
tech2022-09-17  103


In the past two months, the influx of new authors was a bit smaller than before, but we’ve noticed an increase in resurrection of old authors, and an increase in authors from other channels becoming interested in publishing on the PHP channel. For all intents and purposes, we’ll treat those as new authors and welcome them with the same loving arms we use to welcome everyone else!

在过去的两个月中,新作者的涌入比以前少了一些,但是我们注意到老作者的复活增加了,其他渠道的作者也开始对在PHP渠道上发布感兴趣。 出于所有意图和目的,我们将把这些人视为新作者,并用与我们一样欢迎他人的同情武器欢迎他们!

新作者 (New Authors)

A total of nine newcomers to the PHP channel are helping make our content even more diverse now. Let’s see who they are!

总共有9位PHP频道的新手正在帮助使我们的内容现在更加多样化。 让我们看看他们是谁!

巴基斯坦Imran Latif (Imran Latif, Pakistan)

A veteran Ruby writer at SitePoint, Imran Latif is a Ruby on Rails and JavaScript enthusiast from Pakistan. As he dives deep into the intricacies of PHP in order to best understand it from a Rails developer’s perspective, Imran wants to share everything he’s learned with others and get people to a degree of familiarity with the parts we take for granted.

Imran Latif是SitePoint的资深Ruby作家,是巴基斯坦的Ruby on Rails和JavaScript爱好者。 为了深入了解PHP的复杂性,以便从Rails开发人员的角度更好地理解它,Imran希望与他人分享他所学到的一切,并使人们对我们视为理所当然的部分有所了解。

The first such post was his in depth explanation of output buffering and streaming in PHP which got highly favorable reviews from the readership. If you’ve got any areas of PHP that puzzle you on your mind, why don’t you give us a shout and we’ll see if we can get Imran on it?

第一篇这样的文章是他对PHP中的输出缓冲和流传输的深入解释,得到了读者的高度评价。 如果您有任何困扰您PHP领域,您为什么不向我们大喊大叫,我们将看看是否可以在此获得Imran的支持?

美国詹姆斯·道 (James Dow, USA)

James is a software designer for IBM from the USA who recently joined us writing on deploying your website using Laravel and Git. His debut article received mixed reviews, from being praised as a creative solution to being overly dependent on Laravel, but I’ll leave that speculation up to you. James writes well and shows promise, and we hope he’ll be sending some more content our way soon!

James是来自美国的IBM的软件设计师,最近加入我们,撰写有关使用Laravel和Git部署您的网站的文章 。 他的首篇文章受到了不同的评论,从被誉为一种创造性的解决方案到对Laravel的过度依赖,但我将这种猜测留给您。 詹姆斯写得很好,表现出希望,我们希望他能尽快发送更多内容!

捷克共和国Bogomil Shopov (Bogomil Shopov, Czech Republic)

Bogomil is a senior dev business analyst at Infor’s data science apps team, and the organizer of Bulgaria Web Summit and Bulgaria’s Howcamp. He’s also a judge for the CODiEAwards. With a resume as impressive sounding as that, we’re expecting Bogo produce some sweet stuff before the end of the year.

Bogomil是Infor数据科学应用程序团队的高级开发业务分析师,并且是保加利亚Web Summit和保加利亚Howcamp的组织者 。 他还是CODiEAwards的法官。 凭借令人印象深刻的履历表,我们希望Bogo在今年年底之前生产出一些甜食。

His debut article on our channel was the implementation of UserSnap in a way that helps you report the errors your technically inept users come across to your developers seamlessly and automatically for easier debugging.


法国莱昂纳德·赫奇 (Léonard Hetsch, France)

Leonard is a web developer from Paris, currently studying interaction design and development at Gobelins, school of image. During this apprenticeship track, he’s also working part time as a Symfony full-stack developer in a web agency. Working on more personal projects, he loves to experiment with more cutting-edge technologies like NodeJS or Go.

伦纳德(Leonard)是一位来自巴黎的网络开发人员,目前在图像学院Go​​belins学习交互设计和开发。 在这个学徒期间,他还作为Web机构的Symfony全栈开发人员兼职。 他致力于更多的个人项目,喜欢尝试使用诸如NodeJS或Go之类的更先进的技术。

Leo’s debut article was the very well received tutorial about building your own framework with Symfony components – a guide on using pre-built battle tested components to build only what you need, avoiding bloat and slowness.


美国菲尔·斯特金 (Phil Sturgeon, USA)

Yes, it’s that Sturgeon. A senior engineer at, author of “Build APIs You Wont Hate” and a PHP standards activist for the Framework Interoperability Group, Phil is also a famous word viking on Twitter where he takes apart and attacks anything that might harm the greater good of the PHP world and the community around it. He’s a vocal champion of clean code, interoperability of packages, libraries and – most importantly – people.

是的, 就是 St鱼。 Phil Ride.com的资深工程师,《 Build APIs You Dont Hate Hate》的作者,Framework Interoperability GroupPHP标准积极分子,在Twitter上,Phil也是一个著名的维京人,他在其中拆散并攻击任何可能危害更大利益的东西PHP世界及其周围的社区。 他是干净代码,程序包,库以及(最重要的是)人员互操作性的坚定拥护者。

In his debut post with us, Phil covered the interesting use case of not wanting to use Virtual Machines to deploy different PHP environments – maybe your computer is too weak, maybe you don’t like the approach, maybe it’s too slow for you – but rather opting for PHPbrew and VirtPHP, the combination of which allows you to quickly interchange default PHP versions on your machine and different sub-environments under each. It’s real interesting stuff, you should read it.

