kris chung

tech2022-09-27  88

kris chung

As part of Open Source Week 2016, we took a look at the JS Foundation, an organization whose mission it is to create a center of gravity for the open source JavaScript ecosystem. Backed by such big names as IBM and Samsung, they offer technical governance and mentoring to a host of well-known projects such as ESLint, jQuery, Lodash and Webpack.

作为2016年开源周的一部分,我们了解了JS基金会 ,该基金会的任务是为开源JavaScript生态系统创建重心。 在IBM和Samsung这样的知名公司的支持下,它们为许多知名项目(如ESLint,jQuery,Lodash和Webpack)提供技术治理和指导。

Recently, we were lucky enough to catch up with Kris Borchers, the JS Foundation’s Executive Director. We asked Kris all about the foundation, its inner workings and how people can get involved. Enjoy!

最近,我们很幸运地赶上了JS基金会执行董事Kris Borchers 。 我们询问了克里斯所有有关基金会,基金会的内部运作以及人们如何参与其中的信息。 请享用!

Elio: Thank you Kris for joining us today!


Kris: My pleasure.


Elio: For those that might not know you, can you tell us a bit about yourself?


Kris: Sure. I started my career with a Bachelor of Applied Computer Science degree with which I could not get a job directly out of college, as the tech bubble had just burst. After teaching myself web development and working through a couple of jobs at small companies doing tech support to web consulting, I decided to go work at a university where I then also earned a Master of Applied Computer Science and an MBA. From there I took over the external web presence and intranet website and applications for a community college, and while there, began contributing to the jQuery project as my first venture into more than just consuming open source. I eventually earned my way onto the jQuery UI team and some time later while working as the JavaScript lead on a mobile team at Red Hat, I was asked to join the board of directors of the jQuery Foundation. Eventually the Executive Director at the time moved on to another opportunity and I interviewed and was hired for the role. Then, in October of last year I guided the jQuery Foundation through the transition to the JS Foundation and here we are today.

克里斯:当然。 我以应用计算机科学学士学位开始了我的职业生涯,由于技术泡沫刚刚破裂,我无法直接从大学毕业后找到工作。 在自学了Web开发并在小型公司工作过,为Web咨询提供技术支持后,我决定去一所大学工作,然后又获得了应用计算机科学硕士学位和MBA学位。 从那里开始,我接管了社区大学的外部Web站点和Intranet网站以及应用程序,在那之后,我开始为jQuery项目做贡献,这是我对不仅使用开放源代码的第一笔投资。 我最终加入了jQuery UI团队,一段时间后,在Red Hat的移动团队担任JavaScript负责人时,我被要求加入jQuery Foundation的董事会。 最终,当时的执行董事转到了另一个机会,我接受了采访并被聘用。 然后,去年10月,我指导了jQuery Foundation过渡到JS Foundation,今天我们就在这里。

Elio: Wow. Quite a journey. Could you tell us more about how the jQuery Foundation transitioned to the JS Foundation? What role did you play in the process?

艾里奥:哇。 一段旅程。 您能否告诉我们更多有关jQuery Foundation如何过渡到JS Foundation的信息? 您在此过程中扮演什么角色?

Kris: The JS Foundation was the natural evolutionary next step from the jQuery Foundation. I ran the jQuery Foundation as Executive Director for about 3 years. As we grew in terms of the number and types of projects we served, as well as the other initiatives we cared about, it became clear that an update to our name, brand and organizational structure was in order. I drove that process for about the last 1.5 – 2 years to get us fully transitioned into this new organization.

克里斯: JS基金会是jQuery基金会自然而然的下一步。 我担任jQuery Foundation的执行董事大约3年。 随着我们所服务项目的数量和类型以及我们关注的其他计划的增长,很明显,我们的名称,品牌和组织结构已得到更新。 我花了近1.5到2年的时间来推动这一过程,以使我们完全过渡到这个新组织中。

Elio: So what is the foundation attempting to do for the JS community/ecosystem?


Kris: We are working to create a center of gravity and focal point for innovation and collaboration across the entire JavaScript ecosystem.


Elio: Can you elaborate on what that means and on how do you intend to do it?


