
tech2022-09-19  132


If you’ve done well enough to snap a group of photographs you deem worthy of display, then figuring out the best WordPress photo plugins to show them off is essential.


When you’re using WordPress and you think, ‘I wonder if there’s a plugin for that?’ The answer is almost always yes—multiple plugins! But space and speed are not always plentiful in the WordPress world and having too many plugins can clutter up your site, so prioritizing is key. The trick is not to settle on just any of them, but to find the best one.

当您使用WordPress时,您会想,“我想知道是否有用于此的插件吗?” 答案几乎总是肯定的-多个插件! 但是在WordPress世界中,空间和速度并不总是足够的,并且太多的插件会使您的网站混乱不堪,因此优先级排序是关键。 诀窍不是只解决其中任何一个,而是找到最好的一个。

So below is a little collection of some of the best and most trusted photography plugins to save you wading through the masses, or worse, making completely the wrong choice.


Widely acknowledged as one of the best responsive WordPress gallery plugins in town, Envira is a fast, easy mobile-friendly image gallery. It caters to screens both big and small without sacrificing quality. Your images load without delay to keep users away from browser halting frustration.

Envira被公认为是镇上响应最好的WordPress画廊插件之一,它是一种快速,易于移动的图像友好型画廊。 它可以满足大大小小的屏幕,而不会牺牲质量。 您的图像会立即加载,以使用户远离浏览器,以免沮丧。

Envira Gallery is extremely SEO friendly, helping your photos grab attention in all the right places. You can add meta data and 25 add-ons for galleries and images, and it already comes with a few perks, such as:

Envira Gallery非常适合SEO,可帮助您的照片在所有合适的地方引起关注。 您可以为画廊和图像添加元数据和25个附加组件,并且它已经带有一些特权,例如:


分页 Shortcodes

简码 eCommerce integration

电子商务整合 Slideshow

幻灯片放映 Social Sharing

社交分享 Watermarking


Envira Gallery’s claim to fame is that it’s the fastest WordPress gallery plugin in the market and with over 300,000 downloads ever, 80,000+ active installs, and a 4.7 star rating, that claim sounds pretty strong. Plus, if you’re after even more features, you can always opt for the Pro, paid version of the plugin, which starts from $19.

Envira Gallery声名is起是因为它是市场上最快的WordPress画廊插件,迄今为止下载量超过300,000,活跃安装量超过80,000,并且获得4.7星评级,这一说法听起来非常有力。 另外,如果您想使用更多功能,则始终可以选择Pro付费版本的插件,最低价格为19美元。

If you’re the type that sees dealing with a website as an annoying afterthought to taking photographs, then NextGen Gallery is a low fuss, simple option that has proven very popular.

如果您是那种将网站处理为烦人的拍照后事的人,那么NextGen Gallery是一个低调,简单的选择,它被证明非常受欢迎。

NextGen’s user-friendly display styles give simple options to control:



尺寸 Style

样式 Timing

定时 Transitions

转场 Controls

控制项 Lightbox effects


Uploading and managing your photo galleries is made extremely easy and this is a great one if you’re after minimalism.


Its star rating may only be a 3.3, but with over 14 million downloads and over a million active installs, making it one of the most popular plugins ever, the people have spoken.


延迟加载 (Lazy Load)

Lazy and speed don’t normally go together well, but that’s what the Lazy Load plugin offers and delivers. By only loading the images that are viewable to the user at first glance, Lazy Load enables a faster website.

延迟和速度通常并不能很好地结合在一起,但这就是延迟加载插件提供和提供的功能。 通过仅加载乍看之下用户可见的图像,延迟加载可加快网站访问速度。

Lazy Load improves page speed and saves bandwidth because if the user never scrolls to see more – nothing more is loaded. So, if your website houses all of the images you’ve ever taken, there’s no need to be concerned that it will take forever to load—just install this nifty little plugin.

