
tech2022-09-15  98

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

It is said that moving house may be one of the most stressful events you encounter in life. Moving your website to a new hosting provider involves similar steps: choosing a new home, planning and preparation, and the move itself. Is it possible to do it stress-free? I decided to find out.

据说搬家可能是您一生中遇到的最紧张的事件之一。 将您的网站迁移到新的托管服务提供商涉及类似的步骤:选择新家,计划和准备以及搬迁本身。 有可能做到无压力吗? 我决定找出答案。

In our last article, Migrating Your WordPress Site to A New Hosting Provider, we showed how you can simplify the process of moving your website by the use of plugins.

在上一篇文章“将WordPress网站迁移到新的托管服务提供商”中 ,我们展示了如何通过使用插件来简化移动网站的过程。

But the process may still sound intimidating. After all, you don’t migrate a website every day. You can avoid the time and effort involved in a WordPress migration—and potential missteps or disasters—by handing the job over to an experienced professional.

但是这个过程听起来仍然令人生畏。 毕竟,您并不是每天都迁移网站。 通过将工作移交给经验丰富的专业人员,您可以避免WordPress迁移所涉及的时间和精力以及潜在的失误或灾难。

SitePoint recently partnered with SiteGround as our official recommended host, and they offer such a service. They have a team of support people who do migrate websites every day waiting to help. In fact, they’ll migrate your first website for free.

SitePoint最近与SiteGround合作成为我们的官方推荐主机 ,他们提供了这样的服务。 他们有一个团队的支持人谁做 ,每天等待帮助迁移网站。 实际上,他们将免费迁移您的第一个网站。

That sounds like an offer too good to miss out on, so I decided to try it out. Here’s how it went.

这听起来像是一个很好的报价,不容错过,所以我决定尝试一下。 这是怎么回事。

SiteGround提议为您迁移网站 (SiteGround Offer to Migrate Your Website for You)

Log into your SiteGround account, and click go to the Support page. Part way down the page you’ll find a link to transfer a website.

登录到您的SiteGround帐户,然后单击“转到支持”页面。 在页面的下半部分,您会找到转移网站的链接。

Fill in the form requesting them to transfer your website, giving them your hosting credentials along with any details they need. In particular, if you have more than one website, make sure you clearly explain which one you are requesting them to transfer.

填写表格,要求他们转移您的网站,并向他们提供您的托管凭据以及所需的任何详细信息。 特别是,如果您拥有多个网站,请确保您清楚地说明了您要求它们进行转移的网站。

Oh, and before submitting the ticket, it’s a good idea to first create a backup of your site.


他们会澄清出现的任何问题 (They Will Clarify Any Questions that Arise)

Soon after submitting the form, the SiteGround team will be on the job. In fact, the next thing you might hear is that the website transfer has been successfully completed.

提交表单后不久,SiteGround团队将开始工作。 实际上,您可能会听到的下一件事是网站传输已成功完成。

But questions may arise, and decisions may need to be made. Don’t worry, you’ll be involved in all decisions. When the support team need some information from you, you’ll be notified by email, and the process will wait until you respond via the ticketing system.

但是可能会出现问题,可能需要做出决定。 不用担心,您将参与所有决策。 当支持团队需要您提供一些信息时,会通过电子邮件通知您,该过程将一直等到您通过票务系统做出答复。

That happened several times in my case. As I responded to each question that arose, a different support representative would pick up them ball and move things forward. I found them knowledgable and helpful, and it was great to see the names and photos of the staff I was dealing with.

就我而言,这发生了好几次。 当我回答出现的每个问题时,另一位支持代表将接他们,推动事情向前发展。 我发现他们学识渊博且乐于助人,很高兴看到我正在处理的员工的姓名和照片。

Here are the questions that were clarified during my site migration:


A request for me to take action. Some infected files were found, and needed to be cleaned up before my WordPress install was copied onto SiteGround’s servers. One of my sites was recently hacked, and some of the malware was still lurking around, though not in the folder I was migrating.