Kris: So one of the main ideas we have been talking about is the idea of innovating together and there are sort of 3 pillars to that idea: Community, Collaboration and Continuity. By fostering a large and healthy JavaScript community around the projects at the JS Foundation, we provide a location and mechanism that encourages collaboration within and among those projects as well as with the rest of the JS community. We then provide principles and guidelines for that community and the individual project communities to implement and follow which promote larger, more diverse contributor bases. This then leads to long-term stability and sustainability for the projects, or continuity, because having them all start with “C” looked and sounded better.

克里斯:因此,我们一直在谈论的主要思想之一是共同创新的思想,该思想有3个Struts:社区,协作和连续性。 通过在JS基金会的项目周围建立一个大型而健康JavaScript社区,我们提供了一个位置和机制,鼓励在这些项目之内和之间以及与JS社区的其他成员之间的协作。 然后,我们为该社区和各个项目社区提供实施和遵循的原则和指南,以促进更大,更多样化的贡献者基础。 然后,这将导致项目的长期稳定性和可持续性或连续性,因为让它们全部以“ C”开头并听起来更好。

Elio: I see. How do you intend to encourage further innovative uses of JavaScript?

艾里奥:我明白了。 您打算如何鼓励进一步创新地使用JavaScript?

One area we are really starting to see growing interest and amazing use cases for JavaScript is in the IoT space. We currently have two projects really gaining steam in that segment in JerryScript and Node-RED.

我们真正开始看到人们越来越关注JavaScript的一个领域是IoT领域。 目前,我们在JerryScript和Node-RED中有两个项目在该领域中获得了真正的发展。

JerryScript, originally created by Samsung, is an ECMA 5.1 compliant fully-functional JavaScript engine for memory constrained devices. This allows you to write JavaScript and run it on small microcontrollers with less than 64kb of RAM and less than 200kb of ROM and have direct access to device APIs which is pretty amazing.

JerryScript最初由三星创建,是适用于内存受限设备的兼容ECMA 5.1的全功能JavaScript引擎。 这样,您就可以编写JavaScript并在RAM小于64kb和ROM小于200kb的小型微控制器上运行它,并且可以直接访问设备API,这非常了不起。

Node-RED, originally created by IBM, is a flow-based programming environment built on Node.js – commonly used in the IoT space – and aimed at creating event-driven applications that can easily integrate APIs and services.


Between these two projects and a number of our other projects and partnerships, we will continue to push JavaScript deeper into IoT and other tech sectors.


Elio: What does it mean for projects that are adopted by the JS Foundation? Are there any projects which get prioritized?

Elio:对于JS基金会采用的项目意味着什么? 是否有优先考虑的项目?

Kris: When a project is accepted into the JS Foundation, they are provided with a mentor that helps them work toward establishing and implementing the policies and principles I mentioned earlier for growing and sustaining a large, diverse contributor base. Projects are only prioritized by their interest and commitment to growing their contributor base and maintainer core and their eagerness and ability to implement those suggestions made by the JSF to accomplish that goal.

Kris:当一个项目被JS基金会接受后,他们将获得一名指导者,以帮助他们制定和实施我先前提到的政策,以扩大和维持庞大,多样化的贡献者基础。 仅对项目的兴趣和致力于增加其贡献者基础和维护者核心以及他们渴望并有能力实施JSF提出的建议以实现该目标的优先级高。

Elio: I bet there are lots of projects that want to join the foundation. What are the plans to include more of them? Is there an open/standardized process for doing so?

艾里奥:我敢打赌,有很多项目想加入基金会。 有什么计划包括更多这些计划? 是否有开放/标准化的流程?

Kris: Any project may apply to join the JS Foundation by reading through our technical governance processes and documentation in our Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) repo on GitHub. In the project life-cycle document there is an application process defined which basically just asks that someone that represents the project send a pull request to the TAC repo telling us about the project. Our only real limitations to bringing in new projects are funding and mentors. As long as our budget is not drastically impacted in some way by bringing a project in and we have someone available that can mentor that project, we will likely accept it. We obviously won’t be able to support every single JavaScript project out there but we will do our best to support any project that needs it and is depended upon by the great JavaScript community.

克里斯:任何项目都可以通过阅读我们在GitHub上的技术咨询委员会(TAC)仓库中的技术治理流程和文档来申请加入JS基金会。 在项目生命周期文档中,定义了一个应用程序过程,该过程基本上只是要求代表项目的人向TAC回购发送拉取请求,以告知我们有关该项目的信息。 我们引入新项目的唯一真正限制是资金和指导者。 只要引入项目不会以某种方式对我们的预算产生重大影响,并且我们有专人指导该项目,我们很可能会接受它。 显然,我们将无法支持每个JavaScript项目,但我们将竭尽全力支持需要此项目并且受到JavaScript社区广泛依赖的任何项目。

Elio: Fostering collaboration in the community is an art form on its own. What approach will you take in this regard?