Phil在我们的首篇文章中介绍了一个有趣的用例,即不想使用虚拟机来部署不同PHP环境-也许您的计算机太弱了,也许您不喜欢这种方法,也许它太慢了-但宁愿选择PHPbrew和VirtPHP ,它们的组合使您可以快速交换机器上的默认PHP版本以及每个版本下的不同子环境。 这是真正有趣的东西,您应该阅读它。

澳大利亚克里斯·沃德 (Chris Ward, Australia)

Chris is SitePoint’s editor for the Mobile channel, and had his first foray into PHP waters recently by means of attending a Drupal conference. To be more precise, it was Drupalcon Amsterdam 2014 from which he brought back some interesting insight into the talks he attended. If you’ve missed the conference and have any kind of contact with Drupal whatsoever, you should most definitely read the piece.

克里斯(Chris)是SitePoint的移动频道编辑,最近通过参加Drupal会议首次涉足PHP。 更准确地说,是2014年阿姆斯特丹Drupalcon展览 ,他从中带回了对他参加的演讲的一些有趣见解。 如果您错过了会议并与Drupal有任何联系,那么您绝对应该阅读该文章。

Chris won’t be joining us as a regular author most likely, but our doors are always open to him :)


美国Matthrew Beaumont (Matthrew Beaumont, USA)

Matthew has enjoyed a faithful relationship with the LAMP stack for the past 8 years. While they still love each other, he is currently exploring a new relationship with her younger sister, the MEAN stack. When not programming, he plays percussion professionally with orchestras at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Radio City Music Hall, and others.

在过去的8年中,Matthew与LAMP堆栈建立了忠实的关系。 当他们仍然彼此相爱时,他目前正在与她的妹妹MEAN Stack探索新的恋爱关系。 当不编程时,他在卡内基音乐厅,林肯中心,无线电城音乐厅等地的乐团中专业演奏打击乐器。

His debut was a list of reasons to choose the new and improved Yii 2 framework for your next project over known alternatives. Matthew also has something exciting in the works that’s coming out soon, but we can’t talk about that just yet!

他的初次登台是出于一系列已知理由而为您的下一个项目选择新的和改进的Yii 2框架的原因 。 Matthew即将推出的作品也有一些令人兴奋的东西,但是我们暂时还不能谈论!

法国雨果·吉劳德 (Hugo Giraudel, France)

Hugo is a front-end developer from France enjoying hacking around Sass just for the heck of it. He’s a prolific author on SitePoint’s other channels, in particular everything Sass related, and he recently dove into PHP by teaching us how to build an advertisement manager in Symfony that’s friendly to non technical personnel.

雨果(Hugo)是来自法国的前端开发人员,喜欢在Sass周围进行黑客攻击。 他是SitePoint其他频道(尤其是Sass相关内容)的多产作者,最近他通过教我们如何在Symfony中构建对非技术人员友好的广告管理器而涉足PHP。

While it might sound evil to say this, we do hope Hugo will run into more of these back end troubles soon, so that we might get more of his PHP solutions to publish.


阿尔巴尼亚Aldo Ziflaj (Aldo Ziflaj, Albania)

Aldo is a relatively new but incredibly prolific and motivated author at SitePoint. He writes on almost all of our channels, covering topics that range from JavaScript and PHP to Ionic and mobile applications. He is a developer for Mozilla Albania and has developed a couple of Firefox OS apps. In his free time, he practices C/C++, Java and web programming.

奥尔多(Aldo)是SitePoint的一个相对较新但又多产且积极进取的作家。 他在我们几乎所有的频道上撰文,涵盖从JavaScript和PHP到Ionic和移动应用程序的主题。 他是Mozilla Albania的开发人员,并且开发了一些Firefox OS应用程序。 在业余时间,他练习C / C ++,Java和Web编程。

His first post on the PHP channel dealt with five ways to get started developing PHP on Vagrant, listing known shortcuts to effective Vagrant machines, further simplifying and speeding up your process of starting a new app.

他在PHP频道上的第一篇文章探讨了五种方法来开始在Vagrant上开发PHP ,列出了有效的Vagrant机器的已知快捷方式,从而进一步简化和加快了启动新应用程序的过程。

Welcome all, really glad to have you on board!


加入我们 (Join us)

Would you like to join our team of PHP writers? Let us know – you can ping me directly here, on Google+ or on Twitter, or through official resources like the Google+ page, the Twitter account, or even our Facebook page, whatever tickles your fancy. If you’re not into PHP and would like to join another channel, see here.

您想加入我们PHP编写人员团队吗? 让我们知道–您可以在这里通过Google+或Twitter直接ping我,也可以通过Google+页面 , Twitter帐户甚至我们的Facebook页面之类的官方资源ping我,不管您喜欢什么。 如果您不喜欢PHP,但想加入另一个渠道,请参阅此处 。

Hope to hear from you soon!



