). While WordPress does a good job out of the box with SEO, these two tips will put you far ahead of your competition with a minimal time investment:

在任何WordPress网站上,您的目标都可能吸引更多的流量,更多的读者或更多的客户。 最好的方法之一就是优化您的网站,使其在Google或其他搜索引擎上的排名更高。 这种策略称为搜索引擎优化(SEO)。 尽管WordPress在SEO方面表现出色,但以下两个技巧将以最少的时间投入使您在竞争中遥遥领先:

Download an SEO plugin


While there are hundreds of SEO plugins, by far the most popular plugin is Yoast. Many other web-based tools like SEMrush and Moz will become familiar to you as your site grows, but for any WordPress beginner, Yoast is a great start because it is an all-in-one solution that has a clear and easy-to-use interface. To download a WordPress SEO plugin from the admin interface:

尽管有数百个SEO插件,但到目前为止,最受欢迎的插件是Yoast 。 随着站点的增长,许多其他基于Web的工具(例如SEMrush和Moz)将变得很熟悉,但是对于任何WordPress初学者来说,Yoast都是一个不错的开始,因为它是一个具有清晰易用的多合一解决方案使用界面。 要从管理界面下载WordPress SEO插件,请执行以下操作:

Plugins > Add New > Search for ‘SEO’ > Click Install Now

插件>添加新内容>搜索“ SEO”>单击立即安装

On the next screen simply activate your plugin and follow the instructions for setting it up properly. The instructions can be found on the WordPress download page or within the plugin itself under Settings.

在下一个屏幕上,只需激活您的插件,然后按照说明进行正确设置即可。 这些说明可以在WordPress下载页面上或在“设置”下的插件本身中找到。

Adjust your permalink settings


According to Yoast, a straightforward permalink structure is ideal for SEO. To take it up a notch add your main keyword somewhere in your post’s name. Adjusting your permalink structure in WordPress is simple:

根据Yoast所说,简单的永久链接结构是SEO的理想选择。 要解决这个问题,可以在帖子名称的某处添加您的主要关键字。 在WordPress中调整固定链接结构很简单:

Go to Settings > Permalinks > Select ‘Post Name’


For a more in-depth look at WordPress SEO check out Yoast’s guide.

要更深入地了解WordPress SEO,请查看Yoast指南 。

4.增强安全性 (4. Beef Up Your Security)

Strong security for your WordPress site doesn’t need to be expensive or take a long time to set up. These three steps will get you there in no time:

为您的WordPress网站提供强大的安全性并不需要花费太多或花费很长时间来设置。 这三个步骤将使您立即到达那里:

Generate a strong password


Your new WordPress site likely gave you a username and password and should be updated as soon as possible to thwart any hackers from using brute force attacks to gain control of your website. Generating a secure password involves using a different password than any of your other logins and using a long string of multiple numbers, letters, and symbols. If you want a secure password quickly, you can always use a password generator to do the job for you.

您的新WordPress网站可能为您提供了用户名和密码,应该尽快进行更新,以阻止任何黑客使用蛮力攻击来控制您的网站。 生成安全密码涉及使用与其他任何登录名不同的密码,并使用包含多个数字,字母和符号的长字符串。 如果您需要快速的安全密码,则始终可以使用密码生成器来为您完成这项工作。

Update your site regularly


Update WordPress, your plugins, and your themes regularly to close any backdoors and vulnerabilities left open to hackers. Looking at the graphic below you can see that WordPress notifies you when any updates are available and makes updating as simple as clicking ‘Update’.

定期更新WordPress,您的插件和您的主题,以关闭所有黑客开放的后门和漏洞。 查看下面的图形,您可以看到WordPress在有可用更新时通知您,并使更新如单击“更新”一样简单。

This process can even be done in bulk for your plugins. An aside tip would be to backup your site before making any updates. This way if your new update is faulty in any way or not compatible with your WordPress site you can simply restore the previous version and get things back to normal.

甚至可以为您的插件批量完成此过程。 另一个提示是在进行任何更新之前备份您的站点。 这样,如果您的新更新有任何故障或与WordPress网站不兼容,则可以简单地还原以前的版本并使一切恢复正常。

Some hosting providers have solutions for automated updates that save loads of time, and eliminate worries about upgrading manually. SiteGround has a custom opt-in tool that updates their clients’ WordPress sites and all plugins automatically.

一些托管服务提供商提供了用于自动更新的解决方案,这些解决方案节省了时间,并消除了手动升级的后顾之忧。 SiteGround有一个自定义的选择加入工具,可以自动更新其客户的WordPress网站和所有插件。

Install a security plugin


Much like your computer likely has some sort of antivirus or antimalware software built in, your website will need some similar defense systems. By far the most popular is Wordfence and All In One WP Security and Firewall. Both are free and robust security solutions. They have paid versions as well for more premium protection. To learn more about WordPress security check out WPBeginner’s Step By Step Guide.

