
tech2022-09-13  108


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本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Have you ever thought about the way you organize your WordPress development? Do you use version control? How about staging environments?

您是否考虑过组织WordPress开发的方式? 您是否使用版本控制? 暂存环境如何?

WordPress开发流程 (The WordPress Development Process)

The advent of WordPress – one of the most consumer-friendly content management systems ever to exist – has created a different kind of development model. The accessibility of WordPress, and pre-made themes and plugins for it, allows web developers to quickly and easily create sites when requirements are low.

WordPress的问世-有史以来最方便消费者使用的内容管理系统之一-创建了一种不同的开发模型。 WordPress的可访问性及其预制的主题和插件,使Web开发人员可以在需求较低时快速轻松地创建网站。

But it goes further than that – some of these developers don’t fully understand the languages on which the platform and their plugins are built (or understand it at all). When considering run-of-the-mill PHP or JavaScript developers, for example, many still don’t practice proper programming techniques, using things like tests, separate environments, or version control. Now, consider that the development of a simple WordPress site can be done by someone with far less training or experience (or done by a veteran programmer with the goal of being hasty). The percentage of cut corners in terms of security and maintenance concerns almost certainly goes up.

但这还不止于此–其中一些开发人员并不完全了解构建平台及其插件所用的语言(或根本不了解)。 例如,当考虑使用常规PHP或JavaScript开发人员时,许多人仍然没有使用测试,单独的环境或版本控制之类的东西来练习适当的编程技术。 现在,考虑到一个简单的WordPress网站的开发可以由受过较少培训或经验的人来完成(或由经验丰富的资深程序员来完成)。 在安全和维护方面,偷工减料的比例几乎肯定会上升。

Bearing all of that in mind, the final nail in the proverbial coffin is the fact that WordPress updates and maintenance can be done so easily from right within the platform. The ability to update the platform or almost any plugin in place is fantastic, but it also means that “Cowboy Coding” – making changes directly on the live site – is very convenient and very tempting. That is, until disaster strikes.

牢记所有这些,众所周知的棺材里最后一个钉子就是事实,即可以在平台内轻松地完成WordPress更新和维护。 能够更新平台或几乎任何可用的插件的能力都很棒,但这也意味着“牛仔编码”(直接在实时站点上进行更改)非常方便且非常诱人。 也就是说,直到灾难来临。

关于暂存环境 (About Staging Environments)

The life cycle of many WordPress websites begins in a separate development environment in which it is built (hopefully it isn’t being built right in a live production environment). Once built, it is migrated to a production environment. And that is where things can sometimes fall apart.

许多WordPress网站的生命周期始于构建它的单独开发环境中(希望它不是在实时生产环境中构建的)。 构建完成后,将其迁移到生产环境。 那就是事情有时会崩溃的地方。

What if the live, production hosting is slightly different than the dev environment, is missing some dependencies or software, has different versions, etc? Or what if updating a plugin causes the site to crash? What if a theme update breaks your child theme and you can’t immediately diagnose what is wrong?

如果实时的生产托管与开发环境略有不同,缺少某些依赖项或软件,版本不同,该怎么办? 或者,如果更新插件导致网站崩溃怎么办? 如果主题更新破坏了您的子主题并且您无法立即诊断出问题怎么办?

These problems can be often prevented by using staging environments, which are often overlooked by WordPress site managers, yet are just as important for them as for other web platforms.


设置暂存环境 (Setting up a Staging Environment)

The goal behind setting up a staging environment is to set it up to be as identical to your live production environment as possible. Use the same hosting service, or the same kind of VPS. Mimic the live environment as closely as possible. use the same WordPress version, the same plugins, and the same configuration. One neat tip would be to use a backup/migration plugin to create a mirror copy of your website when it is first created (or do so now, if you have an existing site but no staging environment) so that the two are identical to start. Then, you can set up a subdomain (or another domain altogether) to access the site, such as staging.example.com.

设置暂存环境的目的是将其设置为与实际生产环境尽可能相同。 使用相同的托管服务或相同类型的VPS。 尽可能模拟生活环境。 使用相同的WordPress版本,相同的插件和相同的配置。 一个巧妙的技巧是使用备份/迁移插件在首次创建网站时创建网站的镜像副本(或者,如果您已有站点但没有暂存环境,则现在进行此操作),以便两者相同即可启动。 然后,您可以设置一个子域(或总共另一个域)来访问该站点,例如staging.example.com 。

Once you have the staging site, using it is simple. Any time you want to make changes on your production site, simply make them to the staging site first. Look for major issues when updating themes or styles. Test for problems in functionality when updating things like carts or other more detailed plugins or custom code. Ensure that permalinks are still working after a change. When updating the WordPress platform and plugins, do them here first as well. That way if something goes wrong… you can catch it before it’s on the site that everyone actually cares about!

拥有暂存站点后,使用它很简单。 任何时候要在生产站点上进行更改,只需先将它们更改到登台站点即可。 更新主题或样式时查找主要问题。 在更新购物车或其他更详细的插件或自定义代码之类的东西时,测试功能方面的问题。 确保更改后永久链接仍在工作。 更新WordPress平台和插件时,也请先在此处进行操作。 这样,如果出现问题,您可以在每个人真正关心的站点上将其发现!

选择托管 (Choosing Hosting)

You’ll want to choose a host that accommodates your needs. For those of you who are familiar with web server management, spinning up a second VPS when you have need of a staging site is an adequate solution. Depending on how often you make changes, you could even shut it down and save some money while you’re between development cycles!

您将要选择适合您需求的主机。 对于那些熟悉Web服务器管理的人来说,在需要临时站点时再启动另一个VPS是一个合适的解决方案。 根据您进行更改的频率,您甚至可以在开发周期之间关闭它并节省一些钱!

If you have shared hosting, you’ll be looking for a host who provides this sort of thing out of the box, to avoid having to set up two mirrored shared hosting accounts or packages. Some web hosts provide this kind of functionality as part of their hosting package, and it’s ever so easy to use. Our hosting provider such as SiteGround does this, and they have a tutorial that will walk you through using their staging environment, if you’re interested. We’ve also just published a tutorial on keeping your development and live WordPress environments synchronized.

如果您拥有共享主机,则将寻找一个开箱即用的主机来提供此类服务,以避免必须设置两个镜像的共享主机帐户或软件包。 一些网络主机在其主机软件包中提供了此类功能,并且使用起来如此简单。 我们的托管服务提供商(例如SiteGround)可以做到这一点,并且如果您感兴趣的话,他们还将提供一个教程 , 指导您使用其暂存环境。 我们还刚刚发布了有关使您的开发和实时WordPress环境保持同步的教程。

Regardless of your situation, if you aren’t using a staging environment to try out your changes before they hit production – get started doing that today!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/why-staging-environments-are-critical-for-wordpress-sites/

