谷歌 插页 广告 过期时间

tech2022-10-02  119

谷歌 插页 广告 过期时间

Last year, Google put digital marketers on notice that a deep freeze was coming for interstitial ads. Now, the search giant has officially put them out in the cold, a move that will open opportunities for marketers willing to create a better mobile experience for consumers.

去年,谷歌使数字营销人员注意到,插页式广告即将彻底冻结。 现在,这家搜索巨头已经正式将其淘汰,此举将为那些愿意为消费者创造更好的移动体验的营销人员提供机会。

Starting January 10, 2017, Google will institute what some observers are calling a “pop-up penalty,” targeting ads that hide or gray-out most or all of a mobile screen. Websites displaying the intrusive advertisements on mobile devices may not rank as highly in search results. It’s a change that will leave a significant footprint; mobile use drives about 56 percent of consumer traffic to top U.S. websites, according to SimilarWeb’s State of Mobile Web in the U.S. 2015 report.

从2017年1月10日开始,谷歌将制定一些观察者所说的“弹出式惩罚”,针对隐藏或屏蔽大部分或全部移动屏幕的广告。 在移动设备上显示侵入性广告的网站在搜索结果中的排名可能不会很高。 这将留下巨大的足迹。 根据SameWeb在2015年美国报告中的“移动网络状况”,移动用户吸引了约56%的消费者访问美国顶级网站。

The move isn’t exactly a surprise; in 2015, the search engine giant announced it would penalize websites that displayed interstitial ads prompting users to download an app. Soon after, Apple gave Safari users the ability to install ad blocker apps that would stop interstitials on iPhones and iPads.

这一举动并不令人惊讶。 在2015年,这家搜索引擎巨头宣布将对显示插页式广告提示用户下载应用的网站进行处罚。 不久之后,Apple为Safari用户提供了安装广告拦截器应用程序的功能,该应用程序将阻止iPhone和iPad上的插页式广告。

It’s important to note that Google will penalize a website in mobile search results only, which seems appropriate given the challenge of navigating the intrusive ads on screens as small as 4.5 inches versus ads viewed on a laptop or desktop. What’s more, interstitial advertising remains one of many signals the search engine uses to assess ranking.

重要的是要注意,Google只会惩罚移动搜索结果中的网站,考虑到导航在不超过4.5英寸的屏幕上侵入式广告而不是在笔记本电脑或台式机上观看的广告的挑战,这似乎是适当的。 此外,插页式广告仍然是搜索引擎用来评估排名的众多信号之一。

However, don’t expect these mobile pop-ups to disappear completely. If you’re a company using them for age verification, cookie usage, or paywall logins, Google won’t ding you in search results. It also won’t impose a penalty if your business displays mobile banners that are easy to dismiss and don’t take up a large amount of screen space.

但是,不要指望这些移动弹出窗口会完全消失。 如果您是一家使用它们进行年龄验证,Cookie使用或付费专区登录的公司,则Google不会在搜索结果中找到您。 如果您的企业显示易于关闭且不占用大量屏幕空间的移动标语,也不会受到任何处罚。

摆脱挫折因素 (Ditching the Frustration Factor)

Is everybody happy about the crackdown on these often-frustrating ads? No. Some view Google’s actions over the last year, particularly the decision to penalize app interstitials, as indication it’s creating a monopoly on search.

每个人都对打击这些经常令人沮丧的广告感到高兴吗? 否。有人认为Google去年采取了行动,特别是对惩罚应用插页式广告的决定,这表明它正在垄断搜索。

Yet it seems clear that intrusive interstitials degrade the user experience. For example, Google itself found that 69 percent of users who were shown an interstitial ad for a Google+ app download abandoned the visit completely.

显然,侵入性插页式广告会降低用户体验。 举例来说,Google本身发现,有69%的使用者向他们显示了Google+应用程式下载的插页式广告,完全放弃了这次造访。

Likewise, outside research suggests the ineffectiveness of this type of ad. Using tools like eye tracking and wireless EEG, researchers found that people looked at mobile banner ads for 200 milliseconds and interstitial ads for 800 milliseconds.

同样,外部研究表明此类广告无效。 研究人员使用眼动追踪和无线EEG等工具发现,人们观看移动横幅广告200毫秒,插页式广告800毫秒。

Does that suggest users are more drawn to interstitial ads? Not necessarily. The mobile marketing research, conducted by Spark Experience and WPP agency Light Reaction, discovered that while people viewed interstitials for a slightly longer period of time, most of that was spent looking for the teeny-tiny “X” to close the ad.

