
tech2022-09-26  98

Last week was WebCamp in Zagreb, Croatia. It’s an enormous free-to-attend conference dedicated to web technologies. ZgPHP was part of that, as we’d already announced in our ZgPHP post not so long ago. The one-day PHP-oriented sub-conference took place at a different, slightly smaller venue.

上周是克罗地亚萨格勒布的WebCamp。 这是一个专门针对Web技术的巨大的免费会议。 正如不久前我们在ZgPHP帖子中已经宣布的那样, ZgPHP就是其中的一部分。 为期一天的面向PHP的子会议在另一个稍小的地方举行。

开场 (Opening)

I got there early in an effort to mingle, and after infusing myself with some coal-black coffee and picking Ross Tuck’s brain, we were welcomed into the speaker’s hall. With no technical difficulties in sight and a fully respected schedule, the conference was declared open.

我尽早到达那里是为了进行交流,在为自己注入一些黑咖啡并吸引了Ross Tuck的大脑之后,我们受到欢迎进入演讲者大厅。 会议没有技术上的困难,会议时间表也没有受到尊重。

Intro done, starting #zgphp confs first talk! pic.twitter.com/3b1vBmcd1B

介绍完毕 ,开始#zgphp confs首先交谈! pic.twitter.com/3b1vBmcd1B

— zgphp (@zgphp) October 2, 2014

— zgphp(@zgphp) 2014年10月2日

会谈 (Talks)

The talks were highly versatile, ranging from theory and recaps of experiences to actual code implementation and design patterns.


超大型快速发展,24小时内即可启动 (Ultra mega rapid development, a startup in 24 hours)

Tony Mrakovčić from Degordian had the first slot on the stage. He focused on the positive and negative experiences of having an impromptu team of people try and build a startup in 24 hours from scratch, including the name, domain, design, SEO and other meta stuff, alongside development. Oddly, they chose the outdated Yii as an underlying framework.

Degordian的TonyMrakovčić在舞台上获得了第一个位置。 他专注于让即兴的团队尝试从零开始建立24小时创业的正面和负面经验,包括名称,域名,设计,SEO和其他元数据以及开发。 奇怪的是,他们选择了过时的Yii作为基础框架。

Degordian’s Lead #developer @jojothebandit is getting attention at @zgphp. :) pic.twitter.com/MNIoTUFxDg

Degordian的首席#developer @jojothebandit正在@zgphp引起注意。 :) pic.twitter.com/MNIoTUFxDg

— Degordian (@degordian) October 2, 2014

— Degordian(@degordian) 2014年10月2日

He talked about the chaos, fatigue, version control problems (it seems ultra rapid development on a decent sized team implies multiple people working on the same file sometimes), imbalance between front end and back end manpower and the difference such an imbalance makes, and much more. He wrapped things up with a short artsy atmosphere video the footage of which was being shot during these 24 hours.

他谈到了混乱,疲劳,版本控制问题(在一个像样的团队中,超快速的发展似乎意味着多个人有时在同一个文件上工作),前端和后端人力之间的不平衡以及这种不平衡造成的差异,以及多得多。 他用简短的附有气氛的短片将事情包裹起来,在这24小时内拍摄了这些镜头的镜头。

HIVEPEEK AFTER MOVIE from Degordian on Vimeo.

Vimeo上Degordian的电影后的HIVEPEEK 。

The end product, HivePeek, was fairly decent considering it was all done in a single day, but the entire endeavor still couldn’t be called a product success – though it did seem to be a team success: they realized it was great way to not only team-build, but also see how well people perform under pressure.


HHVM和Hack:这些可能是我们正在寻找的机器人吗? (HHVM and Hack: Might These Be The Droids We Are Looking For?)

This being a very interesting topic we’ve explored to a fair extent on SitePoint already with posts like these and these, I eagerly awaited Nikola Plejić’s talk hoping I’d get some more insight into matters we hadn’t covered yet. I wasn’t disappointed – while the gist of the talk was basic, after a short history recap of HHVM, Nikola did go into some interesting depth. We were shown HH byte code generated from PHP functions when using HHVM, introduced to Hack modes of operation and some use cases for its advanced features like type aliases, shown how it does lambdas right, and more.

这是我们讨论了对SitePoint在相当程度上已经有类似的帖子一个很有意思的话题,这些和这些 ,我期待已久的尼古拉Plejić的谈话,希望我会得到一些更深入的了解,我们还没有覆盖尚未事宜。 我并没有感到失望-虽然谈话的要旨是基本的,但在对HHVM进行简短的历史回顾之后,Nikola确实进入了一些有趣的深度。 向我们展示了使用HHVM时从PHP函数生成的HH字节码,Hack操作模式及其高级功能(例如类型别名)的一些用例,它如何正确执行lambda等等。

Time for HHVM and Hack talk by @nikolaplejic #zgphp pic.twitter.com/yY09iIvpt1

时间HHVM和哈克谈话由@nikolaplejic #zgphp pic.twitter.com/yY09iIvpt1

— zgphp (@zgphp) October 2, 2014

— zgphp(@zgphp) 2014年10月2日

Nikola wrapped up the talk by linking to a repository of his containing


…a really simple Docker container for playing around with Facebook’s HHVM / Hack.

