
tech2022-09-20  141


This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Inspiration strikes! You wake up one morning and realize it’s time for a website. The initial thought comes with anticipation and freshness.

灵感来袭! 您在一个早晨醒来,意识到是该网站的时候了。 最初的想法来自预期和新鲜感。

Perhaps you’re dreaming of a personal site where you can share your own perspective on life, the multiverse and everything. Or maybe you’ve formed a careful plan about how you can effectively promote your business on a website, or even actually conduct business with an online store.

也许您梦ing以求的个人网站,可以在这里分享自己对生活,多元宇宙和一切的看法。 或者,也许您已经制定了一个谨慎的计划,关于如何有效地在网站上推广您的业务,甚至与在线商店开展业务。

It doesn’t take long to discover that there’s quite a lot involved in just getting started. There’s the choice of hosting provider, deciding on the type and level of web hosting, and trying to find the best deal. There’s also the choice of a domain name (preferably one that’s still available) and registrar, and possibly the choice of a suitable web developer and/or designer who will put the site together.

很快就会发现,开始工作涉及很多事情。 您可以选择托管服务提供商,确定网络托管的类型和级别,然后尝试寻找最佳交易。 还可以选择域名(最好是仍然可用的域名)和注册商,还可以选择合适的Web开发人员和/或设计人员来将站点整合在一起。

Inspiration rapidly turns to overwhelm.


Why? What is web hosting? And why is it so important?

为什么? 什么是虚拟主机? 为何如此重要?

互联网上的家 (Your Home on the Internet)

Web hosting is real estate. It is where your website lives on the internet. It is the folders that contain your files – web apps, PHP files, media files and more. It is the databases that contain your content – text, HTML and comments. And it is the connection that makes all of this available online.

虚拟主机是房地产。 这是您的网站在互联网上的位置。 它是包含您的文件的文件夹-Web应用程序,PHP文件,媒体文件等。 包含您的内容(文本,HTML和注释)的数据库。 正是这种连接使所有这些都可以在线获得。

Choosing the right web hosting is choosing a suitable online home for your website. It is about matching all the available options to the unique needs of your site.

选择合适的虚拟主机是为您的网站选择合适的在线主页。 它是关于将所有可用选项与您站点的独特需求进行匹配。

It’s not dissimilar to choosing real estate in the real world. And since that’s a concept most of us are familiar with, we’ll use it as a metaphor to explain what’s involved in finding hosting online.

在现实世界中选择房地产并没有什么不同。 既然这是我们大多数人都熟悉的概念,我们将以此为隐喻来解释查找在线托管所涉及的内容。

托管是房地产 (Hosting Is Real Estate)

Virtually all of us have had the experience of looking for somewhere to live. Some of us have also had to look for somewhere to run a business. Let’s think through the process and choices that need to be made when deciding on a new piece of real estate.

几乎我们所有人都有过寻找住所的经验。 我们中有些人还不得不寻找经营生意的地方。 让我们仔细考虑一下在决定购买新房地产时需要做出的过程和选择。

1. Some initial decisions drastically affect the price you are going to pay. Will you be buying a property, or renting a property that belongs to someone else? Will you be building something new, or using something that already exists? Will you be sharing the building with others, or occupying the building on your own?

1.一些最初的决定会严重影响您要支付的价格。 您会购买房产还是租用属于他人的房产? 您会构建新的东西还是使用已经存在的东西? 您是要与他人共享建筑物,还是自己占用建筑物?

2. There is the issue of financial priorities. Are you looking for something that’s great value for money, or are you willing to pay a premium for the best that’s available?

2.存在财务优先事项。 您是否正在寻找物超所值的东西,还是愿意为可获得的最好的东西支付溢价?

3. You will need to choose something big enough for your needs. Do you have enough bedrooms to sleep every inhabitant? Is there enough space in the living and dining areas for everyone? What about storage space — can you adequately store everything you own?

