
tech2022-09-22  134


Each year, Craig Buckler makes 10 predictions about the year to come, and gives himself a score for the previous year. Read on to see how he performed in 2016, and what he predicts for the web in 2017!

每年,克雷格·巴克勒(Craig Buckler)对来年进行10次预测,并给自己上一年的分数。 请继续阅读以了解他在2016年的表现以及他对2017年的网络预测!

I’ve listed predictions for several years, and I’m generally proved wrong, but here goes …


2016年业绩 (The 2016 Results)

I scored 3.5 out of 10 in 2015, so let’s see how my 2016 forecasts fared.

我在2015年的10分中获得3.5分 ,所以让我们看看我2016年的预测情况如何。

1.将会发生重大的企业黑客攻击 (1. A Major Corporate Hack Will Occur)

This was a dead certainty, and hacking news rolled in from January. It seems unfair to name names, but Yahoo!, the US Department of Justice, Snapchat, Verizon, LinkedIn, Oracle and Dropbox are just the start. Perhaps it would be easier to list which companies were not compromised?

这是一个确定的事实,黑客新闻从一月份开始传来。 命名似乎不公平,但是Yahoo !、美国司法部,Snapchat,Verizon,LinkedIn,Oracle和Dropbox只是开始。 也许列出哪些公司没有受到影响会更容易?

Frustratingly, few attacks are sophisticated. A little care and security expertise would have prevented most. 1 out of 1 — but don’t expect this 100% success rate to last!

令人沮丧的是,很少有攻击是复杂的。 很少的护理和安全专业知识可以防止大多数情况。 1分之一- 但不要指望100%的成功率能持续!

2.静态网站将成为主流 (2. Static Sites Will Go Mainstream)

I predicted static site generators (SSGs) such as Jekyll, Middleman and Metalsmith would become increasingly popular. SSGs produce a fully-cached site which is secure and highly scalable. A large number of WordPress sites would benefit.

我预测像Jekyll , Middleman和Metalsmith这样的静态站点生成器(SSG)将越来越受欢迎。 SSG会生成一个完全缓存的站点,该站点是安全的且具有高度可伸缩性。 大量的WordPress网站将受益。

It’s difficult to measure adoption because SSGs generate plain HTML and don’t necessarily reveal themselves. Despite some attention, I couldn’t claim they went “mainstream”. SSGs are not eating into WordPress’s market, which now powers 27.3% of the web (and 58.5% of sites running a content management system).

衡量采用率很困难,因为SSG会生成纯HTML并不一定会自我展示。 尽管有些注意,但我不能断言他们是“主流”。 SSG并未蚕食WordPress的市场,该市场现在为27.3%的Web (和58.5%的运行内容管理系统的网站)提供动力 。

1 out of 2 — this is more familiar!

1/2 – 这是更熟悉的!

3. Chrome的市场份额将达到稳定水平 (3. Chrome’s Market Share Will Plateau)

This was another obvious forecast; no software can expect exponential user growth forever. I correctly stated Chrome would not reach 60% on desktop devices by the year end. Admittedly, 59% isn’t far off, but I’m taking the point!

这是另一个明显的预测。 没有软件能够永远期望指数级的用户增长。 我正确地指出,到年底Chrome不会在台式机上达到60%。 诚然,有59%的差距不大 ,但我明白了!

2 out of 3!


4.维瓦尔第将吸引注意 (4. Vivaldi Will Attract Attention)

Vivaldi is a powerful new browser worthy of praise. It’s reminiscent of Opera 12 — which is understandable, given it was created by ex-Opera employees.

Vivaldi是一款功能强大的新型浏览器,值得称赞。 它让人想起Opera 12 ,这是可以理解的,因为它是由前Opera员工创建的。

This prediction was spectacularly vague, but Vivaldi has attracted attention even if some was caused by me. 3 out of 4 — this is going surprisingly well!

这个预言非常模糊,但是维瓦尔第引起了人们的注意,即使有些是我造成的 。 3/4 – 进行得非常好!

5.苹果必须解决Safari的缺点 (5. Apple Must Address Safari’s Shortcomings)

Safari has fallen noticeably behind others, despite being the only real web browser on the iPhone and iPad. Apple has committed to a few lackluster annual updates, but Safari lethargy continues to hold back the mobile web.