延迟加载提高了页面速度并节省了带宽,因为如果用户从不滚动查看更多内容,则不再加载任何内容。 因此,如果您的网站上存放了您曾经拍摄的所有图像,则无需担心它会永远被加载-只需安装这个漂亮的小插件即可。

An you just know this plugin is going to be high quality. After all, it’s an amalgamation of code written by the WordPress.com VIP team at Automattic, the TechCrunch 2011 Redesign team, and Jake Goldman (10up LLC).

您只知道此插件将是高质量的。 毕竟,这是由Automattic的WordPress.com VIP团队,TechCrunch 2011重新设计团队和Jake Goldman(10up LLC)编写的代码的混合。

A rating of 4.2 stars and over 90,000 active installs show a lot of lazy, speedy, satisfied customers.


图像小部件 (Image Widget)

The standard WordPress widget allows you to add extra content to a WordPress website. The issue for photographers is that if you want to use a widget to add images rather than text, you have to manually enter the correct HTML and change the image size to get it into the sidebar space.

标准的WordPress小部件可让您向WordPress网站添加额外的内容。 对于摄影师来说,问题在于,如果要使用小部件添加图像而不是文本,则必须手动输入正确HTML并更改图像大小才能进入侧边栏空间。

Image Widget cuts out that annoying process by allowing you to add images directly to your site’s widgets. Once added, you no longer need to translate your images to text. Image Widget cuts out that text middleman, allowing you to select any (and multiple) images or upload by just dragging and dropping.

Image Widget通过允许您将图像直接添加到站点的Widget中,消除了这一烦人的过程。 添加后,您不再需要将图像转换为文本。 Image Widget剪切出该文本中间人,使您可以选择任何(或多个)图像或通过拖放来上传。

A 4.9 star rating shows a virtually unprecedented level of user satisfaction. It might be a simple plugin, but it stops a lot of unnecessary fiddling and tinkering with your photos. Plus, with over 2 million downloads, and over 500,000 active installs, it’s most definitely a popular one.

4.9星评级显示出前所未有的用户满意度。 它可能是一个简单的插件,但是可以避免不必要的摆弄和修改照片。 此外,下载量超过200万,活动安装量超过50万,绝对是最受欢迎的下载方式。

独白 (Soliloquy)

Soliloquy empowers you to create an innumerable amount of responsive WordPress sliders with as many images as you like in just a few minutes.


Its main features include:


SEO optimization

SEO优化 Metadata imaging for each image, including image titles

每个图像的元数据成像,包括图像标题 Unlimited number of WordPress sliders

无限数量的WordPress滑块 Drag-and-drop image uploading, saving and sorting


Whether you’re making a little highlights reel of your work or wanting to package some images into a slider to tell a story, Soliloquy is the most efficient way to go about it. This plugin has over 90,000+ active installs and an average star rating of 4.5.

无论您是在工作中制作精彩片段,还是想将一些图像打包到滑块中讲故事,Soliloquy都是解决问题的最有效方法。 该插件的活跃安装次数超过90,000,平均星级为4.5。

摄影管理 (Photography Management)

Something for the pro’s!


Photography Management is an essential plugin for professional designers. Using this plugin, photographers can customise their gallery to control what potential and existing clients can and can’t see.

摄影管理是专业设计师的必备插件。 使用此插件,摄影师可以自定义画廊,以控制潜在客户和现有客户可以看到或看不到的东西。

The photos you upload will be stored on your WordPress server. From there you can password protect your galleries and control who sees them by providing the relevant client with a password and link that you can set. Now only this client can access your gallery, watch it and download a zip file.

您上传的照片将存储在WordPress服务器上。 从那里,您可以通过为相关客户提供可以设置的密码和链接来用密码保护您的画廊并控制谁能看到他们。 现在只有该客户端可以访问您的画廊,观看它并下载一个zip文件。

So if you’re a professional trying to project an image to impress a diverse range of clients, the phrase ‘you can’t please everyone’ is now a thing of the past with Photography Management. This plugin has 1000+ active installs and a positive star rating of 4.5 stars.

因此,如果您是一位专业人士,希望通过投射图像来打动各种各样的客户,那么“不能满足所有人”一词现在已经成为了摄影管理的历史。 该插件具有1000多个有效安装次数,并具有4.5星的正星级。

故事形式 (Storyform)

Storyform is a plugin that allows you to create appealing, full screen magazine stories. Its best use is for photographers looking to create a photo-essay.