Elio:在社区中促进合作本身就是一种艺术形式。 您将在这方面采取什么方法?

Kris: We have a number of plans either in motion or being finalized around fostering collaboration. From providing travel funds to getting projects together for occasional face-to-face meetings, to funding marketing campaigns around the impact and importance of our projects and their needs, to hosting and participating in developer events. Nothing is being officially announced yet but be on the lookout for more information soon.

克里斯:我们有一些计划正在实施中,或者正在围绕促进合作而定稿。 从提供旅行资金到为偶尔的面对面会议而聚集项目,到围绕我们的项目的影响和重要性及其需求为营销活动提供资金,以及主持和参加开发人员活动。 目前还没有正式宣布任何消息,但很快就会寻求更多信息。

Elio: And how do you intend to help drive adoption of Foundation projects?


This really goes hand-in-hand with your last questions about fostering collaboration. By driving awareness of our projects through marketing, events, speaking engagements and partnerships, we hope to drive further adoption of our projects while also fostering collaboration. As projects are viewed as well supported and having a thriving community and extended ecosystem, that encourages individuals and organizations to trust that project to be there for them when they need it and to bring it into their development stack.

这确实与您有关促进协作的最后一个问题息息相关。 通过营销,活动,演讲和合作伙伴关系来提高对我们项目的认识,我们希望在推动项目进一步采用的同时,促进合作。 由于人们认为项目得到了良好的支持,并拥有繁荣的社区和扩展的生态系统,因此鼓励个人和组织信任该项目,并在需要时将其放到他们的开发堆栈中。

Elio: Does the Foundation provide any help or support to non-Foundation projects?


Kris: Our overarching goal is to support the entire JavaScript ecosystem from developer tools to testing frameworks to client libraries to IoT. Direct support of a project that is not part of the JS Foundation in terms of any sort of funding or other support efforts is not likely at this time. We have 23 projects right now with others exploring the idea of joining and so our focus will be on them. That said, by supporting some of the projects that are already part of the JS Foundation we indirectly help and support much of the broader JS ecosystem.

Kris:我们的总体目标是支持整个JavaScript生态系统,从开发人员工具到测试框架,再到客户端库再到IoT。 目前,不可能以任何形式的资金或其他支持方式直接为不属于JS基金会的项目提供直接支持。 我们目前有23个项目,其他项目正在探索加入的想法,因此我们将重点放在这些项目上。 也就是说,通过支持已经属于JS Foundation的某些项目,我们间接地帮助和支持了更广泛的JS生态系统。

Take two of our projects, Lodash and Mocha, for example. Lodash which is a JavaScript utility library, is the most depended upon package on npm based on dependency count. Mocha, a JavaScript testing framework, is also widely used and though it isn’t a direct dependency of many packages on npm, if you count code repositories that depend on Mocha, you could say it is also one of, if not the most depended upon JavaScript tool. In either case, by supporting these projects and all of the others at the JS Foundation, the impact of our support reaches well into the entire JavaScript ecosystem which depends on these core projects.

以我们的两个项目Lodash和Mocha为例。 Lodash是一个JavaScript实用程序库,基于依赖项计数,它是npm上最依赖的软件包。 Mocha,一种JavaScript测试框架,也得到了广泛使用,尽管它不是npm上许多软件包的直接依赖项,但是如果您计算依赖于Mocha的代码存储库,则可以说它也是依赖程度最高的之一。在JavaScript工具上。 在任何一种情况下,通过支持这些项目以及JS Foundation的所有其他项目,我们的支持所产生的影响将深入到依赖这些核心项目的整个JavaScript生态系统中。

Elio: Will there be events facilitated by the JS Foundation? Before, there were jQuery Developer Summits for example.

Elio: JS基金会会举办一些活动吗? 以前,例如有jQuery开发者峰会。

Kris: Though we don’t have a specific event planned right now, this is definitely a goal of the JS Foundation and we are discussing our options. We are considering both JS-wide type events as well as events focused on individual or groups of our projects. We are also looking at how we can support some of the amazing JavaScript focused events that already exist.