要求我采取行动。 在将我的WordPress安装复制到SiteGround的服务器上之前,找到了一些受感染的文件,需要对其进行清理。 我的一个站点最近遭到了黑客攻击,有些恶意软件仍在潜伏,尽管不在我要迁移的文件夹中。 Clarifications about login details. I initially only gave my FTP credentials for copying the files. Login details for mySQL or cPanel were required for the database migration.

有关登录详细信息的说明。 最初,我仅提供了用于复制文件的FTP凭据。 数据库迁移需要mySQL或cPanel的登录详细信息。 Clarifications about the database. Something didn’t seem right – it looked like the database belonged to a different domain. We realized that the database from a different WordPress installation had been migrated, and this was quickly rectified.

有关数据库的说明。 似乎不对劲–好像数据库属于另一个域。 我们意识到来自其他WordPress安装的数据库已被迁移,并且此问题已得到Swift纠正。

澄清所有问题后,该站点已转移 (Once All Questions Were Clarified, the Site Was Transferred)

Not long after answering SiteGround’s questions I was notified that the migration was successfully completed. That was pretty easy! How long did it take in total? A few days.

在回答SiteGround的问题后不久,我收到通知,迁移已成功完成。 那很简单! 总共花了多长时间? 几天。

If that sounds slow, it’s because most of that time was SiteGround waiting for me, not the other way around. If we used a chess clock to time the migration, SiteGround’s moves took less than eleven hours, while mine took more than two and a half days.

如果听起来很慢,那是因为大部分时间是SiteGround在等我,而不是相反。 如果我们使用国际象棋时钟来计时迁移,SiteGround的举动用了不到11个小时,而我的用了超过2天半的时间。

Dealing with the questions that arose was essential, but took time.


I would have saved some time by giving my cPanel credentials at the beginning.

通过在开始时提供cPanel凭据可以节省一些时间。 It took a few days to find time to clean up the infected files – it was a busy week.


For a migration where no questions arise, I imagine the transfer would take just a few hours.


也转让您的域名 (Transfer Your Domain Name Too)

In addition to transferring my hosting to SiteGround, I wanted to transfer my domain name too—it’s convenient to have everything taken care of by one company. This costs $14.95, which includes an additional year of domain registration and covers the transfer fee to the registrars.

除了将托管转移到SiteGround之外,我还想转移域名-由一家公司处理所有事务很方便。 这项费用为$ 14.95美元,其中包括一年的域名注册费用,其中包括向注册服务商转让的费用。

SiteGround was more than happy to support me through the process over chat. In less than a minute I was being helped by Tsacho, a customer support representative. I explained what I wanted to do, and he responded, “OK – we will do it together.”

SiteGround很高兴在聊天过程中为我提供支持。 在不到一分钟的时间内,我得到了客户支持代表Tsacho的帮助。 我解释了我想做的事,然后他回答:“好吧,我们会一起做。”

He patiently led me through the process, and used humour to keep me smiling. 38 minutes later the transfer was complete. “Pleasure was all mine. Enjoy your working day as I will try to do. Still 6h to go. ;)”

他耐心地带领我完成了整个过程,并幽默地让我保持微笑。 38分钟后,传输完成。 “快乐是我的全部。 尽我所能,祝您工作愉快。 还有6小时。 ;)”

下次迁移的摘要和有用的提示 (Summary and Helpful Tips for Your Next Migration)

I’m happy with the end result. My site was transferred quickly, successfully, and without stress.

我对最终结果感到满意。 我的网站得以快速,成功且无压力地转移。

Here are a few tips I can pass on from my experience:


Give your cPanel username, password and URL up front. The less questions the support people need to ask you, the quicker your migration will be.

预先输入您的cPanel用户名,密码和URL。 支持人员问您的问题越少,迁移就越快。 If you have more than one website, give as much detail as you can when describing which one to migrate.

如果您拥有多个网站,则在描述要迁移的网站时请提供尽可能多的详细信息。 Before starting the migration, back up all of your websites. Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

开始迁移之前,请备份所有网站。 希望有最好的,为最坏的事情做准备。

And finally, don’t procrastinate. There’s no reason to put this off another day. Experienced support gurus are on hand to migrate your website for you. Stress-free.

最后,不要拖延。 没有理由推迟这一天。 经验丰富的支持专家可为您迁移网站。 无压力。

