
tech2022-09-18  96


This article was sponsored by Artbees – creators of the Jupiter WordPress theme. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是由Artbees赞助的-Jupiter WordPress主题的创建者 。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

WordPress is the world’s most successful Content Management System. It powers 28% of all websites. A massive 59% of sites running a CMS choose to use WordPress. The software is open source and free to use. So why should you consider paying for a commercial WordPress theme?

WordPress是世界上最成功的内容管理系统。 它为所有网站的28%提供动力。 运行CMS的大量网站中有59%选择使用WordPress。 该软件是开源的,可以免费使用。 那么,为什么要考虑为商业WordPress主题付费呢?

There are a vast number of WordPress themes available. Some are paid products but many are offered at no cost. Many are excellent. Many are terrible. Purchasing a premium theme can provide a level of reassurance and a guarantee of quality which transforms WordPress into a glorious, fully-customized, customer-focused experience.

有大量可用的WordPress主题。 有些是付费产品,但许多都是免费提供的。 许多都很棒。 许多都太可怕了。 购买高级主题可以提供一定程度的保证,并保证质量,从而将WordPress转换为光荣的,完全自定义的,以客户为中心的体验。

What should you look for before hitting that BUY button?…


1.好的功能集 (1. A Good Feature Set)

Does your chosen theme have all the features you need now and into the near future? Perhaps you only need a gallery today but do you have a persistent nagging worry your client or boss will eventually ask for a fully-featured shopping cart? Can you add a portfolio or pricing table? Are you able switch designs on a single page or throughout the site?

您选择的主题是否具有您现在和不久将来需要的所有功能? 也许您今天只需要一个画廊,但是您是否会持续困扰您的客户或老板最终会要求功能齐全的购物车? 您可以添加投资组合或定价表吗? 您是否可以在单个页面或整个站点上切换设计?

Artbees Jupiter provides more than 140 template designs which cover every niche.

Artbees Jupiter提供了140多种模板设计,涵盖了每个细分市场。

2.没有东西,你不需要吗? (2. Without Stuff You Don’t Need?)

Some themes include every widget the author could find. This may not be a problem if they add value and remain disabled until required. What you don’t want is 57 free snippets discovered on dhtmlgoodies.com in 2006 which use different libraries and appear on every page regardless of whether you use them or not. It will degrade the user’s experience and prevent a…

一些主题包括作者可以找到的每个小部件。 如果他们增加了价值并在需要之前保持禁用状态,那么这可能不是问题。 您不想要的是2006年在dhtmlgoodies.com上发现的57个免费代码段,这些代码段使用了不同的库,并且无论是否使用它们,它们都会出现在每个页面上。 它将降低用户的体验并防止...

3.可靠的表现 (3. Solid Performance)

By the end of 2016, average page weight reached almost 2.5MB. WordPress must take some responsibility for this excessive bloat! Too many themes contain bandwidth-hogging payloads, unoptimized images and futile widgets which make your site slow and costly to view on a mobile network connection. A responsive design does not necessarily equate to a responsive experience.

到2016年底,平均页面重量达到近2.5MB。 WordPress必须对此过度膨胀承担一些责任! 太多的主题包含占用带宽的有效负载,未优化的图像和无用的小部件,这些都使您的网站在移动网络连接上查看时速度慢且成本高。 响应式设计不一定等同于响应式体验。

Analyse your chosen theme’s weight using browser development tools or online reports such as pingdom and imgIX page weight to ensure it isn’t secretly gorging itself toward obesity.


4.面向客户的功能 (4. Client-Facing Functionality)

Designers and clients love WYSIWYG, drag-and-drop, color pickers, live previews and all the other lovely features which abstract the underlying process of creating a web page in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Premium themes often provide an experience which stretches WordPress to new user-friendly limits. Artbees Jupiter is design-oriented so designers can provide a customized experience without the need for coding.

设计师和客户喜欢所见即所得,拖放,颜色选择器,实时预览以及所有其他可爱的功能,这些功能抽象化了用HTML,CSS和JavaScript创建网页的基本过程。 高级主题通常提供将WordPress扩展到新的用户友好限制的体验。 Artbees Jupiter是面向设计的,因此设计师无需编码即可提供定制的体验。

But will the theme remain…


5.对开发人员友好 (5. Developer-Friendly)

Eventually, you may need to delve into the theme code to make tweaks which are not possible from the user interface. A premium theme should be well documented and permit changes without you having to wade through thousands of lines of uncommented, compressed HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP code! Ideally, the theme developers will offer some level of…

最终,您可能需要深入研究主题代码以进行调整,而这在用户界面中是不可能的。 高级主题应该有充分的文档证明,并允许您进行更改,而无需您花数千行未经注释的压缩HTML,CSS,JavaScript和PHP代码! 理想情况下,主题开发人员将提供一定程度的...