…一个非常简单的Docker容器,可与Facebook的HHVM / Hack一起玩。

The slides of his talk are available here.

他演讲的幻灯片在这里 。

让我们做活动 (Lets do Events)

Robert Šorn from Trikoder introduced the audience to Event Driven Programming, demonstrating everything on actual code and diagrams of a webshop his company built. I had never done any Event Driven Programming in PHP, not in the true sense of the word, so learning from his experience and perspective was a fun ride.

Trikoder的RobertŠorn向观众介绍了事件驱动编程,并演示了他公司所建立的网上商店的实际代码和图表上的所有内容。 我从来没有真正用过PHP进行过事件驱动编程,这并不是真正意义上的,所以从他的经验和观点中学习是很有趣的。

Let’s Do Events #zgphp #webcampZG pic.twitter.com/z3G8wlUROa

让我们做活动#zgphp #webcampZG pic.twitter.com/z3G8wlUROa

— Ivan Zvonimir Horvat (@ivanhorvat82) October 2, 2014

— Ivan Zvonimir Horvat(@ ivanhorvat82) 2014年10月2日

Unfortunately, his slides aren’t available at this moment (edit: his slides are now up here), but we did learn that Symfony’s EventDispatcher is worth its weight in gold if you’re aiming for Events in your application.

不幸的是,他的幻灯片目前尚不可用( 编辑:他的幻灯片现在在这里 ),但是我们确实了解到,如果您打算在应用程序中使用“事件”,则Symfony的EventDispatcher非常有价值。

Partially off topic, if you’d like to see an interesting Event Driven Framework that’s just now coming to fruition, check out the Webiny Framework, the basis of an upcoming CMS we’ll soon have more to say about.

部分偏离主题,如果您希望看到一个有趣的事件驱动框架即将实现,请查看Webiny Framework ,它是即将推出的CMS的基础,我们很快将有更多话要说。

获得报酬以使用新技术 (Getting paid to play with new technologies)

In this short talk, I described the work process at SitePoint and called upon people to join us either as readers or authors. I explained the various perks one can get as an author and tried to squeeze some community data into the talk, too. There’s not much point in rehashing it here – regular readers of SitePoint will be familiar with our bi-monthly call to action, and will have known about the IDE survey results which provided some interesting community insight.

在这个简短的谈话中,我描述了SitePoint的工作过程,并呼吁人们以读者或作者的身份加入我们。 我解释了作者可以得到的各种好处,并尝试将一些社区数据也纳入讨论范围。 在这里没有必要重复讨论-SitePoint的普通读者将熟悉我们每两个月进行一次的号召性用语,并且会了解IDE的调查结果 ,这些结果提供了一些有趣的社区见解。

Writing tech articles and being paid for it by @bitfalls #zgphp pic.twitter.com/xDstGeP9gg

写技术文章和正在为它付出@bitfalls #zgphp pic.twitter.com/xDstGeP9gg

— zgphp (@zgphp) October 2, 2014

— zgphp(@zgphp) 2014年10月2日

If you’re interested, the slides are here.


Symfony2 + AngularJS (Symfony2 + AngularJS)

In a somewhat rehashed talk from PHPSummerCamp, Antonio Perić from Locastic described the process of building a web application that’s equal parts Angular and Symfony. Instead of APIfying the Symfony app completely, they opted for a hybrid that neither does away with the Twig engine, nor refreshes the entire page to load new data.

Locastic的AntonioPerić在PHPSummerCamp的一次重新讨论的演讲中,描述了构建同时包含Angular和Symfony的Web应用程序的过程。 他们没有完全用API取代Symfony应用程序,而是选择了一种既不废除Twig引擎也不刷新整个页面以加载新数据的混合动力。

SF2 + Angular #zgphp #webcampZG pic.twitter.com/Cn0zR8WxrN

SF2 +角#zgphp #webcampZG pic.twitter.com/Cn0zR8WxrN

— Ivan Zvonimir Horvat (@ivanhorvat82) October 2, 2014

— Ivan Zvonimir Horvat(@ ivanhorvat82) 2014年10月2日

I personally feel like that’s an interesting approach, though I’d never take it – an SPA should, in my opinion, have the front end either fully decoupled from the back end and communicate through API, or both bound into one maintainable whole. I’d have to see the code in more depth, but right now I’m not sold on the concept. Although I do like both Symfony and Angular, I’m not as fond of their child as such.

我个人认为这是一种有趣的方法,尽管我从不采用它-我认为SPA应该使前端与后端完全分离并通过API进行通信,或者将两者绑定为一个可维护的整体。 我将不得不更深入地查看代码,但是现在我还没有在这个概念上出卖。 尽管我同时喜欢Symfony和Angular,但我并不喜欢他们的孩子。

用Gearman换档 (Shifting Gears With Gearman)

Srđan Vranac talked us through Gearman, a topic we’ve touched on before, though in no noticeable depth. His intimidating stage presence was nothing if not reinforced by firm arguments or humorous sarcasm after every slide, and he drove the point home well.

