In this quick tip, we’ll be installing a local instance of Drupal 8, beta 1. By the end, you’ll have a copy of Drupal that’s not only ready to be extended with Symfony bundles and other packages, but also ready to accept content and display it to end users.
在这个快速提示中 ,我们将安装Drupal 8 beta 1的本地实例。 最后,您将获得一个Drupal副本,不仅可以使用Symfony捆绑包和其他软件包进行扩展,而且还可以接受内容并将其显示给最终用户。
In order for everyone to have the same starting point, we’ll be using our trusty old Homestead Improved vagrant box. It’s important to note that even if this tip will be installing Drupal 8 into the Vagrant box, the procedure is absolutely identical for any Ubuntu based environment.
为了使每个人都有相同的起点,我们将使用可信赖的旧式宅基地改良型无家可归者包装盒。 重要的是要注意,即使本技巧将在Dr. Vagrant框中安装Drupal 8,该过程对于任何基于Ubuntu的环境也完全相同 。
So, somewhat optional, please clone a new Homestead Improved instance as per instructions in this tip. Then, add a new site and make sure you add the entry to your host machine’s hosts file. In my case, it’s and Homestead.yaml looks like this:
因此,有些可选,请按照本技巧文章中的说明克隆一个新的Homestead Improvementd实例。 然后,添加一个新站点,并确保将条目添加到主机的hosts文件中。 就我而言,它是test.app和Homestead.yaml看起来像这样:
--- ip: "" memory: 2048 cpus: 1 folders: - map: . to: /home/vagrant/Code sites: - map: to: /home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/public - map: to: /home/vagrant/Code/drupal variables: - key: APP_ENV value: localIf you’re using a VM, log into it and enter the folder where you keep your projects. In the case of the Homestead Improved installation above, that’ll be /home/vagrant/Code. If you’re using your own LAMP stack or whatever, just go into your projects folder.
如果您使用的是VM,请登录到该VM并输入保存项目的文件夹。 如果是上述的Homestead Improvementd安装, /home/vagrant/Code 。 如果您使用自己的LAMP堆栈或其他任何内容,只需进入您的项目文件夹。
wget downloading finishes, extract the archive and rename the resulting folder to drupal.
下载完成后,解压缩档案并将结果文件夹重命名为drupal 。
tar -xvzf drupal-8.0.0-beta1.tar.gz mv drupal-8.0.0-beta1 drupalIn this case we’ll be using MySQL. We’ll also be using Homestead-specific user/pass defaults. If you’ve got your own environment, adapt as needed. For PostgreSQL see here.
在这种情况下,我们将使用MySQL。 我们还将使用特定于Homestead的用户/密码默认值。 如果您有自己的环境,请根据需要进行调整。 对于PostgreSQL,请参见此处 。
mysqladmin -u homestead -psecret create drupaltest mysql -u homestead -psecretOnce in the MySQL console, execute the following:
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON drupaltest.* TO 'homestead'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret'; exitIn this step, we create a settings and services file from the provided templates, and let the Drupal installer edit them by altering permissions.
cd drupal cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php cp sites/default/ sites/default/services.yml chmod a+w sites/default/settings.php chmod a+w sites/default/services.yml chmod a+w sites/defaultIn your host’s browser, enter the URL and follow the instructions of the wizard.
Choose a standard installation profile for the quickest setup. You can find out more about these profiles here, if interested.
选择标准安装配置文件以进行最快的设置。 如果有兴趣,可以在这里找到有关这些配置文件的更多信息。
Optional but recommended:
Remove the original downloaded archive to free up disk space 删除原始下载的存档以释放磁盘空间Activate the cron
Change the permissions back:
chmod 644 sites/default/settings.php chmod 644 sites/default/services.yml chmod 755 sites/default
chmod 644站点/默认/settings.php chmod 644站点/默认/services.yml chmod 755站点/默认
As you can see, adding a new Drupal installation onto your server can be done in minutes from total zero to fully functional CMS. For more information on other aspects and edge cases of Drupal installation, see their installation guide.
如您所见,从完全零的CMS到功能全面的CMS,只需几分钟即可将新的Drupal安装添加到服务器上。 有关Drupal安装的其他方面和边缘情况的更多信息,请参阅其安装指南 。