
tech2022-09-15  94

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

You’ve chosen a hosting plan and provider for your website, but how will people find it? You need a domain name.

您已经为网站选择了托管计划和提供商 ,但是人们将如何找到它? 您需要一个域名。

Web hosting is the physical location of your website’s files on the internet. A domain name is what your website is called, or the address your visitors type in to get there. It’s how your customers will find you among the millions of other web sites on the internet. So invest some time choosing the right one.

虚拟主机是网站文件在Internet上的物理位置。 域名就是您的网站的名称,也就是访问者输入的到达那里的地址。 这是您的客户如何在Internet上数百万其他网站中找到您的方法。 因此,花一些时间选择合适的。

This article is a non-technical overview of domain names, how to get one, and what you can use it for. We’ll link to more technical articles if you’d like to learn more.

本文是非技术性的域名概述,包括域名的获取方法以及使用该域名的用途。 如果您想了解更多信息,我们将链接到更多技术文章。

什么是域名? (What Is a Domain Name?)

Like the phone system, the internet is based on a system of numbers. Beneath the surface, each website is associated with an IP address—a numerical addresses that tells your browser where to find the website on the internet.

像电话系统一样,互联网是基于数字系统的。 在表面之下,每个网站都与一个IP地址相关联-一个数字地址,告诉您的浏览器在Internet上可以找到该网站的位置。

Most people find it easier to relate to names than numbers. Do you prefer to make phone calls by dialing a phone number, or tapping on a name in your contacts app? In the same way, you can think of a domain name as the human readable version of the IP address.

大多数人发现与数字相关的名称比对数字更容易。 您是否喜欢通过拨打电话号码或在联系人应用程序中点击姓名来拨打电话? 同样,您可以将域名视为IP地址的可读版本 。

Some examples are sitepoint.com, wordpress.org and example.com.au. A domain name is made up of:

一些示例是sitepoint.com , wordpress.org和example.com.au 。 域名由以下内容组成:

A series of letters, numbers and hyphens,


An extension (called a Top Level Domain), like .com, .org, .biz, .edu.

扩展名(称为顶级域),例如.com , .org , .biz , .edu 。

An optional country code, like .au, .nz, .uk. US sites don’t have a country code.

可选的国家/地区代码 ,例如.au,.nz,.uk。 美国站点没有国家/地区代码。

These are separated by a “dot” (a period, or full stop).


A domain name must be registered before it can be used.


选择域名 (Choosing a Domain Name)

Think long and hard about your domain name—it’s the first impression people will have of your website. It can strengthen your brand, affect your search result ratings, and impact how easily visitors will remember how to get to your site. The choice deserves careful consideration.

认真思考您的域名-这是人们对您的网站的第一印象。 它可以增强您的品牌,影响您的搜索结果评级,并影响访问者记住如何访问您网站的难易程度。 该选择值得仔细考虑。

Here are some tips for choosing an effective domain name for your business or project:


Keep it simple.

把事情简单化。 Keep it as short as possible, but not at the expense of clarity.

使其越短越好,但不以清晰度为代价。 Keep it memorable. Beware of tricky spelling.

保持难忘。 当心棘手的拼写。 Avoid complication. Adding a hyphen is just one more thing for your visitors to remember. Avoid numbers if possible, too.

避免并发症。 添加连字符只是访客要记住的一件事。 尽可能避免使用数字。

Aim for a .com, it’s what people are expecting. .org is good for non-profits, .gov for government sites, and .edu for educational institutions. .net is also commonly used.

面向.com的目标是人们的期望。 .org适用于非营利组织, .gov适用于政府站点, .edu适用于教育机构。 .net也很常用。

A host of new TLDs have become available, like .info, .biz, .business, .church, .investments, .photography, .software, and .tv. Consider them if they’re a good fit for your business, but think twice about not using .com if it is available.

大量新的TLD可用,例如.info , .biz , .business , .church , .investments , .photography , .software和.tv 。 如果它们适合您的业务,请考虑使用它们,但如果没有可用的.com ,请三思而后行。

If your business is local, you might like to end your domain with the relevant country code, like .com.au or .org.nz.

如果您的公司是本地公司,则可能希望以相关的国家/地区代码结尾您的域,例如.com.au或.org.nz 。

If your business name is already taken, consider adding something to the beginning or end, like johnsmithplumbing.com or hirejohnsmith.com or even iamjohnsmith.com.

如果您的公司名称已被使用,请考虑在开头或结尾添加一些内容,例如johnsmithplumbing.com或hirejohnsmith.com甚至iamjohnsmith.com 。

Avoid using someone else’s trademark, even if the domain is available.


Find inspiration at morewords.com (the Scrabble resource)—it can help you come up with interesting domain name ideas.

在morewords.com (拼字游戏资源)中找到灵感-它可以帮助您提出有趣的域名建议。

Further reading:


How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Business


Domain Names: Make Them Memorable


How to Find the Perfect Domain Name


ICANN’s New gTLDs: Is It Worth Becoming a .guru?


