
tech2022-09-18  112


If you run a blog or publish any kind of content regularly, you know that you have to create awesome content to get noticed.


But creating the content is only half the battle. You’ve got to get people to share it. That’s where the real power of content marketing lies.

但是创造内容只是成功的一半。 您必须让人们分享它。 这就是内容营销真正力量所在。

However, getting your content shared can be downright tough. Even if you’ve successfully driven traffic to your site, how do you get those people to share your content?

但是,很难共享内容。 即使您已经成功地吸引了网站访问量 ,如何使这些人共享您的内容?

Thankfully, there are several WordPress plugins that are about to make your life a whole lot easier. These 9 plugins will help you leverage the power of social media to get your content shared over and over again.

幸运的是,有几个WordPress插件将使您的生活更加轻松。 这9个插件将帮助您利用社交媒体的功能来一次又一次地共享您的内容。

Whether you post information packed blog posts or lighthearted videos, we’ve got a plugin for you. Let’s get started!

无论您发布信息密集的博客文章还是轻松愉快的视频,我们都为您提供了一个插件。 让我们开始吧!

1. Jetpack (免费) (1. Jetpack (Free))

Jetpack is one of WordPress’s most popular plugins, and it packs a punch. In addition to providing site statistics, site management, and security, the plugin also gives you the basic yet powerful ability to create sharing buttons for your content. It also allows you to create custom sharing buttons.

Jetpack是WordPress最受欢迎的插件之一,它为您带来了很多乐趣。 除了提供站点统计信息,站点管理和安全性外,该插件还为您提供了基本而强大的功能,可为您的内容创建共享按钮。 它还允许您创建自定义共享按钮。

Jetpack’s sharing abilities are much like some of the other plugins on this list, but if you’re already using Jetpack, you can kill two birds with one stone, and that’s where this plugin shines. It’s one plugin with a ton of features, so if convenience is important to you, Jetpack could be your new favorite plugin.

Jetpack的共享能力非常类似于此列表中的其他一些插件,但是如果您已经在使用Jetpack,则可以用一块石头杀死两只鸟,这就是该插件的亮点。 这是一个具有众多功能的插件,因此,如果方便对您来说很重要,Jetpack可能是您最喜欢的插件。

2. SumoMe (免费) (2. SumoMe (Free))

SumoMe is one of the most popular and most versatile plugins for marketing. When it comes to increasing the amount of social shares your content receives, SumoMe once again steps up to the plate and hits a home run.

SumoMe是最流行和最通用的市场营销插件之一。 当涉及到增加您的内容获得的社交份额时,SumoMe再次走上正轨,取得了本垒打。

The plugin’s ‘Share’ feature gives you access to a plethora of features, including easy-to-use share buttons for every social network you can think of. You can track clicks from SumoMe’s intuitive interface and place the share buttons wherever you’d like.

该插件的“共享”功能使您可以使用多种功能,包括您可以想到的每个社交网络的易于使用的共享按钮。 您可以在SumoMe的直观界面中跟踪点击次数,并将共享按钮放置在任意位置。

SumoMe offers both free and paid options. The free option is excellent for those looking to build a simple yet effective foundation of social sharing, and it gives you everything you need. The paid features, such as mobile optimization and UTM tracking, are the icing on the cake.

SumoMe提供免费和付费选项。 对于希望建立一个简单而有效的社交共享基础的人来说,免费选项是绝佳的选择,它为您提供了所需的一切。 诸如移动优化和UTM跟踪等付费功能正在锦上添花。

3. WordPress的简易社交共享按钮 (免费) (3. Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress (Free))

Similar to SumoMe, Easy Social Share Buttons provides you with the ability to post share buttons on your content. However, there are some noticeable differences between the two.

与SumoMe相似,“轻松社交共享按钮”使您能够在内容上发布共享按钮。 但是,两者之间存在一些明显的差异。

Easy Social Share Buttons provides a little more flexibility, as it’s a developer-friendly plugin. You can also add share buttons directly to images and graphics, display the buttons in headers and footers, and use shortcodes to take total control of the buttons.

Easy Social Share Buttons提供了更多的灵活性,因为它是开发人员友好的插件。 您还可以将共享按钮直接添加到图像和图形,在页眉和页脚中显示按钮,并使用简码来完全控制按钮。

This plugin is completely free, and it’s really solid for what you’re getting. Whether you’re after a simple sharing plugin or a tweakable option, Easy Social Share Buttons is a solid choice.