6.服务与支持 (6. Service and Support)

It’s one thing to release code into the public domain without warranties. It’s another to provide 24/7 assistance for everyone who wants it. (Including that demanding person who expects ongoing lessons in web development and systems operation).

无需担保即可将代码发布到公共领域是一回事。 为每个想要的人提供24/7协助是另一种方式。 (包括期望在Web开发和系统操作方面正在进行的课程的要求苛刻的人)。

Premium themes are more likely to offer a level of assistance when you inevitably run into development or usage problems. Email and telephone support is ideal and you may be able to obtain advice from the theme’s community forums if it’s popular and used by enough people.

当您不可避免地遇到开发或使用问题时,高级主题更有可能提供一定程度的帮助。 电子邮件和电话支持是理想的选择,并且如果主题流行并且被足够的人使用,您也许可以从主题的社区论坛中获取建议。

The theme’s developers are more likely to address problems because they don’t want their support team inundated with bug reports. Therefore, your premium theme will receive…

主题的开发人员更有可能解决问题,因为他们不希望其支持团队被错误报告所淹没。 因此,您的高级主题将获得...

7.正在进行的更新和修复 (7. Ongoing Updates and Fixes)

Free or cheaper themes may be written once but never updated. The developer will eventually move on to something which pays their bills. Will the bugs ever be fixed? Will the theme be updated as browsers evolve? Will it continue to operate in the next release of WordPress?

免费或便宜的主题可能只写一次,但永远不会更新。 开发人员最终将继续进行支付账单的项目。 错误会得到修复吗? 主题会随着浏览器的发展而更新吗? 它将在下一版WordPress中继续运行吗?

Those creating premium themes have a commercial reason to keep the code up-to-date and fix problems when they arise. This should lead to…

那些创建高级主题的人有商业理由要使代码保持最新并在出现问题时加以解决。 这应该导致...

8.保证兼容性 (8. Guaranteed Compatibility)

WordPress updates rarely break your site but all themes and plug-ins require maintenance over time. Check the date of the last code change; this will reassure you the theme is current and compatible with the latest WordPress code base and browsers. You’ll then have fewer reasons to worry about…

WordPress更新很少破坏您的网站,但是随着时间的推移,所有主题和插件都需要维护。 检查最后一次代码更改的日期; 这可以确保您的主题是最新的,并且与最新的WordPress代码库和浏览器兼容。 这样一来,您担心的原因就更少了……

9.安全和隐私 (9. Security and Privacy)

WordPress themes and plug-ins contain executable PHP code the author deemed necessary. Are you sure that code has been thoroughly tested on multiple installations? Are you certain it was developed without malicious intent? Do you know whether it’s accidentally leaking your private login details or wiping posts?

WordPress主题和插件包含作者认为必要的可执行PHP代码。 您确定代码已在多个安装中经过彻底测试吗? 您确定它是无恶意开发的吗? 您是否知道是不小心泄漏了您的私人登录详细信息或清除了帖子?

A premium theme will always be more credible than a ZIP file you stumbled upon while browsing the web. Few people consider security until it’s too late but, the downside of WordPress’s success is that it has become an attractive target for hackers, spammers and con artists. Don’t let your domain and web space fall into the hands of criminals by choosing a dodgy theme!

与您在浏览网络时偶然发现的ZIP文件相比,高级主题始终具有更高的可信度。 很少有人考虑安全性,直到为时已晚,但是WordPress成功的不利之处在于,它已成为黑客,垃圾邮件散布者和骗子的有吸引力的目标。 通过选择狡猾的主题,不要让您的域和网络空间落入犯罪分子的手中!

10.费用 (10. Cost)

Ultimately, the theme’s price is important — but do not forget to consider your own costs. A premium theme can be considerably cheaper than “free” if it requires no additional development, fixes are frequent and updates are easy to apply.

最终,主题的价格很重要-但不要忘记考虑您自己的费用。 如果不需要额外开发,修复频繁且易于应用更新,高级主题可能比“免费”便宜得多。

Expect to pay something for quality. Creating a robust WordPress theme takes considerable time and the developers should be rewarded for that effort, the subsequent updates and the support they provide. A premium theme should guarantee your website operates now and into the future. It may work out cheaper in the long run.

期望为质量付出一些。 创建一个强大的WordPress主题需要花费大量时间,开发人员应为此付出的努力,随后的更新以及他们提供的支持而得到回报。 优质的主题应该保证您的网站现在和将来都可以运行。 从长远来看,它可能更便宜。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-features-to-look-for-in-a-premium-wordpress-theme/

