WordPress 4.7新增功能

tech2022-09-13  107

WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan” has just landed honouring the jazz vocalist Sarah Vaughan.

WordPress 4.7“ Vaughan”刚刚登陆爵士爵士歌手Sarah Vaughan。

It has been just under four months since the last release of WordPress 4.6. There are plenty of great features in this latest release that will help make your WordPress website even better. As a heavy user of WordPress, I’m always excited to see new improvements, but 4.7 is definitely one of the more excitement-worthy releases.

自WordPress 4.6的最新版本以来不到4个月。 此最新版本中有很多很棒的功能,这些功能将帮助您改善WordPress网站。 作为WordPress的重度用户,我总是很高兴看到新的改进,但是4.7绝对是更令人兴奋的版本之一。

In this article, I’ll cover an overview of what’s new in WordPress 4.7, as well as what you can expect to see when you update your site. However, before we dive in, let’s not forget to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of the team who brought us WordPress 4.7. Thanks to Helen Hou-Sandi who headed up this latest release, alongside Jeff Paul and Aaron Jorbin. They were then further supported by a record number of 482 contributors.

在本文中,我将概述WordPress 4.7的新增功能,以及更新站点时可以看到的内容。 但是,在我们深入研究之前,我们不要忘记承认和赞赏为我们带来WordPress 4.7的团队所付出的努力。 感谢海伦·侯·桑迪(Helen Hou-Sandi)以及杰夫·保罗(Jeff Paul)和亚伦·乔宾(Aaron Jorbin)共同领导了这一最新版本。 然后,他们得到了创纪录的482个贡献者的进一步支持。

更新之前–备份您的网站 (Before Updating – Backup Your Website)

Don’t forget perform a full website backup (database and files) before upgrading WordPress 4.7. It’s also worth reviewing if your theme or plugin providers have published anything specifically about WordPress 4.7 support.

在升级WordPress 4.7之前,请不要忘记执行完整的网站备份(数据库和文件)。 如果您的主题或插件提供者是否已发布有关WordPress 4.7支持的任何内容,也值得回顾。

Where possible, it’s highly recommended to apply updates to a test or staging environment so that you can test the changes before applying them to your live site.


If you experience issues, try some basic troubleshooting steps. Charles Costa has shared some tips around fixing common WordPress issues. Don’t forget you can also visit the official WordPress support forum, just make sure you read the welcome post.

如果遇到问题,请尝试一些基本的故障排除步骤。 Charles Costa分享了一些有关解决常见WordPress问题的技巧 。 别忘了您还可以访问官方WordPress支持论坛 ,只需确保您阅读了欢迎贴。

Given WordPress 4.7 is a major release, you’ll need to manually run this update when you are ready.

鉴于WordPress 4.7是主要版本,您需要在准备就绪时手动运行此更新。

介绍新的二十七个主题 (Introducing the New Twenty Seventeen Theme)

Each year WordPress releases a new default theme and this year is no different. Twenty Seventeen is a fresh new theme ideal for business websites which features a large header area where you can display either a full screen image or video background. There are also multiple sections on the home page that you can tailor to suit your desired content and images.

WordPress每年都会发布一个新的默认主题,今年也不例外。 二十七岁是一个全新的主题,非常适合商务网站,该网站具有较大的标题区域,您可以在其中显示全屏图像或视频背景。 您还可以定制主页上的多个部分,以适应所需的内容和图像。

You can preview just what the new Twenty Seventeen theme looks like for yourself at http://2017.wordpress.net/.


视频标题 (Video Headers)

WordPress 4.7 now provides developers with the opportunity to include video headers in their themes. Users can then easily update this via the Customizer.

WordPress 4.7现在为开发人员提供了在其主题中包含视频标题的机会。 然后,用户可以通过“定制器”轻松地更新它。

一站式设置您的网站 (Setup Your Site in One Flow)

The Customizer will now help you through the setup of a theme with a live preview of the changes.


改进的菜单构建 (Improved Menu Building)

With WordPress 4.7 you can now add pages directly within the menu editor, making it easier to build out the structure of your site. When you’re finished, you can simply jump into the pages to add your content.

使用WordPress 4.7,您现在可以直接在菜单编辑器中添加页面,从而更轻松地构建网站的结构。 完成后,您只需跳入页面即可添加您的内容。

自定义CSS和实时预览 (Custom CSS and Live Previews)

One of the great new features of WordPress 4.7 is the ability to now add some custom CSS directly via the Customizer so you can preview the changes before you publish them.

WordPress 4.7的一项重大新功能是现在可以直接通过Customizer添加一些自定义CSS的功能,因此您可以在发布更改之前预览更改。

用户管理语言 (User Admin Languages)

This feature is ideal if you have multiple people managing the site with different native languages. If you would prefer to view the WordPress dashboard in a different language to the default set for the site, you can now control this via the user profile.

如果您有多个人使用不同的本地语言来管理网站,则此功能非常理想。 如果您希望使用与网站默认设置不同的语言来查看WordPress仪表板,则现在可以通过用户个人资料进行控制。

PDF缩略图预览 (PDF Thumbnail Previews)

Now you will be able to view a thumbnail of the first page of your PDF within the Media Library rather than the previous default file icon.


开发人员功能 (Features for Developers)

REST API内容端点 (REST API Content Endpoints)

You’ll now find REST API endpoints for posts, comments, terms, users, meta, and settings. This new feature provides a great new way for external interaction with WordPress. You can find out more about the WordPress REST API here.

现在,您将找到用于帖子,评论,术语,用户,元和设置的REST API端点。 这项新功能为与WordPress进行外部互动提供了一种绝佳的新方法。 您可以在此处找到有关WordPress REST API的更多信息 。

WP_Hook (WP_Hook)

There has been a big overhaul of the code that makes up actions and filters in WordPress. You’ll also see that some bugs have also been fixed.

对构成WordPress中的动作和过滤器的代码进行了大修。 您还将看到一些错误也已修复。

自定义批量操作 (Custom Bulk Actions)

You can now list tables with more than just bulk edit and delete.


主题API更新 (Theme API Updates)

For theme developers, check out the new functions, hooks and behaviour in WordPress 4.7.

对于主题开发人员,请查看WordPress 4.7中的新功能,挂钩和行为 。

扩展设置注册API (Expanded Settings Registration API)

register_setting() has been improved to now also have type, description and REST API visibility.

register_setting()已得到改进,现在也具有类型,描述和REST API可见性。

帖子类型模板 (Post Type Templates)

There’s now more flexibility for theme developers, as the page template functionality to all post types has been opened up.


结语 (Wrapping Up)

To find out more about WordPress 4.7, check out the WordPress Codex release notes.

要了解有关WordPress 4.7的更多信息,请查看WordPress Codex发行说明 。

At the recent WordCamp US conference held in Philadelphia, Matt Mullenweg mentioned (during his traditional State of the Word talk) that future WordPress releases in 2017 will be handled differently with no set major release dates.

在最近在费城举行的WordCamp美国会议上,马特·穆伦维格(Matt Mullenweg)提到(在他的传统的Word状态下 ),2017年未来的WordPress版本将以不同的方式处理,没有设定主要发布日期。

I’d love to hear your feedback on this latest release in the comments below.


Portions of this article were originally published in the SitePoint WordPress Newsletter, you can subscribe here if you’re interested.

本文的某些部分最初发布在SitePoint WordPress新闻中,如果您有兴趣,可以在这里订阅 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-new-in-wordpress-4-7/