尽管Safari是iPhone和iPad上唯一的真正的 Web浏览器,但它已经明显落后于其他浏览器。 苹果已经承诺了一些乏善可陈的年度更新,但是Safari的疲软继续阻碍了移动网络的发展。

3 out of 5 — thanks Apple.

5 分之 3- 感谢Apple。

6. CSS网格布局将可用 (6. CSS Grid Layout Will Be Usable)

So near yet so far. Grid layout will revolutionize web design, but it’s taken a long time to arrive and remains somewhat experimental. 2017 is far more promising.

如此远而远 。 网格布局将彻底改变Web设计,但是花了很长时间才实现,并且仍处于试验阶段。 2017年前景广阔。

3 out of 6 — but at least I have an odds-on prediction for next year!

6 分之3-但至少我对明年的赔率预测很高!

7.设计动员 (7. Design Mobilification)

Designs have become noticeably simpler and that’s no bad thing, given mobile overtook desktop web access in December 2016. That said, not everyone got the memo, and swathes of the web remain a horrible bloated experience.

鉴于移动设备在2016年12月超过了桌面网络访问权限,设计已变得明显更简单,这也不是一件坏事。 就是说,并不是每个人都得到备忘录,网络上的许多内容仍然是一种令人肿的膨胀体验。

Half a point seems fair — 3.5 out of 7.


8.平均页面重量将下降 (8. Average Page Weight Will Fall)

I was being hopelessly optimistic, but thought increased attention on performance would have some effect. Average page weight increased 10% during 2016 and stands at 2,479KB. It seems we’re still obsessed with meaningless high-resolution photographs, underused social media integration and intrusive advertising.

我曾经无可救药地感到乐观,但是我认为增加对表现的关注会产生一些影响。 2016年 , 平均页面重量增加了10%,达到2,479KB。 似乎我们仍然沉迷于毫无意义的高分辨率照片,社交媒体整合不足和侵入性广告。

3.5 out of 8 — will page weight ever fall?

3.5之8 — 页面重量会下降吗?

9. WebAssembly将成为利基技术 (9. WebAssembly Will Be a Niche Technology)

WebAssembly was big news in 2015. It reduces the JavaScript payload size by compiling source to a simpler, faster-processing bytecode packaged in a compact binary file. There are some early previews, but the technology is some way from stability and widespread adoption.

WebAssembly在2015年是个大新闻。它通过将源代码编译为紧凑的二进制文件中更简单,处理速度更快的字节码,从而减小了JavaScript有效负载的大小。 有一些早期的预览,但是该技术离稳定和广泛采用还有一定距离。

4.5 out of 9 — still half right!

4.5之9 — 一半还对!

10. SEO之死 (10. The Death of SEO)

This was my most controversial prediction. We have entered the third age of SEO:

这是我最有争议的预测。 我们已经进入SEO的第三纪元:

Between 1995 and the early part of the century, black-hat techniques reigned. SEO was about tricking search engines with keyword repetition and hidden text.

从1995年到本世纪初,黑帽技术开始盛行。 SEO旨在通过关键字重复和隐藏文本来欺骗搜索引擎。 Google killed the hacks with a PageRank algorithm which used hyperlinks to rate relevancy. That led to an explosion of automated web page farms with the sole purpose of linking to target sites.

Google使用PageRank算法杀死了这些黑客,该算法使用超链接对相关性进行评分。 这导致了自动网页场的爆炸式增长,其唯一目的是链接到目标站点。 Google’s algorithms were refined to thwart these methods and, during the past few years, the only guaranteed solution was to write good content others want to read.


That’s it. There are a few technical tricks such as placing keywords in prominent tags, creating a sitemap and monitoring user behavior, but even those have become less relevant. The explosion of fake news on social media is the SEO industry response: you can’t easily fool Google, but users are another matter …

而已。 有一些技术技巧,例如将关键字放在醒目的标签中,创建站点地图并监视用户行为,但即使这些技巧也变得不那么重要了。 社交媒体上虚假新闻的激增是SEO行业的回应:您不能轻易欺骗Google,但用户是另一回事……

The days of offering SEO as an expensive secret sauce for your website are over. Few people will agree with me, but I’m still awarding myself half a point. 5 out of 10 — not too shabby!

