阿姆斯特丹DrupalCon 2014报告

tech2022-09-29  152

As has been the pattern of many recent DrupalCons and Camps, DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014 was all about Drupal 8 and the changes that it’s bringing to the platform and community.

就像最近许多DrupalCons和Camps的模式一样,DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014完全是关于Drupal 8及其为平台和社区带来的变化。

This has coincided with an increase in attendance at Drupal events (2300 in Amsterdam) and an increasing professionalism to DrupalCons. Drupal 8 has pulled us (sometimes forcibly) from out of our comfort zone and into the wider PHP and developer community. This has resulted in more talks covering a variety of non-Drupal topics, which, in my opinion, is a great thing.

与此相伴的是,参加Drupal活动的人数有所增加(阿姆斯特丹为2300人),而DrupalCons的专业水平也有所提高。 Drupal 8使我们(有时被迫)脱离了我们的舒适范围,进入了更广泛PHP和开发人员社区。 这导致了涉及各种非Drupal主题的更多讨论,我认为这是一件了不起的事情。

The big news of the conference came on day 2, with Drupal 8 finally making it into beta. You can now effectively build basic sites in Drupal 8. In fact, a few brave souls already have, and I intend to do so too with my next site.

会议的重大新闻发生在第2天, Drupal 8终于进入测试版 。 您现在可以在Drupal 8中有效地构建基本站点。实际上,已经有一些勇敢的人了,我也打算在下一个站点中这样做。

干燥主题演讲 (Dries Keynote)

The regular ‘Driesnote’ was a thought provoking academic discussion on a current hot topic in the Open Source world, sustainability of projects and funding models. He started by stating that there are actually few good Open Source examples we could be following. In Dries’ opinion, the prevalent model of one company funding development is not a good one. Instead he suggested we look to other models, especially the concept of how Open Source software could be treated as a public good, or to coin a British term, ‘The Commons’. He used the example of public roads to show how community desire and amateur implementation can grow. Firstly via business investment (and sometimes privatization) and often resulting in Government control and management. To summarize:

常规的“ Driesnote”引起了关于开源世界当前热门话题,项目的可持续性和融资模式的学术讨论,引发了人们的热议。 他首先指出实际上我们可以遵循的优秀开源示例很少。 在Dries看来,一个公司资助开发的普遍模型不是一个好的模型。 相反,他建议我们考虑其他模型,尤其是如何将开源软件视为公益的概念,或者用英国的术语“ The Commons”来表达。 他以公共道路为例,展示了社区愿望和业余爱好者实现方式的发展。 首先是通过商业投资(有时是私有化),并且常常导致政府的控制和管理。 总结一下:

Invention -> Product -> Utility


As a project grows, its reach widens, but so does its complexity and cost of maintenance and management. He then discussed the reasons that people get involved with Open Source projects in the first place, what they ‘get out of it’ and why.

随着项目的发展,其影响范围会扩大,但其复杂性以及维护和管理成本也会随之增加。 然后,他讨论了人们最初参与开源项目的原因,他们“从中受益”以及原因。

Dries then aired some of his ideas for encouraging Drupal users to become contributors and for contributors to contribute more. A lot of his ideas involved methods of rewarding contributors in better ways. View his keynote here for more detail, it is worthwhile watching for anyone involved with Open Source, not just Drupal fans. In his words:

Dries随后发表了他的一些想法,以鼓励Drupal用户成为贡献者,并为贡献者做出更多贡献。 他的许多想法涉及以更好的方式奖励贡献者的方法。 在这里查看他的主题演讲以了解更多详细信息,值得与开源相关的任何人,而不仅仅是Drupal粉丝。 用他的话说:

“An imperfect solution beats no solution”


科里·多克托洛(Cory Doctorow) (Cory Doctorow)

In typical style, Cory delivered the other side of the open source world, the political and activist attitudes and it complemented the Dries Keynote well. I would imagine that many non-English speakers struggled to keep up with Cory’s speed of speaking. I was hoping he would inject more Drupal specific content, but his general point was that making software isn’t enough. Alongside this we need to be pushing for change, lobbying and fighting against issues such as DRM, surveillance and net neutrality.

