
tech2022-09-28  150

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

The range of hosting options has become bewilderingly complex during the past few years. The basics are simple: a computing device has software installed which can respond to a network event such as a request for a webpage. How that hardware and software is installed, configured, organised, packaged, promoted and sold is the primary difference between all hosting options.

在过去的几年中,托管选项的范围变得非常令人困惑。 基础很简单:计算设备安装了可以响应网络事件(例如,网页请求)的软件。 所有主机选项之间的主要区别是如何安装,配置,组织,打包,升级和出售该硬件和软件。

A dedicated server is the easiest option to comprehend. Imagine you bought a PC from your local store, connected it to your home network, installed web server software and configured the DNS appropriately. That device would be able to run your website and serve requests from all over the world. But could it cope with system crashes, surges in traffic, unexpected power loss, theft or security breaches? Someone compromising that device could gain access to everything on your network.

专用服务器是最容易理解的选项。 假设您从本地商店购买了一台PC,将其连接到家庭网络,安装了Web服务器软件并适当地配置了DNS。 该设备将能够运行您的网站并处理来自世界各地的请求。 但是,它可以应对系统崩溃,流量激增,意外断电,盗窃或安全漏洞的情况吗? 危害该设备的人可以访问网络中的所有内容。

Web hosts such as SiteGround provide dedicated servers which solve these issues. You effectively own (or lease) a server which sits in a rack at the host’s data center.

诸如SiteGround的 Web主机提供解决这些问题的专用服务器。 您实际上拥有(或租赁)了位于主机数据中心机架中的服务器。

Levels of management vary but most hosts will provide a pre-installed operating system and the software you require. More demanding operations may require multiple devices with load balancers and separate back-end databases.

管理级别各不相同,但是大多数主机将提供预安装的操作系统和您需要的软件。 要求更高的操作可能需要具有负载平衡器和单独的后端数据库的多个设备。

使用方便 (Ease of Use)

Hosts often provide some level of assistance but you’re largely on your own. Technical expertise is necessary to connect, install and configure the software required for your system.

主持人通常会提供一定程度的帮助,但您基本上只能靠自己了。 连接,安装和配置系统所需的软件需要技术专家。

Dedicated servers are regularly chosen by larger corporations with unusual or higher-than-typical requirements. They may have a team responsible for day-to-day server operations.

大型服务器会定期对专用服务器进行选择,这些公司通常会具有不寻常或高于典型的要求。 他们可能有一个负责日常服务器操作的团队。

灵活性 (Flexibility)

Dedicated servers offer ultimate flexibility. It’s your device: you can install whatever you like whenever your need it. Do you need PHP3, Node 8 and the latest beta of MariaDB? No problem.

专用服务器提供了最大的灵活性。 这是您的设备:您可以根据需要安装任何内容。 您是否需要PHP3,Node 8和MariaDB的最新Beta版? 没问题。

能力 (Capabilities)

The device’s capabilities are limited only by budget. You can choose the fastest processors, gargantuan quantities of RAM and multi-petabyte hard disks. You could add further servers and eventually have your own server farm.

该设备的功能仅受预算限制。 您可以选择最快的处理器,大量的RAM和数PB的硬盘。 您可以添加更多服务器,最终拥有自己的服务器场。

性能 (Performance)

The device’s full processing capability is yours and your alone. You have full, unrestricted access to the whole hard disk and all processing resources.

该设备的全部处理能力是您和您自己的。 您具有对整个硬盘和所有处理资源的完全,不受限制的访问权限。

If that’s not enough, you can replace or add further components. It’s often more cost-effective to throw extra hardware at a system than spend many weeks optimizing the software.

如果这还不够,您可以更换或添加其他组件。 在系统上添加额外的硬件通常比花费数周的时间优化软件更具成本效益。

Bandwidth is still limited by the data center’s capacity but a dedicated server remains the ultimate performance option.


可靠性 (Reliability)

Your server is only as reliable as the hardware. Processors, RAM disks and other components eventually fail but most hosts will offer some level of monitoring. RAID0 (redundant array of independent disks) options will prevent most data loss.

您的服务器仅与硬件一样可靠。 处理器,RAM磁盘和其他组件最终将失败,但是大多数主机将提供某种程度的监视。 RAID0(独立磁盘冗余阵列)选项将防止大多数数据丢失。

安全 (Safety)

“With great power comes great responsibility.” Your host will normally offer back-ups and monitoring services but it’s your server and you can do what you like. There’s nothing to prevent you logging in and running rm -rf / to delete everything.

“拥有权利的同时也被赋予了重大的责任。” 通常,您的主机将提供备份和监视服务,但它是您的服务器,您可以做自己喜欢的事。 没有什么可以阻止您登录并运行rm -rf /删除所有内容。

安全 (Security)

Hosts will provide advice but security is largely your responsibility. You will need to install and configure firewalls, virus scanners, SSL certificates and other options as necessary.

房东会提供建议,但是安全在很大程度上是您的责任。 您将需要根据需要安装和配置防火墙,病毒扫描程序,SSL证书以及其他选项。

Humans are often the weakest point of any system. Someone could access the full system if your sysop team fails to adopt strong password and security policies.

人类通常是任何系统的最薄弱环节。 如果您的sysop团队未能采用强密码和安全策略,则有人可以访问整个系统。

成本 (Cost)

Dedicated servers are normally the most expensive hosting option – expect to pay a few hundred dollars per month for an entry-level system with minimal management. Hardware upgrades and support may be extra.

专用服务器通常是最昂贵的托管选项–希望每月以最少的管理费用为入门级系统支付数百美元。 硬件升级和支持可能是额外的。

Don’t forget you’ll also require additional staff costs to install, monitor and maintain that server.


谁应该选择专用服务器? (Who Should Choose a Dedicated Server?)

Dedicated servers are typically chosen by larger corporations with unusual or demanding mission-critical systems. To be cost-effective, a website would require a few hundred thousand visits per month.

专用服务器通常是由具有不寻常或要求苛刻的关键任务系统的大型公司选择的。 为了提高成本效益,一个网站每月需要访问数十万次。

云托管 (Cloud Hosting)

Dedicated servers have fallen from favor recently. Cloud-based alternatives offer hosting in a similar way to utilities such as electricity. The more resources you use, the more you pay so costs may vary from month to month.

专用服务器最近已不受欢迎。 基于云的替代方案提供的托管方式类似于电力等公用事业。 您使用的资源越多,您支付的费用也就越多,因此每个月的费用可能会有所不同。

Cloud options differ but most offer a scalable virtual machine. The OS is effectively a disk image (file) which can be moved and replicated anywhere without being tied to any underlying hardware. This increases reliability and back-ups become simpler.

云选项有所不同,但大多数提供可扩展的虚拟机。 操作系统实际上是一个磁盘映像(文件),可以将其移动和复制到任何位置而无需绑定到任何底层硬件。 这提高了可靠性,备份变得更加简单。

That said, dedicated servers remain the best choice where performance is critical.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/dedicated-server-hosting/