Storyform是一个插件,可让您创建有吸引力的全屏杂志故事。 它的最佳用途是为希望创建照片文章的摄影师。

Some main features include:


Responsive across all devices

响应所有设备 Mouse and keyboard pagination

鼠标和键盘分页 Drop-caps

首字下沉 Animations

动画制作 Background video

背景视频 Large photography

大型摄影 Multi-column articles


Storyform works with HTML5 standard semantic article content and it applies a template styling and layout that you choose for the post.


So if you want your picture to say a few more words than a thousand, then storyform is the best to way to keep them talking and attract visitors. There are 1000+ active installs and it boasts a 5 star rating.

因此,如果您希望您的图片说出的单词多于一千,那么故事形式是使他们保持对话并吸引访问者的最佳方式。 有1000多个活跃安装,并且拥有5星评级。

精神错乱 (Imsanity)

The keen eye of a photographer knows the pleasure of an uncompressed image. But, unfortunately the bigger the photo the worse it is for your site speed and the user.

摄影师敏锐的眼睛知道未压缩图像的乐趣。 但是,不幸的是,照片越大,对网站速度和用户的影响就越差。

Insamnity automatically resizes enormous image uploads down to a size that’s more suitable to a digital context. The plugin aims to get the best of both worlds by allowing you to configure a maximum height, width and quality.

Insnnity会自动将大量图片上传大小调整为更适合数字环境的大小。 该插件旨在通过允许您配置最大高度,宽度和质量来获得两全其美的效果。

This means that each photo will meet the same configuration you have set at your preferred balance of size and speed.


With over 100,000 active installs and a 4.8 star rating, this plugin has proven itself ideal for blogs that don’t require hi-resolution images to be stored and for those who want an easy image scale before uploading.


共生生物 (Symbiostock)

For photographers wishing to sell their photos online, Symbiostock is a free WordPress plugin that offers a platform for you to display and make sales.


Symbiostock Lite is basically a WooCommerce extension, through which you can upload your own JPEGs, which the plugin then automatically watermarks and adds as a digital product.

Symbiostock Lite本质上是WooCommerce扩展,通过它您可以上传自己的JPEG,然后该插件会自动添加水印并添加为数字产品。

Symbiostock works hand in hand with Symzio where you can control the pricing. Although the plugin is free, you are only guaranteed to earn a minimum of 80% on every sale. There are currently 500+ active downloads and the plugin has a 4.3 star rating.

Symbiostock与Symzio携手合作,您可以在其中控制定价。 尽管该插件是免费的,但您只能保证每次销售至少赚取80%的收入。 当前有500多个活跃下载,并且该插件具有4.3星评级。

Some of its mean features include:


Automatic publishing

自动发布 Professional tagging

专业标记 FTP support

FTP支持 Compatibility with WooCommerce themes

与WooCommerce主题的兼容性 Full metadata processing


There’s also a Pro version of this plugin that offers advanced licensing, image manipulation, and other features, including the option of uploading videos, illustrations and vectors, with optional agency distribution and more.


结论 (Conclusion)

There you have it — a whole range of photo plugins for photographers, from those designed to help you exhibit your photos online, through to plugins that’ll help you sell your image creations. As always, suggestions are more than welcome; just leave your comments below.

在那里,您可以找到各种适合摄影师的照片插件,从旨在帮助您在线展示照片的插件到可以帮助您出售图像作品的插件。 一如既往,建议无可厚非。 请在下面留下您的评论。

You might also be interested in checking out this other recent article on SitePoint if you’re just after a simple gallery – Quick Tip: Create a Simple WordPress Gallery in 5 Minutes.

如果您只是在关注一个简​​单的画廊,那么您可能也有兴趣在SitePoint上查看此其他近期文章– 快速提示:5分钟内创建一个简单的WordPress画廊 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-wordpress-photo-plugins-photographers/


相关资源:wordpress 图片浏览插件