Cory以典型的风格传达了开源世界的另一面,即政治和激进主义者的态度,并很好地补充了Dries Keynote。 我可以想象,许多非英语使用者都在努力跟上Cory的讲话速度。 我希望他能注入更多Drupal特定的内容,但是他的总体观点是仅仅制作软件还不够。 除此之外,我们还需要推动变革,游说并与DRM,监视和网络中立等问题作斗争。

闪电谈话 (Lightning talks)

Replacing the day 3 keynote were lightning talks, which, being in the main auditorium, must have been quite nerve racking for the participants. Lightning talks always throw up a myriad of ideas and this was no exception – you can view them here. They included: * Drupal & Bitcoin * The Drupal 8 Console * Druphpet (A Drupal implementation of Puphpet) * Creating a Drupal 8 site * Healthy attitudes to managing a project

代替第3天的主题演讲是闪电演讲,因为演讲是在主礼堂中进行的,对于参与者来说一定很令人不寒而栗。 闪电般的谈话总是引发无数的想法,这也不例外-您可以在这里查看它们 。 它们包括:* Drupal和比特币* Drupal 8控制台* Druphpet(Pupphpet的Drupal实现)*创建Drupal 8站点*对项目管理的健康态度

主要会议 (Main Sessions)

There were many talks and there’s no possibility of covering them all. What follows is a summary of some of those that I feel may appeal to you or that contained particularly interesting information or resources.

讨论很多,不可能全部覆盖。 以下是一些我认为可能会吸引您或包含特别有趣的信息或资源的摘要。

模型和服务层; 血红蛋白 (Models & Service Layers; Hemoglobin & Hobgoblins)

As Drupal 8 pushes Drupal developers into fully object orientated programming, we open ourselves to a new world of design patterns and possibilities. This talk covered slimming down models in MVC code and instead utilizing services of common code that can be shared between models. This starts to create ‘JQuery-like events’ that ‘listen’ and are triggered by occurrences in code such as sending an email. There are many pros and cons to this approach and for more in-depth coverage, watch the video of the session here.

随着Drupal 8推动Drupal开发人员进行完全面向对象的编程,我们向设计模式和可能性的新世界敞开了大门。 本演讲涵盖了MVC代码中的精简模型,以及如何使用可在模型之间共享的通用代码服务。 这开始创建“监听”的“类似于JQuery的事件”,并由代码中的出现(例如发送电子邮件)触发。 这种方法有很多优点和缺点,如果需要更深入的了解, 请在此处观看会议视频 。

适用于Drupal开发人员的面向对象编程 (Object Oriented programming for Drupal developers)

For any Drupal developer starting down the path of object-oriented PHP, this was an invaluable introductory session. It was devoid of jargon and complex phrases and Lorna Jane explained concepts clearly and concisely, probably why she is also a popular PHP book author. She started by setting everyone at ease, describing many OOP concepts as:

对于任何开始使用面向对象PHP的Drupal开发人员来说,这都是一次宝贵的入门会议。 它没有术语和复杂的短语,Lorna Jane清楚简洁地解释了概念,这也许就是为什么她也是著名PHP书作家。 她首先让所有人放心,将许多OOP概念描述为:

“Perfectly simple concepts dressed up”


Much of this talk will be familiar to SitePoint readers, but some points made that are worthy of mention were: treating exceptions as an opportunity, not an error, the power of traits and a clear explanation of Interfaces.


If you’re a beginner PHP programmer or are in need of a refresher, this session is required viewing.

如果您是PHP初学者或需要复习, 则需要查看此会话 。

开源设计 (Open Source design)

We often forget that the interfaces, icons, imagery and layouts used in open source software were designed by someone. This was a session on getting involved and working as an open source designer from Jan, a designer with OwnCloud. Jan stated that to attract designers to your project you will need some good initial designs in the first place. Aim to create a consistent design credibility and culture and provide a starting point for those who want to get involved. He cited the Gnome design wiki as a great example. Your project should not be afraid of presenting rough mockups of what you are aiming for, even if you don’t have any designers on board yet. This was a presentation packed full of tips and resources, I suggest you watch the presentation here or take a look at the Open Source Designers Github account.

我们经常会忘记开源软件中使用的界面,图标,图像和布局是由某人设计的。 这是有关OwnCloud设计师Jan参与并担任开源设计师的会议。 Jan表示,要吸引设计师进入您的项目,您首先需要一些好的初始设计。 旨在建立一致的设计信誉和文化,并为想要参与的人们提供一个起点。 他列举了Gnome设计Wiki作为一个很好的例子。 即使您还没有任何设计师,您的项目也不必担心会针对您的目标进行粗略的模型化。 这是一个充满技巧和资源的演示文稿 ,建议您在此处观看该演示文稿或查看Open Source Designers Github帐户。

API集线器 (API Hub)

One of the frequent issues with extensible projects such as Drupal is duplication of functionality, as developers often like to outdo each other. Utilizing external APIs is a classic example of this, with many options that present the ‘best’ way to integrate with a service, and yet there will be other API integrations that are unavailable. Enter API hub a sandbox Drupal module that aims to create a method for defining your own API endpoints and allows you to pull them into the Drupal ecosystem, leveraging other modules such as views and rules. It’s a great idea that I hope makes a full release soon.