该插件是完全免费的,并且对于您所获得的东西来说确实可靠。 无论您是使用简单的共享插件还是可调整的选项,Easy Social Share Buttons都是不错的选择。

4. WP社交分享 (免费) (4. WP Social Sharing (Free))

Unlike the other plugins mentioned so far, WP Social Sharing offers a uniquely flexible set of features. Instead of using images to create sharing buttons, the plugin uses CSS3, making it a particularly lightweight option.

与到目前为止提到的其他插件不同,WP Social Sharing提供了一套独特灵活的功能。 该插件不使用图像来创建共享按钮,而是使用CSS3,使其成为特别轻巧的选项。

The full list of features make this free plugin an impressive contender. The buttons are fully responsive, so mobile optimization is a lot easier. There are also options for custom button text, auto display, and shortcodes.

完整的功能列表使这个免费的插件成为了有力的竞争者。 这些按钮完全响应,因此移动优化更加容易。 还有一些用于自定义按钮文本,自动显示和简码的选项。

While WP Social Sharing only supports six social networks, it covers all of the big players and provides some excellent features that few other free plugins have. If mobile responsiveness is key for you, give this plugin a look.

虽然WP Social Sharing仅支持六个社交网络,但它涵盖了所有大型企业,并提供了一些其他免费插件所没有的出色功能。 如果移动响应能力是您的关键,请看一下此插件。

5. Shareaholic (免费) (5. Shareaholic (Free))

Shareaholic is a different kind of social sharing plugin. It’s a ‘content amplification platform,’ Shareaholic allows you to take advantage of native ads, promoted content, and affiliate links to share the word and generate revenue at the same time.

Shareaholic是另一种社交共享插件。 这是一个“内容放大平台”,Shareaholic允许您利用原生广告,促销内容和会员链接来共享单词并同时产生收入。

Because of its ad-based nature, this plugin won’t be for everyone. But if you’re open to monetization strategies, Shareaholic is worth your time. You also get share buttons, social analytics, and follow buttons. You do have to make an account to use the plugin, which may turn some people away.

由于其基于广告的性质,因此该插件并不适合所有人。 但是,如果您愿意采用货币化策略,Shareaholic值得您花时间。 您还将获得共享按钮,社交分析和关注按钮。 您必须先注册一个帐户才能使用该插件,这可能会使某些人拒之门外。

Shareaholic will give you the standard sharing buttons with some extra features on top, and it competes with the other plugins in that regard. It’s an impressive free offering, but ad-phobes will want to steer clear of this one.

Shareaholic将为您提供标准的共享按钮,其顶部具有一些其他功能,并且在这方面与其他插件竞争。 这是一项令人印象深刻的免费产品,但广告客户会希望避免使用该产品。

6. 社交分享按钮和分析 (免费) (6. Social Share Buttons & Analytics (Free))

This handy plugin by GetSocial gives you some abilities that you won’t find in other plugins. In addition to the standard share buttons, you can also create a floating bar for the buttons or include Facebook reaction buttons.

GetSocial的这个方便的插件为您提供了一些其他插件中找不到的功能。 除了标准的共享按钮外,您还可以为按钮创建一个浮动栏或包含FacebookReact按钮。

In addition, the free version of Social Share Buttons & Analytics comes with a ready-to-use popup and a welcome bar. It’s a useful addition that pairs nicely with the social sharing features. While this plugin doesn’t provide comprehensive email capture abilities, it does have its own edge over competing plugins.

此外,免费版的“社交共享按钮和分析”附带了一个随时可用的弹出窗口和一个欢迎栏。 这是一个有用的补充,可以很好地与社交共享功能配对。 尽管此插件不提供全面的电子邮件捕获功能,但与竞争插件相比,它确实具有自己的优势。

7. 社交嗡嗡声 ($ 20) (7. Social Buzz ($20))

Social Buzz isn’t a vanilla sharing plugin. It adds share graphs to each post you publish so you can easily keep track of how many shares each post receives. This feature is a double whammy – since the graphs are displayed on the posts, Social Buzz says that the feature “empowers your visitors to share by giving them visual feedback of the popularity of posts.”

Social Buzz不是一个普通的共享插件。 它将共享图添加到您发布的每个帖子,因此您可以轻松地跟踪每个帖子收到多少份额。 此功能是双重打击–由于图表显示在帖子上,Social Buzz说,此功能“通过向访问者提供帖子受欢迎程度的视觉反馈,使访问者能够共享。”

If your blog regularly gets decent traffic, then Social Buzz could pay for itself in no time. Its sharing buttons look great, too. This is a premium plugin that’s definitely aimed at medium- to high-traffic blogs, and for that purpose, it excels.