这是否表明用户更喜欢插页式广告? 不必要。 由Spark Experience和WPP代理商Light Reaction进行的移动营销研究发现,尽管人们在较长的一段时间内浏览插页式广告,但大部分时间都花在寻找小巧的“ X”来关闭广告。

插页广告后的世界中创造机会 (Creating Opportunities in a Post-Interstitial World)

Anyone who has struggled to find that elusive close button on a mobile ad knows firsthand that Google’s penalty will make mobile search less frustrating. But it will open opportunities for marketers as well. If you’re using large interstitials and pop-ups in your digital advertising efforts, this is the perfect time to reassess and refine your mobile strategy to maximize user experience. Here are two ways to build a better experience in a post-interstitial world:

任何努力寻找移动广告上难以捉摸的关闭按钮的人都直接知道Google的惩罚将使移动搜索的沮丧程度降低。 但这也将为营销人员打开机会。 如果您在数字广告工作中使用大型插页式广告和弹出式窗口,那么这是重新评估和完善移动策略以最大化用户体验的最佳时机。 以下是在插页广告后的世界中建立更好的体验的两种方法:

制定内容营销策略 (Develop a content marketing strategy)

The consistent creation and distribution of relevant content attracts users without beating them with a hard-sell stick. Use content—including blog posts, round-ups, guides, videos, infographics, and more—to educate audiences and guide them through the buying process.

一致地创建和分发相关内容可以吸引用户,而不会用硬棍击败他们。 使用内容(包括博客文章,综述,指南,视频,信息图表等)来教育受众并指导他们完成购买过程。

Don’t fear long-form content, either, even if your audience is primarily using mobile. Pew Research Center found that long-form content, such as articles of 1,000 words or more, attracts small-screen users at about the same rate as its shorter counterpart. Consumers also tend to engage with long-form articles for more than twice as long as short pieces.

即使您的受众群体主要使用移动设备,也不必担心格式过长的内容。 皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)发现,长篇内容(例如1000字或更多的文章)以与较短的内容大致相同的速度吸引着小屏幕用户。 消费者也倾向于使用长形物品,其长度是短片的两倍以上。

Whether your target audience prefers short videos or long-form articles, make sure the content provides value to the user so it retains their attention and activates engagement.


确保整体友好的移动体验 (Ensure an overall friendly mobile experience)

Mobile friendliness is no longer a web design afterthought; it’s a best practice. Keep eyeballs on the website by designing a hassle-free experience for users, whether they’re your consumers, clients, employees, business partners, or investors.

移动友好性不再是事后才想到的网页设计; 这是最佳做法。 通过为用户(无论是您的消费者,客户,员工,业务合作伙伴还是投资者)设计无忧的体验来吸引眼球。

Make text on mobile devices readable without the need to pinch-zoom.

使移动设备上的文本可读,而无需放大。 Keep navigation easy and menus simple.

保持导航简单,菜单简单。 Incorporate fluid layouts to accommodate screens of various sizes.

合并流体布局以适应各种尺寸的筛网。 Create simplified forms using a minimal number of fields.


更新到最新的移动广告SDK (Update to the latest Mobile Ads SDK)

One of the best ways app developers can avoid the pitfalls associated with inappropriate ad types is to integrate the latest software development kits (SDKs) into their apps. Google offers its SDKs for iOS and Android for free. Although these still allow interstitials to be used, they offer guidelines that can help app developers determine whether their content qualifies for an interstitial (in the case of age verification, for example) and whether they will present a poor user experience if they are installed.

应用程序开发人员能够避免与不适当的广告类型相关的陷阱的最佳方法之一就是将最新的软件开发工具包(SDK)集成到他们的应用程序中。 Google免费提供适用于iOS和Android的SDK。 尽管这些仍然允许使用插页式广告,但它们提供了一些指南,可以帮助应用程序开发人员确定其内容是否符合插页式广告的条件(例如,在使用年龄验证的情况下),以及如果安装了插页式广告,他们是否会带来不良的用户体验。

参考资料和进一步阅读: (References and Further Reading:)

Winter is coming for the digital marketing industry:

数字营销行业的冬天来了: http : //

Google: Helping users easily access content on mobile:

Google:帮助用户轻松访问移动设备上的内容: https : //

Mobile Devices Now Driving 56 Percent of Traffic to Top Sites:

现在,移动设备吸引了56%的热门网站流量: http : //

Google: Data Show Users Hate App-Promotion Interstitials:

Google:数据显示用户讨厌App-Promotion插页式广告: http : //

Mobile Ad Study Finds Interstitials Only Slightly Better Than Banners for Being Seen:

移动广告研究发现插页式广告仅比横幅广告好一点: http : // 171980

Long Form Reading Shows Signs of Life in Our Mobile News World:

长格式阅读在我们的移动新闻世界中显示出生命迹象: http : // -世界/

Google: Interstitial Ad Guidance:

Google:非页内广告指导: https : // zh- CN


谷歌 插页 广告 过期时间