克里斯:尽管我们目前尚无特定活动的计划,但这绝对是JS基金会的目标,我们正在讨论我们的选择。 我们正在考虑JS范围的类型事件以及针对我们项目的个人或小组的事件。 我们还在研究如何支持一些已经存在的令人惊叹JavaScript重点事件。

Elio: I notice you have a code of conduct on the website. Is this something that will be enforced across member projects? Does the foundation intend to get involved in community politics?

Elio:我注意到您在网站上有行为准则。 这会在成员项目中强制执行吗? 基金会打算参与社区政治吗?

Kris: The JS Foundation code of conduct is applicable to and will be enforced in any interaction within our projects, working groups, committees, events, etc. Our code of conduct gives the leadership within our projects guidelines on how to handle situations on their own but if necessary, the code of conduct committee and in very rare cases, the JS Foundation board or legal team could be involved.

克里斯: JS基金会的行为准则适用于我们的项目,工作组,委员会,活动等内部的任何互动,并将在其中进行强制执行。我们的行为准则为我们的项目领导提供了如何自行处理情况的指导方针但是如果有必要,可以加入行为准则委员会,在极少数情况下,可以加入JS基金会董事会或法律团队。

Also, as a project joins the JS Foundation, our guidelines stipulate that they must either adopt the JSF code of conduct or have a code of conduct that is compatible with ours and approved by the conduct committee and board. This ensures that all interactions with the JS Foundation and our projects will occur in welcoming and safe environments for everyone.

另外,当一个项目加入JS基金会时,我们的指南规定,它们必须采用JSF行为准则,或者必须具有与我们的行为准则相符并由行为委员会和董事会批准的行为准则。 这确保了与JS Foundation和我们的项目的所有交互都将在每个人都欢迎和安全的环境中进行。

Elio: And are there opportunities for JavaScript developers to get involved, or support the foundation in any way?

Elio: JavaScript开发人员是否有机会参与其中或以任何方式支持基金会?

Kris: Absolutely! Every one of our projects is open to and in need of contribution and that doesn’t just mean writing code, though of course that is always welcome. Our projects have many needs which include things like graphic/web design, bug triage, forum and chat support, tests, documentation and more. Developers and others interested in JavaScript should check out the project page on our website, find a project that seems interesting to them and dive in!

克里斯:绝对! 我们的每个项目都是开放的,需要做出贡献,这不仅仅意味着编写代码,尽管当然总是受欢迎的。 我们的项目有很多需求,包括图形/网页设计,错误分类,论坛和聊天支持,测试,文档等。 开发人员和其他对JavaScript感兴趣的人应该查看我们网站上的项目页面 ,找到一个对他们来说似乎很有趣的项目,然后潜入其中!

If someone has a project they would like us to consider supporting as part of the JS Foundation but would like to discuss it with someone privately before sending the public PR application, they should reach out to

如果某人有一个项目,他们希望我们考虑作为JS基金会的一部分提供支持,但希望在发送公共PR申请之前与某人私下讨论,他们应该与projects@js.foundation联系 。

Elio: And finally, I see there are various sponsors supporting the JS Foundation? What’s the process to become one?

Elio:最后,我看到有各种各样的赞助商支持JS基金会吗? 成为一体的过程是什么?

Kris: The best way right now is to email which goes directly to me. I would be happy to chat with interested organizations about the different levels of membership and the benefits of each level, our projects, our initiatives and how they can maximize the value our projects receive from their membership as well as the value they receive by investing in the JS Foundation.

Kris:目前最好的方法是直接发送电子邮件到 。 我很高兴与感兴趣的组织就会员级别的不同以及每个级别的好处,我们的项目,我们的计划以及他们如何最大程度地提高项目从其会员中获得的价值以及通过投资于他们所获得的价值进行交谈。 JS基金会。

Elio: Kris, thank you very much for your time. Keep up the amazing work with the foundation—I’ll follow your progress with interest.

Elio :Kris,非常感谢您的宝贵时间。 与基金会保持出色的合作关系-我会感兴趣地关注您的进步。

So what do you think? Does the JavaScript ecosystem need a center of gravity? Are you interested in getting involved? Is there anything else you’d like to tell Kris? Let us know in the comments below.

所以你怎么看? JavaScript生态系统是否需要重心? 您有兴趣参与吗? 您还有什么想告诉克里斯的吗? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。


kris chung