为您的网站提供SEO作为昂贵的秘密调味料的日子已经过去。 很少有人会同意我的观点,但是我仍然给自己半分。 10人中有5人- 不太破旧!

2017年网络预测 (2017 Web Predictions)

Here’s what you came for. I take no responsibility for any financial or esteem losses made by those following these predictions!

这就是你想要的。 对于这些预测所造成的任何财务或尊敬损失,我概不负责!

1.移动设备将继续超越台式机使用 (1. Mobile Will Continue to Outpace Desktop Usage)

Mobile and desktop web use reached 50:50 parity in December 2016. It took longer than many predicted, but mobile growth will not stop. The primary reason: mobiles have become a disruptive technology in places where the PC revolution never took place. Billions of people in Asia and Africa are trading on smartphones in ways which are implausible in the Western world.

2016年12月,移动和桌面网络使用率达到50:50 。 它花费的时间比许多人预计的要长,但是移动业务的增长不会停止。 主要原因:在从未发生过PC革命的地方,移动设备已成为一种破坏性技术。 亚洲和非洲的数十亿人正在以智能手机进行交易,这在西方世界是难以置信的。

Mobile access will be close to 60% by the end of 2017.


2.移动优先成为仅移动 (2. Mobile-First Becomes Mobile-Only)

Is there any point designing a desktop experience when the majority of your users access from a mobile device? Responsive Web Design will remain an essential skill, but the desktop experience need not be wildly different. Simplicity will lead to greater performance and a better user experience — but I doubt page weight will fall.

当大多数用户从移动设备访问时,设计桌面体验是否有意义? 响应式Web设计将仍然是必不可少的技能,但是桌面体验不必有太大的不同。 简单性将带来更高的性能和更好的用户体验- 但我怀疑页面权重会下降 。

3.网格布局将可用- 真的! (3. Grid Layout Will be Usable — Really!)

Ironically, CSS Grid Layout will become widely supported at a time fewer sites adopt complex desktop designs.

具有讽刺意味的是,随着越来越少的站点采用复杂的桌面设计, CSS网格布局将得到广泛支持。

4.渐进式Web应用程序的兴起 (4. The Rise of Progressive Web Apps)

If you learn one technology in 2017, make sure it’s Progressive Web Apps. PWAs can transform your site or application within a few hours to offer the benefits of both web and native apps:

如果您在2017年学习一种技术,请确保它是Progressive Web Apps。 PWA可以在几个小时内转换您的网站或应用程序,以提供Web和本机应用程序的好处:

simple URL deployment, discovery and installation

简单的URL部署,发现和安装 a home screen icon but few device resources required

主屏幕图标,但所需设备资源很少 fast-launching with a custom splash screen

使用自定义启动画面快速启动 snappy sandboxed execution

敏捷的沙盒执行 local and cloud-based storage with synchronization

具有同步功能的本地和基于云的存储 offline functionality.


There’s no guarantee Apple will implement PWA technology, but it won’t matter: your app will work in Safari without the benefits of offline execution.


For more information, see Dev.Opera’s Progressive Web Apps: The definitive collection of resources and Google’s PWA Guides.

有关更多信息,请参阅Dev.Opera的渐进式Web应用程序:权威的资源集合和Google的PWA指南 。

5.本机应用程序的消亡 (5. The Demise of Native Apps)

If the web can emulate native, is there any point in creating OS-specific applications? AppStores won’t die overnight, but many companies will migrate to Progressive Web Apps. Your app can finally contain whatever nudity and swearing you desire without Apple and Google demanding 30% of your profits!

如果网络可以模拟本机,那么创建特定于操作系统的应用程序是否有意义? AppStore不会一overnight而就,但是许多公司将迁移到Progressive Web Apps。 您的应用最终可以包含您想要的任何裸露内容和誓言,而Apple和Google不会要求您获得30%的利润!

6.虚拟现实将成为利基技术 (6. Virtual Reality Will be a Niche Technology)

Virtual Reality is a hot topic with the Oculus Rift, HTC Vine, Sony Playstation and numerous cardboard smartphone adapters vying for attention. WebVR is an experimental JavaScript API that provides access to these devices via a browser.