可扩展项目(例如Drupal)的常见问题之一是功能的重复,因为开发人员经常喜欢彼此超越。 使用外部API就是一个典型的例子,其中有许多选项提供了与服务集成的“最佳”方式,但是还有其他API集成不可用。 在沙箱Drupal模块中输入API集线器,该模块旨在创建一种定义自己的API端点的方法,并允许您利用视图和规则等其他模块将其拉入Drupal生态系统。 希望很快发布完整版本是一个好主意。

建立一个美味的后端 (Building a tasty Backend)

We often forget that admin and editorial users are important users of our web apps, too. Their experience needs to be as clear and user friendly as possible so they can create and curate the site for their users. This session was a tour through tips and resources to help make your content admin and edit screens as usable as possible to a non-developer audience. This included:

我们经常忘记,管理员和编辑用户也是我们Web应用程序的重要用户。 他们的经验必须尽可能清晰和用户友好,以便他们可以为用户创建和管理网站。 本课程是通过技巧和资源进行的导览,以帮助您的内容管理员和编辑屏幕尽可能地供非开发人员使用。 这包括:

Field Groups


Hiding unnecessary fields with sensible defaults


Views Bulk Operations


Contextual Administration for creating custom admin pages


Admin Menu Source for creating menus specific to user roles


The best approach is to strip everything to what is only necessary and slowly add back what users need. Jeni has created a ‘Tasty Backend’ install profile that sets up the above – find out more about that and view the session here.

最好的方法是将所有内容剥离到仅需要的内容,然后慢慢添加回用户所需的内容。 Jeni创建了一个“ Tasty Backend”安装配置文件来进行上述设置-了解有关此内容的更多信息并在此处查看会话 。

在Drupal中进行弹性搜索 (Elastic Search in Drupal)

For large scale search functions, Elastic Search is the new cool kid on the block. Drupal is used in Enterprise web apps that often require complex and reliable search infrastructures, so they are a perfect pairing. Unsurprisingly, “There’s a module for that” and it’s the Elastic Search Connector module. It brings full integration to your Drupal site with sub modules for views, Search API, Views and more. This is a complex topic, so it’s best you follow the expert and view Skek’s presentation here.

对于大规模搜索功能,Elastic Search是新兴的时尚小子。 Drupal用于企业Web应用程序,这些应用程序通常需要复杂而可靠的搜索基础结构,因此它们是完美的配对。 毫不奇怪,“这里有一个模块”,它是Elastic Search Connector模块 。 它通过用于视图,Search API,视图等的子模块将与您的Drupal站点完全集成。 这是一个复杂的主题,因此最好是跟随专家并在此处查看Skek的演示文稿 。

EmberJS和Drupal (EmberJS and Drupal)

“Headless Drupal” was the buzz phrase of the conference, the concept of decoupling Drupal from what it’s not so good at (front end) and what it’s great at (backend) and instead, allow something else (generally JavaScript) to take care of displaying data. There were several talks covering this topic, but this was by far the best. Not only clearly explaining why you may want to take this approach, but also a great overview of how JavaScript Frameworks work. View the session here for a great practical walkthrough and example.

“无头Drupal”是会议的时髦用语,是将Drupal从不好的(前端)和出色的(后端)中分离出来的概念,而是允许其他东西(通常是JavaScript)处理显示数据。 有几个关于这个主题的演讲,但这是最好的。 不仅清楚地说明了为什么要采用这种方法,而且还对JavaScript框架的工作原理进行了很好的概述。 在此处查看该会话 ,以获取大量实用的演练和示例。

PHPStorm (PHPStorm)

PHPStorm has fast become the IDE of choice for Drupal developers, thanks to JetBrains fantastic job with Drupal related integrations. This was a fast summary of some of the goodies in PHPStorm such as coding standards, Drush, API reference and much, much more. View the session here.

由于JetBrains与Drupal相关的集成工作出色,PHPStorm已Swift成为Drupal开发人员的首选IDE。 这是PHPStorm的一些优点的快速摘要,例如编码标准,Drush,API参考等等。 在此处查看会话 。

结论 (Conclusion)

From sessions to the social activities and beyond, this was a great DrupalCon, the best I’ve attended. It might have been due to the relief that the release of Drupal 8 was in sight. Or maybe because the Drupal community seems to be figuring out how to balance it’s increasing interest from the corporate world with a community project. Whatever the reason, I had a fantastic time and I would like to thank the organizers for all the (mainly voluntary) work they do to get an event like this to happen.

从会议到社交活动等等,这是我参加过的最好的DrupalCon。 Drupal 8的发布可能是由于放心而出。 也许是因为Drupal社区似乎正在寻找如何平衡社区和社区项目对企业的兴趣。 无论出于什么原因,我度过了一段美好的时光,我要感谢组织者为使这样的事件发生而所做的所有(主要是自愿的)工作。

Have you been? What impressed you most?

你去过吗 给您最深刻的印象是什么?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/drupalcon-amsterdam-2014-report/