检查域名可用性 (Checking Domain Name Availability)

Of course you need to choose a name that’s available. Domain names are vanishing every day, so don’t put the decision off. While you’re at it, also check the availability of the name on social media, including Twitter and Facebook.

当然,您需要选择一个可用的名称。 域名每天都在消失,所以不要推迟决定。 在使用时,还请检查社交媒体(包括Twitter和Facebook)上该名称的可用性。

Here are some resources for checking the availability of a domain name:


Namecheck: Find the best name for your next project

名称检查 :为您的下一个项目找到最佳名称

DomainsBot: Ideas into names

DomainsBot :将想法变成名字

Domainr: Search all domains

Domainr :搜索所有域

Domain Name Brain: The smartest way to find a domain name

域名专家 :寻找域名的最聪明方法

If you haven’t chosen your business name yet, take the availability of the domain name into consideration when doing so.


Further reading:


12 Tools to Help You Buy the Perfect Domain Name


11 Domain Name Generators & Search Tools


Top 3 (Free!) Domain Name Generators


注册域名 (Registering Your Domain Name)

The next step is to hand over your money and register the domain. This is relatively inexpensive—often just $15 or $20 a year for a .com, .net or .org. And there’s no shortage of companies you can pay for the service.

下一步是移交您的资金并注册域名。 这是相对便宜的-.com , .net或.org每年通常仅为15或20美元。 而且,您可以为该服务付费的公司也不乏其人。

Consider registering your domain name through your hosting provider. Having everything in one place is convenient, and it means you have one less company to pay.

考虑通过托管服务提供商注册您的域名。 将所有东西都放在一个地方很方便,这意味着您要少付一笔钱。

SitePoint recently partnered with SiteGround as our official recommended host. They let you add a domain name to your website hosting from as little as $14.95 a year.

SitePoint最近与SiteGround合作成为我们的官方推荐主机 。 他们让您可以从每年$ 14.95的价格向您的网站托管添加域名。

Alternatively, consider a company that specializes in domain registration. Make sure they’re accredited by ICANN (the Internet Corporation For Assigned Names And Numbers). Namecheap is a good option.

或者,考虑一家专门从事域名注册的公司。 确保它们获得ICANN(互联网名称和数字地址分配机构)的认可。 Namecheap是一个不错的选择。

我还可以将域名用作什么? (What Else Can I Use My Domain Name For?)

Use your domain name for your email. Using fred@fredsbakery.com sounds much more professional than fredsbakery@hotmail.com. Using a generic email address when you’ve registered a domain should be a crime.

使用您的域名作为电子邮件。 使用fred@fredsbakery.com听起来比fredsbakery@hotmail.com专业得多。 注册域时使用通用电子邮件地址是犯罪行为。

Your hosting provider will provide a way of setting up email for your domain. Alternatively, you can use a third-party solution like Gmail, which is part of Google’s G Suite of apps for businesses.

您的托管服务提供商将提供一种为您的域设置电子邮件的方法。 或者,您可以使用第三方解决方案(例如Gmail),该解决方案是Google面向企业应用程序的G Suite应用程序的一部分。

Set up subdomains. Once you have a domain name, you can create an unlimited number of subdomains for free. A subdomain is created by adding a word and a dot before your domain, like subdomain.domain.com, and is set up in your DNS settings.

设置子域。 拥有域名后,您可以免费创建无限数量的子域。 子网域是通过在您的域之前添加一个单词和一个点来创建的,例如subdomain.domain.com ,并且是在DNS设置中设置的。

You can map a subdomain to an important page on your website (like your contact page), a different website you have set up (like your company blog or wiki), or somewhere different on the internet, like your Facebook or Twitter account.


Here are some ideas to get you started:



blog.mydomain.com facebook.mydomain.com

facebook.mydomain.com twitter.mydomain.com

twitter.mydomain.com faq.mydomain.com

faq.mydomain.com contact.mydomain.com

contact.mydomain.com mail.mydomain.com

mail.mydomain.com wiki.mydomain.com

wiki.mydomain.com support.mydomain.com

support.mydomain.com bookings.mydomain.com

bookings.mydomain.com jobs.mydomain.com

jobs.mydomain.com services.mydomain.com

services.mydomain.com help.mydomain.com


选择时间 (Time to Choose)

Are you ready to choose a domain name? Work through the tips in this article, and browse some of the additional articles I’ve linked to.

您准备好选择域名了吗? 浏览本文中的提示,并浏览一些我链接到的其他文章。

If you’d like to learn more, also check out SiteGround’s article Web Site vs Domain Name vs Hosting – what are the differences?


What tips do you have about choosing a domain name? Let us know in the comments.

您对选择域名有什么建议? 让我们在评论中知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/choose-register-make-domain-name/