3.您将需要选择足够大的东西来满足您的需求。 您有足够的卧室让每个居民睡觉吗? 客厅和饭厅是否有足够的空间供所有人使用? 那么存储空间又如何—您可以充分存储自己拥有的所有东西吗?

4. You’ll need enough facilities for everyone. Do you have enough bathroom and laundry facilities to prevent significant congestion? Is there parking space for every car?

4.您需要为每个人提供足够的设施。 您是否有足够的浴室和洗衣设施来防止严重拥堵? 每辆车都有停车位吗?

5. A business will need somewhere that can cater for the number of people they are expecting to service. Depending on the type of business, you’ll need enough room for chairs in the waiting room, tables in the restaurant, cash registers in the shop, and seats in the training room. That’s on top of the room you need for storage, staff and everything else. Get this wrong, and you’ll be turning away business… and money.

5.企业将需要一个可以满足他们期望服务的人数的地方。 根据业务类型的不同,您将需要足够的空间来容纳候诊室中的椅子,餐厅中的桌子,商店中的收银机以及培训室中的座位。 那是您需要存储,员工和其他所有东西的房间的顶部。 弄错了,您将失去生意和金钱。

6. Businesses may have unique special needs. Some may need drastically more storage space, or to allow for a greater flow of people. For others, location may be more important than any other factor.

6.企业可能有独特的特殊需求。 有些可能需要大得多的存储空间,或允许更多的人流。 对于其他人,位置可能比任何其他因素都重要。

7. Some businesses may need additional support with the maintenance of the property — cleaners, handymen, decorators. They may need removalists to help with the move. Others may need additional support with security – alarms, guards, night patrols.

7.一些企业在物业维护方面可能需要其他支持-清洁工,杂工和装潢工。 他们可能需要遣散人员协助此举。 其他人可能需要安全方面的额外支持-警报,警卫,夜间巡逻。

If you get all of this right, your home or business is off to a great start. Some of the criteria may be crucial to you, others not so much. The trick is to identify the crucial factors and give them the attention they deserve.

如果您拥有所有这些权利,那么您的家庭或企业将是一个很好的开端。 一些标准对您可能至关重要,而其他标准则不那么重要。 诀窍是确定关键因素并给予他们应有的关注。

往下 (Up Next)

All of these issues have analogues when choosing web hosting. Moving house is one of the most stressful events you experience in life. Choosing your online home doesn’t have to be.

选择虚拟主机时,所有这些问题都有类似之处。 搬家是您生活中遇到的最紧张的事件之一。 不必选择您的在线住所。

In this series of articles we’ll take you by the hand, explain the options, and guide you through the maze of hosting decisions. We’ll cover topics like:

在本系列文章中,我们将助您一臂之力,解释各种选择,并指导您完成托管决策的迷宫。 我们将涵盖以下主题:

Matching the type of hosting with the needs of the website.

使托管类型与网站需求相匹配。 The sort of hosting you should use for a blog, ecommerce site and more.

您应该为博客,电子商务网站等使用的托管类型。 Making sure you have enough space for everything you’ll be adding to your website.

确保您有足够的空间来容纳将要添加到网站的所有内容。 Making sure your hosting can handle the number of visitors your website will be receiving.

确保您的主机可以处理您的网站将要接待的访问者数量。 Important considerations when choosing the right hosting provider.

选择合适的托管服务提供商时的重要注意事项。 What you can achieve with your shared hosting control panel.

您可以使用共享主机控制面板实现什么。 How to maintain your website and keep it secure, and hosting plans that provide help with maintenance and security.

如何维护您的网站并保持其安全性,以及托管计划,以提供有关维护和安全性的帮助。 How you can use your web hosting for much more than you initially planned.


We’ll be dealing with WordPress-specific hosting topics over on the WordPress channel, too.


Do you have any questions about web hosting that you’d like us to cover? Are there any topics you’d like to see get some needed attention? Please let us know in the comments.

您想让我们解决有关网络托管的任何问题吗? 您是否希望看到任何需要引起注意的主题? 请在评论中让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/i-need-a-website-what-do-i-need-to-know-about-hosting/