弗拉纳克(SrđVranac)通过Gearman与我们交谈,Gearman是我们之前提到的一个话题,尽管没有明显的深度。 每次幻灯片播放后,如果没有坚定的论点或幽默的嘲讽,他那令人生畏的舞台风就一无是处,而且他很好地指出了这一点。

code4hire “developers” #zgphp #webcampZG pic.twitter.com/A74EL2w2Jo

code4hire“开发商” #zgphp #webcampZG pic.twitter.com/A74EL2w2Jo

— Ivan Zvonimir Horvat (@ivanhorvat82)

-伊万·兹沃尼米尔·霍尔瓦(@ ivanhorvat82)

In between musings about the CAP theorem, order reliability and job queues, he also taught us that Gearman was an anagram of Manager, and that it did roughly the same kind of work: delegation and not much more.


His slides are available online.

他的幻灯片可以在线获得 。

ESI和HTTP缓存功能可实现高效的页面交付 (The power of ESI and HTTP Cache for performant page delivery)

Ivo Lukač of Netgen and PHPSummerCamp fame came in to talk about eZ Publish and its implementation of Symfony’s HTTPCache and ESI to reduce the expense of invalidating an entire cached page. Caching in eZ is reaching a new level in the upcoming (and currently newest) version. Seeing as it’s based on Symfony components, you’ll best grasp the concepts if you read through the aforementioned links.

来自 Netgen的 IvoLukač和著名PHPSummerCamp来谈论eZ Publish及其Symfony的HTTPCache和ESI的实现,以减少使整个缓存页面无效的费用。 在即将到来的(和当前最新的)版本中,eZ中的缓存已达到一个新的水平。 鉴于它基于Symfony组件,如果您阅读上述链接,则将最好地理解这些概念。

Coffe break over, last set of talks continuing with edge side includes by @ilukac #zgphp pic.twitter.com/UUI652gvoL

咖啡打破了,最后一组会谈边缘侧连续的包括由@ilukac #zgphp pic.twitter.com/UUI652gvoL

— zgphp (@zgphp) October 2, 2014

— zgphp(@zgphp) 2014年10月2日

If you’re a regular reader, you might also remember his post about why you should choose eZ for your next CMS based project.

如果您是普通读者,那么您可能还会想起他的帖子,内容是为什么您应该为下一个基于CMS的项目选择eZ 。

HTTP和愤怒的狗 (HTTP & Your Angry Dog)

Last but not least, Ross Tuck of, well, Ross Tuck fame took the stage. Apart from being a terribly entertaining individual, Ross also seems to know something about etags or some such…

最后但并非最不重要的一点是, 罗斯·塔克 (Ross Tuck)的成名上场了。 除了是一个非常有趣的人之外,罗斯似乎还对etags或类似的东西有所了解。

Http and tour angry dog by @rosstuck #zgphp pic.twitter.com/28GahXyQPl

HTTP和通过游览生气的狗@rosstuck #zgphp pic.twitter.com/28GahXyQPl

— Vranac Srdjan (@vranac) October 2, 2014

— Vranac Srdjan(@vranac) 2014年10月2日

Joking aside, his introduction into the world of HTTP headers was truly enlightening. I never really gave them much thought, but when Ross showed us some use cases for the tags we take for granted most of the time, I noticed the potential gains, particularly cache-wise, in heavily utilizing them. He talked about the dark side of including file extension and query param support in your API endpoints, how to avoid this temptation with Accept headers and Content-Types, how to tell the server about the level of preference for a specific content type, Vary headers, and other sorcery.

除了开玩笑,他对HTTP标头世界的介绍确实很有启发性。 我从来没有真正考虑过,但是当Ross在大多数情况下向我们展示了一些我们认为理所当然的标签的用例时,我注意到了在大量使用它们方面的潜在收益,尤其是在缓存方面。 他谈到了在API端点中包括文件扩展名和查询参数支持的阴暗面,如何通过Accept标头和Content-Types避免这种诱惑,如何告诉服务器特定内容类型的偏好级别,Vary标头,以及其他巫术。

As this is one of his most popular talks, the slides are readily available here.


结语 (Wrap-up)

With a raffle at the end giving out PhpStorm licenses and Github passes to random audience members, the ZgPHP one-day conference drew to a close. It was interesting and refreshing to be a part of this somewhat tightly knit community of developers and enthusiasts, particularly in the after hours when a local brewery brought out the more interesting discussions, and I’m looking forward to joining them next year for the entire WebCamp event.

最终,抽奖活动发放了PhpStorm许可证,Github传递给了随机观众,ZgPHP的为期一天的会议结束了。 成为这个由开发人员和发烧友组成的紧密联系的社区的一部分,这很有趣而且令人耳目一新,特别是在当地啤酒厂进行了更有趣的讨论之后的几个小时内,我希望明年整个过程中加入他们的讨论。 WebCamp事件。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/zgphp-report-learned/