就像您的计算机可能内置了某种防病毒软件或反恶意软件一样,您的网站将需要一些类似的防御系统。 到目前为止,最受欢迎的是Wordfence和多合一WP安全性和防火墙 。 两者都是免费且强大的安全解决方案。 他们还提供付费版本,以提供更多优质保护。 要了解有关WordPress安全性的更多信息,请查看WPBeginner的逐步指南 。

5.注意必须具备的插件 (5. Be Mindful About Must-Have Plugins)

When you’re just getting started with WordPress, you are likely doing lots of research into best practices and troubleshooting some problems you may be having. Which is great, you should absolutely be doing that. Along the way, it is almost inevitable that you will come across some article about “Must Have WordPress Plugins”. While these articles may have great intentions, you should know that more plugins aren’t always better. In fact, the opposite is usually true. You should keep your plugins to a bare minimum to run your site and provide the user experience you desire. More plugins than necessary can slow down your site tremendously. Another issue with more plugins is they come with added vulnerabilities. Any plugin that isn’t up to date has the potential to be hacked or even become faulty. Only download high-quality plugins from trusted sources who update frequently.

当您刚开始使用WordPress时,您可能会对最佳做法进行大量研究,并对可能遇到的一些问题进行故障排除。 太好了,您绝对应该这样做。 在此过程中,几乎不可避免地会遇到一些有关“必须具有WordPress插件”的文章。 尽管这些文章可能有很好的用意,但您应该知道,更多的插件并不总是更好。 实际上,通常相反。 您应该将插件保持在最低限度,以运行您的网站并提供所需的用户体验。 过多的插件会大大降低您的网站速度。 更多插件的另一个问题是它们带有更多漏洞。 任何不是最新的插件都可能被黑客入侵,甚至出现故障。 仅从可信任的来源下载高质量的插件,这些插件会经常更新。

6.通过分析获得有关您的WordPress网站的见解 (6. Gain Insights About Your WordPress Site With Analytics)

WordPress is strong in a lot of areas but built in analytics and dashboards is not one of them. Luckily there are many plugins available that make it easy to track important things like where your traffic is coming from, how often people are first-time visitors or returning visitors, bounce rate, and much more.

WordPress在很多领域都很强大,但是内置分析和仪表板并不是其中之一。 幸运的是,有许多可用的插件可以使您轻松跟踪重要的事情,例如您的流量来自何处,人们是首次访问者还是回头客的频率,跳出率等等。

The universal way of tracking your website metrics is to setup an account with Google Analytics. You can see everything you want to track on their dashboard, but a more convenient option is to download one of those plugins we spoke about before to see everything directly on your WordPress dashboard right when you log in.

跟踪网站指标的通用方法是使用Google Analytics(分析)设置帐户。 您可以在其仪表板上看到要跟踪的所有内容,但是更方便的选择是下载我们之前讨论的那些插件之一,以便在登录时直接在WordPress仪表板上直接查看所有内容。

7.鼓励交流 (7. Encourage Communication)

With any online presence, you will eventually have readers, followers, and customers reach out for a multitude of reasons. They have questions about your product, they want to praise you for an article that impacted them, they want to work for you, and much more. With that, you’ll need some easy ways for them to reach out.

借助任何在线渠道,您最终都会由于多种原因吸引读者,关注者和客户。 他们对您的产品有疑问,他们想赞美您的文章对他们产生影响,他们想为您工作,等等。 这样,您将需要一些简单的方法来使他们伸出援手。

Add a contact form plugin


WP Forms and Contact Form 7 are great options for your WordPress site and can be completely customized. You can also use their pre-built templates if you want to set something up quickly. They connect with any list building or newsletter solutions you may be using, like MailChimp or AWeber.

WP Forms和Contact Form 7是您的WordPress网站的绝佳选择,并且可以完全自定义。 如果要快速设置某些内容,也可以使用其预构建的模板。 它们与您可能正在使用的任何列表构建或新闻通讯解决方案相关,例如MailChimp或AWeber。

Give them multiple options


While it is great to give your customers and readers ways to contact you, it can also be difficult to weed out the spammers. If you’re wary about signing up for costly services or giving out personal phone numbers and email in the beginning you can use services like Google Voice and Google Suite. Google Voice gives you a free phone number that routes to your cell phone and Google Suite provides you with a custom email address for only $5 per user a month.

虽然可以给您的客户和读者一种与您联系的方式很棒,但是清除垃圾邮件发送者也可能很困难。 如果您一开始就担心要注册昂贵的服务或发出个人电话号码和电子邮件,可以使用Google语音和Google Suite等服务 。 Google语音为您提供了一个免费电话号码,该号码可路由到您的手机,而Google Suite为您提供自定义电子邮件地址,每个用户每月只需$ 5。

Finally, a great option for online chat is the free Tawk.To plugin which lets your users chat with you and your team live from the website. The messages can even be sent to your mobile phone for added convenience.

最后,免费的Tawk.To插件是一个不错的在线聊天选择,您的用户可以通过该网站与您和您的团队进行实时聊天。 这些消息甚至可以发送到您的手机,以增加便利性。

摘要 (Summary)

Creating a new WordPress site is filled with ups and downs, but is a skill that will pay dividends in the future. While you might not do all the designing yourself it is especially useful and cost effective to understand how to make simple changes and keep the site operational on your own. To continue your learning, you can take courses and subscribe to WordPress specific blogs.

创建一个新的WordPress网站充满了坎s,但这项技能将来会带来回报。 尽管您可能无法自行进行所有设计,但了解如何进行简单更改并自行保持站点正常运行特别有用且具有成本效益。 要继续学习,您可以参加课程并订阅WordPress特定博客 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-setup-tips-for-wordpress-beginners/