如果您的博客定期获得可观的访问量,那么Social Buzz可以立即收回成本。 它的共享按钮也很棒。 这是一个高级插件,绝对是针对中量到高流量博客的,为此,它非常出色。

8. 社会战争 ($ 29 /年起) (8. Social Warfare (starting at $29/yr))

Social Warfare is an immensely full-featured plugin that includes almost everything you need all in one package.

Social Warfare是一个功能强大的插件,几乎在一个软件包中包含了您需要的所有内容。

The plugin’s sharing features are remarkably flexible. You can create shareable quotes that users can click to tweet, upload Pinterest-specific images, and even display social share counts to influence people. There’s also built-in Analytics Integration so you can see how well your social sharing is performing.

该插件的共享功能非常灵活。 您可以创建共享的报价,用户可以单击这些报价来发推文,上传特定于Pinterest图像,甚至显示社交共享计数来影响人们。 还内置了Google Analytics(分析)集成,因此您可以查看社交共享的效果。

The folks at Warfare Plugins built Social Warfare from scratch. In their own words: “Since we couldn’t find any good solutions on the market, we decided to build a solution ourselves.” And the result is both comprehensive and accessible.

Warfare Plugins的人们从零开始建立了Social Warfare。 用他们自己的话说 :“由于我们在市场上找不到任何好的解决方案,所以我们决定自己构建一个解决方案。” 结果是全面且可访问的。

If you have the budget for a paid solution, Social Warfare is a fine choice. The fee for using the plugin on one site is just $29 USD per year, with other packages also available.

如果您有付费解决方案的预算,那么“社会战争”是一个不错的选择。 在一个站点上使用该插件的费用每年仅为29美元,同时还提供其他软件包。

9. Monarch by Elegant Themes (年费$ 69起) (9. Monarch by Elegant Themes (starting at $69/yr))

Monarch is a popular social sharing plugin, and that’s because of its versatility. Of course, you get standard sharing buttons, but you can also do anything with them. Place them in a floating sidebar, above or below content, on images – the sky’s the limit.

Monarch是一个受欢迎的社交共享插件,这是因为其多功能性。 当然,您可以获得标准的共享按钮,但您也可以使用它们执行任何操作。 将它们放在图像上内容上方或下方的浮动侧栏中-天空是极限。

This plugin has several premium features, including shortcodes, icon orientation, statistics overview, and much more. There are also popups and flyins that you can use to enhance your email capture strategy. Like GetSocial’s plugin, Monarch ticks several boxes and doesn’t skimp on the quality.

该插件具有多项高级功能,包括短代码,图标方向,统计信息概述等等。 您还可以使用弹出窗口和弹出窗口来增强电子邮件捕获策略。 像GetSocial的插件一样,Monarch勾选了几个框,并且没有降低质量。

The one catch here is the price, as you can’t buy just the plugin. You have to become a member of Elegant Themes, and pricing starts at $69/yr. However, that price includes access to all themes (87 total) and plugins, so if you want a one-stop WordPress solution, you might find Elegant Themes to your liking.

这里的一个问题是价格,因为您不能只购买插件。 您必须成为Elegant Themes的成员,价格起价为$ 69 /年。 但是,该价格包括访问所有主题(总共87个)和插件的费用,因此,如果您想要一站式WordPress解决方案,则可以按自己的喜好找到优雅主题。

分享的力量 (The Power of Sharing)

Social sharing is a powerful strategy that will produce excellent results if you do it right. Choosing the right plugin will help you streamline your content strategy and ensure that you’re getting the most shares possible.

社交分享是一项强大的策略,如果操作正确,将会产生出色的结果。 选择合适的插件将帮助您简化内容策略,并确保获得尽可能多的共享。

Whether you choose a free or paid option, you can’t go wrong with any of these 9 plugins. They’ll shortcut the process for you and make sharing a breeze for your visitors. Pair any of these plugins with some stellar content, and you’ll be well on your way to blogging success.

无论您选择免费还是付费选项,这9个插件中的任何一个都不会出错。 他们将为您简化该过程,并为访问者共享轻轻松松。 将这些插件中的任何一个与一些出色的内容结合使用,您将可以成功地撰写博客。

For some further reading, I’d also recommend checking out this previous article on SitePoint: The Top 5 Responsive Social Sharing Plugins for WordPress.

有关更多阅读,我还建议您查阅上一篇有关SitePoint的文章: WordPress的前5位响应性社交共享插件。

What are your favourite social sharing plugins, please share in the comments below.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/9-wordpress-plugins-to-help-get-more-social-shares/

