算法很简单,求出 lowerBound 和 upperBound。即 < target 的最大值和 >= target 的最小值。
时间复杂度为 O(h),注意如果你使用 in-order traversal 的话,时间复杂度会是 o(n) 并不是最优的。另外复杂度也不是 O(logn) 因为BST 并不保证树高是 logn 的。
class Solution { public int closestValue(TreeNode root, double target) { if (root == null) { return 0; } TreeNode lowerNode = lowerBound(root, target); TreeNode upperNode = upperBound(root, target); if (lowerNode == null) { return upperNode.val; } if (upperNode == null) { return lowerNode.val; } if (target - lowerNode.val > upperNode.val - target) { return upperNode.val; } return lowerNode.val; } // find the node with the largest value that smaller than target private TreeNode lowerBound(TreeNode root, double target) { if (root == null) { return null; } if (target <= root.val) { return lowerBound(root.left, target); } // root.val < target TreeNode lowerNode = lowerBound(root.right, target); if (lowerNode != null) { return lowerNode; } return root; } // find the node with the smallest value that larger than or equal to target private TreeNode upperBound(TreeNode root, double target) { if (root == null) { return null; } if (root.val < target) { return upperBound(root.right, target); } // root.val >= target TreeNode upperNode = upperBound(root.left, target); if (upperNode != null) { return upperNode; } return root; } }点此查看更多题解