随着Oculus Rift,HTC Vine,Sony Playstation和众多硬纸板智能手机适配器的争夺,虚拟现实成为热门话题。 WebVR是一种实验性JavaScript API,可通过浏览器访问这些设备。

VR is exciting, but it remains too impractical and immersive to become a daily experience. Some games will be transformed, but the gaming and — ahem — adult entertainment industries will be the primary adopters of VR technology. Few will strap on a headset to view virtual products on your website.

VR令人兴奋,但它仍然不切实际且过于沉浸,无法成为日常体验。 有些游戏将被改造,但游戏和- 啊哈 -成人娱乐产业将VR技术的主要使用者。 很少有人会戴上耳机来查看您网站上的虚拟产品。

7.…但是增强现实会更好 (7. … but Augmented Reality Will Fare Better)

Augmented Reality is a more exciting prospect. The overlaying of information on smartphone displays has become essential for travelers and Pokemon Go obsessives. In-car systems and Microsoft Hololens will be available during 2017, and I expect Google to revive their Glass project if those products are successful.

增强现实是一个更加令人兴奋的前景。 对于旅行者和Pokemon Go痴迷者来说,在智能手机显示屏上覆盖信息已变得至关重要。 车载系统和Microsoft Hololens将于2017年上市,如果这些产品成功,我希望Google能够恢复其Glass项目。

8.浏览器市场将保持静态 (8. The Browser Market Will Remain Static)

Chrome has won. Usage won’t change significantly during 2017, and competitors will continue to struggle. Firefox should remain above 10%, and many IE users will switch to Edge as they upgrade Windows. Safari is being propped up by iPhone and iPad sales, but Apple’s future fortunes are less certain.

Chrome赢了。 使用率在2017年不会有太大变化,竞争对手将继续挣扎。 Firefox应该保持在10%以上,并且许多IE用户在升级Windows时都会切换到Edge。 iPhone和iPad的销售为Safari提供了支撑,但苹果的未来命运还不确定。

Don’t expect to see twelve Browser Trends articles this year.


9.您的框架将被取代 (9. Your Framework Will Be Superseded)

It doesn’t matter what framework you’re using: something better will arrive in 2017. In the fast-paced JavaScript world, Angular received most attention in 2015, React took over in 2016, and 2017 looks promising for Vue.js and Svelte.

所使用的框架都没有关系: 2017年会出现更好的情况 。 在快节奏JavaScript世界中, Angular在2015年获得了最多的关注, React在2016年接手,而2017年对于Vue.js和Svelte来说是充满希望的。

The majority of frameworks dictate a way of working based on today’s web challenges; they don’t necessarily align with the requirements you’ll have tomorrow. Use a framework, by all means, but recognize that it can never be the optimum solution for all tasks, and its lifespan is limited.

大多数框架规定了一种基于当今网络挑战的工作方式。 它们不一定符合您明天的要求。 一定要使用框架,但要意识到它永远不可能是所有任务的最佳解决方案,并且它的寿命是有限的。

10.加密是新的广告屏蔽 (10. Encryption is the New Ad-Blocking)

Ad-blocking technologies were available in the late 1990s, but reached a mainstream, non-technical audience a few years ago. Demand for encryption software and services will undergo a similar transformation, following increased hacking activity and the public’s mistrust of government and large corporations.

广告屏蔽技术在1990年代末期可用,但几年前已普及到非技术主流。 随着黑客活动的增加以及公众对政府和大公司的不信任,对加密软件和服务的需求将经历类似的转变。

Browsers will give stronger warnings or deny access to HTTP sites.

浏览器将给出更强的警告或拒绝对HTTP站点的访问。 More users will consider password management tools.


More web applications will implement 2-step or passwordless authentication.

更多的Web应用程序将实现两步或无密码身份验证 。

Encrypted offline and cloud-based storage will be provided, independently of the service supplier.


Virtual private network and TOR usage will rise.


Some will consider this a bad thing: those with nothing to hide have no need for encryption. However, having nothing to hide is not the same as revealing everything to everyone. It’s going to be an interesting few years …

有些人会认为这是一件坏事: 那些没有什么隐藏的东西不需要加密 。 但是,没有什么可隐藏的东西与向所有人公开所有内容不同。 将会是有趣的几年……

Are these predictions correct? Do you foresee other certainties? Happy New Year!

这些预测正确吗? 您会预见其他确定性吗? 新年快乐!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-web-predictions-for-2017/

